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This paper draws on doctoral research exploring the lived experiences of secondary school students during their first year of A-level study, through the theoretical lens of the Threshold Concept Framework. A longitudinal design frame based on Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis is employed, thus providing an original use of this methodology in education research to address the paucity of inquiry exploring the difficulties experienced by students as they transition from the General Certificate in Secondary Education (GCSE) to A-level. In this context, I argue that students’ encounters with threshold concepts (TCs) are significant for them, posing a degree of cognitive and affective challenge which serves to exacerbate the difficulty of transition already caused by increased workload and pressure. The findings offer insights into students’ struggles adjusting to shifting identity and membership of communities further intensified by the integrative, discursive and transformative nature of TC acquisition. The longitudinal research design also surfaces positive aspects of growing awareness of the integrative power of TCs. Recommendations are made for further research involving students, teachers and academics to explore TCs in a range of other subjects and settings in secondary schools in the context of recent and significant changes to GCSE and A-level curricula.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of A-level subject choices at around age 16 for a cohort of students in English schools who completed their studies in 2014. We examined both the National Pupil Database and a unique rich dataset on the subject preferences and subsequent choices between the ages of 16 and 18 (i.e. GCSE and A-level). We found substantive differences between students’ preferences and actual choices of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ post-16 subjects (i.e. A-level). These differences were strongly associated with falsification of students’ expectations of examination grades taken at age 16 (i.e. GCSE) in the core subjects of English and mathematics. The sizes of these falsification effects were much larger than other significant associations such as gender, ethnicity, and social class. This suggests that subject choices are not rigidly framed by stable individual preferences and they are therefore open to influence from new information, persuasion, and opportunities.  相似文献   

Selection of students for places at universities mainly depends on GCSE grades and predictions of A-level grades, both of which tend to favour applicants from independent schools. We have therefore developed a new type of test that would measure candidates’ ‘deep learning’ approach since this assesses the motivation and creative thinking that we look for in university students. We recruited 526 applicants to Oxford University and gave them a short commentary test and a learning style questionnaire. Specific deep learning approach questions correlated with results in the new test, and both predicted whether the candidate subsequently obtained a place at Oxford. Furthermore high scores on one open-ended commentary question, demanding arguments in favour of a case, produced a greater than 70% chance of obtaining a first class degree at the end of their course irrespective of the candidates’ type of school attended or GCSE scores. Candidates from State schools scored as well as those from Independent schools in both tests. Thus our test seemed to index candidates’ potential to succeed at a highly selective university, and might usefully be added to current selection procedures for such universities.  相似文献   

Using a unique data set, collected from over 1000 A-level students, we obtain evidence of student interest and achievement in their chosen A-level subjects. Ten major A-level subjects are considered with particular attention focused on economics, a subject that has experienced a marked decline in popularity (by over 50%) in the 1990s. A key finding is that students of economics under-perform in economics relative to both their other chosen A-levels and their GCSE performance. This finding is outstanding amongst the major A-levels. We conclude that students may be discouraged from the study of A-level economics by relatively severe grading at the mid-point of A-level study. Some positive action by the profession may be needed to stem fears of further decline in student take-up in the new AS-level environment where students may choose to discontinue some of their subjects at the end of one year of study.  相似文献   

A key predictor of young people’s future outcomes is their level of academic achievement whilst at school. In England this is most commonly measured by achievement in GCSEs. However, not all pupils will have taken the same set of GCSE examinations as, for example, they may make different subject choices. For this reason, GCSE performance is often aggregated into a simple measure such as ‘mean GCSE grade’ before being used in statistical models. This paper investigates the merits of using an alternative method, based upon the relatively new technique of Generalised Boosting Models, which does not require for GCSE results in different subjects to be aggregated together. The importance of this research is that by evaluating the predictive performance of such a method we can ascertain how much useful information is lost in the process of GCSE aggregation. The results show that traditional predictions based upon simple aggregated measures of GCSE attainment are fairly similar to those based upon the more complex approach. This provides some confidence that, for the majority of outcomes, only a small amount of predictive information will be lost through the use of aggregated measures of GCSE performance.  相似文献   

The establishment of single sex classes in mixed secondary schools has been proposed as a strategy to increase the participation and achievement of girls in physics. This paper reports some findings from a three-year longitudinal case study of two single sex GCSE physics classes in a mixed comprehensive school in England. The results indicate that girls who elected to study physics in a single sex class gain confidence in the subject over the GCSE course, that gain in confidence is associated with better GCSE achievement, and that this increases the likelihood of studying A-level physics.  相似文献   

The research undertaken by John Dunkerton, Senior Teacher at Exhall Grange School in Coventry, provides important statistical evidence about the achievements of visually impaired students in GCSE and A-level examinations.  相似文献   


This article draws on three sources of evidence that together indicate hermeneutical weaknesses in exam courses on Christianity in English Religious Education (RE). It scrutinises a single exam paper and an associated text book from a recent authorised course. It conceptually explores features of a new style of long Religious Studies (RS) exam question that is commonly set for the majority of students studying for a RS qualification at 15–16 years old. It combines these documentary sources with a focus group interview of teachers in the first year of teaching the new GCSE Religious Studies. The findings from the document analysis, conceptual analysis and focus group interview, together concur that there is a problem related to the use of fragmentary texts and the promotion of a particularly propositional conception of religion. These features are structured in by systemic elements. A small proportion of students follow text-based GCSE routes include a more detailed study of Biblical texts but the majority of 15–16-year-old students do not and so are exposed to this problem. These weaknesses could be ‘designed out’ of exams with smarter questions and mitigated against by curriculum content that specified the study of how texts are interpreted, as well as teacher expertise in the teaching and practise of hermeneutics.  相似文献   


This paper considers whether subject choice at 14–16 influences post-16 transitions, taking into account prior academic attainment and school characteristics, and if so, whether this accounts for socioeconomic, gender, and ethnic differences in access to post-16 education. We consider post-16 progression to full-time education, A-levels, and studying two or more facilitating subjects at A-level. We use ‘Next Steps’, a study of 16,000 people born in England in 1989–1990, linked to administrative education records (the National Pupil Database). We find that students pursuing an EBacc-eligible curriculum at 14–16 had a greater probability of progression to all post-16 educational outcomes, while the reverse was true for students taking an applied GCSE subject. Curriculum differences did not explain the social class differences in post-16 progression, but an academic curriculum was equally valuable for working-class as for middle-class pupils. Pursuing an EBacc-eligible curriculum particularly strongly increased the chances of girls and white young people staying in the educational pipeline, whereas applied subjects were particularly detrimental for girls. An EBacc-eligible curriculum at age 14–16 increased the chances of studying subjects preferred by Russell Group universities at A-level.  相似文献   

Self-direction has been identified as a potential key to the success of professional development of teachers, especially those working in deprived environments. This paper develops a model for self-directed professional development using interview data from 55 Zimbabwean A-level Science and Mathematics teachers. It focuses on teachers' decisions about using ICT in their own professional development. Grounded theory analysis suggests seven themes underlying such decisions making, in turn representing two major attractors of self-directed professional development. These were identified as classroom efficacy, i.e. the ability to teach effectively, and professional efficacy, i.e. the ability to relate effectively within the teaching profession. This paper explores the potential of using these attractors to stimulate self-directed professional development within formal professional development programmes especially in disadvantaged communities.  相似文献   

This article reports on a longitudinal study of the relationship between teaching and learning styles and retention and achievement on an A-level programme in a college of further education. Honey and Mumford's (1986) learning styles questionnaire was completed by A-level students at the beginning of their programme of study and their scores as activists, pragmatists, reflectors and theorists were recorded. The A-level tutors completed a teaching styles questionnaire and their scores were also recorded. The majority of A-level students and tutors were reflectors. Students who withdrew within their first year and between the first and second years of study were interviewed about their reasons for withdrawal. The findings were that a larger number of activists withdrew in the early stages of their study than would be expected by their representation in the overall cohort. The students' final results, in terms of high raw scores and results above what would be expected based on GCSE performance, were compared with their learning styles. In this cohort of students it was found that having a high theorist tendency is beneficial to this type of academic study.  相似文献   

视频素材是构成教学视频案例的主要素材单元,它的质量好坏将直接影响案例成品的最终效果。中小学教学视频案例视频素材主要由教师课前的教材及学生分析、课堂教学实录、课后教师总结及反思、专家点评、同行交流、学生反馈六个单元构成。教学视频案例视频素材的制作流程为:了解拍摄案例的拍摄内容及要求,设计拍摄方案,实际拍摄,采集编辑视频素材形成流媒体格式素材文件。技术要领包括拍摄场地的选择、具体拍摄时的设备要求及后期素材编辑。  相似文献   

Science and religion are two indisputably profound and durable cultural forces with a complex history of interaction. As ASTE members are aware, these interactions often manifest themselves in classrooms and in the surrounding communities. In this essay, we encourage science teacher educators to broaden their perspectives of science–religion interactions so that they may better assist pre- and in-service science teachers with addressing topics such as the age and origins of the universe and biological evolution in an appropriate manner. We first introduce some foundational scholarship into the historical interactions between science and religion as well as current efforts to maintain healthy dialogue between perspectives that are frequently characterized as innately in conflict with or mutually exclusive of one another. Given that biological evolution is the dominant science–religion issue of our day, in particular in the USA, we next summarize the origins and strategies of anti-evolution movements via the rise and persistence of Christian Fundamentalism. We then summarize survey and qualitative sociological research indicating disparities between academic scientists and the general public with regard to religious beliefs to help us further understand our students’ worldviews and the challenges they often face in campus-to-classroom transitions. We conclude the essay by providing resources and practical suggestions, including legal considerations, to assist science teacher educators with their curriculum and outreach.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the place of photography in formal education. It is argued that as a specific subject of study photography remains marginal within primary and secondary education, and is viewed predominantly as a leisure activity or as a vocational subject more appropriate to further education. Despite this however, it is argued that photography can make a unique contribution to general education, and that it is particularly well placed for teachers seeking to develop innovative and cross-curricular work. Two contexts for photography in education are considered in detail: GCSE and ‘A’ level photography; and the National Curriculum for Art, and GCSE art and design examinations. In conclusion I look at the potential photography offers for developing cross-curricular work in formal education.  相似文献   

This research examines the problems that religious Jewish science teachers in Israeli high schools have in coping with science subjects (such as geological time) which conflict with their religious beliefs. We do this by characterizing the philosophical approaches within Judaism that such teachers have adopted for dealing with such controversy. Thus, we surveyed 56 religious teachers using a Likert‐type questionnaire developed for this research, as well as interviewed 11 teachers to more deeply probe their approaches. In addition, we surveyed 15 religious scientists, so that we could both contrast their views with our teacher samples as well as to better understand their coping strategies when confronted by scientific topics that challenge their beliefs. Results indicated that no single philosophical approach earned overwhelming support from the teachers or scientists. Instead, most of the subjects relate separately to each source of possible conflict in accordance with the philosophical approach that appears to be the most fruitful for resolving such conflicts. Moreover, both the scientists and the teachers felt less conflicted toward the specific subject of geological time, in comparison to issues connected to creation of the earth and (especially) evolution. The teachers did differ from the scientists in their preference toward philosophical approaches which help them better integrate the domains of science and religion. Based on our findings, we are able to suggest a set of strategies to help teachers overcome their difficulties in teaching ‘controversial’ science topics to a religiously oriented student population.  相似文献   

The ability of teachers to enter candidates for appropriate combinations of differentiated papers is considered. The results of experimental work suggest that teachers would be able to predict their pupils’ examination performance accurately enough to enter almost all pupils at appropriate levels of such examinations; and that they would be able to do this as early as the January preceding the examination. However, they will be able to enter candidates effectively only if the standards required for the overlapping grades are the same at all levels of an examination. There is some evidence to suggest that this condition may not always hold. In addition, results from some Joint 16+ examinations suggest that there may be a considerable number of inappropriate entries to GCSE examinations which use differentiated papers.  相似文献   

论北方少数民族节会体育的社会功能及其价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用文献资料法和社会调查法,对北方少数民族节会体育进行了综合考察,认为:节会体育是北方少数民族节会活动的主要组成部分,也是北方少数民族文化的重要载体,它体现了北方少数民族的文化心理、宗教信仰、伦理道德、价值取向及文化认同,具有多重社会功能及健身、健心、健群价值.它不但在北方少数民族的历史中发挥过作用,而且将会成为未来推动北方少数民族社会、政治、经济、文化发展,构建和谐社会的有效手段和途径.  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects of trainee teachers on secondary school student outcomes. The additional resources which schools receive from being involved in teacher training offer them an opportunity to raise standards, but this has to be set against the possible losses due to school students being taught by inexperienced beginning teachers and the diversion of mentors' efforts away from the classroom. Inspection evidence is used to assess whether trainee teachers affect school students' test and examination results. The findings of this research are that the number of trainees has no significant effect on school results at A‐level or General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), or on the overall value added between Key Stage 3 and GCSE level. However, at Key Stage 3 level at age 14, while there appears to be a very small depressing effect on achievement in schools with low numbers of trainees, there is a significant positive effect on achievement in schools with larger numbers of trainees.  相似文献   

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