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元代下层文人选择杂剧的心态试探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元代下层文人对杂剧艺术的选择,促进了杂剧的大繁荣。他们在选择杂剧的过程中,或隐或显地呈现出了各种心态,主要有宗教的解脱心态、生存的边缘化心态、娱乐的自适心态和价值的凸现心态。  相似文献   

本文首先简要叙述了元代杂剧家关汉卿的复杂创作心态,这种心态集中体现在他的杂剧形象张珪身上,然后论述关汉卿通过三个对比完成张珪形象的塑造,最后,从以上叙述中,总结张珪形象的社会价值。  相似文献   

近代报刊与近代戏剧关系密切。近代传奇杂剧作品绝大多数在报刊杂志上发表,推动了传奇杂剧作家创作心态、作品题材、体制乃至接受方式的近代转型。近代报刊与作为大众艺术的戏剧尤其是舞台演出的关系之间,形成了良性互动。近代报刊促成戏剧观念的变革,并成为近代戏剧改良运动的舆论阵地。  相似文献   

宋元南戏对元人杂剧产生过一定的影响。这种影响,体现在元人的杂剧的题材内容、题目正名、宫调名目、曲牌沿用、套曲联缀、集曲格式、角色行当、演唱形式以及“末上首引”等等诸多方面。这些方面的影响,或直接、或间接,或产生于杂剧的创作之时,或产生于杂剧的流传之中,使今日所之元人杂剧尽管零碎但却是实实在在地留存着宋元南戏的印迹。  相似文献   

《太和正音谱》"杂剧十二科"是明初朱权关于元及明初杂剧题材的分类研究。《太和正音谱》的分类延续了宋元时期"科"的类别范畴和说话家数的题材分类传统,形成了"杂剧十二科",首次系统地完成了对杂剧题材的理论概括。虽不全面,但却显示了特别的意义。类别的划分显示了朱权本人慕仙求道的心态意绪,其悲欢离合剧类涉及到戏剧审美的内涵,已有了悲剧喜剧分别的意义。  相似文献   

关汉卿散曲与杂剧比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关汉卿的散曲与他的杂剧在思想倾向上存在着相当大的差别。他的散曲常常能够突破传统儒家的价值观念 ,而他的杂剧在主题上则显得相对保守。这种现象的出现 ,与关汉卿的杂剧创作思想 ,逐渐成熟的中国俗文学叙写范式 ,当时文人独特的创作心态有着密切的关系  相似文献   

本文从元杂剧中文人与娼优的爱情杂剧入手,阐述了元代文人的社会地位与心态.文章试图从文人们现实生活中的多舛与杂剧中理想境界里的顺遂这两个方面来分析元代文人创作这一类士子与娼优爱情杂剧的社会根源与深层心理,从而把握元代的社会特征及其元代文人的心理和追求.  相似文献   

以往对唐景崧《看棋亭杂剧十六种》思想倾向的研究,过多地从中挖掘其民主主义思想,对《看棋亭杂剧十六种》艺术成就的认识不够,都有失公允。从唐景崧朦胧民主主义思想与封建意识交织的女性观,以及他对以往功名留恋与现实无奈的矛盾思想与复杂心态在作品中的体现,认识《看棋亭杂剧十六种》的思想倾向。从编剧技巧、演出效果、采用弹腔和浪漫主义手法的运用,认识《看棋亭杂剧十六种》的艺术成就。  相似文献   

元代人命运是元杂剧所集中反映的一个题材领域,而关汉卿杂剧中所描写的诸多人形象,可谓开其先。关汉卿的杂剧,描写了元人人在现实与理想之矛盾中痛苦坎坷的人生,又出于对元代人凉现实补偿心理,为他们安排了理想的结局。关汉卿笔下的人身上,既有沉抑下僚而生出的极度怨愤与痛苦,又有志不获展而发出的美好梦幻与追求,由此构成了元代人普遍的化心态,展示的是元代人多命蹇的现实。  相似文献   

近代国学大师王国维认为元曲为中国最自然之文学,剧作家们的创作动机完全是自然而然。元杂剧作家们创作杂剧,既不是想扬名于生前,也不是想流传于后世,只不过心有所感,一吐为快。本文通过从杂剧中文人形象的研究到作家创作自身的逆向探讨,能使我们从文学作品中人物内心出发窥见现实生活中作家丰富复杂的精神线索,揭示出剧中文人心态与现实文人心态的深层联系。  相似文献   

研究了社会选择中的不可能性定理.首先定义社会选择函数,给出理性社会选择函数的形式化描述,并定义选择函数形式的Pareto准则、无关方案独立性条件和非独裁性条件.在此基础上,探讨了选择函数据架下的不可能性定理,得到了选择函数形式的Arrow不可能性定理和Sen寡头独裁不可能性定理.  相似文献   

中国的译校问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines school choice, one of the most debated issues in Chinese education beginning in the early 1990s. To start with, it depicts the origin of school choice. Secondly, the main reasons contributing to school choice are analysed: the disparity among schools, political and economic changes, the system of promotion to the next stage of school, and historical and cultural reasons. The reason why schools enrol school choice pupils is also analysed. Then, the reactions of the government to school choice, insisting on the policy of neighbourhood admissions, supporting weak schools, and encouraging the development of nongovernment schools, are analysed. Finally, the debate about school choice is discussed. To sum up, school choice in China is a completely urban phenomenon. It is a demand of social group with high social economic status. While the social gap widens, school choice is an unavoidable issue in education. Therefore, the problem faced by the government is not simply to prohibit it, but how to deal with it.  相似文献   

School Choice in a Post-Desegregation World   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In contrast to unregulated school choice, regulated choice programs oversee the assignment of students to schools with equity in mind. This article puts forth evidence for three claims with respect to unregulated and regulated school choice: (c) Unregulated choice plans tend to exacerbate the stratification of students along race, class, and achievement lines; (b) regulated choice programs have the potential to increase the integration of schools and, at the very least, to prevent further social stratification; and (c) the evidence that suggests unregulated choice programs lead to improved academic achievement or curriculum innovation is unconvincing. By influencing the racial and social class composition of schools, choice programs help determine the human capital obtained by students and families. Exposure to new cultural and social forms of human capital can lead to enhanced life opportunities for all children, but particularly to those who do not otherwise have access to such capital in a hegemonic society. Considerations of social justice suggest that policymakers should continue to search for ways to design school choice programs that promote integration.  相似文献   

Against a background of disappointing percentages of students choosing exact and technical studies and the academic choice research tradition, a study into the choice of physics in secondary education has been carried out. It focuses on the predictive value of certain characteristics of the curriculum, the differences between schools and the stability of the choice variable. Two cohorts of students in a representative sample of schools filled in written questionnaires, four times in two years. The data were analysed in several ways that complemented each other, including multilevel analysis. The main predictor of the choice of physics in secondary education is perceived future relevance and no significant differences between schools exist. The choice variable is not stable. Many students feel uncertain about their choice of study and profession. Academic choice processes should be more connected with career choice processes. Certain characteristics of the physics curriculum can be expected to further the possibilities for students to experience physics and physics-like contents and problems as being personally meaningful and interesting.  相似文献   

解读性阅读取向的是一种强调读者与文本相互作用的阅读取向。本文将这种阅读取向与传统的鉴赏性阅读取向进行比较,得出解读性阅读取向更具科学性和更符合阅读原本意义的结论,从而进一步证明这一阅读取向是落实当前语文课改诸多目标的关键。另外还就解读性阅读取向下的教学策略和对教师的要求等问题也进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

Educational reform policies in the United States promote school choice as a central tool to empower low-income and minoritized families in order to close the achievement gap. However, research on school choice rarely reflects the voice of minoritized families and offers little evidence that choice significantly addresses inequities in educational outcomes. This article analyzes the perspectives of Indigenous parents as they navigate school choice options with their children in the southwestern U.S. Through the conceptual lens of enduring struggle and educational survivance, ethnographic data offers insight into factors significant for three families as they select schools from a highly constrained landscape. Deeper analysis of why Indigenous families reject and select schools reveals an educational landscape fraught with persisting inequities, in spite of choice. The continued silencing of issues relevant to Indigenous education, such as the impacts of colonization, tribal sovereignty, and rights to culturally responsive education marginalize Indigenous voices from the school choice debate. This study adds Indigenous voices to the school choice debate, and contributes new dimensions to parent choice behaviors. Implications support scholarly claims that current school choice policy masks the entrenched operations of race, class and deficit discourse which perpetuate unfavorable school outcomes for Indigenous youth.  相似文献   

This qualitative investigation reports on the use of Parent Resource Centers (PRCs) as a mechanism for parental involvement in public school choice decisions. Interviews with parents and staff at seven PRCs in Florida revealed that PRCs employ multiple strategies to communicate choice information to parents: community-, school- and media-based outreach; outreach to hard-to-reach parents; and collaboration with other agencies. Personalized assistance and provision of choice materials are also highlighted as useful strategies. Results indicate that there is low level of awareness about school choice options among parents and thus clear and consistent communication of choice information is needed. While PRCs hold promise for increasing parental engagement in school choice, structural and systemic barriers to exercising choice decisions such as transportation and collaboration between schools and PRCs should be addressed. Methodologically, this study illustrates the power of triangulating data from parents and PRCs to illuminate our understanding of how parents make choice decisions.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、调查法、逻辑分析法,对中学体育教学模式的选用现状和策略进行了调查研究,结果显示,中学体育教学模式的选用还是以传统的体育教学模式为主,必须更新观念,加强对体育教学模式的掌握,调整体育教学模式的选用种类和频率。  相似文献   

Parental choice of secondary schools is central to the Labour Government's education agenda. This article draws on work from an Economic and Social Research Council funded study considering teachers' and students' perspectives and experiences of choice in two locales. Two distinct ways in which choice operates are identified: overt choice, which is parental choice as Labour's education policy envisages it, and veiled choice, which refers to the previous more clandestine operation of parental choice. The article qualitatively explores students' experiences of choice in East Town with active parental choice, and in North Town where there is a strong tradition of attending the local school. For some students who do not get into their chosen school, choice appears to be having negative effects on their experiences of school, whilst choice has positive effects when students attend a school they actively chose and one which is viewed positively by the community.  相似文献   

美国的学校选择运动可追溯至建国前追求自由意志的理论构想,之后相继演变为白人逃避种族融合和课程创新的遁词、种族融合的推手.在学校选择运动来临之际,选择性学校又变成追求"优异"的补习机构,直到特许学校重塑了学校选择的名声.在不同历史时期,"学校选择"一词被不同的团体利用和再创造,学校选择运动未能坚守其初衷,而基本呈现为一场"脱轨"的运动.  相似文献   

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