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课题研究小组利用自行设计的"英语专业学生学业成就评价现状及改革调查问卷",从英语专业人才培养的素质、学生学业成就评价的目的、内容、方法、主体以及评价标准的改革等方面,对安徽科技学院英语师范专业05级、06级、07级、08级的学生进行了问卷调查,通过剖析存在的问题来证实学生学业成就评价改革的必要性,并提出改革的建议和措施.  相似文献   

王国维的治学特色主要表现在:吸收西方学术思想和方法,圆融中西学术;重视发现新材料,采用新方法,研究新学问;既注重微观层面的专深研究,又注重系统研究;视野宽广,兼收并蓄;主张学术独立、自由.他独特的方法主要是"三目"研究方法,即二重证据法、把异族之故书与本国之旧籍互相补正、取外来之观念与固有之材料互相参证;具有"阙疑"的精神,运用批判性思维和方法;融合科学方法和人文研究方法,注重研究方法的功用.  相似文献   

瑞典位于北欧斯堪的纳维亚半岛东半部,是世界经济发达国家之一,以全民高福利著称。实施全民免费教育,对国际学生也不收费。国民人均受教育年限很高。统合高中教育和高等教育都很有自己的特色。而作为进入瑞典大学接受高等教育的三种方式之一的瑞典学能测验(Swedish Scholastic AssessmentTest,SweSAT)已有30多年的历史,为学生选择适合自己的大学,大学选择适合自己专业领域的学生,提供了重要的参考依据。本文首先对瑞典学能测验的历史、测验的组成、实施过程等方面做一个概要性的阐述。然后介绍了瑞典学能测验面临的问题及其对中国考试的几点启示。  相似文献   

高校素质教育的关键是提高大学生的自主意识。学生工作在高校全面推进素质教育中有着不可替代的重要作用。高校学生工作为适应素质教育的需要必须提高认识、转变观念、深化改革  相似文献   

杨琴 《池州师专学报》2005,19(3):141-143
针对学校体育功能,分析健康教育目标的实现,须寻求多样的教学形式,使学生要快乐体验中获得身心各方面的促进作用。健康教育要有终身体育的意识,既要掌握体育的知识,技能和技术,更要使其身心素质得到相应的完善。  相似文献   

Throughout the 19th century, the discourse on idiocy was among the most substantial and celebrated fields of knowledge about human nature; yet it is mostly forgotten or ignored by scholars today. Once science could identify the truly retarded individual from within the confused concept of idiocy, it is thought, these subjects could finally be treated separately and more humanely. But looking back at the early discourse on idiocy reveals a rational knowledge of the subject built on a very different intelligibility from our own. Indeed, until modern times, idiocy was actually considered a form of madness, and it was only through the emergence of a new intelligibility of the body—based on the idea of development—that the concept of retardation could emerge. Rather than through medical or humanistic advance, it was first through the emergence of the normalizing technologies of the hospitals and schools that society would find new reasons and means for dealing with these ‘recalcitrant’ figures who were unwilling or unable to conform to the requirements and goals of the institutional disciplines. A new intelligibility of the idiot based on new disciplinary technologies would provide the basis not only for the mentally retarded subject, but eventually for all of the behavioral disorders of childhood. This article will be of interest to scholars and educators interested in the history of the modern developmental subject, pedagogy, and the appearance of the norm in constructing knowledge of the subject and the ordering of behaviors.  相似文献   


Using actual referrals, this investigation identified teachers’ specific reasons for referring students, teachers’ attributions for students’ difficulties in school settings, and whether causes are related to reasons for referral. Major findings indicated that (1) reasons for referral were consistent with previous investigations, (2) although boys were referred twice as often as girls, teachers ascribed similar causes for boys and girls, and (3) teachers’ attributions were primarily due to factors other than adequacy of instruction. Several explanations for the complexity of factors influencing teachers’ decisions to refer students are discussed.  相似文献   

研究初一学生数学学业自尊、成就目标和数学学习成绩关系。采用数学学业自尊量表和成就目标量表,调查成都和平学校268名初一学生数学学业自尊、成就目标。使男女生数学成绩无显著性差异;男生数学学业自尊显著高于女生;男生掌握趋近目标高于女生;女生成绩回避目标高于男生。数学掌握趋近目标、成绩趋近目标以及数学自尊和数学成绩呈正相关;掌握回避目标与数学自尊、掌握趋近以及数学成绩呈负相关。成绩回避和成绩趋近是影响数数学学业自尊和数学学习成绩主要因素。本研究对于促进初一学生数学学业自尊和学习成绩的教育实践具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

Method of Measurement and Gender Differences in Scholastic Achievement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gender differences in scholastic achievement as a function of method of measurement were examined by comparing the performance of 15-year-old boys (N = 739) and girls (N = 758) in Irish schools on multiple-choice tests and free-response tests (requiring short written answers) of mathematics, Irish, and English achievement. Males performed significantly better than females on multiple-choice tests compared to their performance on free-response examinations. An expectation that the gender difference would be larger for the languages and smaller for mathematics because of the superior verbal skills attributed to females was not fulfilled.  相似文献   

Two recently published meta-analyses (Huang, 2012, Hulleman et al., 2010) have focused on the association between achievement goals and achievement outcomes. These meta-analyses differed to some extent, e.g., regarding the identified moderators. The present meta-analysis serves to clarify those heterogeneous findings by considering more studies through 2011 and by considering more moderators. Our literature search identified 180 publications (N = 81 947). Analyses (using random effects models) revealed small but significant associations between achievement goals and achievement outcomes (r = −.12 to r = .13; all ps < .01; global performance goals: r = .01, p > .05). The results of the present moderator analyses differed from those of the previous meta-analyses. For example, in contrast to Huang (2012), we were able to find several moderators of the association between performance-approach goals and academic achievement. The results have several important implications, especially regarding the assessment of achievement goals.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between classroom seating preference and student personality characteristics. Previous research has revealed front and center seating positions are characterized by high student-teacher interaction. In this study it was suggested that one explanation for the high interaction is that students with similar personality characteristics prefer to sit in the central seats. The 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire was administered to 285 undergraduates in two treatment conditions: preference seating and random seating. Analyses of variance and t tests were performed on the data. The research hyotheses were partially supported in that several personality factors were significantly different for those who chose action seats and those who did not.  相似文献   


A comparison of two studies in which the utility of two non-intellective variables, self-expectations and self concept of ability, as predictors of scholastic achievement was examined. Because of its established predictive potential, academic aptitude was included as an independent variable in the multiple regression equations. The results of the comparison show that no significant difference existed in the multiple correlation coefficients of the two female high school student samples. A significant difference was found in the coefficients of the two male samples. The sheer magnitude of the multiple R's was noteworthy. When the non-intellective variables were added to the regression equations, a sizeable gain in explaining variance in scholastic achievement was made over that usually reported.  相似文献   

成就目标理论作为解释成就动机行为的社会认知模式之一,一直受到国内外心理研究的极大重视。本文在详尽介绍当代成就动机研究中三个重要的概念:成就目标理论、潜在能力理论和能力自我知觉以及最近提出的2×2成就目标结构的基础上,进一步引入了一个把成就目标与8种完全分离的成就情绪联系起来的理论模型,从而深化了成就目标理论的研究。  相似文献   


Three different tests of intelligence and the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students were administered to 89 Norwegian undergraduate psychology students. The purpose was to investigate the relationship between intelligence, approaches to learning and academic achievement. Factor analysis supported a one-factor solution of the three intelligence tests as an expression of general intelligence. No relationship between general intelligence and approaches to learning was observed. The WAIS vocabulary test of intelligence and the surface approach to learning were negatively correlated. The WAIS vocabulary test of intelligence and the surface approach to learning predicted academic achievement. A curvilinear relationship between surface approach and academic achievement was observed. Multiple regression analysis showed interaction effects between deep-strategic and surface-strategic approaches to learning as predictors of academic achievement. The findings support the construct validity of approaches to learning due to its independence of intelligence.  相似文献   

成就动机作为一种重要的社会性动机,对理解和分析个体的行为具有重要意义。研究者希望通过系统地梳理归纳相关内容,为成就动机的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍成就动机的概念及其形成过程,分析成就动机的培养方法和条件,指出家长对待子女的态度和家长自身的素质是培养孩子成就动机的最重要的条件。  相似文献   

某教师曾向我谈起这样一件事:一个学生上课不认真听讲,课后老师把他叫到办公室准备“教育”一番,不料学生出语惊人:“老师,你以为你教得好我就学得好吗 ?即使我考试得到高分,也不是因为你教得好,而是我学得好。”老师当时气得话都说不出来,连连感叹当今的孩子太不懂事。   作为一名教师,对学生的这种言论我起初也感到很愤慨。学生对辛辛苦苦向自己传授知识的老师说出那样的话,不啻是一种忤逆和反叛。然而事后冷静下来想一想,那个学生说的话其实没有多大错。试想,如果老师的课堂教学没有面向全体学生 (这是当前的普遍现象 ),…  相似文献   

每个人都有着丰富的自我图式,它们是过去自我、可能自我以及应该自我。自我图式对成就动机有重要影响,决定成就动机的指向、力量和调节等重要方面。建构合理的自我图式可以激发成就动机,有多种途径可以建构自我图式。  相似文献   

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