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新加坡英语作为英语的一种地域变体,在新加坡这个多种族、多语言、多文化的社会里逐渐发展成具有鲜明地区性、民族性的语言。本文从新加坡的殖民历史入手,剖析了历史沿革、语言生态、语言政策导向等方面对新加坡英语的影响,并分析了在多重影响下新加坡英语的语言特色及面临的考验和发展趋势,以期为研究新加坡英语提供新的视角。  相似文献   

语言政策影响下的新加坡英语:讽刺与幽默   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从归纳新加坡的语言历史生态人手,指出新加坡英语在语音语调、词汇用法和结构句法等方面的汉化特征及其浓郁的闽南方言文化色彩和幽默感,进一步梳理了它与政府语言政策的具有讽刺意味的抗衡,并在最后提出了关于语言政策影响下新加坡英语的价值和未来发展的一些看法。  相似文献   

新加坡双语教育制度的变迁改变了华人语言习惯和语言态度,在家庭、学校和社会环境中英语的使用已经占据绝对优势。从语言态度而言,70%的华人认为英语"最有用"、"地位最高",认为华语"最有用"、"地位最高"的人约占14%。由此可见,新加坡华人语言习惯和语言态度的变迁在很大程度上受到双语教育的影响。  相似文献   

自独立以来,新加坡实行英语、母语的双语教育政策,双语教育政策受到国家平等对等英语、各民族母语的语言政策的影响。并随着它的调整而调整。多元的民族、文化政策决定新加坡选择两种语言即英语和母语来实施其学校教育。同时也不排斥在功能上区别对等而中央集权制的教育行政管理模式则有利于双语教育政策的制定、实施、有利于统一标准。  相似文献   

在“本土化”与“西化”的双重影响下,新加坡华族的华语状况堪忧。新加坡历史上重功利、轻情感的语言政策,也加重了新加坡华族对中华文化的情感疏离,弱化了其对华语的认同度。新加坡华语发展的个案成为舒曼文化合流维度下语言和文化互相依存的典型阐释,在改善华语生存环境的对策上,需要新加坡政府做出更精准的指引和扶持,多关注语言背后承载的民族个性和文化信息,摈弃实用性和工具性的狭促,培育新加坡华族对华语的情感认同,以挽新加坡华语困局,促使新加坡的华语真正走上期冀的发展轨道。  相似文献   

新加坡是多民族、多语种共存的国家,国家教育实行双语政策,即以英语为第一语言的同时,鼓励各民族社群通晓他们的母语。英语作为第一语言,其地位类似于我国的汉语文教学。下面以培生(Pearson)教育出版有限公司出版的英语教科书为例,剖析新加坡第一语言教科书的结构和特点。该教科书也为文莱、马来西亚等东南亚国家所采用。  相似文献   

影响新加坡双语教育政策的若干因素分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
自独立以来 ,新加坡实行英语、母语的双语教育政策。双语教育政策受到国家平等对待英语、各民族母语的语言政策的影响 ,并随着它的调整而调整。多元的民族、文化政策决定新加坡选择两种语言即英语和母语来实施其学校教育 ,同时也不排斥在功能上区别对待。而中央集权制的教育行政管理模式则有利于双语教育政策的制定、实施 ,有利于统一标准  相似文献   

新加坡的语言政策可以分为英国殖民时期的“独尊英语,放开其他”、独立前后的“独尊巫语,多语并重”和20世纪70年代以来的“多语并存,英语独尊”三个发展阶段。目前其语言政策的基本精神可以概括为:尊重国内各种族语言文化之间的差异,以多语政策来谋求文化传承、民族和谐与政治稳定;以英语的通用来掌握学习西方先进科技的利器,推动经济繁荣和国际沟通.冀求建立对国家的忠心和认同。在这样的语言政策的制约和影响下,马来语、华语、淡米尔语和英语四种官方语言的地位和功能呈现出明显的分工并存的态势:马来语是名义上的国语,是马来人的共同语,是各种族之间的底层通用语言;华语是华族的民族共同语,是华族社群的高层语言:淡米尔语是印度族的通用语言;英语是实际上的国语,是社会的顶层语言,也是各种族之间的通用语言。  相似文献   

新加坡是多民族、多语种共存的国家,英语、华语、马来语和泰米尔语为官方语言,马来语为国语,英语为行政语言。国家教育实行"双语政策——英语加上一种母语",即以英语为第一语  相似文献   

新加坡的初等教育课程改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新加坡是个只有260多万人口的小国(华人约占70%),国土、矿藏等资源贫乏,国家经济的支柱是贸易、旅游与加工业,对外交流频繁,语言复杂(英语、华语、马来语和泰米尔语四种语言为官方语言),在日常生活和经济生活中,人的语言能力发挥着极其重要的作用。鉴于此,新加坡教育法规定:“小学教育的目的是使学生掌握一定水平的英语、数学和母语,按照每个学生的不同能力进行教育。”换句话说,新加坡的小学教育,是一种以语言教育为主要内容的双轨制教育。  相似文献   

This paper describes and analyses the changes and innovations in English language teaching in Singapore from the 1980s to the 1990s. The review includes a brief historical look at changes in the English language syllabuses from the colonial days to the recently launched 2001 syllabus. Trends and practices in English language teaching and learning will be discussed in the context of the various educational initiatives in Singapore. The paper will conclude with some thoughts about the future of ELT in the island state.  相似文献   

在新加坡,华文课堂上使用英语一直被视为禁忌。但是,随着新加坡社会语言环境的改变,越来越多的当地华族学生以英语为主要家庭用语。华文课堂上如何处理英语已经成为新加坡华文教学必须面对的问题。本文通过对新加坡华文教学的实际观察,探讨在华文课堂上以英语辅助教学的必要性和具体条件。课堂观察的结果表明,华文课堂上有必要使用英语的情况确实存在,并且主要同三类课堂活动相关。通过对有关资料的进一步分析,本文构建了华文课堂上的英语使用框架,明确了在特定课堂活动中使用英语的各种限制条件。  相似文献   

This is a comparative study of English language education in Japan and Singapore and the role English plays in both countries. English language education in Japan has not been very effective. Although the communicative approach to teaching English was introduced in the 1980s, schools still use the grammar-translation method and most Japanese do not possess the communicative skills necessary for interacting with foreigners. Government rhetoric has also been hesitant in encouraging the learning of English due to concerns about English becoming a threat to the Japanese language and Japanese identity. This paper uses the case study of the Singaporean Chinese to point out that unlike in the Singaporean case, the chances of the Japanese shifting towards the English language and the values associated with it are relatively low.  相似文献   

English is an important language for multi-racial Singaporeans, and is the medium of instruction in Singapore schools from Year 1. During an extensive research study commissioned by the Ministry of Education, the Reading and English Acquisition Program (REAP), was introduced in 1985 to Year 1 classes in 30 primary schools. REAP was an integrated book-based program aimed at improving language learning, and fostering positive attitudes. It involved elements of Shared Book and Language Experience Approaches, suitably adapted to Singapore, and a Book Flood of high interest storybooks. Teacher workshops and advisory classroom visits were used to support Singapore teachers’ classroom use of the project methodology. Numerous evaluation studies comparing REAP and NON-REAP children were conducted over several years, using individual and group tests of reading, listening, grammar, vocabulary, speaking and writing. REAP pupils consistently showed stronger performance in all language skills in Years 1–3, and the Ministry of Education resolved to extend the program to all schools in Singapore. Follow-up studies showed sustained effects, and the methodology is now integrated into the national syllabus.  相似文献   

本文以新加坡华语教学经验与模式为基础,探索在多语环境下汉语作为第二语言教学的挑战与机遇。从种族结构与官方语言政策、“英语为主、华语为辅”的双语教育体制、变动中的华族社会,综述新加坡语言景观;从华族华语学习者类型、中小学华语教学的中国情结,分析新加坡华语教学界面对的问题;从职前与在职课程设计,阐述新加坡汉语作为第二语言师资培训的课程设置;描述新加坡汉语作为第二语言教学的研究现状;从国际汉语教研重镇与国际汉语语言服务业中心,探讨如何打造新加坡为国际汉语中转站。  相似文献   

新加坡行动党政府在建国过程中面临的首要问题是语言问题以及因语言引起的政治、教育、社会等问题。新加坡的四大民族因接受各自为政的四种语文源流学校教育,对新加坡没有国家认同感。约占新加坡全国人口76%的华族分为“受英文教育者”和“受华文教育者”两大对立阵营,政治上分别认同英国、中国大陆和中国台湾。行动党政府通过确立英语为共同语,在学校实施双语教育,统一课程、考试和学制,以英语统一各民族学校的教学媒介语,最终将四大源流教育合而为一,教育制度改革取得良好效果。  相似文献   

In line with the Ministry of Education's vision of the delivery of twenty-first century competencies amongst all students in Singapore, the National Institute of Education in Singapore employs service learning as a pedagogical tool to develop community outreach and engagement. This paper begins with a review of related literature on service learning as a means of enhancing the quality of pre-service teacher education programmes internationally. It then looks at how the teaching of the English language may be used as a principal means by which students can make an impact on a local community of their choice in the Singaporean context. It draws attention to the nexus of theory and practice via highlighting three service-learning projects where the vital relationship between the pedagogical methods area of study known as Curriculum Studies on English Language Teaching and the opportunity to practise English language teaching outside the traditional clinic field experience offered through practicum posting are presented. The paper concludes with the proposition that service learning promotes active citizenry and moral education of youth and allows student teachers an opportunity to build deep partnerships with the community even before they step into the teaching profession as full-fledged teachers.  相似文献   

To test the lexical restructuring hypothesis among bilingual English‐language learners, English phonological awareness (PA), English vocabulary and ethnic language vocabulary (Mandarin Chinese, Malay or Tamil) were assessed among 284 kindergarteners (168 Chinese, 71 Malays and 45 Tamils) in Singapore. A multi‐level regression analysis showed that English vocabulary, in interaction with mother's education, statistically significantly predicted Singaporean children's PA; ethnic language vocabulary did not. Thus, the present study supports the lexical restructuring hypothesis that growth in vocabulary changes how lexical items are stored, leading to the development of PA. Home language practices, as represented by mother's education, may also enhance children's PA after a threshold of English vocabulary is reached. In addition, specific ethnic language (Chinese, Malay or Tamil) was a statistically significant predictor of PA, suggesting that orthographic depth as well as syllabic complexity of a bilingual's other language may influence their development of English PA.  相似文献   

系统归纳新加坡双语教育模式的历史与现状,并在各民族社会交际语言向英语转移的大背景下,分析比较华族三代人使用英语、华语(普通话)、汉语方言的最新变化,以及这些变化与双语模式之间的关系。研究表明,在新加坡60多年双语教育的历史进程中,汉语方言的使用即将绝迹、华语先升后降、英语持续快速上升的现象与"过渡—保持双语教育模式"的演变具有高度的一致性。  相似文献   

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