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Editor's Note: At the 2008 National Conference for Science and Technology Awards held earlier this year in Beijing, CAS scientists were honored with 17 second prizes of the National Natural Science Awards, 3 prizes of the Awards for Technical Invention and 14 prizes for National Awards for S&T Progress, respectively. The following is a brief introduction to some CAS projects honored by the National Natural Science Awards.  相似文献   

At the National Conference for Science and Technology Awards held in early 2008 in Beijing,CAS scientists were honored with 13 second-prizes of the National Natural Science Awards,three prizes of the Awards for Technical Invention and 14 second-prizes of National Awards for S&T Progress respectively.The following is a brief introduction to the winner projects of the National Natural Science Awards.  相似文献   

Science is stratified, with an unequal distribution of research facilities and rewards among scientists. Awards and prizes, which are critical for shaping scientific career trajectories, play a role in this stratification when they differentially enhance the status of scientists who already have large reputations: the 'Matthew Effect'. Contrary to the Mertonian norm of universalism--the expectation that the personal attributes of scientists do not affect evaluations of their scientific claims and contributions--in practice, a great deal of evidence suggests that the scientific efforts and achievements of women do not receive the same recognition as do those of men: the 'Matilda Effect'. Awards in science, technology, engineering and medical (STEM) fields are not immune to these biases. We outline the research on gender bias in evaluations of research and analyze data from 13 STEM disciplinary societies. While women's receipt of professional awards and prizes has increased in the past two decades, men continue to win a higher proportion of awards for scholarly research than expected based on their representation in the nomination pool. The results support the powerful twin influences of implicit bias and committee chairs as contributing factors. The analysis sheds light on the relationship of external social factors to women's science careers and helps to explain why women are severely underrepresented as winners of science awards. The ghettoization of women's accomplishments into a category of 'women-only' awards also is discussed.  相似文献   

国家科技奖励获奖成果的经济效益分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
危怀安  胡晓军 《科研管理》2007,28(2):146-151
经济效益是国家技术发明奖和国家科技进步奖最重要的评价标准之一。从2000-2003年国家科技奖获奖前后经济效益的实证分析来看,国家科技奖励对科技成果转化应用的经济效益的作用是十分显著的。加强对获奖成果的后续管理和跟踪研究,进一步支持获奖成果的市场推广,有利于提高获奖成果的经济效益。  相似文献   

通过对国家科学技术奖所奖励的科技成果的认真分析,同时结合自己多年的科技成果管理工作经验,阐述了国家科学技术奖对高等院校的作用、影响,以期对高校科技成果管理工作和政策制订有所裨益。  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金重大项目“大型旋转机械非线性动力学问题”(编 号19990510)经过各参加单位的共同努力,顺利完成了研究计划,通过了国家自然科学基金 委员会数理科学 部和工程与材料科学部组织的结题验收。该项目获得国家自然科学奖二等奖1项、省部级 自然科学奖一等奖1项、科技进步奖一等奖1项及科技进步奖二等奖2项。该项目所取得的研 究成果使我国在非线性动力学、转子动力学、机械故障诊治等研究领域处于国际前沿水平, 部分成果在国际上产生了影响,为推动我国电力工业的科技进步发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

Under the coordination of the CAS Institute of Atmospheric Physics, this research was mainly conducted by Profs. WU Guoxiong, LIU Yimin, LI Jianping, YU Rucong and ZHOU Tianjun, and received a second prize of the National Natural Science Awards in 2007.  相似文献   

科技悬赏奖的目的在于最大限度发挥人们的智力潜能,最大程度促进科技创新、以及为最迫切的问题寻找切实可行的解决方案。从1714年至今,科技悬赏奖已经有近300年的发展史。科技悬赏奖在设奖主体,获奖对象以及被悬赏的技术方面各具特点。设立科技悬赏奖对加速技术进步、提高全民科技意识具有重要意义,并在一定程度上弥补了传统奖励与政府科研经费拨款制度的不足。我国具有设立科技悬赏奖的可能性和必要性。  相似文献   

The sweat test (ST) is a cornerstone in the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF), together with newborn screening and genetic testing. However, the performance of the ST can depend on the operator’s skill, so several international guidelines have been published to standardise the ST, but inconsistencies remain. The joint Working Group for ST Standardisation (WG STS) of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, in association with cistic fybrosis health professional and the Cistic Fibrosis Centre for Paediatrics and Adults, have issued National Guidelines for the Performance of the Sweat Test in order to ensure consistency in ST performance and accuracy of reported results. Many of the standards were taken from the 2nd Edition of the UK Guidelines for Performance of the ST for the Diagnosis of CF, while others were taken from independent consensus statements from the WG STS based on local ST equipment and practices. The standards cover every step of the ST, from the indications for testing to reporting of results and their interpretation, including the analytical phase and quality control. In addition, National Guidelines include appendices with practical examples in order to aid implementation of the recommendations in routine practice.  相似文献   

基于SNA的国家科技奖合作网络演化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在以社会网络分析(SNA)的视角,通过深度挖掘2000-2015年国家科学技术进步奖的合作网络数据之中的结构性信息,分析由合作关系构建的获奖机构网络的结构特征和在时间序列上的演化趋势,结合社会学和管理学的相关理论,从实证性研究的角度提出并验证若干关于系统结构的假设,揭示国家级科学技术奖励合作网络整体趋于聚合、"核心"结构突出的内在特征,拓展社会网络分析理论在组织间网络研究中的应用。  相似文献   

孟宪飞  李正风 《科学学研究》2016,33(10):1458-1464
本文采用行动者网络理论分析框架,考察了国家科技奖励的评审过程。研究发现报奖人和报奖单位等奖励诉求方,奖励评审组织方、国家科技奖励评审专家之间存在广泛的网络联结,其联结的紧密程度不仅通过人类行动者的互动,还包括非人类活动者的积极参与。网络联结间的张力体现了双方的利益互动,评审过程中出现的违规行为部分反映了我国科技奖励体系的行动者网络的特点,对科技奖励体系的改进,需要系统考虑人类行动者和非人类行动者的交互作用。  相似文献   

首届诺贝尔物理学奖授予了揭开了现代物理学序幕的X射线的发现,随后的20多年中与X射线密切相关的诺贝尔物理学奖层出不尽。而一个世纪之后空间天文领域的第一个诺贝尔物理学奖于2002年授予了空间X射线天文的突破,由此打开了人类观测宇宙的新窗口。从1962年发现第一个宇宙X射线源至今半个世纪以来,已经有约70个携带天文仪器的空间飞行器(以专用卫星为主)发射运行,极大地促进了人类对于宇宙和基本物理规律的认识。随后2006年的诺贝尔物理学奖授予了"宇宙背景探索者"(COBE)卫星对宇宙微波背景黑体辐射谱的精确测量和观测到空间分布的各向异性。2011年诺贝尔物理学奖授予了宇宙加速膨胀的发现,著名的哈勃空间望远镜对此做出了关键贡献。这样在新世纪空间天文的研究就直接产生了两个诺贝尔物理学奖,并且对第三个起了重要作用,非常类似20世纪初X射线对于诺贝尔物理学奖的作用。文章通过分析这三个以及天文学研究所获得的所有其他诺贝尔物理学奖,发现除了2006年的诺贝尔物理学奖之外,其他所有的获奖成果都和项目最初的科学目标没有关系或者完全相反。与此同时,探讨了重大天文发现的偶然性和必然性,这对于处于快速发展初期的中国空间天文具有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

自主创新战略是建设创新型国家的重要战略部署,非政府科技奖励是国家科技奖励体系的重要组成部分,是国家实施科技管理的重要政策工具。自主创新战略是非政府科技奖励蓬勃发展的外在推力,非政府科技奖励则是深化自主创新战略的重要途径。非政府科技奖励可以通过强化重点激励自主创新的政策导向,规范和加强奖项的运行及管理,加大对个人的奖励力度,重视奖项的品牌建设等措施来进一步推动自主创新战略的实施。  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed a resurgence in innovation awards, in particular of grand innovation prizes (GIPs) which are rewards to innovators developing technologies reaching performance goals and requiring breakthrough solutions. GIPs typically do not preclude the winner also obtaining patent rights. This is in stark contrast with mainstream economics of innovation theories where prizes and patents are substitute ways to generate revenue and encourage innovation. Building on the management of innovation literature which stresses the difficulty to specify ex-ante all the technical features of the winning technologies, we develop a model in which innovative effort is multi-dimensional and only a subset of innovation tasks can be measured and contracted upon. We show that in this environment patent rights and cash rewards are complements, and that GIPs are often preferable to patent races or prizes requiring technologies to be placed in the public domain. Moreover, our model uncovers a tendency for patent races to encourage speed of discovery over quality of innovation, which can be corrected by GIPs. We explore robustness to endogenous entry, costly public funds, and incomplete information by GIP organizers on the surplus created by the technology.  相似文献   

从21世纪以来诺贝尔科学奖得主的专利数据出发,依据钱学森的技术科学理论和科学技术体系层次结构思想,对诺奖成果的科学性质进行判断和分类。诺奖数据显示,近15年来,物理学领域呈现出基础科学和技术科学平分秋色的局面,而化学、生理学或医学领域明显地出现了趋向技术科学一边倒的局面。这意味着,仅从基础科学层次出发不足以实现接近诺奖和提升科技实力的宏伟目标,必须重视技术科学在建设科技强国过程中的战略意义。  相似文献   

One individual and three research groups have been honored with the prestigious CAS Awards for Outstanding S&T Achievements in 2007.CAS President LU Yongxiang conferred the awards on the laureates at the Academy's annual work conference opened on 24 March in Beijing.  相似文献   

Two scientists received 2001/2002 CAS-Bayer Research Awards on February 2 in Beijing from Prof. Yang Bailing, CAS vice president, and Prof.Fred Heiker, head of Bayer Corporate Research.  相似文献   

This paper examines how funding patterns, career pathways and collaboration networks influence scientific recognition. We analyze these institutional factors in the early and middle phases of academic careers through comparison of a group of researchers recognized as creative by their peers with a matched group of researchers. Measurement of scientific recognition is based on survey nominations and research prizes in two growing, laboratory-intensive research domains: nanotechnology and human genetics. Curriculum vitae data is used to compare researchers based in the United States and Europe. In the early career model for the United States, we find that scientific recognition is associated with broad academic education, fast completion of PhD, and a record of independent postdoctoral research, while in Europe these factors are much less prominent. The mid-career model suggests that both in the United States and Europe fast job promotion within academia is a strong predictor of future recognition. However, there is a clear divide across the Atlantic regarding other mid-career factors: work experience inside and outside academia, research leadership, external grant income, and prizes from professional associations are connected to scientific recognition in the United States, but are less influential in Europe.  相似文献   

随着女科技工作者队伍不断壮大,越来越多的女性科技工作者在推动科技发展和社会进步方面发挥了重要的作用。中国青年女科学家奖是中国科学技术协会仅保留的8个奖项之一,本文主要介绍了中国青年女科学家奖的概况,统计了2004—2015年中国青年女科学家奖88名获得者的年龄、地域等基本信息,并对获奖者后续调查情况进行了归纳总结。  相似文献   

阮冰琰 《科学学研究》2010,28(4):496-499
科技奖励的社会分层直接影响着科技奖励制度的实施效果。我国现行科技奖励按奖励主体的行政隶属关系进行分层,这种方式存在许多弊端,有必要对我国科技奖励的社会分层体系进行重新构建,政府奖根据行政级别进行社会分层,社会力量设奖则通过预先功能定位和社会选择来实现分层,社会力量设奖与政府奖两大系统共同构筑我国的科技奖励系统的金字塔结构。  相似文献   

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