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美术课本上的知识是有限的,而五彩缤纷的生活所提供的教育资源却是无限的。在实施新课程中,我们本着促进学生发展的原则.注意从学生的生活经验和已有的知识出发,加强美术与日常生活的密切联系,注意开发利用生活中的美术资源。让美术回归生活,回归自然,使学生学习美术的兴趣不断得到增强。创新与解决问题的能力有了明显的提高。现以低年级美术教学为例谈谈自己的一点做法与感受。  相似文献   

美术课程的资源是极其丰富的,它可以来自生活,来自家庭,来自社区,也可以来自社会,甚至更大的范围。美术教育应善于从各种教育资源中汲取有益的营养,立足于多元的文化观,积极地探索和开发新的教育资源,由此,根据学校办学传统及学生实际,结合当地条件,努力开发与利用美术课程资源,不断地丰富学校艺术教育课程,将成为学校的一道“风景”线,一种校园文化特色。  相似文献   

牟耀辉 《教育》2011,(18):39-39
<正>作为一直走在课改前沿的美术学科,需要拓展和利用有效的课程资源,以更好地促进学生个性形成和全面发展,提高学生综合思维水平和艺术修养。因此,美术教育应发挥其独特性优势,从多种教育资源中吸收营养,立足多元文化观,积极探索和开发新的教育资源。  相似文献   

美术课程的资源是极其丰富的,它可以来自生活,来自家庭,来自社区,也可以来自社会,甚至更大的范围.美术教育应善于从各种教育资源中汲取有益的营养,立足于多元的文化观,积极地探索和开发新的教育资源,从广袤的、宽阔的认识出发进行积极的思考和有效的实施.由此,根据学校办学传统及学生实际,结合当地条件,努力开发与利用美术课程资源,不断地丰富学校艺术教育课程,将成为学校的一道"风景"线,一种校园文化特色.  相似文献   

正结合地方资源开展美术教学可以为美术教育提供素材,丰富课内外教学,加强美术课程与学生生活紧密关联,为学生美术学习提供宽广的地方资源;引导学生参与民间文化艺术的保护、传承;激发学生美术学习兴趣。因此有必要结合并利用地方资源开展美术本土课程教学,为此,可从以下几点分析和探索:一、地方乡土文化及其在美术校本课程教学中的现状泰兴市地处江苏中部,近三年才开始实施苏美版中学美术教材,较之以前的教材,有了很大的改观,新课标理念  相似文献   

教师是一种最大的资源,美术课程资源需要美术教师去组织、去开发、去利用。在农村小学美术教育教学过程中,经常会遇到家庭教育环境和学校教学设备等因素给学生学习美术课程带来困扰。首先要提高认识,取得家长对学生学习关术课程的支持;其次要克服困难,不断充实农村小学美术教育教学设备。只有解决好阻扰学生学习美术课程的矛盾,才能使美术课程教学资源从真正意义上得到调控和优化。  相似文献   

课程资源是学生美术学习、鉴赏、创造的重要媒介。在小学美术教学中,教师要自觉地开发并应用课程资源。美术课程资源主要包括地域性课程资源、民间性课程资源以及网络化课程资源。通过课程资源的开发、应用,增强学生的美术学习兴趣,让学生爱上美术学习、乐于美术学习,更善于美术学习。美术课程资源开发、应用,能让学生的美术学习焕发生命活力。  相似文献   

徐慧 《考试周刊》2013,(49):178-179
新课程强调课程资源的开发和利用,而具有地域特色的民间美术是学校教育与当地自然和文化相联系的切入点,是最具价值的文化资源和教育资源,是取之不尽、用之不竭的具有学术性和创造性的美术校本课程资源。皮影、剪纸、香包、刺绣、面塑等庆阳民间美术为校本课程的开发和利用提供了有力保障。民间美术校本课程的开发给美术课堂教学带来了生机。  相似文献   

课程资源的合理开发和巧妙利用是初中美术教学中一个有机组成部分,也是实现初中美术课程总目标的必然要求。随着新课程改革的不断深入,课程资源的有效利用从广度上不断延伸,多媒体技术的不断发展和形式多样的乡土资源成为初中美术教学取之不尽、用之不竭的课程资源,由于国家美术教科书并不能完全满足和适合全国各地学生对艺术的欣赏需求,开发与利用多媒体技术和乡土资源服务于初中美术教学,已经成为经济欠发达地区美术课程改革的重要举措。  相似文献   

<正>义务教育《美术课程标准》(2011版)在课程实施建议中就规定:"明确‘以学生为本’教学设计的指导思想,在教学过程中,通过对教学目标、教学情境、信息资源、学习评价等方面的精心谋划和设计"。因此,在教学中坚持以人为本,从学生的实际出发,充分利用有效、有限的乡镇学校自身的教育资源,发挥教师和学生的工作、学习的积极性,完成美术课程的教育目标,既是时代发展的要求,也是美术教师与时俱进的表现。一、激发兴趣,面向全体课程标准明确指出:"实施义务教育阶段的美术教育,必须坚信每个学生都具有学习美术的潜能,能在他们  相似文献   

This article is part of a broader investigation exploring how contemporary art allows us to think about the process that underpins our teaching and learning in order to change it. We are tutors in initial teacher education and we teach, learn and communicate through contemporary art for a pedagogical module. In the following article we will show how teaching, learning and communicating through contemporary art helps future teachers to be aware of their educational models. Art encounters generate new learning and teaching experiences by allowing students and teachers to make various rhizomatic wanderings. The rhizomatic wanderings are diverse with the content and the form depending on the personal experience. The article concludes that the more rhizomatic wanderings future teachers make, the more they will be able to rethink the process of teaching and learning in order to attend to the diverse situations of classrooms of the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

“现代教育技术,是指运用现代教育理论和现代信息技术,通过对教与学过程和教与学资源的设计、开发、利用、管理和评价,以实现教育最优化的理论与实践。”学校体育教学中,培养学生终身体育意识,应首先发展学生利用现代技术设备学习技术、技能的能力。  相似文献   

The widespread use of iPads in higher education brings to the forefront questions about the contribution of these computer tablets towards teaching and learning. However, there is a noticeable gap in research on the educational potential of iPads in higher education. This article describes the second stage of a research project on the use of iPads in undergraduate art and design disciplines, and in particular the views and experiences of faculty in two different art and design schools over a period of one semester. The first stage of the project investigated the perceptions of art and design students about the educational value of iPads. For the second stage, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model was used to gauge adoption of the iPad for teaching and learning, and the participants provided qualitative data that was used for this phenomenographic study. The outcomes of this investigation provide an overview of challenges and obstacles from the perspective of art and design faculty in embedding the use of iPads in teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Historically implementing, maintaining and managing educational technology has been difficult for K-12 educational systems. Consequently, opportunities for significant advances in K-12 education have often gone unrealized. With the maturation of Internet delivered services along with K-12 institutional trends, educational technologies are poised to help support the transformation K-12 education by providing student access to educational resources on an anywhere, anytime, any device basis. In addition, an emerging body of empirical research shows that when implemented systematically, technology can support a wide range of potential education innovations including inverted classrooms, peer-to-peer teaching and customized learning as well as increased academic achievement.A major public policy question is how best to insure educational technology resources reach all K-12 students in the shortest time and most equitable way possible. In response, this paper adopted an educational technology value chain model to assess potential avenues and barriers to implementing educational technology inK-12 systems. We find that a fully implemented educational technology value chain would directly benefit students, teachers, school systems and society. However, the analysis also finds that efforts to implement educational technology in K-12 systems still must overcome challenges and risks.  相似文献   

Open educational resources (OER) are digitised material freely available to the students and self learners. Many institutions had initiated in incorporating these OERs in their higher educational system, to improve the quality of teaching and learning. These resources promotes individualised study, collaborative learning. If they are coupled with Learning Objects of Learning Management System (LMS), they can lead to opportunities for further pedagogical innovation. It has become increasingly important for educational institutions to support these resources, in a planned and systematic manner. Adapt, assemble and conceptualise existing OERs to respond to diverse learning needs of students and support a variety of learning approaches for a given learning goal is a challenge. In this work, convergence of OERs with Learning Objects is done through metadata using classification techniques. Localisation of these high quality learning materials with the learning content of LMS, delivered as a single instructional unit may help in greater knowledge delivery and this can satisfy the learning needs of diverse student.  相似文献   

网上教学支持服务的研究实践及效果评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
网上教学支持服务的建设离不开远程教育理论、教育技术和远程教育实践。本文分析了网上教学支持服务的构成要素,构建了网上教学支持服务平台。我们试图通过网络寻求教师、教学资源和学生最佳的结合点。从2000年9月推出教学服务平台以来,我们不断探索,建设一批网上的教学资源,逐步推出电大在线平台、VOD点播、网上课件、实践平台和网上调查系统等。为了评价网上教学支持服务效果,选择20门课程进行了问卷调查,回收问卷近3000份,对网上资源教学效果进行统计分析。  相似文献   

远程教育中“教的行为与学的行为处于准分离状态”这一本质特征使教学关系再现成为提高远程教育质量的关键。基于此,文章在分析教学过程的基础上,得出再现教学关系的三种教学信息流,并提出一种再现教学关系行之有效的途径——构建多元化的学习支持服务信息流模式。该模式主要由教师、学生、学习资源及媒体四大要素组成。它们之间的交互可依据信息流来调节及支配,及时地提供学习者所需的帮助,保证学的行为发生并持续,达到提高教育质量的目的。文章特别强调信息流贯穿于学习的整个过程并能调节及支配所需的服务。  相似文献   

网络教育资源在共享和重用中存在资源非标准化建设和数字资源版权归属问题。文章提出以学习对象为基础的教育资源版权管理模型,将学习对象的数字版权管理整合到e-Learning系统中,构建了一个标准化的、安全的网络资源共享环境。最后,结合具体的视频教学资源案例分析,探讨基于对象的网络教育资源版权保护的具体执行方法,以促进教育资源的合理使用。  相似文献   

One of the central challenges for a school is the creation of a public discourse which expresses the shared purpose of the school community, without losing the multiple and different voices within the teaching staff. In this article we report on the generative potential of educational conversation, when it is structured around questions which allow teachers to reflect on their best teaching selves in past practice and to project those selves into future situations. We suggest that within the staff, the public relating of teaching narratives, and the reflective conversation to which they give rise, constitutes a public and collective form of enquiry into teaching and learning. We argue that reflective conversation is dependent upon critical listening, where the listener is open to what is being said, but is also prepared to ask questions that open up the topic of teaching and learning in ways that are revelatory for both speaker and listener.  相似文献   

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