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大学生英语交流障碍的心理语言学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据调查结果和心理语言学研究得知,大学生英语口头交流障碍主要有情感和文化两大方面。以Krashen的情感过滤图为基础加以剖析后,它们如何成为交流的原因便一目了然了。  相似文献   

单独用社会心理学上最新发展的面子模式或关联理论很难解释交际现象,因为它们各自有自己的局限性。面子更多地强调交际的社会文化层面而忽视了心理层面;而关联理论过多地强调了认知层面而忽视了社会文化层面。但两者具有互补性,两者有机的结合起来能更有效的解释交际现象。  相似文献   

《儒林外史》是一部儒士小说,但同时也建构了一个武侠的群体,由作者对武侠的激赏可见他是有意为之。从作者对武侠的描写透视《儒林外史》群侠的特点及其生成原因,在此基础上分析书中武侠描写的文化蕴涵:作者在《儒林外史》中用心雕塑武侠群像,既是集体心理治疗的一种体现,更是重塑士精神、重构士群体的一种尝试。吴敬梓希冀以勇武、正义、慷慨的侠气警醒、救赎儒士阶层,促使其摆脱衰迈之气,奋发有为,从而创造清明安乐的理想社会。武侠群像在小说中不是可有可无,而是大有深意及作用。  相似文献   

Isaksson, A. 1979. Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development and Its Relevance to Education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 23, 47‐63. The main assumptions and categories of Kohlberg's theory of moral development are succinctly outlined. New empirical studies and critical reviews are discussed, and their implications for the theory assessed. It is concluded that the theory is correct in its basic assumption of viewing moral development as a sequential progression towards more complex structural wholes that can be conceptualized as levels or stages. Empirical evidence is found to lend greater support to the identity of three sequential structural levels than to six distinct stages. Kohlberg's and his associates’ approach to moral education is briefly described. The relevance of the theory to moral education is seen as self‐evident. The conditions for the efficacy of moral educational programmes are discussed. The general conclusion of the article is that Kohlberg's approach has proven its basic theoretical and heuristic value. The theoretical framework favoured by the author is cognitive‐developmental.  相似文献   

This article discusses the relevance of philosophy to education. More specifically, it asks what it means to speak of a relevance relationship here. Two ways of conceiving this relationship are discussed. First, proposed views of the relevance of philosophy to education generally embody a foundational view of the relationship, expressed in terms of education as resting on philosophy such that support runs in one direction only. Second, a non-foundational relationship is discussed, a relationship that entails mutual dependence of philosophy and education, such that philosophy loses its status as basic.  相似文献   

王志伟 《新高考》2013,(5):50-52
一群来自中国残疾人艺术团的聋哑演员,用残缺的肢体和不屈的心灵,一次又一次地完美演绎了震撼人心的灵魂之舞《千手观音》。一路走来,她们从来没有停下追梦的脚步。这不,最近,她们又一起“舞”进了中国青年政治学院的知识殿堂,开始了挑战自我的新征程。  相似文献   

公民受教育权及其法律保障是近年来社会关注的焦点问题之一。当前,我国公民在受教育权实现过程中存在的主要问题是公民受教育权的实现存在不平等和来自各方面对公民受教育权的侵害。从根本上来说要通过发展经济、完善教育法规、发展远程教育、完善学生申诉制度,为受教育者提供保障教育公正的条件。  相似文献   

数学学习选择能力是一种数学学习能力.中学生的数学学习选择能力是影响学习成绩的重要因素,二者有着比较高的正相关,并且相关性显著.增强中学生数学学习选择能力的策略有:唤醒学生的选择意识,尊重学生的选择权利,积极改变教师的角色,加强对中学生数学学习选择能力的培养.  相似文献   

高职教育不同于普通高等教育,在教育类型、培养目标、专业设置、课程教学、服务面向等方面都有自己鲜明的特点,使高职院校学生思想政治教育工作面临着新情况、新问题。应把握高职院校学生思想政治教育工作的难点,注重高职特色,重视人文关怀,不断增强思想政治教育的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

根据言语生成理论,交流中话语夹带言语失误是真实的自然言语的体现。此种失误有规律、广泛的存在于日常交流中。语言学界对言语失误现象的规律及其解释各不相同甚至互相对立。综合言语失误的研究成果,本文从心理语言学角度就言语失误的类型、特征、成因、研究方法及其研究的价值作一简要回顾。  相似文献   


This paper gives an account of the 'political understanding' of education, that is, the relationship of power and authority between government, teacher, parent and pupil. This political context of education is usually neglected in accounts of political education, and yet the one affects the other, especially where political education, more broadly conceived, is concerned with controversial areas of social life, which is a central concern of the humanities.  相似文献   

选取从2000年到2009年的数据,观察十年来教育改革和调整为城市竞争力带来的影响。从所选样本城市来看,基础教育资源稀缺的现象普遍存在,这说明不仅是农村或偏远地区基础教育有待发展,较为富裕的城市同样需要在基础教育方面加大投入。就高等教育而言,一方面高等教育与城市竞争力的关系越来越密切,但另一方面,能够在高教改革与城市竞争力之间建立直接关联的城市屈指可数,这在客观上挫伤了城市政府对高等教育进行长期投入的积极性。职业教育被认为是经济转型及产业升级的重要工具。  相似文献   

国外主要挫折理论及其教育启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
挫折是一种情绪状态。西方关于挫折的理论可以概括为两大类。其一是挫折情绪为何会产生;其二是挫折情绪会引起哪些反应。第一方面的理论主要有:本能论、需要和紧张的心理系统理论、社会文化理论、ABC理论;第二方面的理论主要有:挫折-攻击理论、挫折-倒退理论、挫折-效应理论。这些理论从不同角皇揭示了挫折这一情绪状态的来源和将会引起的反应,也从不同角度给我们的挫折教育及其研究以启示。  相似文献   

The unique contributions of romanticism and romantic science have been generally ignored or undervalued in history and philosophy of science studies and science education. Although more recent research in history of science has come to delineate the value of both topics for the development of modern science, their merit for the educational field has not been explored. Romanticism was not only an obvious historical period, but a particular state of mind with its own extraordinary emotional sensitivity towards nature. It is especially the latter which we hope to revisit and reclaim for science education. After discussing several key historical contributions, we describe nine characteristics of ‘Romantic Science’ in order to focus on six ideas/possibilities that we believe hold much value for transforming current science education: (1) the emotional sensitivity toward nature, (2) the centrality of sense experience, (3) the importance of “holistic experience”, (4) the importance of the notions of mystery and wonder, (5) the power of science to transform people’s outlook on the natural world, and (6) the importance of the relationship between science and philosophy. It is argued that in view of a pragmatist/utilitarian conception of school science prevalent today the aforementioned ideas (especially the notion of wonder and the poetic/non-analytical mode of knowledge), can provide food for thought for both science teachers and researchers seeking to work out an aesthetic conception, one that complements current approaches such as inquiry science and conceptual change.  相似文献   

中国高等教育进入大众化阶段后,高职高专教育的生源出现一些新情况、新变化。新生的基础文化水平大幅度降低,综合素养的差别性很大;行为比较懒散,自由观念强;思想比较活沃,爱好广泛,特长生多。这一现象在民办高职院校中表现尤为突出。民办高职院校的教育工作者必须正视这一新情况、新变化,转变传统的教育观念、方法和习惯,创立与大众化、普及化高等教育相适应的教育观念和施教方法。作者认为:大众化、普及化高等教育本质上是一种开放教育,应实行"因材施教、彰显个性、扬长补短、多路育人"的施教方针。北京城市学院高职高专部在这个问题上作了一些初步探索,尚待完善。  相似文献   

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