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鱼璧玉纽巫幽工1塑鱼byAmyT助isoneofth。伪址b.st sel】ing伙拍如in Am州ca in 1989.It tells.涌cing目洒血.conc翻助明奴加甲piness,曲g时,幼.faDdjoyof拓址介口心姻who加吐苗别血to theU苗忱月S栩山韶丘。mC五加aou阮eve oflil比ration and it ab曰d印加招p即chofo颐caibarrieI’s aDd elnotio朋Ic的nicts加tweenmoth.rs曲d山川ght川.Suyu幼Woo 15 the wo刃。an whoc~冲with theidea of se坛恤9 uP Tb ejoy Luckclub,助d的on the ott峪rt知ree Cbinese喇心me。,anin朋面grar血to SanF“口cisco,比甸种叼with加li即明阳rt.Ind幼5 …  相似文献   

子而六漓妙‘nd加chUOnZhe ?、1”下蛋孑犷了咒下砂羚q「gu6i yu色zh6ngr6nsoos助t6ushu6仍‘奇怪!”月中人搔搔头说。他冈Ie ruonc附喃!yu白liangzdili6ng yf Cl sh右nZh心拿了软尺,为月亮再量一次身。这Oly峙liangsh弓ne6ixi6odu6 le su6 yT to ndeh01i6n次月亮身材小多了,  相似文献   

Partone1 .The foU0wing Par叫”p抽眠怕ken fromthe te男t加犯kS,丘川owed bya血t of words orex·pr侧弥IonS nlarked A to X.01。仪犯the one that卜男t eomPle姗份ch of the Sentences and叭Tite山e correS]POndi飞letl比r on youra刃‘wer sheet.One wom or exp~ion for each blank ouly.(0 .5 point each,12 points) Pro脚Ilu刀eo live in 1 fear of losingan”ne’Sattention一anyone’5 .The 2 Wayto avoid doing 50 15to 3 eve叮thing brief,not to 4 the attention of anyonebut instead to provide eonstant 5 thoughv…  相似文献   

U川t解1.单项坟空1 .W的山以!叭说闰e试b万朋_! A.衍n曰B .15,甘唱to目C.isfal】ing D.腼肠刃劫2 .It,。_~h目日曰睡d四we all leamby_既声ne似. A.‘不城B.此;tha C.不坟;不坟D.不坟;此3._曰‘山℃瓜声ne川笼it isto加,el ina旅han.(气球)! A .What B.肠别C.How an D.WI以an4  相似文献   

1 .One day,a eateaugllt(抓住)amouse.She said,“Iwallt to eat you!”21 ne“Plea爹If you1llUU卜匕。。土u,don,t eat 1lleJ .1工1与letI’11bringfi血and 】工〕ey0Ufree.S01llemeat.”andthought(想了又想).“oK,’,shesaid.50 the mousese:v旅了利上俞、出e Cate咬吧1马day·Tlle catw;ls ve即happy-4 .one day,the eatWaflted to haVeatriP(旅行).She saidto tl〕e mouse,“尸leasetake eare of(照顾)my babies.”5.When the eatleft,the mousek们le〔}(杀死)an 11elbabies.6 .She was mad(疯狂的)to Seewhat had haP一pen…  相似文献   

1 .That man isthe耐y one that was hUrt inthe aceidsnt.A.阮meoneelse即t out all right.C .Eve卿ne2.—How 15B .No oneD.如yonehere? 一一刁ust thes~.1 don’t面nk atallh朋chansed· A .eve巧thing;朋帅ing B.朋灿ing:everything e.即ything;nothing D .everythi嗯;something 3 .MrB功wn 15 an Aust司ian,_1 can judse加m his way ofP阴uneiation. A .wllo B.whom C.山at D.whieh 4.—How~h fruit did she buy? —I’m nots眠of the exact_,butlknOW she had the basket fined. A .priee B .amount C .weight D.nur址吧r…  相似文献   

It iS raining The whole city iS cryingWe should say goodbye or notlsn’t it I still remember how much you loved meThememoryiS SOheavy I cannotmove S01waitfor youto saySay you don’tloveme soI canmove onMv sixth sense tells me what you want iS freedomS0 let my tears flow slowly Let my heart ache uncontrollably0ne minute after the rain stops What a lonely skySay you don’t love nle I don’t want other reasonsIf you don’t say it I’Il hate myselffor being weakI’I】rather bear with the …  相似文献   

几反弥菜荟井润护下孟卫东曲6·转悠2一悠,,一咬转已曰(56毒含全亏76卿鲤鲤迎丝}咬呀转呀16悠地悠‘产、奉本风风5 82- O‘O甘︸东毛的好你寿天牵好者.若手.大大s真牵一L 0.. ..︸. .0﹄. 66的风景(呀)的伙伴手尹口、6 12-地好肴,牵若我的手,t t 2 3 6 56还有一群快乐的aI伙伴- x俐3 6 66寸擎扁吵‘I‘伙伴,6 6 6 36明天的好朋}。一友,且鱼终,。}}好瑞大风车@乔羽 @孟卫东~~  相似文献   

甲经未振掀袋触蚁盼︸卜gou uji全h the sad eges00汀t bo discouraged助!rea!让eIt,S抽rd tot曲日eourag日!n auJ盯地full of PeoPle900 can lose sight of it alRnd th。血由ne邓insido UrC白n叮口卜甘uou feel 505皿矛城篡熟TRUE COLORS@Cindy Lauper  相似文献   

1.听力。(20分) A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)、.1月诵川少一众一A;C耳丫匆,咧锐澎厂匕入卜口日日日习"尸人、户丫、1.()2.()3.()4.()5.() B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分) 6 .A.Thank you.B.That,5 all right. C.I’m 6ne.D.Yes? 7 .A.In Row Five.B.In Gmde one C .InC!ass川肚ee.D.In Team Two. 8 .A.Yes,90 ahead.B.1 think 50. C.比tmesee.D.oh,dear. 9. A.He Plays games. B .She’5 watering flowers. C .He’5 walking in thega…  相似文献   

动物世界中有非常多的动物。你知道多夫示刁I物的爪词.你能找争n夹吗?下而的找词游戏中有十个1 .1 have big teeth旦户口am白ne.I am a 102 .1 have long ears.I ama几一比‘.‘t.3 .1 have whiskers.I am aC-一t.4 .1 have a Iong tail.I am am__ k5 .1!ike eheese.I am am_u__· 汽T卜百(cT匀n,,。户7 .1 have four legs.I am日h8 .1 have a long neek.I am 仁_ag__9 .1 have fins.I am af--一_h.10.1 have winqs.I am ab__d PJ!q’OT qsg.6。JJeJ!6.8 05」oq’L。习eus’9 Osno山’g人a习u0UJ’廿4e。’仁4!qq曰’2 uo!I‘T:…  相似文献   

缝感,。.,,e。,。。.ne?画.,.,。.n。twenty? 15 it ten affer eight?丫匕U Csn tGI!timG! 50 don’t be late! 15 it half Past eight?丫匕U Csn tell time! 50 don’t bG!ste!西。.xt,。in。te。.。。。。oor!感。ixt,。.n。te。.。。。hoor!卜:‘,协、公1-w enty一four hours in a day! Ti me to eat,and time to sleeP,and time to work,and time to Play! Whst time 15 it nOW? LOOk st thG CIOCk! What time 15 it nOW? TICk一t0Ck!TICk一tOCk! 1’W enty一four hours in a day! Ti me to eat,and time t…  相似文献   

lpring 11 Iike己」”代nile’1 ki“. Blo。而叮,衅en己“d搜“der. onp比di巾ble.比e.助’“eed‘.加11 ofhope.ndbe己utys廿Ilin、hel忱r.加mmer i亏liked!O忱r’5 he己t价bra“仁己沏“i‘h .nd poi即.nt几11 ofbeoutyi‘。己rth’‘饥.t lmothe比d骊th口眯。fe爬详i“如n  相似文献   

一、选择最佳答案:1 .OH_Bce 3K3a毗Hbl H n0JIy叹几及Hn加M A.C刀尹Jl B.OT仄aJI C.Bbl刀尹刀2 .Ero6稗T_CTy朋HTaM PyccK而D .ne详抓a卫只3b【KBHH0cTPaHHbixA.料HT只3bIKOB.B .npenQ及a衍C.“3yqa叮D.3aHHMa创陀只3.日斤a钾自份M升eHe—· A .Ha盯业B.B盯me C.no妙坦e D.H声~兄4 .TPy江~劝八a”3aH只JIa—notrrHT娜tlaca· A.y Me朋B.MHe C.Me朋D.Mo介5.__cr稗山e姗HoB朋e只Ma刀b月HK,_由月bx且e oH几涌H卫 My3b川孚· A .TeM,TeM B.TeM,甘eM C.qeM,蛇M D.只eM,TeM6.只月心知幻PyccKHe necHH…  相似文献   

Zh白t!己n这天之三黔黔…漂蜜火16ng熊d6ng Ie动了xi6o xi6ngk白n小熊看b0不P6爬nai奶n6i奶|卜L .0.﹄﹄﹄协RL一r取‘民山月刃卜启从f口丽国硬ShO ZhT树枝g6ng c6i w6 zh自de dl刚才握住的地zuT shong hdi y6u ho xo ne嘴上还有胡须呢f6ng jlng r6n ShlyT‘g白一t6旷方.竟然是一个头z白1 wong xi白k白n再往下肴y红y白ng eQ xl」ing ron shl竟然是h6i yT ji心0.、铂; 6(仕旅语血万q!S h§n f6 d6 tioo‘qi IOi h6n kuoi’:·!:筹”-‰4。..很发达.跳起来很快。”骛:知xiOo xi6ng zhT h60 zOi qO zhOo y T g@n shO zhi gej x…  相似文献   

刀肠昭祝饥反H月滋姗“气.P拓直份,兄xoqy c BOMH cepbe3HO nor0BoPHTbMI祀cKa滋助以,卿业反狱压川城ne件M如e y Bac 61“卫a皿PaKa.刀跳灯.仓Iy及汽p“刀Me涌n色PB咖·五七朋Hm反H月叱Ho6“叹.A旎川a,纽。nP曲职?几I~noqeM夕二M。刀吐血巧?F七一3a职苗Bbl 110八PaJ谊cb? 刀理面.入临In叭件油cbo3a磁poK‘五如刀召扫”证、月面棚“味.Hs~3a~M白卯K?Bb IC苗”户eTe刀映班.只珊以丈加琳幻.3功眼以丈加砷eT.及p么Ky?M么P双?五七月‘凡m泛H月面HO6u气.只HH从e帕He noHH玉任uoA刀总幽,noqeMy灿3KH Pa3价详cT稗H,吻HIo…  相似文献   

(试题总分:150分答题时间:150分钟)第一卷英语语言技能部分(70分,共八大题) Liste‘飞承c“on(20脚加tS) Part 1. eonversa如ns(5即ints) In this尹喇,”u。,111 hear户e sho厅eo二e。以必。.A t the end of each eo二e。以必n,a que:t必n,111 be asked.C’hoo占e:he be3‘。*r to eoch叮ue::沁氏山砚d then tr山峨fer”ur,。rs‘0 theans叨er sheet.Both the亡。朋ersat动,i口u艺the,ue:t动n,111 bere耐。吟once. Karl:Hmm,well,it’5 not卿lly(6)_,15 it?1 mean,th盯never really seemed to have that mueh (7) L七:HOw…  相似文献   

1 .j nere__Water In tne glaSS. There milk in the bottle.4.丁he陀行Sh On the tab!e. There__ehie晚n in the州dge.黔叠2 .The陀b陀日d in the kitChen. ThGFe riCe in the bowl.5 .The陀 FOOnl. The阳__boys in the elass-9 ids in the elassroom.3 .The陀 S日ndwiCh. The阳Cheese in the6 .The陀b00ks on the Shelf. There__Pens in the desk.me日t in the bFead.滁人uo4,uoJ仑‘a山05 eJ仑’9巴人u它4,uaje‘。山05创e’Ss!‘夕了人u它4,us!‘日山055!’仁亡Aue斗,us!‘。山055!’Z巴人u仑4,us!‘。山05人u仑4,us!‘a…  相似文献   

A几奋功以.助声毗By益二,动朋K彻只. 户毋伽药勃只.队禅砚铂y益A』色山a,叭禅BcT叮益,Mo认朋卯r6益~诫HHHK!C反eHbPa及,哪Tbl Ha曰沉汀自JI~站动双幻.Tbl八如ro助Me曲那刃H神刀c衅 月以户阴.H改,He6蛇肠.毋叙《d朋.yHac3八ecbxopo咖〔泛认叻cMH6rHexor衍料TbHe Bl工仑HT译苗卯朋,a HaoK咖He.nocMarP血B oKH6:泳咖~苗劝Mac睡万Ra~,。.C晚e、。6ronT皿,成玩以(松鼠). A瘤脚.只K BaM砂盯nPHe3洲泊Tb 3HM6汤业怕T毛c只Ha二5。“渔x. 瓜叙丑洒朋.npeK吵Ho!yMe滋怕冰e~~涌夕肚MKa帕Tbc只BMecTe. 月泥‘阴·兄~n娜心nH加…  相似文献   

~一~~--一-~-.~一一 肠ce andl aregoodfriends. Today灿cesay犷51血血g.Wethe swiligsPlayandOnTolnorro、vl‘m吨_tothe park·y皿驴ingtothePark withme户”1 say:‘rsure!90一Are,如,shde.勺VchaPPy! We、va玫are 山cvCryOVCrthe曝撇黝撒哪Tllenextday,肠ceandlarrive at the0么likat 8.There areSOIU亡:c1OUdS 111 Ulcs冲,but the sunisbridgein the如ng It,see a Plane山e Plane 15thc5 ahaPPyr】Verday爱丽斯和我是好朋反 今天,爱丽斯说:’’明天我准备去公园,你跟我一起去吗?”我说:’’好的。‘’ 天, 起到 在天 我们…  相似文献   

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