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学校课程涵盖了学生在校学习的所有经历:为了更好地践行“引领学生更好发展”的学校办学理念,上海外国语大学附属大境中学以培养学生“学习素养”为价值取向,探索有学校特色、立足学生发展的“学养”课程架构和实施策略,加强“学养”课程的开发建设,全面提升学生素养,促进学生的可持续发展。将教育教学改革的着力点与课程实施突破点聚焦在“学养”课程之中,旨在推动学校课程内涵、功能、结构、管理、教学、评价等实践研究,努力使课程成为培养和造就人才的重要载体,为学生学会学习、终身发展打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

In 2011 we, a group of English-as-a-foreign-language teachers at a secondary school in Argentina, decided to investigate our teaching practices through collaborative action research so as to improve our students’ learning opportunities and thus revitalise English-language teaching in our context. We implemented and evaluated the integration of content and language learning in our classrooms through the development of our own materials. The experience revealed a growth in professional development and how our motivation and autonomy influenced our students’ motivation and language development. In our attempt to disseminate our experience as a group, this report particularly focuses on the evaluation facets of our collaborative action research project so as to encourage other teachers and teacher-researchers to adopt collaborative action research to improve their own practices.  相似文献   

我院对省教育厅组织的专业评估给予了高度重视。专业评估对促进我院正确办学理念、教育观念的形成;对我院教师角色的转换和师资队伍的建设;对实践性教学强化;对学院管理规范化;对教学质量的全面提高等都有极其重要的促进作用。我院必须抓住专业评估的契机,找出不足,采取积极应对措施,努力提高我院的办学水平。  相似文献   


The desire to understand our questioning practices as relational led us to use collaborative self-study to construct images of our questioning practice within our mathematics teacher education practices. In a prior exploration of written feedback we had begun to consider how our practices supported relationships with preservice teachers. As a result, we began to consider ways we engaged preservice teachers during instruction and wondered how our questions supported or constrained growth of relationships. In this article we share ways our expectations for what we call balance in our questioning practices were disrupted. We describe three waves of inquiry that gave form to our exploration and resulted in awareness of the role and anticipation of imbalance in our questioning practice. Each new wave resulted from findings of the previous waves and pushed us back to the research literature and forward to new images of our questioning. We tell our story using one episode from our practice, images of that practice shared at the 2018 Castle Conference, and lenses that help us anticipate imbalance in our practice.  相似文献   

Us and them: Finding irony in our teaching methods   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper reports a collaborative project to explore our work as teacher educators, an effort to reconstruct a stance for ourselves in relation to our students. Our analysis is aligned with feminist post-modern perspectives, involving a reflexive representation of our teaching identities. To collect these expressions, we kept a real-time dialogue journal, sitting together weekly over the course of a semester, writing to each other in conversation about our ongoing interactions with students. We reviewed these written records looking for contradictions in our talk about our students and our methods of instruction. This paper shares our discovery of the ironic in our desires for authoritative knowledge, effective methods, coherent organization, and harmonic relationships that mirrored our students' requests of us. We suggest the importance of planting seeds of irony alongside our teaching recommendations, so that our students might recognize and embrace the limitations of our authority. I wonder about the value in talking about what concerns us in our teaching. The labels we dredge up get us to the same old places where we win, students struggle, and colleagues don't get it. Well, I don't usually get it either. I mean, I think you can get used to an audience and figure out how to address it, and that might get you good course evaluations. But to what end? (Hinchman, 9 September 1995).  相似文献   

公民道德权利是公民社会建构的主要内容。目前我国公民社会初步形成,但由于受传统文化的影响和政治经济条件的制约,公民道德权利严重缺失。因此,强化公民权利意识、培育公民公共精神、健全公民权利保护机制是构建公民社会和维护公民道德权利的有效途径。  相似文献   

色彩信息与我们的生活紧密相连,将色彩科学理论推广到现实生活中去应用已迫在眉睫,色彩信息已成为一种色彩文化,它促进生产、生活的发展,改变我们的生活环境,提高生活质量,有益于身心健康,它是国家繁荣发达、科技进步的标志。  相似文献   

无论走到哪,想起故乡,总会有一股温柔萦绕在心间.故乡有自己的父老乡亲,有自己的童年.故乡给予我们的既有痛苦的东西,也有快乐的东西.每每回味故乡,便是对自己的人生进行一次次洗礼.  相似文献   

This article is an account of a collaborative self-study of the process of providing written feedback on assessment to our teacher education students. Our five-year study grew out of concerns that written feedback might not always meet the learning needs of our students. The study was informed by on-going analysis of our reading of the relevant literature, our experience conducting a qualitative research study of students' perceptions of written feedback on assessment, and our professional conversations along the way. We became increasingly aware that our personal beliefs about learning and teaching underpin our respective approaches to providing written feedback on assessment. The process of critical reflection enabled us to achieve a congruence of professional practice that resolved our concerns about the nature of written feedback and enhanced our respective pedagogical practices.  相似文献   

高等职业教育中的人文素质教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
加强人素质教育,是人才成长的需要,是社会的需要,同时也是中华民族复兴的需要。高职院校要通过人素质教育,提高学生的综合素质和职业能力,使其成为社会需要的高等技术应用性专门人才,成为社会主义事业的建设和接班人。  相似文献   

In this self-study we examine our collaborative practice across two undergraduate early childhood education methods courses. Framed by our larger question of how teachers and teacher educators do school, we drew on multiple data sources to investigate how we were modeling teaching, listening, and learning to and with these students in our science and literacy courses. Through our analysis, we identified three categories of connectedness that define our collaborative approach: (1) collaboration as intellectual connectedness, (2) community as emotional connectedness, and (3) integrated disciplines as pedagogical connectedness. In this paper we address these areas of connectedness across disciplines and model our approach using reconstructed dialogue and analysis of our collaborative process to illustrate our actual practice. Through our discussion and joint narrative we hope to highlight the value inherent in small moments of communication.  相似文献   

There is a growing realization that many of our social systems and organizations are out-of-sync with the new realities of the recently emerged post-industrial, information/knowledge age. These new realities are touching the lives of every individual, every family and community, the host of organizations of our public and private sectors, and our overall society. They affect the future of humanity as a whole. Questions arise. What are these new realities? What are the meanings of societal transformations? What is our role in facing the massive changes that confront us today? Are we only spectators of these changes? Are we their victims? Are we at the mercy of others who control these changes and the experts who design systems for us? Or is it up to us to shape our future and create and recreate the systems to which we belong? What kind of capacities and capabilities should we develop that will allow us to design our own lives, shape our systems, and give direction to the evolution of our communities, our organizations, and our society? I have struggled and worked with these questions over the last three decades. They have been the focus of my research and teaching. I explore these questions in this paper in order to define an approach—the systems design approach—by which we can individually and collectively create a better future for ourselves, our families, our communities and our society while enhancing human performance, adding value to our organizations, and most importantly, creating just and ethical systems for future generations.  相似文献   

随着社会的快速发展,对外交流的进一步深入,国际上对翻译人才的需求量越来越大。复合型、应用型翻译人才的奇缺已成为不争的事实,单一外语专业知识和基础技能型翻译人才已显现出对市场的不适应。我们的本科翻译教学必须适应这种变化,改进陈旧落后的教学方法,适应职业市场对翻译人才的要求。  相似文献   

资格刑作为一项刑罚手段,在刑罚体系中发挥着不可或缺的重要作用,但我国的资格刑的有关规定和具体内容却由于种种原因而差强人意,这在很大程度上影响了我国刑法的完整性与科学性.鉴于我国正全方位地改革开放,在经济全球化的背景下,司法走向世界也是历史的必然.因此,借鉴国外立法经验,结合我国国情完善我们的刑罚体系就十分必要.本试图通过比较国内外刑法在资格刑问题上的有关规定,进而探询我国刑法在此方面的不足,并提出了相应的修改与完善意见.  相似文献   

逻辑学是一门基础性、工具性、人文性的学科.学习逻辑学有其必要性和可能性.其作用在于,可以突破经验逻辑的束缚,跳出思维的陷阱.其意义在于,可以培养自己认识世界的方法,有助于提高沟通交际的能力,有助于提高批判性思维的能力,有助于提高人文精神,有助于提高创新能力与创新精神,有助于应试社会思维能力素质考试,有助于培养逻辑精神,有助于不同文化之间思想方式的沟通.  相似文献   

以净资产收益率代表我国上市公司的盈利能力,以上证收盘综合指数代表我国的资本市场,以1991~2010年的数据为研究对象,通过VEC模型分析表明:我国上市公司的盈利能力与我国的资本市场之间存在着长期的均衡关系;我国的上市公司和我国的资本市场之间彼此存在着负向的影响;我国的上市公司主要是受自身因素的影响,我国的资本市场在短期内主要是自身因素的影响,在长期内会受到我国上市公司的影响。  相似文献   

在我国革命、建设和改革开放的长期实践中,构建社会主义和谐社会是我们党不懈奋斗的目标。我们党进行了艰辛探索和不懈努力,对社会和谐的认识不断深化,不断发展了具有中国特色的社会主义社会建设理论。构建社会主义和谐社会,是我们党从中国特色社会主义事业总体布局和全面建设小康社会全局出发提出的重大战略任务,是我国社会主义现代化建设经验和社会主义社会建设理论的科学总结,是我们党不懈奋斗的历史必然。  相似文献   

There is little research that investigates the relationship between mothering and teaching. Even less has been revealed about teaching and the mothering experience of women who are also teachers. Here we examine how the learning gained from teaching is highlighted and clarified by studying stories of mothering. By examining stories of motherhood, we observe the specific impact of mothering on teaching beliefs and how also being a mother profoundly influences teaching. Our stories reveal at least four recurring themes. Firstly, the stories explored moments of feeling inadequate, giving us the opportunity to question and evaluate our teaching and mothering. Secondly, our stories reveal our care toward students and therefore our vulnerability to students' willingness to learn. Thirdly, our stories show the great value that we place on building relationships with our students, with our children, and with each other. Lastly, the act of writing, reading, and sharing our stories helps us soften our hearts and allows us to see our teaching and mothering roles in new ways.  相似文献   

There is a growing realization that many of our social systems and organizations are out-of-syne with the new realities of the recently emerged post-industrial, information/knowledge age. These new realities are touching the lives of every individual, every family and community, the host of organizations of our public and private sectors. and our overall society. They affect the future of humanity as a whole. Questions arise. What are these new realities? What are the meanings of societal transformations? What is our role in facing the massive changes that confront us today? Are we only spectators of these changes? Are we their victims? Are we at the mercy of others who control these changes and the experts who design systems for us? Or is it up to us to shape; our future and create and recreate the systems to which we belong? What kind of capacities and capabilities should we develop that will allow us to design our own lives, shape our systems, and give direction to the evolution of our communities. our organizations, and our society? I have struggled and worked with these questions over the last three decades. They have been the focus of my research and teaching. I explore these questions in this paper in order to define an approach–the systems design approach–by which we can individually and collectively create a better future for ourselves, our families, our communities and our society while enhancing human performance, adding value to our organizations, and most importantly, creating just and ethical systems for future generations.  相似文献   

深化国企改革 提高国企经济效益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国国有企业是国民经济的支柱,是国家财政收入的重要来源,是国家经济命脉的控制者,是国家经济竞争和综合国力的主要体现力量,国企的这些重要战略地位决定了国企在经济体制改革中所处的地位。但是我国目前国有企业总体效益较差,国有企业要想在国际竞争中站稳脚跟,并获得发展,必须要转换机制,建立现代企业制度,完善社会保障体系,改善和创新企业经营管理,努力提高经济效益。  相似文献   

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