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Journal of Science Education and Technology - The aim of this study is to investigate the augmented reality (AR) immersion experiences of university students studying in science education. The...  相似文献   

如何有效地开展小组合作学习,是目前实施教改的热点问题。笔者认为应: 1、建立一个有效的合作学习小组;2、追求真实的小组合作学习;3、追求有效的小组合作学习;4、追求理性的小组合作学习。  相似文献   


The record levels of youth unemployment experienced in recent years has led to a number of theories being advanced to explain this phenomena. Onesuch theory claims that youth labour is too expensive to employ; young people have priced the mselves out of a job. Young people are seen as unwilling to work for the wages employers can afford to pay. This note using data from two longitudinal surveys of the labour market experiences of young people seeks to challenge this view, and shows that the wages young people expect to earn and are prepared to work for in their first job are appreciably below actual earnings of young workers.


本文给出了C[0,1]中的子空间U_n满足A性质的一个必要条件,应用所得结果去否定某U_n具有A性质或构造具有某性质的U_n是方便可行的。  相似文献   

关于“乡村旅游”概念的探讨   总被引:130,自引:0,他引:130  
通过对现有一些乡村旅游概念的比较和分析,乡村性应该是界定乡村旅游的最重要标志,因此,狭义的乡村旅游,是指在乡村地区,以具有乡村性的自然和人文客体为旅游吸引物的旅游活动。如果对这个乡村旅游概念中“乡村性”这个特性缺乏足够的认识,就可能导致乡村旅游概念的模糊,这既不利于构建乡村旅游研究的理论体系,也可能会降低乡村旅游的丰富性。  相似文献   

Investigations of people's understanding of the evolution of species have focused mainly on secondary school and university students. Very few investigations have taken into consideration younger students, and none have related children's ideas about the origin of species to formal instruction on this topic. To help fill this gap, the present study examines the effect of this instruction in elementary school children by comparing Italian second graders (n = 21; age = 7 years, 1 month, to 8 years, 7 months) with third graders (n = 18; age = 8 years, 1 month, to 9 years, 4 months) who had been taught about “the earth before humans” for several months in keeping with the Italian National Syllabus for this grade level. Semistructured interviews were used to examine children's thoughts about speciation. The majority of second graders used a creationist framework, whereas most third graders used a mixed framework (referring to both creation and evolution) or an evolutionary framework. However, children did not know about the mechanism of evolution and considered it to be the result of the passage of time, the use and disuse of body parts, or the need to adapt to a changing environment, as suggested by their teacher and textbooks.  相似文献   


Environmental education in schools is an important strategy in achieving environmental improvement. However, it needs to be based on children's understandings of environment rather than on assumptions of what children know and believe. This paper reports on a research project where school children's answers to a question 'I think the term/word environment means ' were analysed using the qualitative research method of phenomenography. Six distinct conceptions were isolated, ranging from the least sophisticated--environment as a place--to the most inclusive and expansive--environment and people in a relationship of mutual sustainability. An important qualitative difference was found between conceptions that treat the environment as an object and relational conceptions. The implications of these findings for environmental education are discussed.  相似文献   

台州职业技术学院建校以来,始终坚持产学研结合的办学指导思想,通过设立产学研结合工作委员会、产学研合作领导小组、产学研合作办公室,出台一系列产学研结合工作方面的文件,设立专项经费等措施,为产学研结合提供可靠的组织、制度和物质保障.同时,积极搭建产学研结合的平台,创新产学研合作的具体方式,如成立台州市工程师协会,设立服务地方的科研机构,加强横向科研合作,开展企业员工培训,引进行业企业培训模式等.  相似文献   

本对当前我国基础教育课程改革从观念和体制两个方面转变,进行了较为系统和深入的分析,力图为当前我国基础教育课程改革的进一步深入提供一份理性思考。  相似文献   

贺铸研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术界关于贺铸的研究主要集中在两个方面。一是在贺铸其人,包括出身、生平和性格。二是词作,主要体现在版本、题材、艺术风格、诗化技巧等方面。  相似文献   

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