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Portfolios are used for a variety of purposes in higher education. Two such purposes are the documentation of one's professional development for others and the improvement of one's own performance over time. This article discusses the concept of the faculty development portfolio and, in doing so, outlines the work of faculty development professionals. It also identifies characteristics of effective faculty development professionals and defines the steps involved in creating a faculty development portfolio. These steps include how to conceptualize, gather, and present evidence of items that can be used as a framework for faculty developers to consider when documenting their professional development for summative and formative purposes.  相似文献   

教师专业发展及其有效性评价:走向概念性框架的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何有效地开展教师专业学习一直是教育学者及政策制定者探索的课题。在教学实践中和从教学实践中学的概念路径是提升和改善教师专业发展的实证经验。教师专业学习的动态本质在于,教师在个体和共同体条件下对镶嵌在教学实践中的知识不问断地、持续地认知与反思。核心特征的方法论起点是应对这一专业发展观的评价策略,概念性评价框架的形成是实现专业发展评价的理论假设,形成基础的概念框架则是专业发展评价的基本趋势。  相似文献   

All programs in a midwestern university recently embarked on a path to help increase the scholarly productivity of faculty. The effort to develop a research emphasis within the School of Education required determining the needs of tenure-track faculty regarding meeting the new requirements. The purposes of our study were to investigate these needs and identify the individual, environmental, and leadership factors that affect faculty productivity. Findings revealed a need to transform the School’s service and teaching culture to a culture of research and scholarship. Recommendations for helping other schools of education to become more research-oriented are provided. While the study focuses on data from a particular School of Education, the implications may generalize to faculty productivity within other institutions, particularly within professional schools. Susan A. Santo  received a Ph.D. in Instructional Technology from the University of Virginia and is currently an Associate Professor of Adult and Higher Education at the University of South Dakota. Her research interests include faculty productivity in higher education and improving distance learning. Mary E. Engstrom  received an Ed.D. from the University of South Dakota in Curriculum and Instruction. She is currently the Associate Director of Extended Learning Services at the University of Montana. Her research interests include instructional design for online learning and professional development for educators. Linda Reetz  received an Ed.D. from the University of North Dakota in Teacher Education and serves as the Associate Dean of the School of Education at the University of South Dakota. Her research interests include higher education practices for teacher education programs and mild disabilities. William Schweinle  received a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Arlington in Psychology and serves as an Assistant Professor at the University of South Dakota. His research interest area is in statistics. Kristine Reed  received a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in Curriculum and Instruction/Administration and serves as a faculty member in Curriculum and Instruction, University of South Dakota. Her research emphases include multicultural education and rural education.  相似文献   

Peer Coaching: Professional Development for Experienced Faculty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The professoriate, as a whole, is growing older and more experienced; yet institutions often overlook the professional development needs of mid-career and senior faculty. This article, based on a review of the literature and the development of a peer coaching project, examines peer coaching as a professional development opportunity for experienced faculty that meets many of their immediate needs and offers a variety of longer-term benefits to their institution. Six recommendations for creating a peer coaching program emerge from the literature and the authors’ experience.
Therese HustonEmail:

Therese A. Huston   is the Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Seattle University. She received her B.A. from Carleton College and her M.S. and Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from Carnegie Mellon University. Her research interests include faculty development and satisfaction, college teaching, diversity and social justice, and student learning. Carol L. Weaver   is an associate professor in Adult Education at Seattle University’s College of Education. She received her B.S. Degree from Washington State University. Both her Master’s degree work (Oregon State University) and her Doctorate (The Ohio State University) focused on adult education. Her teaching and research focus on faculty development, course design, and workplace learning.  相似文献   

教师培训是其专业发展的必然要求,教师专业发展是其培训的重要依据。应坚持"以人为本"的发展理念,根据准备期、职初期、稳定期、倦怠期、专家期等不同阶段的教师专业发展特点,通过树立自我发展意识、尝试职前培养、开发校本培训、应对职业倦怠、孕育学术大师等自我实现或学校推动途径来创新教师培训策略,使教师顺利实现专业角色的转型与升级。  相似文献   

教师专业发展的假设是:人的发展是教师专业发展的基础;在教师专业发展的不同阶段,教师的关注点有所不同;教师专业发展受专业协助的品质和力度的影响;教师专业发展镶嵌于学校情境脉络中。本文旨在从教师个体的社会心理层面探讨教师专业发展,这一新的分析框架涉及感受(feelings)、关注(attention)、激励(promptings)、组织(organization)等四个维度。这里以一所学校为例,根据这四个维度编制量表,通过数据分析教师的专业发展状况,以验证其效用。  相似文献   

We used content analysis to analyze 42 counseling doctoral students' reports of supports and barriers influencing their researcher development across 3 years. In line with social cognitive career theory, the students named cognitive-person, environmental, and social-context influences. Analyses indicated no differences in frequencies of supports and barriers across time but significant differences by cohort.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this paper is to report the development, results, and conclusions of a university campus-wide faculty development needs assessment survey. The survey is unique in that it asked faculty to first identify their professional goals and then select activities to help them reach the desired goals. The second purpose is to discuss how faculty at different stages of their careers have different goals.Christine B. Eleser: She also serves as the Chairperson of the University Faculty Excellence CommiteeeSheila W. Chauvin: which she also serves as Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine USA  相似文献   

2004年底,教育部师范司启动了全国中小学教师教育技术能力建设项目,该项目采用面对面及远程的方式对中小学教师进行教育技术培训.作为一种体验式的培训,在远程开展的过程中势必对学习支持会产生新的要求.本文即以教育技术能力建设项目的远程体验式培训试点为契机,采用基于设计的研究方法,对远程体验式培训的学习支持系统进行了设计、试用和改进.试点过程中,我们通过调查、问卷等方式对数据进行了收集和分析.结果表明:从体验学习的理解、行动、分享等方面关注学习支持,考虑到了教师的实际需要;体验学习的理解、行动(设计/创建)阶段都需要丰富案例的支持;在线学习共同体让学习者受益匪浅,体验学习的分享、交流与反思依赖于学习共同体.最后本文给出了改善学习支持系统设计的若干建议.  相似文献   

人力资源开发领域的学者和实践者都非常关注工作场所学习。关于正式培训和非正式学习,一直以来形成了大量的研究和讨论。本文从人力资源开发角度,结合已有的大量文献,提出了一个工作场所学习的概念性框架,框架包括三个互相作用的变量:学习的场所、在发展和传授学习经验时所制定的计划的程度和学习过程中培训者、推动者和其他人的角色。本文还讨论了这一框架对人力资源开发领域中理论建设和研究的启示。  相似文献   

基于培训迁移理论,构建了培训效果影响的概念框架。以湖北、山东、安徽3省5市10县832份职业农民问卷调查数据为基础,构建培训环境因素、动机因素、系统因素、前涉因素对培训效果影响的结构方程模型,研究结果显示,培训环境因素、动机因素、系统因素、前涉因素均对培训效果具有正向影响,且影响的贡献率依次降低。这表明培训系统因素与前涉因素对培训效果的影响低于培训环境因素和培训动机因素,即政府主导下的农民教育培训本身对迁移效果影响不显著。  相似文献   

As we progress in the 21st century, children learn to become proficient readers and writers of both digital and non-digital texts. Knowledge, skills, and understandings of literacy emerge through sociocultural interactions with non-digital tools (e.g., paper-printed books) and digital tools (e.g., touch screen tablets). However, debate is ongoing over the role that digital experiences play in emergent literacy development. Researchers have voiced the need to conceptualise a common framework for literacy development that considers the emergence of digital literacy skills alongside conventional literacy skills and how these skills might interact during development. This is particularly important in light of the increasing use of digital texts used by young children, such as E-books and digital games. Therefore, this paper proposes a framework that might guide research and practice by examining the relationships between emergent literacy skills, emergent digital literacy skills, and proficiency in reading and writing.  相似文献   

The authors attempt to bridge the gap between the research literature on supervision and its application to evaluating individual supervisor effectiveness. A conceptual framework is presented for making decisions about evaluation. In this framework the decision maker is directed to consider three issues—the purpose of evaluation, the developmental stage of the counselor, and the focus of evaluation—in selecting measures of effectiveness. Within this context, some promising measures of supervision effectiveness are discussed, and methods for linking changes in supervisee functioning to supervisor interventions are considered.  相似文献   

入职前三年是新手教师专业发展的重要阶段,新手教师要想迅速成长为专家型教师,教育叙事是一种重要的途径和方法.教育叙事有助于新手教师更好地认识自我、理解自我,有助于培养新手教师教学的敏感性和反思意识,而这些是新手教师专业成长不可或缺的条件.  相似文献   

教师的教学观念转变是一个复杂的心理过程,涉及到对新教学观念可理解性、合理性和有效性的多层次认识,并最终外显为具体的教学行为。教师教学观念转变的现实情境是教学过程中的各种内外影响因素。通过对在职教师和在读师范生的调查和访谈发现:教师对新教学理念的可理解性和合理性的认同度较高,对有效性的认同度较低,教师原有的教学经验和教学评价制度是影响教师观念转变的两大主要因素。教师普遍认可信息技术给实际教学带来重大变革,对教学观念转变有重要作用,但在教学设计和自身专业发展中却不能较好地应用信息技术。因此,在教师教育和培训中,应充分发挥信息技术的优势,搭建教师发展平台,通过网络集体备课和课题研讨等方式反思教学问题产生的深层次原因,促进教师的观念转变。  相似文献   

This article presents the concept of identity education (IdEd) referring to the purposeful involvement of educators with students’ identity-related processes or contents. We discuss why educators may consider identity important to the realization of educational goals and choose to target aspects of students’ identity in their pedagogical practice. We offer a broad theoretical framework that organizes and focuses the extensive yet scattered discourse on identity and education. Because IdEd is a concept that accommodates diverse educational perspectives and concerns, we outline several parameters that can assist educators in making sense of this diversity and provide a conceptual basis for pedagogical and curricular decision making. These parameters also provide researchers from different scholarly traditions a common framework for constructive dialogue and can serve as a basis for generating focused and productive research directions.  相似文献   

美国大学终身制教师专业发展模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
终身制教师的专业发展日益成为美国大学校园关注的焦点。本文从教师专业化的角度出发,论述了美国大学终身制教师的心理、生理、教学、科研方面存在的问题和美国大学针对这些问题实施的可选性计划、规定性计划、联合性计划等三种教师专业发展模式,最后提出了制定终身制教师专业发展的原则及建议。  相似文献   

基于外聘教师对高职院校教育质量和组织发展的意义,针对当前外聘教师队伍建设中存在的问题,指出促进外聘教师的专业发展是有效解决问题的关键。围绕外聘教师的专业发展内涵及内容,探讨促进外聘教师专业发展的途径。  相似文献   

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