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网络时代的教学设计理论发展应关注的几个问题   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
教学设计理论的一个最基本的前提假设是 :学习的发生和维持存在着充分条件。教学设计理论的第二条假设是学习发生和维持的充分条件由以下几方面构成 :学习者自身的学习准备 ;有效的学习动力维持系统 ;有效的学习外部行为和活动系统 ;有效的学习环境 ;有效的信息传递。教学设计理论的第三条假设是 :教学设计的设计对象有三 :学习活动、学习环境和媒体传递 ,并且这三个设计对象构成了层次关系。根据网络在活动、环境和媒体传递这三个设计对象中所能发挥的作用 ,该文作者认为至少以下这些问题需要理论研究者关注 :网络环境下协作学习策略的研究 ;如何设计基于资源和工具的学习任务 ;完善学习目标和学习者特征的分析框架 ;如何根据电子信息对教学问题进行诊断  相似文献   

统编高中语文教材每个单元后面均设置单元学习任务,为开展大单元教学提供了教学设计的范例。单元学习任务中多项任务的布局、单项任务的构成组成其编写特点;如何将理念具化为教学项目,为教师提供借鉴和引领,为学生提供方法和指导是其价值的再现。教学应按照单元学习任务开展;选择、改造学习任务,设计新的学习任务,为任务群视角下的大单元教学提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于认知负荷理论的复杂学习整体任务设计探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前的教学设计趋向于聚焦真实的学习任务,但由于这些任务的复杂性,使学习者的学习受到阻碍。文章基于认知负荷理论介绍了复杂学习任务的设计,并结合认知负荷理论具体探讨了如何通过降低认知负荷来进行复杂学习的整体任务设计。  相似文献   

任务型教学是指基于课程改革理论,以学习者为中心,以完成交际性学习任务为教学目标的一种新颖教学方法。任务的类型由真实性(real-world)和教学型(pedagogic)的交际任务组成。任务的设计应由简到繁、由易到难、层层深入。本文系统地阐述了任务型教学的概念、特点及优势,以及在实际教学中,如何运用任务型学习的理论,设计课堂教学的策略和方法,以达到强化教学内容的实践性、提高语言交际能力等目的。  相似文献   

针对当前职业学校教学中的典型问题,本文倡导基于智性学习任务设计与处理的教学策略,阐述了它的理论基础、设计与反思的维度、可能的教学演进过程;分析了教师在这一策略中的创造、编制与实施的典型困难,提出应区别工作任务和学习任务,丰富教学实践中运用的任务类型,学习任务的设计应成为当前教学改革之工作重心,而教师学习共同体的建设则是促进任务开发的重要组织手段。  相似文献   

语文学习任务群是由相互关联的系列学习任务组成,“学习任务”是指在语文学习情境中为了达到既定的学习目标而提出的实践活动,因此根据学习目标有目的地设计具有内在逻辑关系的一系列学习任务,契合学习任务群的理念。一线教师关注的是如何将学习任务群这一概念落实到课堂中,“任务分析”理论恰好能帮助教师解决教学中如何从“学习目标”转化到“学习任务”的问题。  相似文献   

新课标颁布后,学习任务群教学目前是中学语文教学关注的热点.作为语文教学的依据,我们如何理解新课程标准中的学习任务群概念?在新课标理念下,什么样的语文教学才是符合课标理念的学习任务群教学?学习任务群教学的难点之一是情境任务设计,我们如何在语文教学中进行情境任务和学习活动设计?通过对一堂阅读教学课的观察,尝试从实践的视角对...  相似文献   

教学设计理论中亟待研究的几个问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目前的教学设计理论存在脱离教学实际,对教学问题的诊断、解决力度不够的缺陷,究其原因,我们认为教学设计理论本身存在着一些没有解决的问题。这些理论问题主要包括实用化的教学问题诊断方法、学习行为的分析方法、学习任务的设计方法、学习环境的设计方法和针对综合性教学目标的教学决策的依据。  相似文献   

让学生完成什么任务实现有效学习是任务中心整体化教学设计的核心内容,也是第一个环节,它直接影响教学设计的质量。本文围绕如何进行学习任务设计提出三个需解决的关键问题,并且通过分析提出解决问题的策略。  相似文献   

本文介绍了作者对过去30年在线学习研究的研究进展。研究如何设计在线教学是将学习科学应用于教育的一个案例。在线教学设计研究有助于发展学习科学(如认知负荷理论、多媒体学习的认知理论,以及学习的元认知、动机和情感的综合),教学科学(如有研究证据的教学设计原理不断发展)和评估科学(如多侧面的迁移测试,同时辅以保持测试和自我调查报告,学习过程中的日志文件数据,以及学习认知过程中的认知神经科学测量等)。文中反复提到的观点:学习有赖于运用教学方法,而不是单凭教学媒体就能够奏效的,在线教学设计研究应该关注数字化学习环境的特性;教学实践应建立在严谨、系统的研究基础上,包括旨在确定在线教学中有效成分的增值实验;在线学习研究应确定教学技术最有效的边界条件;在线学习研究应该起到检验和发展学习理论的作用。  相似文献   

林岚 《南平师专学报》2006,25(1):109-111
学习感知倾向是学习者个体差异因素之一,而学习的感知模式是学习风格的分类之一。由于个体通过不同的方式对信息进行感知和处理,所以,在安排教学方法时,学习风格是需要考虑的一个重要因素。而学生对自己在什么情况下能达到最好学习效果的分析不准确也可能导致事倍功半。因此,本文中作者主要对大学生在英语学习过程中所表现出来的感知倾向结果进行讨论,分析其特点,同时提出促进英语学习的建议。  相似文献   

This article is an account of how the author developed a comprehensive understanding of human learning over a period of almost 50 years. The learning theory includes the structure of learning, different types of learning, barriers of learning as well as how individual dispositions, age, the learning environment and general social and societal conditions influence learning possibilities. All this started when the author, aged 27, broke off his career as a travel agent and joined a course for matriculation at the university. He found this course extremely ineffective and got the idea that a firm knowledge about how human learning takes place might be a starting point for the development of more engaging and effective learning, teaching, schooling and education. Over the years, he gathered inspiration from a broad range of learning theorists such as Piaget, Rogers, Ausuble, Leithäuser, Schön, Kolb, Furth, Mezirow, Kegan and his own Danish instructor, Thomas Nissen. But the theory was built up as his own structure by critically adding new elements from the examination of other theories and carefully analysing experience from teaching, supervising and observing learning courses at all levels from primary school to adult education and university studies.  相似文献   

适应新的发展取向的学习类型多样化探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国现行的学习概念主要是指“书本知识学习”,这种单一的学习类型观造成学生身心发展极端片面。为适应新课程改革倡导的新的发展取向的要求,我们应建立学习类型多样化的观念。区别于心理学主要从学习的结果和机制划分学习的类型,我们可以根据人的生活所面对的活动对象或领域的不同,将学习划分为符号学习、交往学习、操作学习、观察学习、反思学习等类型。不同类型的学习对于学生身心发展具有不同的价值,同时也存在各自的局限性。为了促进学生身心素质的全面发展,应该实现学习类型的多样化,以达到不同类型学习发展功能的互补和配合。  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to determine the differential emotional reactions of students to positive, neutral, and negative affect in nonverbal teacher behavior. Responses were studied across two grade levels and across race. A stratified random sample of 120 students was selected and randomly assigned to experimental conditions. Emotional reactions were measured by a semantic differential. Analysis of variance and Tukey post hoc tests showed that black second graders evaluated the neutral teacher most positively, while white second graders and sixth graders of both races tended to evaluate the positive teacher most positively.  相似文献   

This study examined teachers’ learning situated in a school to reveal factors that support and hinder learning in the workplace. The investigation analyzed teachers’ orientation to learning, examining beliefs, practices, and experiences about teachers’ learning in relation to change in the workplace. A hypothesis is that teacher learning and change is complex and unable to be fully understood outside of practice. Evidence is provided on the factors and forms of learning activities that appear to strengthen an expansive learning environment and those which contribute to a more restrictive learning environment. A distinctive finding was that teachers’ orientation to learning is related to self-reported change. Another promising finding with the potential of better understanding the interrelated combination of how teachers’ beliefs, practices, and workplace factors influence change was related to dissonance for learning. The implications for practice involved determining how to continue to support and strengthen an expansive workplace learning environment.  相似文献   

Extrapolating from current developments in the study of learning and imagining how learning might be shaped moving forward, this article considers 12 trends concerning the future of learning. Learning will become more diverse, more contextual, less discipline-bound, and less institutionally-bound. It will span professional and institutional sectors, and move beyond national borders. It will move increasingly online and extend beyond humans to encompass machines and machine/human blends. It will become more interactive, more distributed, and more biologically connected. Drawing on an understanding of these trends, new roles for teachers and for educational institutions are developed. The result is that learning is likely to occur through multiple discovery networks that blend research and teaching to address real world problems in environments supported by robust software infrastructures. Multiple nested discovery networks will operate on a global scale and be negotiated by individual learners sometimes guided by teachers. Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future—Niels Bohr The future is already here - it’s just unevenly distributed—William Gibson The best way to predict the future is to invent it—Alan Kay  相似文献   

本研究从"行为-效果"两个维度设计了调查问卷,并从清华大学2020年春季学期参加在线学习的本科生和研究生中随机抽样,调查学生在线学习的行为特征、学习效果和主要挑战。研究发现,疫情期间的在线教学总体上取得预期成效,学生的学习行为表现出较强的适应性和可控性,但不同群体的学生存在差异。在线学习也面临一些挑战:生生互动减少、居家学习效率低、学习专注力不够、动作技能训练欠缺等问题需要引起关注。建议未来的在线教学,在外部条件保障不减的前提下,注重激发学生学习的内在动力、提升学生的自主学习能力,并通过完善支架教学、鼓励朋辈学习等方式促进学生学习参与。  相似文献   

学习究竟是什么?——多学科视野中的学习研究论纲   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
学习是当代多学科共同探索的前沿和热门话题,而且成为关心人类命运的企业家和政治家们所必须面对的重大课题,由此推动着全球范围内创建学习型组织和学习化社会的时代潮流一本文从中国文化传统和西方心理学对学习概念的两种解读入手,剖析了目前学习理论的成就与局限性,然后将学习研究的视野从微观扩展到宏观,从个体扩展到团队与社会,分别从教育哲学、管理科学、教育技术学、历史哲学和哲学人类学的广阔视野,对人类学习活动进行了理论探索,提出并论证了与生产方式同一层次的“学习方式”范畴,提出“学习是人类自身再生产的社会实践活动”,“学习的本质是人类个体和人类整体的自我意识与自我超越”,认为“发展自身的人类学习能力同改造外部世界的人类生产能力(生产力)共同构成人类生存发展的基础、动力和源泉”,并倡导创建一套能够从历史哲学的广阔视野来透视、解读和预测人类复杂学习活动及其矛盾运动的理论,从总体上认识和把握人类学习活动的特点和发展规律,使我国当前所倡导的“科学发展观”具有更坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   


Context-based learning (CBL) has influenced teaching and learning science in many countries over the past decades. Twelve years ago, a special issue on CBL was published in this Journal, focusing on CBL curriculum development. Seven papers in this current special issue on CBL now address the question of how a context influences the learning process. The papers focus on the stimulation of learning STEM subjects within contexts, how the learning process occurs and is enhanced, and the application of contexts in different settings. The approaches, results, and implications of the papers are located in a larger view that considers the question of what must be the case if a student not only engages in the tasks of learning but also succeeds at them. Concerning willingness and effort by learners, the papers draw conclusions about which STEM-related interests of students endure and are ephemeral across a decade, design criteria for maximising students’ situational interest, and students’ engagement with content and context simultaneously. Focusing on the opportunity to teach and learn, the papers reveal how a professional development approach functions to support STEM teachers to develop CBL materials, and how specific scaffolding acts in teaching bring students to more complex reasoning. Regarding good teaching, insights are offered on how metacognitive prompts improve teaching. Centring on the social surround that supports teaching and learning, a comparison of two contexts for teaching the same content reveals which aspects of the contexts move student learning forward. From this mapping, paths toward future research are projected.  相似文献   

迟振峰 《沧州师专学报》2007,23(1):105-105,108
成人英语教学是我国成人高等教育的一环,有着自身的特点和规律.通过对成人学习动机、学习策略以及学习环境的分析,提出了要充分发挥成人学习的优势调动成人学习的积极性,以期取得最佳学习效果.  相似文献   

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