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Since M. Foucault's book “Surveiller et punir” (Paris, 1975) the recent works published in the Anglo‐Saxon countries by M. Ignatieff, “A Just Measure of Pain: the Penitentiary in the Industrial Revolution” (New York, 1978), in the Netherlands by P. Spierenburg, “The Emergence of Carceral Institutions: Prisons, Galleys and Lunatic Asylums. 1500‐1900” (Rotterdam, 1984) and in France by J. Petit, “Ces peines obscures. La prison pénale en France. 1780–1875” (Paris, 1990) allow to tackle once again the problem of imprisonment which opposes the theories on criminal law and the realities of penitentiary practices, by reconciling the history of ideas with that of social facts and institutions.

The Belgian model–little studied and relatively unknown–is worth being examined not only in the light of the discussions on the penal system reform in Europe at the end of the 18th century, but also in relationship with the specific traditions in the Spanish Netherlands in the 16th and 17th centuries and the Austrian Netherlands in the 18th century.

The control over poverty and the repression of vagrancy during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries are at the core of the debate on imprisonment. The struggle against vagrancy initiated since the edicts of Charles the Fifth in 1515, led to a hesitation during three centuries between taking measures of assistance or measures of repression (B. Geremek, “La potence ou la pitié” (Paris, 1987)). This issue discloses two trends which are at the same time opposing and complementary: the social import (assistance: hospital) and the penal import (repression: the gallows). Between these two models there is a third one: the workhouse (tuchthuis, spinnenhuis) which became widely common in the Netherlands at the end of the 16th century (Amsterdam, 1596; Antwerp, 1613; Brussels, 1623; Ghent, 1627). But as long as the penal system was closely linked to the idea of corporal punishment, imprisonment remained an administrative measure without judicial intervention.

The Belgian invention of the modern prison system consisted precisely of the combination of the two models proposed by Vilain XIIII, an economist, in Gent in 1771 (Mémoire sur la manière de corriger les malfaiteurs et les fainéants pour les rendre utiles à eux‐mêmes et à l'Etat) and by Goswin de Fierlant, a jurist, in Brussels during that same year (Mémoire sur les insuffisances et inconvénients des châtiments corporels et les avantages qu'il y aurait à les remplacer par des maisons de force). The modern prisons of Ghent (1775) and Vilvorde (1779) sprang from the combination of the economic model (the workhouse) and the penal model (the prison for the punishment of convicts). This new modern prison was vaunted by the English philanthropist Howard in 1778 and 1781, and used as a model by the French authorities when during the Empire (1801‐1803) the large central prisons were established.  相似文献   


A favorite book of Julia, age three, wasThe Little Engine That Could. When her teacher asked her if she could eat nicely with the class next door, she replied, I think I can, I think I can. As Jenny tramped across a bridge on a bike, she called to her mom, Hey, mom, trip trap trip trap; I hope there's no ugly troll down there. One of her favorite bedtime stories at age four was The Three Billy Goats Gruff.Sharen Halsall is an Assistant Professor in Child Development at Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, FL. Connie Green is an Associate Professor in Curriculum and Instruction at Appalachian State University, Boone, NC.  相似文献   

绿门 《今日中学生》2022,(Z3):73-75
<正>在失去动力、感到失落时,一首催人上进的歌曲或许能让你振作起来。作为《空中大灌篮》——一部由迈克尔·乔丹主演的科幻电影——的插曲,I Believe I Can Fly因其歌词具有极大的鼓舞性而备受听众的喜爱,这点我们可以从它拥有几十个翻唱版本看出。随着歌曲的层层递进,节奏逐渐由柔和变为带有些许律动。在歌手对"I believe I can fly" 一遍又一遍的重复中,我们心中那个哭泣的小孩逐渐擦掉眼泪,鼓起勇气、充满信心地面对接下来的挑战。  相似文献   

纪录片是“用影片叙述非虚构的故事”,强调的是对客观事实的纪录。对客观事实的纪录是创作者思维的结果,只有用心思考的纪录片才能唤起观众的呼应和共鸣,创作者的思维是无形的手,决定着片子的深度和方向。纪录片创作者的主观意图的表达究竟在片子创作过程当中处于什么样的地位,创作者究竟应该持有一个什么样的思维尺度,才能在表达创作意图的同时无损于纪录片真实的生命,并且能同时得到观众的认可。  相似文献   

I Try,I Talk     
对话教学是小学英语课堂教学的重点和难点,占了相当大的份量,然而,现时的对话教学令人担忧,模式单调,如"对重点句型讲解--操练--检测"。学生没兴趣,课堂没活力,教学当然也没效果。如何利用对话教学培养、发展小学生的实际语言交际能力?一、创意引课,趣味横生———推开交际之门  相似文献   

我记得.我记得 我常去荡秋千的地方. 心想那扑向飞翔着的燕子的清风. 毕竟是同样的令人心旷神恰; 我的心啊.那时犹如插翅飞翔, 现在却沉重无比. 即使夏日的水潭也难以 消退我额头上的高热!  相似文献   

人因思想而成为人,还因善于思想而成为更聪明、更智慧、更高大的人。大学不仅由思想者来传递思想,而且要由思想者生产思想,进而传递思想,大学因思想而存在。大学是思想的摇篮,是思想家的摇篮,必定担负起生长和培育智慧的崇高使命。而要为智慧提供空间、为创造提供更大的可能,大学则需要自由。中国的大学尚需要更多的自由,自由的大学才是好的大学。大学确实需要明白"我思故我在"的深刻含义。  相似文献   

The best source of infant learning toys is the trash can. A noted authority on infancy made this statement...me. Many commercially made toys and learning materials are available. Some of them were developed out of a firm knowledge of developmental tasks of infancy and with aesthetic sensitivity. Unfortunately they cost, and many of us who have our own infants or work in day care do not have resources for a lot of commercial materials.Mr. Altham taught infants and toddlers while studying at Bank Street College. After teaching in a Head Start program for four years, he moved to his current job as teacher/director of a college campus child care center.  相似文献   

米莎·巴顿的身上有种混合的气质:既有英国式的优雅、冷漠与高贵,又兼备美国式的随意、热情与亲切。让Mischa跨入明星行列的作品是FOX电视网的青春偶像剧"TheO.C"(《橘子郡男孩》)。这部偶像剧在美国播出首季就成为34岁以下组的收视冠军,美国总统布什的孪生女儿都是每集不落的铁杆观众。本期"明星面对面",我们带您走进这位欧西美女。  相似文献   

Rachel Bilson. Gorgeous. Stylish. Rich. And we still like her. Werid...好莱坞新贵瑞切尔·贝尔森 2003 年凭借《橘子郡男孩》成为一颗耀眼的明星,两年后又跻身于"世界最性感的百名美女"行列,并于同年获得"世界最美十大女星"中"最漂亮眼睛"的殊荣。她的大眼睛有一种催眠的魔力,不管是否化眼妆,那甜美而充满童真的眼神都极具杀伤力。  相似文献   

那么你真的要采访我吗?"上帝问道。"假如您有时间的话。"我说。上帝笑了:"我的时间是永恒的,……那么你有什么问题要问我呢?  相似文献   

教学内容:小学语文第二册《我是足球》★激情足球赛5月的天空多么晴朗,5月的花儿竞相开放。在激情洋溢的绚烂5月,2002年的韩日世界杯足球赛日益临近,5月下旬的一节语文课,我准备上第17课《我是足球》。为了激起学生的兴趣,我在学校体育组借了一个足球,故意挑了一个较新较漂亮的,与书本上的足球图案一样。我想,这么漂亮的足球,孩子们一定会喜欢的。果然不出我所料,当我拿着课本,托着足球出现在教室里时,孩子们一片哗然:“哗,足球!”“足球!”孩子们的眼睛都亮了,“老师要上17课了。”“老师,我们想去踢足球。”教室里全是孩子们欢欣的叫嚷声…  相似文献   

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