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This paper explores language discrimination and discusses the possible critical pedagogy in language education against discrimination. The paper talks about language discrimination consisting of three stages. The first one is institutional discrimination. The second stage is group discrimination. And the last one is individual discrimination. Then it moves to the analysis of critical pedagogy in ESL education. In the end the paper tries to discuss the possibility of anti-language discrimination education.  相似文献   

高职高专院校学前教育专业学生在语言素养方面存在自我认识模糊和心理素质薄弱等问题。培养学生语言素养的策略包括重视口语基本训练、注重词汇的规范使用、讲究学法灵活多样和培养学生的形象感受四个方面。  相似文献   

In this paper, I seek to ascertain whether critical literacy may have an important and realisable place in current English pedagogy, having first tried to establish what is meant by critical literacy, and what its contexts are for my purposes here, including the nature of initial teacher education (ITE). The paper then reports and reflects on some experiences of a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) English group in exploring elements of critical literacy, and focuses especially on two lessons taught by two members of the PGCE group. Whilst acknowledging that any conclusions must be tentative, I go on to propose that a synthesis may be possible between different traditions of English pedagogy to enable critical literacy more easily to flourish.  相似文献   

This article addresses key topics of Chinese as an Additional Language (CAL) education and classroom pedagogical practices. It reports on a 3-year ethnographic study within Australian schools to discuss dialogic pedagogical practices and students’ aspirations. Based on Freire’s conceptualisation of conscientização and banking education, the purpose of this article is therefore to unpack a journey to voices, courage and hope of a cohort of socially, linguistically and economically disadvantaged students in Western Sydney, one of the most culturally diverse regions in the country. Their experiences, responses, dreams and understanding of CAL education in multicultural Australia were thus captured. Our data shows that critical CAL education might point to some avenues for the educational equity agenda. By arguing that emancipatory and critical practices could enhance students to achieve consciousness and collective self-transformation, we aim to make a contribution to the literature on CAL and languages education, which all too often isolates from broader issues in educational theory. The article also adds to the limited research that engages with CAL classroom data. Our critical approach to CAL education illuminates the intersections between language and social inclusion. Considering the worldwide growing upheaval and scepticism around CAL education, we call for writing inclusive languages education and related pedagogical practices into the social inclusion agenda in Australia and internationally, for the teaching and learning of all additional languages.  相似文献   

Critical reflection is important to vital process issues within social work practice; thus, it warrants attention in teaching and supervisory contexts. Autoethnography is a newer qualitative research methodology that uses the experiences of the author/researcher to extend social science understanding (Sparkes, 2000). In this article, the authors use autoethnography to frame critical reflection as a process of exploring social work knowledge and its potential implications, given that such knowledge is situated within fragmented and diverse selves and identities. Thus, good autoethnography is a unique way of accessing knowledge within intersubjective realities, which simultaneously generates a form of critical reflection (the comparison and assessment of emergent knowledge situated within selves and identities). Purposely incorporating an autoethnographic strategy, the authors draw from their experiences to show how personal narratives, the core of autoethnography, might be used to infuse critical reflection into social work education and practice.  相似文献   

林秀琴 《成人教育》2013,(11):110-112
随着对外汉语教学事业的发展,成人对外汉语教学对多媒体教学资源的需求日益增加,基于成人教育的多媒体教学资源库的建设已被提上议事日程。素材型多媒体资源库建设应以教学为本,体现资源建设的实用性;应以人为本,体现资源建设的人文性;应适应并发展新型的、现代化的教学模式,体现资源建设的前瞻性;应强调“人人参与、共建共享”的建库理念,体现资源建设的开放性。  相似文献   

本文回顾了20世纪60年代以来对二语习得关键期的研究,从赞成派和反对派两方面为此理论提供依据,并指出第三种可能:二语习得可能存在多重关键期,即存在多个关键期在不同时期影响语言习得的不同方面。指出成人外语教学应实施不同的教学策略,利用成人外语学习的优势采用相应的教学方法,以达到最佳的学习效果。  相似文献   

Issues of sustainability are complex and often steeped with ethical and political questions without predefined or general answers. This paper deals with how secondary and upper secondary teachers discuss these complex issues, by analysing their aims for Education for Sustainable Development. With inspiration from discourse theory, their articulations about students as political subjects are analysed. Critical thinking emerged as a nodal point in teachers’ discussions. In this study, critical thinking is articulated as having various qualitative meanings related to different epistemological views. On one hand, critical thinking is articulated to invite room for subjectification; but on the other hand, room for subjectification is challenged when critical thinking is articulated through the educational aims of qualification and socialisation. A consequence of changing epistemological view might be that political and ethical issues take a back seat.  相似文献   

二外日语教学新探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
总结了笔在二外日语教学中的实践和探索,提出了二外日语教学在听、说、读、写、译五项基本技能方面全面发展的必要性和可行性。在课堂教学方面主要体现为合理的进度安排及多种教学法相结合。此外本提倡在语言教学中适当进行化背景的介绍,并针对英语专业的特点,提出通过中英日三种语言的对比来加深学生对日语的理解。  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育数学课程标准》根据数学自身的发展、教育观念的更新、学习心理的规律和数学教育的现状等,提出了促进学生全面、持续、和谐发展的课程目标和数学课程的基本观念,归纳起来,表现在以下几个方面:关于面向全体与个性发展,关于创新,关于教学中心,关于评价,关于现代信息技术。  相似文献   

With the establishment of a host of new education institutions, educational policy making in Sri Lanka demonstrated a marked change during the last fifteen years. The idea of a national education policy that emerged during this period attempted to ensure continuity of educational policy while at the same time contributing to the production of trainable youths who could become successful in any type of activity they selected for their future. The policy was formulated with the intention of providing a good general education to the young of the nation and began to be implemented in 1998. The high academic bias, rigidity of curricula, and the widening mismatch between education and employment are the priority issues that gave rise to new education reforms in secondary education. A number of strategies are tried out today at junior secondary (grades 6 to 9) and senior secondary (grades 10 to 13) levels of the general education system to address these issues while paying attention to ways and means of strengthening the link between research and policy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

传统的高等师范教育模式在职业教育体系中处于弱势,对理论的过分偏重,实践教学环节的严重不足,与基础教育改革的脱节,导致学生的从师职业技能普遍偏低,毕业生能力规格与用人单位的要求差距较大。本文以汉语言文学教育专业为例,全面陈述了该专业的技能培养方案,以期解决师范教育中存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

建设和谐世界是当前我国外交的指导方针,它既符合我国传统文化中的和谐思想,也符合和平、发展的国际时代主题和我国构建和谐社会的现代化建设目标。我们应当抓住当前国际上汉语学习热的有利时机,发展国际汉语教育,提高海外汉语文化“软实力”,推动和谐世界建设。  相似文献   


Students entering English-medium universities frequently struggle to cope with the language demands of their degree programmes, despite having met the English language entry conditions stipulated by their receiving institutions. This can have significant repercussions for the teaching-learning process, for the student experience and for universities’ reputations. Most universities, therefore, have in place some form of in-sessional English language support to develop students’ language proficiency. Such provision tends to be centralised and to offer English for general academic purposes rather than language development that responds in a more nuanced way to the particular literacy needs of students’ disciplines. In this article we report on an alternative, decentralised model of language support, implemented in a School of Nursing and Midwifery, and which seeks to develop students’ competency in the language skills required for their Nursing studies and professional practice. Results to date have been encouraging and provide further evidence that such tailored provision offers a potentially fruitful language development strategy.  相似文献   

思维是一种可以训练的技能。本文首先分析了英美国家思维技能教育兴起的原因;接着探讨了思维技能教育的内容、模型和模式,以及一节典型思维技能训练课的组织形式;最后讨论了英美国家思维技能教育的发展给我国基础阶段外语学科教育的启示,以及思维技能教育需进一步解决的问题。  相似文献   

日益普及的大众媒介正影响着儿童生活与学习的方方面面。然而,当媒介环境完全代替儿童的自然环境时,儿童就有可能失去其天真本性,主体发生异化。本文正是针对儿童生活在媒介环境中出现的一些问题,诉求儿童自我异化的原因,分析儿童媒介教育的内容、方法和策略。  相似文献   

澳门小学语文教育现正在进行一系列的改革.其背景包括澳门教育暨青年局拟订小学语文基本学历要求,澳门大学进行全面的课程改革等。为了配合这个新形势,澳门大学教育学院小学专业进行了一些调整,以加强学员的语文素质及能力。小学语文教师应具备文化知识素质、语文能力素质和文学审美素质等,以提升小学语文科的教学效果。  相似文献   

脱胎于文学批评-文化研究-符号学的媒介素养教育一旦运用到中小学课堂,势必流于解构技巧训练。任何一种解构的效果都颇为可疑,媒介素养教育不会使世界更好,只会使一个贫乏的大脑更加贫乏。新媒体带来知情权和参与权,受众消失,制作人诞生,人们解读媒介文本内容能力大大提高,解码媒介文本制作技巧无师自通。在此背景下,媒介素养教育迅速过时。知道不等于接受,解构无助于建构,技巧带不来素养,独立建制的媒介素养教育是富裕国家的教育富裕病,可取之途是将之融入素质教育和通识教育,将重心从解构技巧转向文化素养。  相似文献   

本文以法制精神为主轴,以重要教育举措为横轴,以"每个孩子都很重要"为教育价值取向,审视了英国从1944年到2008年过去半个多世纪颁布的几部影响着英国基础教育格局和走向的法律,如1944年的教育改革法,1988年教育改革法,1993年的教育法和2006年教育检查法等,以及发展基础教育的六大举措:如统一国家课程标准,发展自我管理学校,监控教育服务和质量,打造特色学校等。文章最后对我国教育可以借鉴的方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

我国现当代基础教育英语课程之语言目标经历了重视"四会"的模糊目标时期;突出阅读和翻译能力的基本目标时期;强调提高初步运用英语能力的科学目标时期以及综合语言运用能力的标准化目标时期。随着社会的进步和英语课程改革的深入开展,可以预见,"双基"将在基础教育英语课程目标中的基础性地位更加巩固,而培养用语言做事的能力乃至交际能力将成为英语课程的最终目标,同时,语言目标的人文内涵将更加受到重视,语言目标将更加科学、明确、灵活、开放。  相似文献   

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