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构建高校辅导员团队工作模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校辅导团队工作模式是指高校辅导员在学生工作中以团队的形式负责固定专业或者年级学生的辅导工作,团队成员对学生工作分工负责、相互配合的工作模式.相对于传统的单兵辅导模式而言,团队工作模式具有分担角色压力和避免角色冲突、维护绩效考核的公平公正、促进高校辅导员专业化、保证辅导工作持续性等独特功能.构建高校辅导员团队应该遵循团队成员专业多样化、注重团队和谐、组合自愿等基本原则.  相似文献   

拓展训练能够很好地提高团队成员自我接纳、合作能力、沟通意识以及人际关系等心理健康水平,与团体心理辅导的效果有异曲同工之妙。文章通过团体动力学理论、人本主义学习理论、社会认知理论等详细分析了"拓展训练"与"团体心理辅导"之间的共同要素。  相似文献   

目前高职学生的英语水平普遍不能适应学校和社会的要求.在这种情况下,要迅速提高英语日常教学的实效性,必须抓好课堂教学、教师团队协作、早读辅导、第二课堂、学生自主学习、测试方法改革等六个环节.  相似文献   

探讨美国高校职业生涯辅导体系的特点,介绍美国高校职业生涯辅导咨询工作的服务理念、服务内容、服务团队以及服务模式等状况,对照分析了我国高校咨询工作中存在的若干问题,并通过中美两国的横向比较,提出促进我国高校职业生涯辅导体系的建设和辅导咨询工作进一步发展的建议和思考。  相似文献   

以团队辅导的形式培养学生责任意识是一种体验式学习,通过导入激趣、参与体验、分享交流、整合升华等环节,让学生在参与中体验,在体验中交流,在交流中成长,形成责任意识。团队辅导要合理设计深入探究,要符合大学生的心理特点和学习实际,以期达到良好效应。  相似文献   

当前,随着高校招生规模的迅速扩大,大学生求职问题受到了政府和社会的广泛关注。大学生很难找到工作的原因很多,但不可否认的是,大学生职业价值观是其中一个重要因素。文章运用团队辅导的形式来帮助大学生保持一致的求职态度和行为,以职业价值观的团体活动为研究对象,探讨团队辅导对现代大学生职业价值观指导的重要价值,以期对相关领域的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

团体辅导在大学生心理健康教育课程教学中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合高校课堂教学改革的实际与大学生心理发展特点.提出把团体心理辅导应用在<大学生心理健康教育>课程教学中的设想.从课程对象、团体辅导的优势、课程性质等方面进行必要性与可行性分析,并就教学中班级团队建设和团体辅导活动设计进行了实践探索.  相似文献   

高校网络的建立为学生职业心理辅导提供了技术支持,网络心理辅导的特点使网络职业心理辅导成为传统职业心理辅导的有益补充。基于高校职业心理辅导的网络平台系统,探讨心理辅导的目标、团队建设及网络平台系统的建立和维护,有助于探索高校职业心理辅导的创新途径。  相似文献   

高职旅游管理专业实施“团队导师制“的立足点,是充分发挥教师在教育、教学过程中的主导作用和学生在教育、教学过程中的主体作用,团队导师的工作内容主要集中在学习辅导、生活辅导、职业指导等方面。构建“团队导师制“的实施体系主要包括三个方面:核心课程指导、职业生涯规划指导、社团活动指导,通过专业学习导师、生活指导导师、职业指导导师创新人才培养模式,树立以素质为主线、以能力为本位的新观念,指导人才培养模式的改革。  相似文献   

高校贫困女学生是学生中的一个弱势群体,她们的成长和发展关系到高校的稳定与和谐。在高校贫困女学生中开展自信教育就是要通过加强心理健康教育、开展体验式团队辅导、加强自我意识和理想信念教育、营造良好育人氛围等方面让她们树立自信、增强综合素质、提升就业竞争力,适应社会。  相似文献   

大学毕业生从校园走向社会,存在着诸多方面的不适应现象,主要原因是现行教育制度导致学生的人格不健全以及毕业生缺乏创业精神,知识结构不合理。大学语文教学对大学生良好的人际关系、基本技能、承受挫折的能力与团队精神的培育有重要影响。  相似文献   

Research in Australian business education continues to emphasise the importance of students learning teamwork as an integral part of the undergraduate curriculum. However, entrenched conceptual and practical confusion as to what the term ‘teamwork’ means and how it ought to be enacted remains a vexed issue capable of distorting and diminishing teamwork, learning and related pedagogy. In this paper, we critically re-examine the view that developing teamwork in an undergraduate business degree equips students for work in the real world. By focusing on the ‘real world’ metaphor-in-use in a cross-disciplinary business capstone subject, we interrogate the spatio-temporal dimensions of teamwork and its realist conceptions and performance. The research draws upon the perceptions of interviewed academics conducting teamwork activities in undergraduate business courses and the lived experiences of the authors. The findings highlight how the use of multiple models of teamwork, constructed by competing discourses and linked to the dualities and invocations constructed by ‘the real world’ metaphor, further exacerbate confusion. We suggest re-viewing and re-valuing student teamwork as the performance of situated, social practices opening new spaces for student teamwork, learning and pedagogical practice.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查与访谈发现,当前贵州中小学师德师风建设中存在着一些问题:少数教师敬业精神淡薄、功利思想抬头、合作精神缺乏以及育人意识不强等。教师的正当利益没有得到保证以及市场经济的负面影响等无疑是问题产生的主要原因,因此,要提高贵州中小学师德师风建设的成效,必须审时度势,结合社会转型特点,从关注人性需求入手,采取有针对性的措施。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Throughout the western world a leading example of the educational reforms that have been implemented in the late twentieth and twenty-first century is School-Based Management (SBM), a system designed to improve educational outcome through staff teamwork and self-governance. This research set out to examine the efficacy of teamwork in ten SBM-designated Arab-Bedouin elementary schools in Israel. Two explicit issues were examined: (1) What impact did SBM have on the development of teamwork among the schools' staff? (2) Does the Arab-Bedouin social-cultural context influence implementation of teamwork in SBM schools? The research method consisted of a questionnaire to which 361 teachers/school principals replied, and a semi-structured interview with 30 of the respondents. Results of this study demonstrate that true teamwork does not exist in the schools studied, despite their SBM official status, primarily because the concept of teamwork clashes with the social/cultural norms of traditional Arab-Bedouin society and thus exacerbates conflicts among staff, which then impedes implementation of SBM. In conclusion, this research recommends that for SBM to enable traditional Arab-Bedouin society to benefit from managing its own schools, broad educational changes such as this must be introduced gradually, in a customised, culturally sensitive manner.  相似文献   

基于CDIO理念的1级项目设计与实践   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
现代企业与CDIO工程教育人才培养模式都对学生在技术知识和推理能力、个人职业技能和职业道德、团队协作交流等人际交往技能以及大系统调控能力四个方面的培养提出了很高的要求。而我们的学生由于一直受到应试教育的影响,普遍缺乏学习主动性以及团队合作意识,很少、甚至从未进行过项目创新与设计的训练,缺乏学习目标和自我规划,不理解专业及课程设置的目的与意义。以上的种种问题,使中国大学工科新生的现状与CDIO四大能力之间有着很大差距,因此,尽早对这些新生进行CDIO训练非常必要。本文主要介绍了汕头大学电子工程系在1级项目的初始阶段(cornerstone)对新生进行CDIO理念教育与训练的情况。在该系1级项目的实施过程中,首先由教师向学生讲授CDIO基本理念与方法,并向学生全面介绍基于CDIO理念而设置的本专业课程计划;其次,通过剖析一个具有普遍性与代表性的电子产品结构与设计,使学生认识到产品与专业课程之间的有机联系,明确专业与课程设置的目的与意义;再次,通过组织学生去企业参观、请企业高层管理者讲演等形式,使学生了解企业运作的规律,及其对人才的要求及标准;最后,通过一个实际项目的设计,使学生直接体验设计与创新。通过2006、2...  相似文献   

Team-based projects are widely used in both traditional face-to-face and online programs in higher education. To date, the teamwork experiences of students in each modality have been documented primarily through evaluative research conducted over short spans of time and limited by a priori frameworks. The literature also reflects a lack of agreement about what constitutes the phenomenon of teamwork in each modality. In order to address these limitations, we conducted a phenomenological study examining the lived experiences of teamwork among students in both face-to-face and online MBA programs in Iran. Our analysis revealed striking commonalities in the experiences of both groups, including a shared desire for effective leadership to alleviate the problem of free riders, as well as substantial time and effort invested in retaining reliable teammates from one team project to another. In other respects, face-to-face and online students’ experience differed strongly. For example, while face-to-face participants pursued teammates with similar beliefs about how teamwork should be accomplished, online participants found themselves pre-occupied with staying connected with their teammates and struggled to establish common communication channels with each and every team member. Overall, our findings suggest that while training and support for student teamwork can partly build on the shared needs among students in both modalities, the nature of the experience in each modality may be so different in vital respects that engaging in one mode of teamwork does not necessarily prepare students to participate well in the other mode. Other implications and limitations of the research are discussed.  相似文献   

鉴于CDIO的高职数据库课程教学目标解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职数据库技术课程中采用的项目化教学通常由于过于强调项目的引领而忽视了项目研发的工程背景(包括项目组织、进度管理、角色组织等形成学生工程素养的工程环境)的重要性,造成高职学生专业技能的局限性较大,在分析问题、道德素质的培养,以及人际交往技能、团队协作和交流,在企业和社会环境中构思、设计、实施和运行方面得到的训练极为欠缺,能力的培养缺乏系统性。引入CDIO工程教育理念,借鉴CDIO的能力标准,重新对高职学生的数据库技术课程教学目标进行解析,为本课程教学体系的建构进一步理清思路,使能力能力培养更为系统,更接近工程实质,实践性更强。  相似文献   

通过问卷和访谈对浙江省2117名涉外专业大学毕业生可雇佣性现状和605家涉外企事业单位人才需求进行调查。调查包含5个维度(专业技能、沟通技能、个人属性、人际技能、团队技能)共19项指标。结果显示雇主较为看重的可雇佣性技能是:诚信、与不同文化背景的人共事、外语水平、解决专业问题、团队合作。这与其对毕业生可雇佣性现状的评价中,解决专业问题、与不同文化背景的人共事、团队合作等能力评价不高形成差异。高校涉外专业在设计人才培养方案时应注意提升学生相关的雇佣性能力。  相似文献   

互作教学不仅是一种教学策略和学习方式,还是一种生活态度。本文就大学公共俄语课堂教学中互作学习的应用进行了讨论。认为通过互作学习,可以强化学生的社会交往意识和社会角色规范,还可培养学生的任务意识、互作意识、责任感及团结互作精神,能为学生积累一定的社会经验,这些都有利于学生的长远发展,并且互作教学顺应了目前所倡导的素质教育要求,有利于发展学生的智力,培养学生的情感。  相似文献   

The role of engineering in promoting global well-being has become accentuated, turning the engineering curriculum into a means of dividing well-being equally. The gradual fortifying calls for humanitarian engineering have resulted in the incorporation of social responsibility themes in the university curriculum. Cooperation, communication, teamwork, intercultural cooperation, sustainability, social and global responsibility represent the socio-cultural dimensions that are becoming increasingly important as globalisation intensifies the demands for socially and globally adept engineering communities. This article describes an experiment, the Development Cooperation Project, which was conducted at Aalto University in Finland to integrate social responsibility themes into higher engineering education.  相似文献   

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