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Studies which have investigated the influence of education on adult earnings are almost exclusively concerned with men and take little account of family influences on either education or later earnings. Those studies which have information on women's earnings focus on gender differentials rather than differences between women in opportunities and outcomes. This paper which examines the influence of education and family background on the midlife earnings of a national cohort of British women born immediately after the Second World War is an attempt to redress this situation. It shows that the few women who were able to take full advantage of the expansion in educational opportunities and achieve high educational qualifications earned significantly more in adult life than less educated females. Family background played an important role, both through its effect on early educational achievement and attitude to school work, which in turn influenced the type of secondary school attended and the achievement of educational qualifications, and also by well‐educated mothers raising their daughter's career expectations or providing successful role models. In adult life, employment characteristics which indicated a long‐term commitment to full‐time work and the decision not to have children, or to delay childbearing, were also important predictors of later economic success in this cohort, but did not explain the prior effects of education and family background. Advanced educational qualifications were the key to economic success for women bom in the early post‐war period.  相似文献   

A study of Indonesian graduate officials shows pervasive differences between the holders of the Sarjana Muda, or Bachelor, degree, and those with the Sarjana, or Master's and other higher degrees (in what follows referred to as Bachelors and Highers), also between men and women holders of either level of degree.The Bachelors were younger than the Highers, and the women younger than the men, the youngest group therefore being the women Bachelors. Most Bachelors had graduated from academies and institutes; most Highers from the universities. The five leading state universities were responsible for a smaller proportion of women than of men Highers. Few of these institutions at either Bachelor of Higher level were in the private sector; these were favoured more by men than by women, and by Highers rather than Bachelors.Most graduates had been trained in secular, not religious, institutions (these were mostly Islamic). There were unimportant differences between the genders in this regard at Bachelor level; at Higher, a larger proportion of men had graduated from religious colleges.Relatively more women than men were graduates of the I.K.I.P., or teacher training colleges, while the reverse applied in the case of the academies and institutes, often offering other vocational qualifications. Bachelor graduates from the IKIP had lower salaries than those from the universities and academies; higher graduates from the universities were better paid than those from the other institutions.The most popular degree subjects, at Bachelor level, were those useful for teaching and administration; and also economics (which includes accountancy). There were slight differences between the genders, the women tending to favour teaching subjects, the men those useful for other occupations. At Higher level, while the Social Sciences and Economics remained popular, Medicine and Law assumed greater importance. There were more pronounced differences between the genders in certain subjects. The Behavioural and Social Sciences, Economics, Agriculture, and Engineering were relatively more popular with the men; the reverse applied for Education and Medicine; choices perhaps in part reflecting traditional conceptions of professions open to men and to women.Among Bachelors, vocational subjects were associated with better chances of promotion to the upper salary grades. Higher degree subjects which performed a similar function were those more closely connected with government administration and tertiary teaching. In either case these subjects had been studied by only a minority of the sample.Over half the sample of Bachelors was engaged in either teaching or educational administration, with a further three in ten occupied with government. Nearly seven out of 10 women were employed in the former occupations; their other preference was for Medicine. At higher degree level there were relatively more men than women in general administration. While there was a higher proportion of women in education as a whole, this was not true for the tertiary level, where the proportions of the genders was very similar. Also, in contrast with the situation among Bachelors, there was a much higher proportion of men in Medicine and in the Judiciary. In passing, we note that the distribution of jobs held by graduates from Islamic institutions does not differ significantly from that of the general body of graduate officials.More than 50% of the Bachelors were employed by the Departments of Education and of Religion, with over a fifth in the major administrative departments of government. However, the differences between the genders were important. Three fifths of the women were employed by Education, as against two fifths of the men, and only one tenth of the women were to be found in government administration, against a quarter of the men.At Higher level, two fifths of the graduates were in either Education or Religion, but otherwise much more evenly distributed across departments. If anything, there was a higher proportion of women than of men to be found in all departments with the major exception of Health, and the minor one of Education, where the reverse applied.  相似文献   


In this article the results of an investigation into the relation between school size and achievement are reported. The findings relate to mathematics achievement in Dutch, Swedish and American secondary education and to science achievement in the Netherlands. The analyses sought to provide an answer to the following questions:

(1) Is school size related to achievement independently of student background characteristics such as sex, achievement motivation, socio‐economic status and cognitive aptitude? (2) Is the effect of school size related to any of the aforementioned background characteristics? (3) Does the effect of school size on achievement differ between the educational systems of the Netherlands, Sweden and the USA? (4) Is the effect of school size the same for different measures of student achievement (mathematics versus science)?

It was hypothesized that school size would be most strongly related to achievement in the USA. The analyses, however, revealed little empirical evidence for the existence of school size effects on achievement in any of the three countries, possibly because school size and curriculum comprehensiveness are not strongly related in these countries.

Because the investigations involved the analysis of five separate datasets, the research outcomes revealed some useful additional information with respect to the robustness of the detected relations between the five covariates and student achievement.


Recent research indicates that study processing strategies, effort, reflective thinking practice, and achievement goals are important factors contributing to the prediction of students’ academic success. Very few studies have combined these theoretical orientations within one conceptual model. This study tested a conceptual model that included, in particular, deep processing strategies, effort, mastery and performance‐approach goals, reflection, and critical thinking. We used causal modelling procedures to explore the direct and mediating effects of these theoretical orientations on students’ academic achievement and learning. Second‐ and third‐year undergraduates (n = 347; 151 women and 196 men) completed a number of inventories (e.g., the Reflective Thinking Questionnaire). LISREL 8.72 indicated an a posteriori model with direct effects of reflection and critical thinking on academic achievement and learning. Performance‐approach goals exerted a negative effect on academic achievement. Both mastery and performance‐approach goals also directed affected reflection, whereas deep processing strategies were directly affected by mastery goals and effort. Importantly, both reflection and effort were found to act as potent mediators. A one‐way MANOVA revealed no statistical difference between men and women in this theoretical framework.  相似文献   

This is a summary, written for CEPES, of the background paper prepared for the study conference “Women and Higher Education” organized by the Study Centre OTO, October 29‐30 1980 in Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.

The article summarizes the principal currents of discussion in the Netherlands pertaining to the question of women in higher education, and draws an analytical picture of major obstacles encountered by women in Dutch higher education.  相似文献   

Educational Wastelands. By Arthur E. Bestor. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1953; pp. 226. $3.50.

General Education and the Liberal College. By William F. Cunningham. St. Louis and London: B. Herder Book Co., 1953; pp. 286. $4.00.

Causes of Public Unrest Pertaining to Education. Edited by Raymond F. Howes. Washington, D. C.: American Council on Education, 1953; pp. 80. $1.00.

The Conflict in Education in a Democratic Society. By Robert M. Hutchins. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1953; pp. 112. $2.00.

The University of Utopia. By Robert M. Hutchins. University of Chicago Press, 1953; pp. 103. $2.50.

Quackery in the Public Schools. By Albert Lynd. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1953; pp. 282. $3.50.

How to Judge a SchoolA Handbook for Puzzled Parents and Tired Taxpayers. By William F. Russell. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1954; pp. 143. $2.50.

Education and Social Integration. By William O. Stanley. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1953; pp. 290. $4.50.

The Changing Humanities. By David H. Stevens. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1953; pp. 272. $4.00.

Public Education and Its Critics. By V. T. Thayer. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1954; pp. 170. $2.50.

Let's Talk Sense About Our Schools. By Paul Woodring. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, Inc., 1953; pp. 215. $3.50.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the difficulties of establishing a clear count of UK higher education students in terms of the categories used for widening participation, such as occupational background or ethnicity. Using some of the best and most complete data available, such as the annual figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency, the paper then establishes that there is little evidence of a simple consistent pattern of under‐representation within these categories, except perhaps for men and students of white ethnicity. However, once prior qualifications are taken into account there is no evidence that potential students are unfairly and disproportionately denied access to higher education in terms of occupation, ethnicity, sex or disability. This has important implications for what we mean by widening participation in higher education and how we might achieve it.  相似文献   

Students with dyslexia often experience low self‐esteem and, linked with this, low academic achievement. Our research, commissioned by the Higher Education Academy, was carried out by academics in two universities, one in the south‐west of England and one in the north‐west, over 2009–2010. It set out to address ‘transitions and questions of “access” to higher education for students with identified disabilities’. While we accessed interesting material in this area we were also impressed by the wealth of material provided by our respondents with dyslexia on their school experiences, in particular factors that had impacted on their self‐esteem and academic achievement. Thus this article, while not an intended outcome from our work on matters of transition to higher education, emerges as a story telling a rich and illuminating tale of student success and failure and lifting the curtain on factors impacting on self‐esteem and academic achievement for students with dyslexia at school.  相似文献   

This paper draws on the concept of parental involvement, popular among educators and policy‐makers, in investigating differences in level of attained education by family background. The question is if parental involvement in children's schooling at age 14 acts as a mediator between family resources and mid‐life level of attained education. Using structural equation modeling we analyze longitudinal survey and register data of a Swedish metropolitan cohort born in 1953 (n = 3300). Several of the commonly used indicators of involvement are investigated, distinguishing between parents' involvement beliefs, such as educational aspirations and agreement with school curriculum, and involvement practices, such as reading children's schoolbooks and helping with homework. We find that parents' educational aspirations are an important mediator between family resources and attained level of education, while other involvement forms are related to academic performance only. We also find that parental involvement is greater in families with more resources, which leads us to warn against developments turning more responsibility for children's schooling over to parents. Unless sensitive to the diverse family contexts this might increase the importance of family resources for children's educational outcomes.  相似文献   

Against the background of an increasing drop‐out rate of students with ethnic minority and working‐class backgrounds, the aim of this paper is to discuss the ways in which writing practices in Swedish teacher education produce power and include/exclude subjectivities. A conventional academic writing practice will be compared to a hybrid writing practice that has been experimented with for several years at the Stockholm Institute of Education. This hybrid writing practice is characterized by two intertwined features: a divergent complicity that combines diverse subjectivities and multiple theories in a multigenre text; and a convergent and reductive shift that makes academic writing accessible. As the paper will show, a hybrid writing practice can strengthen the inclusion of students with ethnic minority and working‐class backgrounds and, in turn, help them finish their programs. It is, however, not bereft of all exclusionary tendencies.  相似文献   

Although population modeling methods are well established, a paucity of literature appears to exist regarding the effect of missing background data on subpopulation achievement estimates. Using simulated data that follows typical large‐scale assessment designs with known parameters and a number of missing conditions, this paper examines the extent to which missing background data impacts subpopulation achievement estimates. In particular, the paper compares achievement estimates under a model with fully observed background data to achievement estimates for a variety of missing background data conditions. The findings suggest that sub‐population differences are preserved under all analyzed conditions while point estimates for subpopulation achievement values are influenced by missing at random conditions. Implications for cross‐population comparisons are discussed.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
H.R. Kells Self‐Study Processes: A Guide to Self‐Evaluation in Higher Education (4th Edition). Phoenix, AZ: The Oryx Press, 1995. Paperback. ISBN 0 89774 903 0 Price $34.95 (North America) 194pp

David Warner and David Palfreyman (eds) Higher Education Management, The Key Elements. Buckingham: The Society for Research on Higher Education and Open University Press, 1996. Paperback. ISBN 0 335 19569 5 Price £19.99. 239 pages.  相似文献   

近几十年以来,“大学第一年教育”作为一个专用名词在西方高等教育的研究和实践中日益突出。它的出现有着深刻复杂的背景,其研究内容丰富,实践模式多样,对于当前我国高等教育具有重要的启示:高等教育大众化时代要重视大学生转型的研究和支持、高等教育教学质量建设需要关注大学生及其学习经历、高等教育大众化时期学生工作需要拓展方向和范围、质量战略下的高等教育研究需要关注微观领域。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the effect of moves by the British Government to make initial teacher education (ITE) in England and Wales more school‐based (Blake, 1993). To monitor the impact of this shift towards school‐based training we conducted a fine grain study of what was happening on the ground within the one‐year Secondary School‐Based Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) at the Chichester Institute of Higher Education (ChIHE). * *At the time the research was conducted, the Institute's name was the West Sussex Institute of Higher Education, hence interviewees refer to ‘WSIHE’ and ‘West Sussex’. View all notes Data were gathered from questionnaire surveys and interviews. Findings from our regional case study indicate that while school‐based ITE programmes may offer student teachers greater insight into school life, this should not be at the expense of developing students’ analytical and theoretical understanding of education and schooling promoted within higher education‐based work.  相似文献   

Mathematical self-concept: How college reinforces the gender gap   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research in the past decade suggests that persistent gender gaps in math achievement may be rooted in gender differences in math self-concept. Yet, limited research exists on how students' math self-concept develops, and whether this differs between men and women. Using a sample of 8,997 women and 6,053 men, this study examines the factors associated with the development of women's and men's mathematical self-concept during college. Findings reveal a number of student background characteristics and college environments and experiences that contribute to an overall decline in math self-concept during college, and show how college reinforces the gender gap in math confidence. Additionally, in an attempt to answer the perennial question of whether it is “better to be a big frog in a small pond or a small frog in a big pond,” the study pays special attention to the relationship between institutional selectivity and math self-concept. Although institutional selectivity is correlated with declines in math self-concept, results show that specific aspects of selective environments, rather than selectivity itself, are more important predictors of math self-concept. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1992 Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education in Minneapolis.  相似文献   

This study examined how Greek and immigrant youth adapted to school life during the economic recession in Greece. Two cohorts of adolescents (Mage = 12.6 years) were compared, one assessed before the crisis and the other during the crisis (N = 1,057 and 1,052, respectively). Cohort findings were disaggregated by immigrant status, generation, and ethnic group. Crisis‐cohort youth experienced more economic problems, displayed worse conduct, higher levels of absenteeism, and lower self‐efficacy than precrisis youth. The cohorts did not differ in well‐being, school engagement, and academic achievement. Most crisis‐cohort groups showed a pervasive increase in conduct problems compared to the precrisis cohort. However, some of these groups also showed an increase in academic achievement.  相似文献   

The information below is based on the speech given by Mr. Bertil Zachrisson, Swedish Minister of Education, at the opening of the 33rd meeting of the Council of Europe's Committee for Higher Education and Research (Linköping, 12‐14 May 1976) (see article in this issue page 4).  相似文献   

Most of this article consists of the reproduction of Recommendation No. R (95) 7 of the Committee of Ministers [of the Council of Europe] to Member States on Brain Drain in the Sectors of Higher Education and Research, adopted by the Ministers’ Deputies on 2 March 1995 and of its Annex consisting of a set of concrete measures to be taken in order to enact and to support the Recommendation. The Recommendation and Annex statements are preceded by two background statements, one suggesting ways in which the Council of Europe might aid the development of science and science policy in the countries of central and eastern Europe undergoing transition, the other, giving the background to Recommendation No. R (95) 7.  相似文献   

Assessment of educational effectiveness provides vitally important feedback to Institutions of Higher Education. It also provides important information to external stakeholders, such as prospective students, parents, governmental and local regulatory entities, professional and regional accrediting organizations, and representatives of the workforce. However, selecting appropriate indicators of educational effectiveness of programs and institutions is a difficult task, especially when criteria of effectiveness are not well defined. This article proposes a comprehensive and systematic approach to aligning criteria for educational effectiveness with specific indicators of achievement of these criteria by adapting a popular organizational training evaluation framework, the Kirkpatrick’s four level model of training criteria (Kirkpatrick 1959; 1976; 1996), to assessment in Higher Education. The four level model consists of reaction, learning, behavior and results criteria. Adaptation of this model to Higher Education helps to clarify the criteria and create plans for assessment of educational outcomes in which specific instruments and indicators are linked to corresponding criteria. This provides a rich context for understanding the role of various indicators in the overall mosaic of assessment. It also provides Institutions of Higher Education rich and multilevel feedback regarding the effectiveness of their effort to serve their multiple stakeholders. The importance of such feedback is contextualized both in the reality of stakeholder pressures and in theoretical understanding of colleges and universities as open systems according to the systems theory (Katz and Kahn 1966). Although the focus of this article is on Higher Education, core principles and ideas will be applicable to different types and levels of educational programs.  相似文献   

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