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Based on a continuing pilot study concerning the diagnosis and treatment of non-organic growth failure, we briefly review the results of prior treatment approaches, discuss the obstacles to effective treatment and present strategies of intervention to be evaluated in future work.  相似文献   

This article reviews our experience, as well as the medical literature, regarding the treatment of failure to thrive (FTT) on an outpatient basis. Nonorganic FTT can be accidental, neglectful, or deliberate. Accidental FTT occurs with errors in formula preparation, diet selection, or feeding technique. These errors can usually be corrected by education and demonstration. Deliberate underfeeding is rare, and these children usually require placement in foster care. Neglectful FTT usually occurs because the mother is overwhelmed or psychologically disturbed. Children with neglectful FTT do not automatically require hospitalization. If the degree of FTT is mild to moderate, the mother-child interaction is positive, the mother is not severely disturbed, and the baby has no inflicted injuries or deprivational behavior, the baby can be safely and more economically managed as an outpatient. Management includes new feeding instructions, a stimulation program, social work intervention, home visits by a public health nurse, and weekly weight checks. Most infants respond to this one-month therapeutic trial with an appropriate weight gain. Even after normal weight is attained, many of these families require long-term follow-up to help them deal with multiple psychosocial issues.  相似文献   

Infants hospitalized for non-organic failure to thrive in the first six months of life are in a life-threatening situation and are already at risk for poor bonding with mother. In light of this, the meaning and use of foster care and how this separation affects the developing mother-child relationship are the issues addressed through examination of 16 cases in which 8 of the infants were placed in foster care and 8 discharged home after the failure to thrive hospitalization. This paper examines (1) maternal histories of pregnancy, labor and delivery and the neonatal status of placed and non-placed infants; (2) the developmental and weight status of placed children; (3) the nature of the decision criteria for after-hospital care; and (4) the mother-infant relationship at initial intake in terms of mother's report of events and observations of feeding and play interactions during a videotaped assessment process. The study found that the interactions between mother and infant in those situations which required foster care were clearly more dysfunctional when compared to those in which the baby was discharged home to mother. Babies in the two groups were comparable in weight status at the time of hospitalization although babies in foster placement had slightly lower scores on the Bayley Scales. Maternal histories of pregnancy, labor, and delivery were similar for the two groups as were the birth and neonatal histories of the infants.  相似文献   

Growth at the age of 4 years subsequent to early failure to thrive   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifty-five children previously investigated for failure to thrive (a rate of weight gain below -2 SD) during at least 6 weeks at 4-18 months of age were followed up and reinvestigated at the age of 4 years. The children were studied in two groups: children with organic causes (OFTT) (n = 21); and children for whom no organic cause was found (nonorganic failure to thrive, NFTT) (n = 34). In children with OFTT, normalization of growth was found for both weight and height attained, as most of the diseases were either amenable to treatment or spontaneously subsided. The only exception was a child with severe encephalopathy. In children with NFTT, much lower values were found, particularly for weight, p less than .01 for both weight and height. Children with a low psychosocial score (less than or equal to 3 adverse factors) showed partial catch-up growth, although significantly lower than that of children with OFFT. Among 13 children with high psychosocial scores (greater than or equal to 4), 6 children had been subjected to strong social and/or psychological intervention. These children showed a more favorable growth pattern compared to children with comparable psychosocial scores where no intervention had been undertaken. The children with NFTT continued to grow slowly, remained meager and seemed to maintain a suboptimal growth pattern, particularly those with higher numbers of risk factors.  相似文献   

Although the terms, nonorganic failure to thrive and deprivation dwarfism, are sometimes used interchangeably, and while the family pathology is similar in both conditions, the clinical features differ. The majority of children with nonorganic failure to thrive are under 2 years and often 18 months of age. Weight loss is the most marked feature and they are often withdrawn and apathetic. In contrast, the documented ages of children with deprivation dwarfism range from 2 to 15 years although the history may reveal earlier feeding and behavior problems. Short stature is the most striking feature, their weight often being in proportion to their height. They may steal and hoard food and have bizarre eating habits. In some cases reversible hypopituitarism has been documented. It is suggested that deprivation dwarfism constitutes a subgroup within the nonorganic failure to thrive syndrome. Management in both conditions is similar. It should emphasize a practical, supportive approach and be on a long-term basis.  相似文献   

This paper presents 6-month follow-up on a group of 16 infants hospitalized during the first months of life for non-organic failure to thrive (N-O FTT) and their mothers. Eight of these infants were placed in foster care and eight were returned home with their parents following hospitalization. The effects of placement on infant outcomes were examined through comparison of developmental scores and weight percentile changes, and the implications of foster care placements for mother-infant interactions were examined through analysis of patterns of interaction in videotaped sessions of feeding and play six months after hospital discharge. This analysis snowed that (1) mothers in both groups failed to make significant progress in resolving their own emotional or psychological conficts through treatment available; (2) weight and developmental status of the infants did not improve as expected in either group, and finally that (3) the patterns of interaction between mother and infant showed little change over time, and, regardless of placement at home or in foster care, remained concerning.  相似文献   

Failure to thrive (FTT) is a frequent cause for the admission of infants to the hospital. Such hospitalizations are often lengthy and expensive, and usually do not contribute to an understanding of the etiology of FTT. Generally, organic causes of FTT can be ruled out by a thorough history and physical examination. In this study two groups were examined: 17 infants who were admitted to foster medical placement homes (MPH), private homes with specially trained parents; and a comparison group of 18 infants who were treated in a more traditional way with diagnostic hospitalization. The groups were similar in all regards prior to admission. All infants were less than a year of age. Family disruption was a prominent feature in both groups, but socio-demographic analysis showed them to be similar in all areas studied. The comparison group gained an average of 276 grams in the hospital over 8.6 days. The MPH group gained 362 grams in the hospital over 8.7 days, with an additional 1270 grams in the medical placement home over 31.1 days. Five children were admitted to the medical placement home without hospitalization. After correcting for an expected weight gain of 15 grams per day (normal growth), the comparison group showed a catch-up growth of 16 gms/day, while the MPH group gained 29 gms/day in excess of expectation, almost twice the comparison group. A 100-gram weight gain cost +308 in the MPH program and +1,635 in the traditional approach. This five-fold difference was felt to be a significant deterrent to the continuing approach of admitting children to the hospital for for the workup of FTT.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The article seeks to explore some of the difficulties that may be experienced within higher art education both by the student of art who is lesbian and by researchers focusing on the subject of lesbians and art. For those interested in this area of study there may be particular obstacles which are not present for heterosexual students and which act as a barrier to exclude more readily available information and images. The potential importance and relevance of these exclusions for the lesbian student of art are examined in relation to the political and social oppression which lesbians have experienced, the effects of which can be seen in both historical and contemporary lesbian images and artwork. The article also examines possible issues around ‘coming‐out’ and homophobia for lesbian students and researchers within education generally, the prevalence of assumptions of heterosexuality, and the importance of awareness of these issues for educators of gay students. The conclusion drawn is that there is diversity inherent within any grouping but a more inclusive art education policy would inform the culture of all.  相似文献   

A majority of cases of failure to thrive (FTT) do not have a known organic etiology. Social and psychological determinants are sought for these "non-organic failure to thrive" (N-O FTT) cases. Social and psychological differences between non-organic and organic cases are also explored here. With the introduction of the term, "maternal deprivation," medical practitioners have implicated mothers' deficiencies as instrumental in the etiology of N-O FTT. However, these mothers are themselves usually deprived. Lack of cooperation in childcare by both parents is noted when classic clinical cases are reviewed. We suggest that the concept, "parental deprivation," provides a more accurate model. Preliminary research findings support our hypothesis that mothers of FTT infants do not have good social support networks. Teen motherhood and socioeconomic status also appear to be important, but not necessary as determinants. An unexpected finding is that there are few differences in the social deficiencies of families of N-O FTT infants as compared to those failing for organic reasons. Two unanticipated findings appear noteworthy. First, infants failing for organic reasons are significantly smaller and thinner at birth, independent of pregnancy complications or prematurity. Second, infants failing for non-organic reasons are more likely to present during the period of infant-caretaker role development and less likely in the later toddler stage. Additional research into the feasibility of strengthening family supports as a basis of intervention is recommended.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: One objective was to determine if cocaine-using women who did not maintain infant custody (NMC) would report more psychological distress, domestic violence, negative coping skills, lower social support and more childhood trauma than cocaine-using women who maintained custody (MC) of their infant. A second objective was to evaluate the relative contribution of psychosocial factors to infant placement. METHODS: Psychosocial profiles of MC women (n=144) were compared with NMC (n=66) cocaine-using women. Subjects were low income, urban, African-American women who delivered an infant at a county teaching hospital. The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), an assessment of coping strategies (COPE), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) and Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) were administered. The associations of infant placement status to demographic factors, drug use and psychosocial measures were evaluated. RESULTS: The NMC group reported greater overall psychological distress, psychoticism, somatization, anxiety and hostility than the MC group. The NMC group had more childhood neglect and physical abuse and used more negative coping strategies than the MC group. Lack of prenatal care [OR=.83, CI (.75-.91), p<.0001], heavier prenatal cocaine use [OR=2.55, CI (1.13-4.34), p<.007], greater psychological distress [OR=2.21, CI (1.13-4.34), p<.02] and a childhood history of emotional neglect [OR=1.10, CI (1.02-1.19), p<.02] were associated with increased likelihood of loss of infant custody after control for other substance use and demographic variables. CONCLUSIONS: NMC women have more negative psychological and behavioral functioning post-partum than MC women. Less prenatal care and greater cocaine use, psychological distress and maternal childhood emotional neglect are associated with the post-partum placement of infants born to cocaine-using women. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Results of this study indicate that poor, urban women who use cocaine prenatally display several measurable differences on psychosocial and behavioral risk factors based on child placement status. Among these risk factors heavier cocaine use, lack of prenatal care, more severe psychological symptoms and early childhood experiences of emotional neglect increase the likelihood of loss of infant custody. Routine, objective assessments of psychosocial and behavioral characteristics of women who use cocaine during pregnancy can aid Child Protective Service workers and clinicians by providing baseline data from which to tailor interventions and set improvement criteria for mother-child reunification.  相似文献   

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