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This study assessed 43 gifted adolescent females in the United States and Germany over a 4‐year period. Initially the girls were assessed during their 7th or 8th grade and again for this current study during their 11th or 12th grade. Factors that were examined included the daughters' attachment to and psychological separation from their mothers, while the study also focused on their gender roles, instrumental (masculine) characteristics, and career aspirations. Results showed that within 4 years, these gifted girls had grown less attached, but at the same time had become psychologically closer to their mothers. Additionally, the German girls became more masculine in their characteristics while the Americans became more feminine. All of the girls developed more traditional gender roles and their desires of attaining leadership or expert roles within their future careers diminished.  相似文献   

As the largest public sector institution in the United Kingdom, education is a key site for studying the context of ‘choice’ and changes in the identities of professional workers in contemporary society. Recruitment and retention problems in education have led to the creation of new routes into teaching to attract career changers from other professions and occupations. In this paper we focus on career changers within the Economic and Social Research Council project ‘Primary Teacher Identity, Commitment and Career in Performative School Cultures’ who have entered teaching from other private sector occupations. We analyse these career changes in terms of ‘turning points’ in the participants’ lives in order to assess the extent to which choices are ‘self‐initiated’, ‘forced’ or ‘structural’. We are interested in the basis on which these choices were made and the impact of gender on career decisions.  相似文献   

Differences of gender and ethnicity were examined in terms of the perception of barriers to career development. The Perception of Career Barriers Inventory (IPBC) was administered to a sample of 457 ninth grade students in Portuguese state schools. Gender differences were found, with girls generally scoring higher and in particular on some specific scales. African ethnic participants score higher than Portuguese participants across all the IPBC scales. These findings are more obvious with African participants born in Africa than with those born in Portugal. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of instruction with a cognitive tutoring software system in a remedial algebra course. The performance on algebra tasks of students who attended the experimental (cognitive tutor) and a control class was compared. The results indicated that the two groups of students were equally proficient with respect to algebraic manipulation skills. However, students who attended the experimental algebra section performed significantly better in problem solving than students in the control section. This finding suggested that the use of the cognitive tutor (a) improved students' problem‐solving abilities; (b) fostered student development of richer concepts of variable and function; and (c) improved students' procedural abilities in approaching and carrying through mathematical analyses of relatively complex situations.  相似文献   

Changes in the higher education system have resulted in increased demands on effectiveness and marketisation. These demands have changed what it means to do academic work. In this study, 19 female academic lecturers have been interviewed in order to get them to reflect upon their opportunities and conditions in career. The aim is to analyse how this specific group manoeuvres; that is their 'becoming subjectivity' in academic career. This means an interest in analysing their locations, positions as well as their material and discursive conditions. The results show how many see teaching as important in career, but also as a trap that restrains them in their chances of research advancement. Several express that a lot of teaching drain the time and energy needed for other opportunities in career. There are also a few who experience teaching as a place where people actually collaborate more than compete and find alternative career strategies. Even so, these women appear caught in their careers, which can relate to gender, and to the experience of ‘incapacity’ to find directions in a more competitive structure.  相似文献   

Concerns with postdoctoral research training and employment outcomes are growing at an international level. Recent studies of postdoctoral and other contract researchers in various countries emphasize common issues associated with these appointments, including the absence of any systematic definition of postdoctoral research positions, lack of policy and data on postdoctoral researchers, and increasing dissatisfaction among postdoctoral researchers with the nature of their position and with their future employment prospects. These issues are explored further in the study reported here, through an interview‐based investigation of the views of both postdoctoral researchers and postdoctoral supervisors with regard to the nature of postdoctoral research positions and the career development support provided within those positions. Key findings include substantial variation in the functions of postdoctoral researchers, and in the perceived purposes of such positions. Despite a widespread perception among both postdocs and their supervisors of limited employment opportunities in academia or research positions, there was a consistent focus among both parties on the postdoctoral period as providing preparation for such positions.  相似文献   

During decades of change in the Western higher education sector, new ways of understanding academic work have reinforced notions of the impact of social capital. The present study investigates researchers’ experiences of their own career making within two areas of Education Sciences in Swedish higher education: Childhood Studies (CS) and Science Education (SE). The structure at the CS departments is collaborative and integrated; teaching and research are seen as an entity. This structure creates a coherent career path where members of the collective group jointly produce and accumulate social capital; it also appears to be related to discourses of femininity. In the SE departments, the career structure is strategic and differentiated; the two career paths work in parallel through a differentiation between teaching and research. This appears to be related to discourses of masculinity. In conclusion, our analysis shows how social capital and gender mutually create different ways of doing an academic career.  相似文献   

This study examined the separate and combined effects of a career planning course and a computer-assisted career guidance system (SIGI PLUS) on undecided university students. Seventy first and second year university students were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups (career planning course only; career planning course and SIGI PLUS; SIGI PLUS only; wait-listed control group). Pre and posttest measures were administered and an analysis of covariance was conducted to determine differences among groups for each measure. Significant overall differences were found for each measure. Follow-up procedures revealed significant differences between specific career treatment groups and the control group. Implications for counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to understand the motivating factors behind students’ choices in their decision-making process and also get an insight on their perception of different engineering branches. A survey was prepared and the results were evaluated amongst 1163 answers. Two major influences on student's decision in their professional choices are shown to be career services and family members. Generally, students have claimed to choose a profession based on ‘finding a job’ and ‘being happy’. Some engineering branches such as Genetic and Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Industrial Engineering, are shown to be distinctly preferred by female students, whereas mechanical, civil and electronic engineering are favourites for male students. The survey results were also compared with the distribution of male and female students in various engineering departments. This study clearly shows that certain engineering branches are perceived as more appropriate for women and are thus favoured by female students, while those perceived as more appropriate for men are favoured by male students.  相似文献   

Occupational aspirations of school children are undergoing changes as more men and women enter nontraditional spheres of work. Nevertheless, Papageorgiou (1982) reported that the overwhelming majority of a sample of upper elementary through high school students in Colorado regarded traditional gender roles as their only choice, and gender role stereotyping as placing serious limitations on career choices, particularly for females. In this article, we describe a replication of Papageorgiou's study in a western Canadian school district, with similar results. Gender-role stereotyping still appears to dominate the occupational aspirations of the majority of school children. Implications are drawn for counsellors interested in promoting career aspirations based on abilities and interests rather than gender-role stereotypes.  相似文献   

大学生就业指导课程构建的新思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,各地高校陆续开设了大学生就业指导课。随着社会新形势的发展,对大学生就业指导课提出了更高的要求。本文通过对大学生就业指导课的现状进行分析后提出新的构建思路。  相似文献   

This paper examines aspects of the school-to-work transition process for high-achieving indigenous Fijian young women using selective data from a wider study of school-to-work transitions conducted in 2005. It appears that traditional and colonial understandings of the role of Fijian women still shape even high-achieving girls' career and life options; these are expressed through their subject choices at school and their narrow career aspirations. While the social reproduction mechanisms of schools are evident, families and communities are also implicated. High-achieving girls still tend to emulate the career choices of older women in their families and communities, even in the current context of a marked lessening of labour market opportunities for the time-honoured “white-collar” occupations of teaching, nursing and public service work. Some provisional interpretations, looking towards productive interventions at school, community and church level, of this phenomenon are offered.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to revitalize and disentangle common misconceptions about a scientific agenda for clinical supervision.  相似文献   

新课程标准的出台和实施,反映了我国教育改革步伐正走在时代的前列,指引着全体教师努力培养出素质全面,适应时代发展的新型人才。新课改提出了一系列的新理念、新标准,在教学中如何体现,是广大教师所普遍面临的问题。  相似文献   

本科院校创业课程设置刍议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
创业课程是大学生创业能力提高的基础,建立科学合理的创业课程模式对大学生的创业发展非常重要。本科院校应该对创业课程定位于兼顾学生的短期就业与终身受益、共性需求和个性差异、普及教育和精英教育,在此基础上设置并存的两种创业课程模式:普及型创业课程和专业性创业课程。  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s, Australian highereducation has undergone significant reforms andpolicy changes based on economic rationalismand modernisation of management. This paperexamines the outcomes of the reform processesbased on the career attributes, status andperceptions of work environment of academicaccountants in Australian universities.Similarities and differences between academicaccountants are explored fromcross-institutional and gender perspectives.The data provide insight into a number ofsystemic inequalities between the older andmore established universities and the neweruniversities. In specific, across-institutional analysis based on fouruniversity types: Sandstones/Redbricks,Gumtrees, Unitechs and New (Marginson 1999)indicates that academic accountants in Newuniversities employ a much lower proportion ofstaff with PhD qualification, a weakerpublication profile, and perceive greaterbarriers for conducting research in terms of ashortage of research mentors, colleagues withresearch experience, and post-graduatestudents. Further, the commitment to flexiblelearning and delivery strategies iscomparatively stronger in Unitechs, and posesadditional demands on accounting academics'overall workload. Perceptions of gender-baseddiscrimination by female academic accountantsare generally stronger than their malecounterparts, particularly, in Newuniversities. These results raise severalissues for academic accountants at both theinstitutional and individual level in terms ofequal employment opportunities, management ofresearch programmes, development of teachingstrategies and individual time management.  相似文献   

This article reports on an investigation of primary and early‐childhood teacher‐education students’ understandings and beliefs about the influence of gender on their careers and life choices. The research was undertaken by a collaborative team from three Victorian universities. We took as our premiss that if teacher‐education students are to be effective in promoting gender inclusiveness throughout the schooling culture, they must first reflect on the operation of the sex/gender system in their own lives. A range of viewpoints are included about the gendered understandings commonly held by the tertiary students surveyed. The resulting insights enabled us to suggest more effective strategies for fostering gender awareness in teacher education.  相似文献   

文章通过采用小组学习、调查研究、心理剧、辩论等教学方法来调动学生学习的主动性,促进学生在两性心理学这门课程中的体验感受,让学生作为主体主动建构相关知识,从而达到体验式教学的目的。  相似文献   

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