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The Chinese higher nursing education has developed fast. People's opinions to it have changed. In the future, it will show the developmental trends as follows. The scale of higher nursing education will be enlarged and educational levels will be improved continuously. The professional characteristics will be further focused on in nursing curriculum system. Teaching methods will be diversified to help the students to improve their abilities. The internationalization will be the developmental trend of nursing education. The development of nursing education puts forward higher demands for the faculties. How to cultivate the higher-quality nursing faculties has received increasing attention over the past few years as a common problem with serious consequences for the qualities of the students. It needs to equip the human resources of nursing teachers to be perfect, establish the academic faculty echelon and intensify the general qualities of nursing faculties. The nursing teachers should improve their theoretical and educational levels, develop the teaching capabilities, possess the capabilities of scientific research, enhance the clinical practical capabilities, improve the application abilities of the foreign language and cultivate the humanistic qualities to train the excellent students.  相似文献   

Human anatomy is a foundational course in nursing education, however, there is growing concern that students do not retain enough anatomical knowledge to successfully apply it in clinical settings. The aim of this study was to determine retention level of anatomy knowledge among second-year nursing students from their first-year anatomy class, and to determine if there is a difference in level of retention based on organ system. For each system, second-year students were asked to answer 9 to 11 multiple-choice questions (MCQs), and the scores from these quizzes were compared to matched test items from their first-year anatomy examinations. There was a significant decrease in the overall mean score from 83.05 ± 8.34 (±SD) in first year to 54.36 ±12.9 in second year (P = 0.0001). Retention levels were system specific. System-specific knowledge retention was highest for the gastrointestinal system (89.7%), respiratory system (88.5%), and genitourinary system (83.6%). This was followed by the integumentary system (80.1%), special senses (79.4%), nervous system (74.9%), and musculoskeletal system (69.3%). Retention was lowest for the lymphatic system (64.3%), cranial nerves (58.8%), vascular system (53.9%), and head and neck (42.6%). The present study shows that nursing students’ anatomy knowledge retention was comparatively higher than rates reported by others in medical and allied-health students. The researchers are now investigating knowledge retention in third- and fourth-year nursing students. Further investigation into why retention is higher for specific systems and intervention strategies to improve knowledge acquisition and retention in nursing students is recommended.  相似文献   

Anatomy is a core course in undergraduate nursing curriculum. In today’s nursing profession, the integration of biosciences and humanities is increasingly emphasized. Anatomy is considered one of the most essential bioscience subjects for nursing practice. Thus, integrating a silent mentor program into the anatomy course can enrich the knowledge of undergraduate nursing students regarding biosciences and humanities and enhance their future patient-centered care competencies. This article aimed to understand the students’ perceptions of integrating a silent mentor program into the anatomy course. Qualitative approach included four focus group interviews. Themes were developed using the analytic induction technique. Twenty-five second-year undergraduate nursing students from a university were recruited. Semi-structured interviews were used to guide four focus group interviews. Focus group interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed, and analyzed. According to the preliminary findings, nursing students regarded silent mentors not only as teaching tools but also as tools to learn more than anatomy. Students greatly respected the silent mentors and were highly engaged in the anatomy course. They expected to become better students or future nurses. Four themes were identified from the interviews: emotional transformation, caring spirit, course engagement, and self-expectation. The findings suggest that the silent mentor program offered students a beneficial learning experience and stimulated their developing competency in nursing humanities. How the silent mentor program can help students achieve optimum academic performance and how their positive experience of the program and humanistic spirit translates into clinical practice in future should be studied further.  相似文献   

Skills in clinical decision‐making are integral to the efficiency and effectiveness of health‐care delivery. This article describes the use of case‐study method in order to develop skills in clinical decision‐making in students of nursing. A model of topic development is described. Aspects of topic development included: the selection of appropriate cases; the use of guidelines for analysis of cases and the development of interrelated formats for teaching. Data from student surveys on topic and lecturer evaluation indicated that, generally, students were satisfied with the teaching methodology. Student responses to a pre‐ and post‐test showed that they developed skills in clinical decision‐making.  相似文献   

The Dearing Report’s (1997 Dearing, R. 1997. Higher education in the learning society: report of the National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education, London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. (Chair) [Google Scholar]) radical proposals challenged lecturers in higher education to develop innovative assessment strategies. This paper explores the dilemmas experienced by one teaching team in designing and implementing a student self‐assessment strategy within a community nursing degree programme. The paper reviews the impact on students’ sense of autonomy and critical thinking skills. In addition, it considers, in depth, the risks associated with developing and implementing a strategy involving self‐assessment. Drawing on a range of sources it examines the drivers for the initiative, the response from the range of stakeholders involved and the impact on the student experience. The academic team found that developing such a creative initiative is time consuming, provokes anxiety and requires extensive negotiation and collaboration between academic and practice colleagues. However, the adoption of a self‐assessment initiative has a significant effect on students’ critical thinking skills and warrants the effort.  相似文献   


Student‐centred learning and teaching are concepts often given in relationship to philosophies of nurse education. Nursings’ Professional Regulatory Bodies and Higher Education Institutes generally can be shown to advocate such approaches to the delivery of educational programmes. The literature reviewed, however, highlights how no clear definitions of this concept are available. Student‐centredness can be shown to be a multi‐faceted concept and in addition has interrelationships with concepts of andragogy. This article describes an exploratory qualitative study which investigated nurse teachers’ perceptions of student‐centredness and concepts of andragogy. The findings are shown to be of relevance to nurse teachers and the higher education sector generally.  相似文献   

Democratic user control is a hallmark of Scandinavian schools, but also of other services of the Scandinavian welfare states. This article studies variations in parental control and influences in public and non-public schools. In addition, how the use of different governance tools inspired by markets affects user control is analyzed. The empirical investigation consists of matching public and non-public schools and nursing homes in three Norwegian municipalities. The study concludes that there is important variation between public and non-public schools, while there is little variation between public and non-public nursing homes. The organization of the quasi-market is an important explanation for this.  相似文献   

Cases of abandoned elderly are increasing worldwide. By and large, this group struggles with the sudden change in living arrangement as well as abandonment by their families. Consequently, many elderly are forced into living in nursing homes for the remainder of their lives. Abandonment among these elderly negatively affects how they view themselves, which is detrimental to their health and well-being. Thus, exploring the feelings of elderly regarding their abandonment and how they cope becomes a major concern in caring for them. Recognizing the dearth of literature, this grounded theory study purported to describe sthe process by which these elderly cope with abandonment. A total of 24 abandoned Filipino elderly respondents were purposively selected to take part in a semistructured in-depth interview. Following the Glaserian approach, a four-part process emerged to describe the layer of human experience under study. The R.O.P.E. to Cope Theory of Abandonment describes how the elderly progress from the resisting, occupying, pondering, and embracing phases toward successful coping. Understanding this process equips health care providers with knowledge of appropriate interventions in the provision of holistic care to the elderly. Ultimately, findings of this study will be helpful in assisting abandoned elderly individuals in their path to achieving an improved quality of life and a happier perspective on it.  相似文献   

In recognition of the entry into the era of personalized medicine, a new set of genetics and genomics competencies for nurses was introduced in 2006. Since then, there have been a number of reports about the critical importance of these competencies for nursing practices and about the challenges of addressing these competencies in the preservice (basic science) nursing curriculum. At least one suggestion has been made to infuse genetics and genomics throughout the basic science curriculum for prenursing students. Based on this call and a review of the competencies, this study sought to assess the impact of incorporation of genetics and genomics content into a prenursing microbiology course. Broadly, two areas that address the competencies were incorporated into the course: 1) the biological basis and implications of genetic diversity and 2) the technological aspects of assessing genetic diversity in bacteria and viruses. These areas address how genetics and genomics contribute to healthcare, including diagnostics and selection of treatment. Analysis of learning gains suggests that genetics and genomics content can be learned as effectively as microbiology content in this setting. Future studies are needed to explore the most effective ways to introduce genetics and genomics technology into the prenursing curriculum.  相似文献   

In order to help the selection and training of teachers for kindergartens, a scale for diagnosis of the special psychological predispositions needed for kindergarten teachers has been developed. It consists of 130 items derived from a personality test and an ability test. By the use of stratified sampling strategy, 660 teachers from different kindergartens in Beijing were chosen to form a sample group in its development. The result of the test was displayed in the form of T-score and percentile respectively. After several times of practice, its reliability and validity have been verified.  相似文献   

Study provides qualitative analysis of data that answers the following research question: how college science faculty teach science and NOS and incorporate aspects of NOS and the history of science into their undergraduate courses? Study concentrates on four cases and more specifically on three introductory science classes and on four instructors who taught those courses. These instructors were chosen as case studies to explore in greater detail what occurs inside introductory science courses in one particular higher institution in the Northeastern United States. Participants’ teaching styles are presented through a combined and detailed presentation of interview data and classroom observations supported with examples from their classroom activities. Constant comparative approach was used in the process of organizing and analyzing data. Findings revealed that participants preferred to use the traditional teacher-centered lecturing as their teaching style and whose main concern was to cover more content, develop the problem solving skills of their students, and who wanted to teach the fundamental principles of their subjects without paying special importance to the NOS aspects. The study also revealed that other variables of teaching science, such as large class size, lack of management and organizational skills, teaching experience, and instructors’ concerns for students’ abilities and motivation are more important for these scientists then teaching for understanding of NOS.  相似文献   

Charlie Chaplin(查理·卓别林)broke into show business at age fivebecause his mother,a music-hall performer,lost her voice during theperformance and had to leave the stage,and Charlie went on and sang a  相似文献   

Inlanguage practice,vaguenessisindeed of greatpragmatic value and vitality,thus,with many prepara-tionsin semantic area,I will attempt to analyze vaguelanguage fromthe perspective of pragmatics.This pa-per will deal withthe pragmatic functions of vague lan-guage and because of thelimitation of space,it will fo-cus onthose in daily communication.1.Theoretical Grounds for Pragmatic Func-tions of Vague LanguageWu Shixiong(1996)assumes that“the fuzzinessof language arises fromthe process of hu…  相似文献   


a number of与the number of两个比较容易混淆的短语,尤其是当它们作主语时,其谓语的单复数形式很容易被弄错。要解开他们之间的疙瘩,其中的奥妙就在下面。  相似文献   

Vice Chairmen SHAN Ping HU Xiaotang CHEN Jiaxiu CAO Chusheng(aeademieian) GU Peiliang GU Yao HUANG Tian HUO Uxing JIANG Enyong JING Hongyang H Yongdan llU Chan幻un MA Yltai PENG Yigang(acade而cian) SHENJi涵ang(academician) SHU GeqUn SHU Yanlai SUW妞nhua SUN Yan SUN Yugeng TANG ZhiyUan WANG Jingkang(acade而 eian WANG Mingshi WANG Tieeheng WANG Xinying YANG Fenghe YANG Xianjin YANG Zhengfang YAO Jian卿an(acade而eian) YE Shenghua(acade而eian) YU…  相似文献   

Journal of     
2006年12期这是一场比知识,比脑力的竞赛。我们热情地邀请你和你的伙伴一起走入我们的竞猜天地。你的答案要写在信封的背面寄给我们。贴上赛标,写清你的地址哦!本期竞猜结束的时间为2006年12月31日止1.穿了棉衣为什么会暖和?每当冰天雪地的冬季来临,人们总是穿厚厚的棉衣抵御寒  相似文献   

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