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临川傩舞文化的风貌与特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临川傩舞的风貌与特点展示了三个层面的内涵。其一是驱傩的原始形态,临川傩的主题均保存古老的驱疫逐鬼的祭祀内容;其二是融合明清社戏娱神乐人形态,这种融合主要表现在诸多傩面角色渗透了社祭的神人角色或本身就是社祭神人角色因素;其三是寓传统的科举进仕文化主题,即人文教育思想于热闹的气氛之中,显示出临川傩舞最为独特的内涵。  相似文献   

Students are often obliged to fulfill home assignments for school. While being engaged into such compulsory schooling, learners may be tempted to switch to a leisure alternative. Whenever students pursue the learning task although attractive leisure alternatives are present, thoughts about the missed activity can lead to motivational interference. Thus, self-regulation in learning does not only depend on the learning task itself but also on the dismissed alternatives. In a questionnaire study 704 students (mean age: 13.5) were confronted with hypothetical conflicts between a school activity and a leisure activity. The students envisioned themselves in the course of both activities after the decision. As predicted, self-reported self-regulation depended on the valences of both activities. High valence of the performed activity was related to better self-regulation, whereas high valence of the alternative activity resulted in worse self-regulation.  相似文献   

钦州湾地区独特的自然地理环境及多民族杂居的社会环境形成了多类型的民宅与村落。以民族特色分类,可分为汉族民居、壮族民居和京族民居;从建筑材料来分,可分为石头结构民居;竹木结构民居;泥土结构民居;水上疍家。  相似文献   

禅宗思想盛行于则天时代,其后虽然唐末繁华晚谢,但后世之人多受禅宗思想的影响。司空图毕生得意之作《二十四诗品》,骨气奇高,辞采华茂,深得禅宗思想精妙。从思想资源入手,透过思维方式、话语方式两大层面,与禅宗、司空图和《二十四诗品》三个维度交错,可勾勒出禅宗思想对《二十四诗品》的影响。  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查的形式,探索中职学生的英语学习风格偏好。结果表明中职生的英语学习风格偏向于视觉型、听觉型、外向型、严谨型、整体型、分析型的学习风格,在感知学习风格、个性学习风格、感知学习风格三个大组中,属于混合风格的学生比例都较小。年级变化是影响学习风格分布的最大变量,男女学生在严谨/随意型学习风格构成有显著性差异。研究结果能敦促中职英语教师基于中职学生的学习风格改变教学策略,从而促进英语语言学习的成功。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine whether significant benefits would be derived from providing counselor trainees with psychoanalytically oriented group psychotherapy. Twenty trainees were divided into 2 therapy groups that met for 30 1.5-hour weekly sessions. Each experimental trainee was matched with a control (no treatment) trainee counterpart on the basis of sex, number of graduate credits, and counseling specialty. The instruments administered were: the Tennessee Self Concept Scale, the Elmore Psychological Anomie Scale, the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule, and the Porter Counseling Inventory. There were no significant differences on the Tennessee Self Concept Scale. On the Elmore Psychological Anomie Scale, the control subjects had an increase on Valuelessness (p = .181). On the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule, the experimental subjects had an increase on Deference (p = .033) and a decrease on Exhibition (p = .190) and Change (p = .091). On the Porter Counseling Inventory, the experimental subjects achieved an increase in Evaluative (p = .112) and Interpretive (p = .034) responses and a decrease in Understanding (p = .083) responses. The relevance to training of both the lack of definitive differences on some of the variables and the significant findings were discussed. The data were interpreted as providing support for the value of a psychotherapeutic experience as part of training programs, particularly those that accept a psychoanalytic orientation.  相似文献   

网络在教学中的普及促生了网上交谈在英语课堂的应用。本文通过实验数据对网络交谈和小组面谈的激励作用进行了比较分析,结果表明前者的激励作用较强,学生在网上交谈的分配和目标语的产出更为合理;学生也表示更喜欢网上交谈。因此,我们认为网上交谈可以作为英语教师组织课堂活动的一项有效补充。  相似文献   

网络手段在教学中的普及,促生了网上交谈在英语课堂中的应用。通过实验数据对网络交谈和小组面谈的激励作用进行比较分析,表明前者的激励作用较强,明显更受学生欢迎;学生在网上交谈的分配和目标语的产出更为合理。因此,网上交谈可以作为英语教师组织课堂活动的一项有效补充。  相似文献   

Motivational interviewing (MI) is an empirically based practice that provides counselors with methods for working with resistant and ambivalent clients. Whereas previous research has demonstrated the effectiveness of training current clinicians in this evidenced‐based practice, no research has investigated the efficacy of teaching MI to counselors‐in‐training who work with clients from the general population. The authors examined the effect of a student‐based training in MI for 43 graduate‐level counselor trainees using a quasi‐experimental controlled design. Statistical analyses based on pretest and posttest assessments revealed participants’ knowledge and skill in MI significantly improved in the treatment group. Implications for training future counselors and suggestions for additional research are explored.  相似文献   

高校辅导员应以学生为本,强化“三种”意识,做到“三个投入”“三个到位”;尊重学生、学会沟通、长于协调、善于疏导、公正民主,同时不断增强自身素质,提高做学生工作的各种能力。  相似文献   

考察当代大学生体育锻炼与应对方式现状,运用问卷调查方法对海南省五所高校842名在校大学生应对方式和体育锻炼情况进行调查分析.研究表明:当代大学生总体运动量偏低,根据运动量评定标准,七成以上学生运动量≤19分,处于波动量水平;当代大学生在面临应激事件时主要采用解决问题和求助的成熟型应对方式;大四学生成熟型应对方式使用程度最低;男、女大学在求助因子上的差异具有统计学意义;处于波动量水平的大学生解决问题应对方式使用程度最低。  相似文献   

教育游戏激励学习动机的因素分析与设计策略   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
文章分析了教育游戏这一具有游戏特性和教育功用的电脑游戏对学习动机的激励效应,并列举相关实证研究。继而,文章从个体心理因素、群体心理因素两个方面分析了教育游戏中激发和维持学习动机的主要因素,提出激励学习动机的教育游戏设计策略。  相似文献   

This study examined how (a) affection received from a partner and (b) love styles (i.e., eros, ludus, storge, pragma, mania, and agape) predicted the use of jealousy-evoking behaviors in romantic relationships. Participants were 197 undergraduate students currently involved in a committed romantic relationship, who completed a survey reporting on their partners' expressions of affection and their own perceived love styles and uses of jealousy evocation in their relationships. Results indicated that (a) after controlling for relationship length, the amount of affection received from a partner was inversely correlated with the use of jealousy-evoking behaviors, and (b) after controlling for relationship length and received affection, the ludus and mania love styles remained positive predictors of jealousy-evoking behavior. No other love styles were significant predictors.  相似文献   

我国目前高等学校学生工作系统承担了很多学生教育的工作,学生工作系统内部存在着分工不明、工作专业性不强等问题.随着社会的发展、大学生的情况变化,原有学生工作的体系已不能适应以学生为本的教育要求,需要学校社会工作的介入.本文从高校社会工作介入的必要性入手,探讨高校社会工作介入的方式,研究学生工作系统的重新构建,以期使学生工作系统更适应其育人要求.  相似文献   

本文给出了有限群G为π—幂零群的一个充要条件,并利用导群给出了群G为π—幂零群的一个充分条件.  相似文献   

人们通常称汤显祖为"文采派",认为"临川派"等于"文采派".本文拟从"文采"本义、汤显祖的戏曲主张与剧作精髓以及前人评论三方面入手指出这种认识的错误与源由,并提出"情采派"的称谓.  相似文献   

在课程改革日益向纵深发展的今天,对教学效果和教学风格的研究已经引起了国内外学者越来越多的兴趣和关注,追求个性化教学和独具魅力的教学风格已成为一种发展趋势和学科发展的需要。但是,教学风格的研究在体育学科领域里还是一个薄弱环节,本文对当前体育专业理论课教学存在的问题进行了调查分析,指出了国内外教学风格研究发展的趋势及其对体育专业理论课教学的启示。  相似文献   

曹操在创立霸业和建立霸府政治的过程中,形成了谯沛与颍川两大势力集团。两大集团的形成历史、人员构成、社会地位、政治追求与价值取向等方面都存在着很大差异,其政治地位和曹操对这两个集团的政治态度与倚重程度,在建安十五年前后也发生了明显变化。颍川集团政治际遇的变化既反映出曹操霸业的完成,同时也预示着曹魏政权未来的政治走向与政治命运。  相似文献   

学校的德育工作比智育工作显得重要,并且难度大,为此探索德育的方法尤为重要,本文主要针对大学生寝室群体,具体分析了在这样的群体中.如何开展行之有效的思想政治工作。  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that students' value orientations are connected to their experience of motivational interference in a conflict between a school- and a leisure-related activity as well as to school marks as indicators of learning outcomes. In a self-report study with Italian adolescents (N = 433; M = 14.5 years) using a school-leisure conflict scenario, first, the relations between the 10 values introduced by Schwartz and the Inglehart-based Achievement and Well-being value orientations were investigated. Correlations and multidimensional scaling analysis showed overlaps as well as differences between the two sets of value variables. Regression analyses revealed that the Schwartz values were significantly related to the experience of motivational interference during studying and during leisure as well as to school marks. The inclusion of Achievement and Well-being value orientations explained additional variance of the three dependent variables. The relevance of individual values in explaining students' reactions to motivational conflicts is highlighted.  相似文献   

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