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教育信息化及高效的教育网络对于现今高校的发展至关重要,而建立先进科学的大型微机综合教学实验室是极其重要的环节。应从硬件环境、软件设置、办学理念等多个方面综合建设,从而真正构建拥有高效、实用、先进的信息网络的教育信息化系统。  相似文献   

岳阳的地理位置、自然资源、经济条件和发展现状,决定了岳阳在全面建设小康社会的过程中,应当走“跨一攻二兴三”协同发展经济的道路:坚持用信息化带动农业现代化,实现农业的跨越式发展,使农业的发展满足第二、三产业发展的要求;坚持走新型工业化道路,通过发展第二产业促进第一、三产业的迅速发展;坚持大力发展第三产业,特别是现代服务业,为第一、二产业的发展提供全面服务。三次产业协同运行,以促进岳阳经济持续快速健康发展。  相似文献   

Effects of public day-care: a longitudinal study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
119 Swedish children were followed from their first year of life up to the age of 8. Most could be classified according to (a) type of day-care they had experienced during their first 7 years of life and (b) time of first entrance into day-care. At 8 years, the children were tested with aptitude tests and rated by their teachers on school performance and social and personal development. Hierarchical regression analyses and MANCOVAs were used in the statistical treatment. Time of entrance into day-care predicted children's cognitive and socioemotional development, controlling for sex and home background. Children with early day-care (entrance before the age of 1) were generally rated more favorably and performed better than children with late entrance or home care. There was a tendency for early center care to predict a more favorable outcome than other care.  相似文献   

This article discusses the economic rationale of providing educational and day-care facilities to young children, using an expanded social cost-benefit frame-work. The benefits side, in particular, includes the direct lifetime productive gains by working mothers and the indirect earnings increments of the recipients of these social services via the boosting of early abilities and eventual higher scholastic achievement. Recently compiled statistics in OECD Member Countries are used to support the argument that we know very little about the socio-economic effects of providing kindergarten and nursery facilities. An interdisciplinary research agenda is proposed to increase our understanding in this elusive area of social policy.
Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen einer ausgeweiteten Kosten/Nutzen-Untersuchung befaßt sich dieser Artikel mit der wirtschaftlichen Begründung für die Unterhaltung von Erziehungs- und Tagesstätten für Kleinkinder. Die Nutzenseite schließt insbesondere die direkten Arbeitserträge beruflich tätiger Mütter ein sowie die indirekten Einkommenserhöhungen der Empfänger dieser Sozialdienste durch die Förderung früher Fähigkeiten und späterer besserer Schulleistungen. Neuere Statistiken von OECD-Mitgliedsstaaten werden zur Unterstützung des Arguments herangezogen, daß wir noch sehr wenig über die sozio-ökonomischen Auswirkungen der Errichtung von Kindergärten und Kinderhorten wissen. Der Verfasser schlägt ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsprogramm vor, um unser Verständnis dieses schwer zu erfassenden Gebiets der Sozialpolitik zu erweitern.

Résumé L'auteur de cet article s'interroge sur l'éventuel intérêt économique que présentent les services éducatifs et les garderies pour jeunes enfants dans le cadre élargi de l'analyse coûts sociaux-avantages sociaux. Au rang des avantages sociaux on compte le gain direct de toute l'existence productive de la mère qui travaille au dehors et le gain indirect provenant ultérieurement de la capacité productive des bénéficiaires de ces services dont les perspectives de progression scolaire sont améliorées par un démarrage précoce. Les statistiques établies récemment par les Pays Membres de l'OCDE montrent que les notions que nous avons des effets socio-économiques des jardins d'enfants et des services de garderie sont minimes. Un programme de recherche interdisciplinaire a été proposé afin de développer nos connaissances dans ce domaine encore nébuleux de la politique sociale.

零售商自有品牌的优势与打造策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零售商发展自有品牌可以降低成本,有效回避同行业间的残酷竞争,满足顾客需求。实施自有品牌战略有多品牌策略,品牌家族策略,公司品牌策略。自有品牌的核心是诚信与认同,开发自有品牌产品的重点是质量而非低价。自有品牌不能替代制造商品牌,与制造商品牌产品之间的合理比例是开发自有品牌产品的核心问题。自有品牌的生命力在于自主创新。  相似文献   

当前,四川正面临成渝成为全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区的特殊机遇。为抓住这一历史机遇,实现四川向文化产业强省的跨越,四川应以神奇神秘神妙的巴蜀文化作为文化资源整合的“金钱”,以创意产业为龙头,以“三大领域”为重点,以“四大模式”为途径,加快四川文化资源整合,做强做大四川文化产业。在此基础上,本文提出了发展四川创意产业,做强做大文化产业集团的十条建议。  相似文献   

当前企业正处于结构调整、经济转型时期,做好产业结构调整至关重要。正确评析公司产业结构现状,分析优势产业与劣势产业,提出优先发展煤炭开采与洗选业,兼顾发展制造业、建筑业等非煤产业的调整策略,有利一企业提升规模档次、实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

The Child Abuse Potential (CAP) Inventory and a Work Satisfaction Questionnaire were administered to 228 day-care employees at 40 centers to investigate the relationship between potential for child abuse and degree of job satisfaction. In addition, the ability of the CAP abuse scale to distinguish between groups of day-care employees thought to differ in the quality of child care provided was studied. Small, albeit significant, inverse correlations were observed between abuse scores and two job satisfaction items. As clarity of job expectations and as overall job satisfaction increased, abuse scores decreased. Although abuse scores for all day-care employees were not significantly different from norm scores, significantly lower scores were found for employees from "superior" day-care centers and for employees rated "high" by center directors. Abuse scores for employees rated "high" were also significantly below scores for employees rated "low." While these data indicate only limited relationships between child abuse and job satisfaction, the findings suggest the CAP abuse scale can distinguish some subgroups of day-care employees thought to differ in quality of child care provided.  相似文献   

Public school aggression among children with varying day-care experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
59 children with varying amounts and types of day-care experience were followed over their first 2 or 3 years of public schooling. Schoolteachers rated aggressiveness of several types and in several situations by these children, and also supplied information about managing the children, about children's use of strategies to avoid conflict, and about several associated skills and behaviors. Multivariate analyses indicated that children who had attended a cognitively oriented day-care program beginning in infancy were more aggressive than all other groups of children who had attended day care. Aggression among these children, however, declined over time, the children were not considered difficult to manage, and they were well liked by teachers. It was speculated that the increased aggressiveness among children attending cognitively oriented day care may have been caused by several problems of adaptation to the school setting.  相似文献   

叙述了阿伏加德罗分子假说提出和证实的史实经过,并阐述了其历史背景和意义.  相似文献   

为打造先进制造业基地提供人才支撑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《国务院关于大力推进职业教育改革与发展的决定》指出,“要充分依靠企业举办职业教育”,“企业要和职业学校加强合作,实行多种形式联合办学”。这为我国职业教育改革与发展指明了方向。本文围绕浙江省委、省政府建设先进制造业基地的战略决策,在总结前段改革实践经验的基础上,就加强校企合作、培养技能型人才问题作了探索与思考。  相似文献   

目前中国医疗器械产业已成为国民经济的先导和支柱产业,产业的迅猛发展需要形成医疗器械相应规范的人才培养体系。本文基于先进医疗器械技术发展视角设计了医疗器械工程本科专业人才培养体系的框架,以满足先进医疗器械设计、制造、检测高级专门人才的需求。  相似文献   

河南省体育旅游产业的开发研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从体育旅游发展的现状及趋势出发,对河南省体育旅游开发的必要性及可行性进行了论证。河南省具有丰富的体育旅游资源及独特的开发优势,体育旅游的开发将为河南旅游的发展独辟蹊径,体育旅游也将成为河南旅游业新的增长点。提出了开发“两拳”,打造品牌;依托景区,各创特色;联姻发展,多处开花的开发思路。  相似文献   

基于产业结构的劳动力模型构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本首先分析了我国三大产业间的劳动力需求与供给现状,并在此基础上结合相关的统计数据建立劳动力模型,然后根据所建立的模型对未来我国劳动力的流动趋势进行预测,进而得出了在今后几年内我国仍将有大量的剩余劳动力从第一产业中流出,并针对这部分剩余劳动力的就业问题提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

Levels and patterns of intellectual development of 3 groups of socioeconomically disadvantaged children were compared. The groups consisted of (1) children who were randomly assigned to receive extensive university-based intervention group day-care, (2) children whose parents placed them in community day-care centers for varying amounts of time, or (3) children whose parents chose little to no center-based day-care for their children. Two repeated-measures analyses of variance were performed to identify possible day-care effects on IQ level and on patterns of infant and preschool cognitive development. The results suggest that quality community day-care, as well as intervention day-care, may positively change both the level and pattern of preschool intellectual development of socioeconomically disadvantaged children.  相似文献   

Leontieve矩阵法以瓦尔拉均衡为前提,对国民经济体系的投入产出进行研究。该方法侧重于投入产出总量的研究,依赖于产业划分标准和直接消耗系数的确定。在Leontieve矩阵法的基础上,把2007-2011年福建寿险行业作为均衡整体,进行投入产出分析研究。可以为福建寿险行业的健康发展提供有益的帮助。  相似文献   

我国互联网规模的高速发展给人们的工作、学习与生活带来了便利,但互联网的虚拟性、开放性和交互性等特征,使网络也成为一些人从事违法活动的场所。依法采取监管措施,规范净化网络环境,已成为世界各国的共识。我国在借鉴国外经验与方法的基础上,应结合我国国情,在开展打击整治网络色情等专项行动的同时,要不断完善网络立法、技术监控、行业自律、社会监督、国际合作等措施,建立健全防范和查处的长效管理机制。  相似文献   

服务分公司作为开滦集团的附属系统,由于受管理体制和运行机制的影响,管理粗放.专业化管理的体制确立以后积极推进精细化管理,力求通过定额管理,缩短主导行业与市场的差距,科学市场定位,提高生存和发展能力,使开滦后勤主导行业做"精"做"专",逐步融入社会市场体系.  相似文献   

21世纪是海洋的世纪,目前我国沿海各地正在掀起一场海洋开发的热潮,海洋产业逐步成为国民经济的支柱产业.使钦州临海优势转化为经济优势,应走海洋经济和陆域经济联动发展的新路子,做好规划,加快海洋经济园区建设,强化沿海基础设施建设,建立开放式、多元化的投入机制,加强与东盟经济合作,处理好海洋开发和保护的关系,做好海洋经济人才的培养与引进,加强海洋资源开发与利用研究,不断提高钦州海洋经济发展水平.  相似文献   

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