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Nygård, R. (1969). Motive to Approach Success and Motive to Avoid Failure in Boys from Different Social Groups. Scand. J. Educ. Res. 13, 222‐232.

Differences between social groups in achievement‐related motives were examined in a sample of 255 7th and 8th grade boys. The motive to avoid failure was measured by the Test Anxiety Scale for Children (Sarason et al., 1960), while the motive to approach success was anchored in the score on the TAT nAchievement Test (McClelland et al., 1953).

Analysis of regression revealed a clear relationship between social background and motive to avoid failure, higher social groups being less failure motivated (p<.005). This relationship seems to hold even when differences between the groups in intelligence are controlled (p<.05). The results of a corresponding analysis regarding the motive to approach success did not reach significance (.05<p<.10). There were, however, clear trends when measures for the two motives were combined. Thus, pupils with a high motive to approach success and a low motive to avoid failure made up an increasing proportion, and those with a low motive to approach success and a high motive to avoid failure, a decreasing proportion when going from lower to higher social groups.


课外活动:学习成功的途径?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一 说到课外活动,人们都知道它是学生生活的重要组成部分,它在学生,尤其是中小学生的成长过程中有着诸多好处,比如:发展个性,促进身心健康发展,培养能力等等。但是,在我国很多家长和教育工作者心中的天平上,再多的好处也抵不过天平那一  相似文献   

Introduction to Motivation at School: Interventions That Work   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article provides an introduction and overview to this special issue of Educational Psychologist, titled Promoting Motivation at School: Interventions That Work. This issue is devoted to the topic of interventions that emphasize different aspects of motivation for enhancing students' academic and social outcomes in school. The interventions range from programs focused on individual students to large-scale school reform. The programs described in this issue emphasize both students' academic motivation and their social motivation and focus on a variety of important achievement outcomes. Authors also discuss the effectiveness of various interventions for ethnic minority children. The importance of attending to social aspects of motivation in these kinds of interventions is a major theme of this special issue. Brief overviews of each article are provided.  相似文献   

本文探讨了教师的成就动机对教师专业的自主成长、学生的成长、教育的效果、教师的人格发展、教师的幸福感的影响及在实践中激发教师成就动机形成的策略.  相似文献   

A total of 1068 secondary school pupils completed a questionnaire concerned with enjoyment of school, enjoyment of subjects and what they attributed academic success to. Gender differences were shown in the overall enjoyment of school (girls expressing greater enjoyment). Girls also reported liking friends, teachers, outings and lessons more than boys, while boys reported liking sports and school clubs more. Enjoyment of school subjects reflected traditional sex stereotyping: girls reported more liking than did boys for English, French, German, history, drama, music and home economics while boys reported more liking for science. craft and design technology, physical education and information technology. Some gender differences were shown in rating factors contributing to academic success (girls rating hard work and teachers’ liking for you as more important than boys, and boys rating cleverness, talent and luck as more important than girls) but attributions with respect to academic success varied more with age than with gender.  相似文献   

洋务运动中清政府派幼童官费赴美留学是中国近代史,尤其是近代教育史上的重要历史事件。在容闳的积极运作和曾国藩、李鸿章的认同和支持下,赴美留学活动终于成行。留学生们以开放的姿态,接受西方文化的洗礼,知识结构,价值观念和行为方式发生了巨大的变化,虽因顽固势力的阻挠和本身存在的种种缺陷而中途夭折,但留学回国人员对祖国的近代化建设作出了重要贡献,同时赴美留学活动对赴欧留学事业具有启示作用。  相似文献   

中小学生对交往成功和失败的归因倾向存在差异,不同年级、不同性别其归因倾向的特点各异。其影响因素有前提信息的影响、归因中的"自我防御性归因"、对突显刺激的过度反应、期望是个体对自己将来活动结果的预先性认知、伴随归因过程而产生的情感体验等。针对中小学生交往归因的特点,特别是中小学生错误的归因方式,进行归因训练的方式有集体训练和个别训练两种形式。归因训练对提高中小学生的交往效果具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

经济全球化和市场竞争使企业购并行为日益增多。在购并行为中,不同企业的文化及其交织作用。不仅影响企业购并的整个过程,也在购并整合中起着至关重要乃至关系成败的作用。该文正是分析企业购并行为中文化整合对此的影响和重要,并提出了文化整合的具体方法和艺术。  相似文献   

经济互助委员会一生成败系于冷战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产生于20世纪40年代末期、美苏冷战正酣时的经济互助委员会,曾是世界两大阵营中东方阵营的重大支柱之一,对国际经济政治影响广泛,促进过苏联东欧地区的经济发展。同时,由于该组织存在严重的缺陷,其运行机制不适应当代科技经济的发展,在国际经济政治激烈竞争的时代,终于败下阵来,1991年被迫解散。  相似文献   

Some 985 secondary school students completed a questionnaire as part of an investigation into the experiences of Asian girls in a secondary school arising out of a larger project concerned with motivational factors in educational attainment. Results indicated that (1) Asian girls enjoyed all aspects of school life as much or more than their non-Asian counterparts; (2) across both ethnic groups girls enjoyed all aspects of school except sports and clubs more than boys; (3) enjoyment of subjects followed sex stereotypical lines, irrespective of ethnicity: girls rated English, French, German, drama, music and home economics as significantly more enjoyable, and boys rated science, craft, design and technology, physical education, information technology and mathematics as more enjoyable; (4) irrespective of gender, Asian students reported more enjoyment of religious education, and lower enjoyment of drama, physical education and home economics; (5) irrespective of ethnic group, girls reported that there was not enough choice of subjects; and (6) Asian students of both sexes rated parents and friends as more important in contributing to academic success. These results are critiqued in a context that questions the desirability of conducting investigations such as this which dichotomise students into groups on the grounds of ethnicity.  相似文献   

初中物理是中学生初中学习阶段中重要的学习科目,对学生的未来发展具有深远的影响。在中考中,物理是重要的考试科目之一。影响中学生物理考试的因素具有多样性、复杂性的特点,加强对中学生物理考试成败归因的研究,了解影响学生考试成败的重要因素,不仅可以提高物理教学效率和效果,还可以提高中学生物理考试的成功率。文章叙述了考试成败归因研究的重要性,还阐述了中学生物理考试成败归因特征以及初中生对物理考试成功的期望和情感反应特征。  相似文献   

Prior research on the Success for All (SFA) program has produced consistent evidence showing higher reading performance for program participants compared to matched control students. This study extended this research by examining student performance across 3 grades on both individually administered reading tests and state-mandated standardized tests. Of particular interest were longitudinal outcomes over a 3-year period for minority students versus nonminority students. Findings from a quasi-experimental design consisting of 2 SFA schools and 2 matched control schools indicated (a) overall positive effects for SFA on reading performance, (b) relatively stronger effects on the standardized tests than on the individually administered tests, (c) differential program effectiveness in the 2 SFA schools, (d) some decline in program effects over time, and (e) relatively stronger effects for minority than for nonminority students. The implications of the findings for SFA implementation, particularly in helping the most disadvantaged students, and school restructuring are discussed.  相似文献   

本文主要论述以下几个方面:学习动机的定义、学习动机和策略的种类,以及作者关于学习动机的调查探究。紧接着在调查的基础上,文章分析了学生对英语学习的态度,并根据作者的教学经验,在激励学生英语习得的方法和英语学习策略方面提出了一些建议。经过探究,文章强调高职院校学生应该把强烈的学习动机和恰当的、适合自己的学习策略结合起来,这样才会在外语学习方面取得事半功倍的效果。同时二者的有机结合将会对语言习得和教学的提高大有裨益。  相似文献   

信息技术课在避免中学生网瘾形成中的作用与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
未成年人网络成瘾现象日益凸现,损害了未成年人身心健康,危害家庭和社会,逐渐成了一个严重的社会问题。目前防治未成年人网络成瘾问题仍处于思辩阶段。网络成瘾因网络而起,网络是信息技术课程的内容,探索在信息技术课程中避免中学生网络成瘾的理论构想和具体操作方案,对于预防中学生网络成瘾有着非常积极的作用。本文将重点阐述在信息技术课程中防治中学生网络成瘾的教学思考与实践经验,着力从课程本位角度为预防中学生网络成瘾做出贡献。  相似文献   

学习品质是入学准备的重要内容。本研究以143名来自不同社会经济地位家庭的小学一年级新生为对象,通过观察其完成测试任务时的相关表现,比较其学习品质的发展状况,并考察学习品质与认知准备间的关系。结果显示,家庭社经地位对儿童的学习品质有明显的影响。高社会经济地位家庭的儿童在主动性想像和创造能力好奇心专注程度和目标意识方面的表现显著优于社会经济地位较低家庭的儿童;学习品质与儿童认知准备之间存在高相关。  相似文献   

“金陵小天堂”思想是太平天国革命的重要思想和文化现象。它是由洪秀全提出的“上到小天堂”口号发展演化与具体化的产物,并与定都南京战略决策的形成密切相关,对太平天国的发展既产生了积极作用,也产生了消积的影响,很有探讨价值。  相似文献   

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