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19世纪的欧洲出现了文艺复兴以来艺术的再次繁荣,形成了流派纷呈的艺术盛世,印象主义就是这一盛世中最为重要的画派之一,他们从绘画题材、表现方法等诸多方面进行了大胆变革,成为西方美术史上承前启后、继往开来的“链条”上重要一环,为20世纪现代绘画揭开了序幕。一、从绘画题材的演变看印象主义的变革19世纪,欧洲科学思想、工业生产迅速发展,人们的生活日新月异,古典学院派只着眼宫廷、宗教的绘画题材,无疑束缚了艺术的发展。有鉴于此,当时许多进步画家纷纷探索新的创作道路,浪漫主义首先在法国兴起,他们鄙视古典主义,把中世纪当作自己的…  相似文献   

一、印象主义音乐的产生 人们普遍认为印象主义音乐应该是从德彪西开始的。以德彪西为首的印象派音乐家们,受“印象主义”绘画在艺术观念上的影响,多以绘画、自然景物、象征主义诗歌为题材,表现感觉世界的主观印象。与印象派画家对光和色的理解一样,印象派音乐家用音色、音响来表现自然界中光和色的变化,形成了印象主义独特的音乐风格。 然而印象主义音乐风格的形成,严格地讲并不是从德彪西开始的,只不过德彪西的时代使其走向了繁荣。从音乐表  相似文献   

印象主义是19世纪后期产生于法国的一种艺术思潮和流派,印象主义画家彻底反对官方学院派艺术的统治,在绘画题材、绘画技法,特别是在色彩的运用上进行了大胆的革新,为现代主义和后现代主义打下了坚实的艺术基础。  相似文献   

印象主义是19世纪后期产生于法国的一种艺术思潮和流派。印象主义画家彻底反对官方学院派艺术的统治,在绘画题材、绘画技法,特别是在色彩的运用上进行了大胆的革新,为现代主义和后现代主义打下了坚实的艺术基础。  相似文献   

19世纪下半叶西方绘画艺术在经过了印象主义之后,涌现了被称之为"后印象主义"的流派。其代表画家主要是塞尚、高更、凡.高,他们反对印象主义片面追求客观表现及外光和色彩,强调艺术形象要异于客观物象,要渗透作者的主观感情和情绪。在他们的创作思想、艺术观念影响下产生了野兽主义、立体主义、表现主义、抽象主义等,共同开启了现代艺术的大门。  相似文献   

德加是19世纪杰出的印象派大师,作为一名承上启下的画家,他将自身古典主义的基础与印象主义完美结合,成为印象派中别具一格的画家。同时,他在艺术追求上勇于突破,使绘画题材更丰富、构图方式更多样,形成了自己独特的风格。后人应学习他用心表达创作对象的方式,以此创造出真诚自然、忠于创作主体内心的艺术作品。  相似文献   

19世纪,欧洲艺术从传统形态向现代形态过渡,先后出现过古典主义、浪漫主义、现实主义和印象主义等潮流和风格,他们都具有不可否认的革新意义,但自后印象主义崛起,欧洲艺术的现代风采方见端倪.从这时期起,艺术从内容到形式的变革,跳跃的幅度越来越大,革新的锋芒越来越鲜明,从而孕育了20世纪初对传统艺术的全面突破.  相似文献   

19世纪,欧洲艺术从传统形态向现代形态过渡,先后出现过古典主义、浪漫主义、现实主义和印象主义等潮流和风格,他们都具有不可否认的革新意义,但自后印象主义崛起,欧洲艺术的现代风采方见端倪.从这时期起,艺术从内容到形式的变革,跳跃的幅度越来越大,革新的锋芒越来越鲜明,从而孕育了20世纪初对传统艺术的全面突破.  相似文献   

印象派是19世纪下半叶在法国兴起的一个画派.印象派绘画是注重于绘画色彩造型的变革,将光与色的科学观念引入到绘画之中.本文就印象派油画艺术产生的原因和特点进行了研究,以此提升印象派油画艺术新理念.  相似文献   

印象派是19世纪中叶欧洲艺术从现实主义向现代主义过渡的重要阶段,印象派画家以创新的姿态登上法国画坛,其锋芒针对陈陈相因的古典画派和矫揉造作的浪漫主义。印象派画家吸收了写实主义绘画的营养,在绘画中开始对室外自然光的研究和表现。印象派画家摒弃16世纪以来狭隘的褐色调,倡导走出画室、去户外写生,力求真实地刻画自然,直接描绘阳光下的风景和日常生活。印象派完成了绘画中色彩造型的变革,将光与色的科学观念引入到绘画中,革新了传统的固有色观念,创立了以光源色和环境色为核心的现代写生彩学。还认识到艺术形式的独特审美价值,在形式方面进行了大胆的探索,为现代艺术的产生奠定了基础,此后,现代主义的艺术潮流层出不穷,世界艺术形式的大变革开始了。  相似文献   


Covid-19 literacy, induced by the coronavirus disease (2019), is characterized as the understanding of Covid-19 as well as informed decisions based upon this understanding. This type of literacy is closely related to health literacy, scientific literacy, and scientific media literacy. It may be obvious to say that Covid-19 literacy is a key factor for governments to effectively manage the Covid-19 transition. However, lack of literature exists about Covid-19 literacy among university students. Therefore, the current study aimed to determine the Covid-19 literacy level among 4168 students from a Colombian university. The data were derived from students’ responses to a 25–item anonymous online self-reporting questionnaire. We found that 21–25-year age group, graduate students,?students enrolled prior to 2015, and medical students had a significantly higher mean score. Moreover, the Internet (86.8%) was the most popular source of information from which participants gained most information regarding Covid-19. Furthermore, 58.5% of the participants considered health workers as a source that can provide accurate information. Most importantly, the findings reveal the students’ knowledge about (1) the role of an eventual process of vaccination, (2) the test currently used as diagnostic for Covid-19, and (3) the fatality rate, three aspects of Covid-19 literacy that deserve more attention. The findings provide a useful basis for the formulation of policies and concrete actions in improving Covid-19 literacy.


基于新冠肺炎疫情对各行各业产生巨大冲击的背景,选择医疗卫生产品电商采购指数建立VAR模型,分析新冠肺炎疫情对医疗卫生产品电商消费冲击的影响。分析发现:新冠肺炎疫情促进了医疗卫生产品电商消费需求增长,为医疗卫生产品电商销售带来了契机,供应商和消费者对医疗卫生产品电商消费起到显著的正向影响。疫情对医疗卫生产品消费的冲击影响具有时间属性、短期性和外生性特征,随着时间的推移逐渐变化,并具有时滞性效应。为了有效地控制新冠肺炎疫情,合理引导医疗卫生产品电商消费,可以采用"推式技术"推送防疫宣传知识;以消费数字化转型应对公共突发卫生事件,提高医疗产业链应对突发情况的弹性和速度;利用疫情防控时空差异和时滞效应,扩大医疗防控物资的生产和出口;利用信息技术,合理布局产业结构。  相似文献   

通过对IFRS19、FRS17和SFAS87比较分析得出,养老金会计准则的国际化,其实是IFRS19的全球推广,IFRS19代表了该领域的最高水平。目前,我国还没有养老金会计准则,随着加入WTO和步入老龄社会,制定该准则迫在眉睫。是全部采用IFRS19,还是另起炉灶?会计准则具有经济后果性,因此,制定一个适合我国的过渡性养老金会计准则是必要的。  相似文献   

This article reports on young people with and without learning disabilities (LD) and substance use disorders (SUD). Participants were assessed for LD at ages 12 and 19 and for SUD and psychiatric disorders at age 19. Participants with LD at ages 12 and 19 were more likely to develop an SUD or a psychiatric disorder compared to participants without consistent LD. Participants with LD at age 19 were more likely to have a concurrent SUD or psychiatric disorder compared to those without LD at age 19, while participants with LD at age 12 showed only a trend toward increased rates of SUD at age 19 when compared to participants without LD at age 12. Participants with and without LD did not differ in substance use, consumption levels, or onset history. In a multivariate model, adolescent LD was associated with a three-fold increased risk for SUD after behavioral problems and family structure had entered the model. Although these results provide some support for the notion that adolescents with LD are at increased risk for SUD, LD also appears to confer a general risk for adverse outcomes.  相似文献   

"新冠病毒"疫情防控,彰显了中华民族以大局为重的整体主义精神,守望相助、友善团结和共克时艰的民族共同体意识,更以改革创新、科技防疫以及理性反思赋予了时代精神新的丰富内涵.中国的抗疫成果使人们有理由相信"中国模式"和"中国方案",为世界提供一种新的抗疫思维和价值观念.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo present the need and plan for development of a General Comment for the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 19 which has the potential to transform and advance child protection through the infusion of a child rights approach.MethodsThe Committee on the Rights of the Child (Committee) authorized ISPCAN and IICRD to draft a General Comment for CRC Article 19 (GC19) and to introduce implementation supports. An international working group (GC19WG), Expert Advisory Panel (EAP), and GC19 Focal Group of Committee members (GC19 CRC FG) have been organized to help guide and carry out the program of development. Analyses of relevant histories and knowledge, including effective and promising child protection strategies, are being applied to guide formulation of the GC and high priority implementation components. Consultations on the draft and supportive products will be conducted in cooperation with UNICEF, WHO, the NGO Group for the CRC, and other NGOs.Advice is to be solicited from interested parties and organizations in person and through distance communication throughout the world.ResultsIn addition to the GC19, numerous implementation supports will be planned and some will be produced and piloted during the program of development. Under consideration are an implementation guide and resources; commentary; accountability models, indicators, measures and evaluation systems; a clearing house and resource website; a child-appropriate version of GC19; and education/training curricula and programs.Practice implicationsGC19 has the potential to transform child protection by fostering a paradigm shift in its conceptualization, theory, research, and practice. Article 19 encourages an interpretation and application beyond narrow child protection conceptualizations and practices which have been found seriously inadequate. The General Comment can advance effective prevention of maltreatment and protection of personal security by promoting the child's rights, well-being, health, and development in all aspects of child protection. GC19 will provide support to the Committee on the Rights of the Child in its monitoring and guiding functions, and to States Parties, professionals, and civil society agents concerned with the protection and well-being of children.  相似文献   

合成了(ZnPO3)2.5H2O,并进行了元素分析、红外等表征。晶体属三斜晶系,空间群为:P-1,晶胞参数:a=7.5747(15),b=7.6868(15),c=9.4758(19),β=89.20(3)°,V=550.86(19)3,Z=2。在配合物中存在着一维之字形链状结构,是由ZnO6八面体,ZnO4四面体和PO3基团交替形成的。而且在[010]方向上发现了19.462×19.462纳米孔洞。  相似文献   

讨论不定方程x2+144=3y19的整数解,得出方程x2+144=3y19无整数解.  相似文献   

Zhao  Yong 《Prospects》2020,49(1-2):29-33
PROSPECTS - The massive damages of COVID-19 may be incalculable. But in the spirit of never wasting a good crisis, COVID-19 represents an opportunity to rethink education. The rethinking should not...  相似文献   

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