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Conclusions Educationists in Europe have an established tradition of exploring educational disadvantage from a socio-cultural perspective, as indicated by the focus on social justice in education. Their concerns have been with relatively small-scale phenomena: the context in which particular disadvantaged groups are educated, leading to specific recommendations for local areas. Policy-makers, in contrast, are concerned with combating social exclusion at the national or Europe-wide level, primarily as a means of reducing unemployment and social unrest. The initiatives they set in motion necessarily take a wider perspective and pay little heed to diverse needs, aspirations and goals among the socially excluded. There is a need for European educationalists to increase their own awareness of the European context—not simply the national context—in which they work. They need also to develop perspectives on major European initiatives to combat social exclusion, the effects of which will remain otherwise unexplored by a community of educationalists with a history of interest in and commitment to challenging educational disadvantage. Original language: English Joanna McPake (United Kingdom) At present, Deputy Director of the Scottish Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, University of Stirling. Formerly, Senior Researcher and Programme Manager, Scottish Council for Research in Education. Her principal research focus is on aspects of teaching and learning in school. Since 1996 she has been (with Ghazala Bhatti) co-ordinator of the Social Justice and Intercultural Education Network of the European Educational Research Association. Recent publications include: ‘A mirror to ourselves? The educational experiences of Japanese children at school in the UK’ (with J. Powney, 1998); andEducation of minority ethnic groups in Scotland (with J. Powney, S. Hall and L. Lyall, 1998). Ghazala Bhatti (United Kingdom) Ph.D. Director, Modular Master's Degree on ‘Equity and change in the public services’, University of Reading. Formerly, a primary and secondary school teacher. Her current professional interests in the field of education concern ethnicity, gender and social justice. She is the joint convenor (with Joanna McPake) of the Social Justice and Intercultural Education Network of EERA. Recent publications include:Asian children at home and at school: an ethnographic study (1999) andA journey into the unknown: an ethnographic study of Asian children (1995). This article consists of reflections on recent research presented at the European Conference on Educational Research by the joint co-ordinators of the Social Justice and Intercultural Education network of the European Educational Research Association.  相似文献   

教育体制理论的新诠释   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
教育体制是教育机构与教育规范的结合体或统一体。各级各类教育机构与相应的教育规范相结合,就形成了不同层级和不同类型的教育体制。教育机构与教育规范之所以必须结合而且有可能结合,不仅是因为教育机构只有与教育规范相结合才能得到社会环境的认同和支持,而且教育机构的目的和功能主要是由教育规范来限定的,教育机构建立的过程也是教育规范形成的过程。对教育体制做出这种诠释,从理论上来说,不仅有助于澄清对教育体制的一些模糊认识,廓清教育理论中一些重要概念之间的关系,丰富政策分析理论中政策內容分析的理论,而且对认识、分析政治体制和经济体制理论,以及组织或系统理论提供了一个新的视角。从实践上看,可以为教育体制改革提供一种清晰、系统的思路。  相似文献   

国际化已经成为教育发展的一种全球性趋势,它不仅是一种教育理想,而且是一种正在全球范围内展开的教育实践活动。教育国际化无疑促进了各国教育市场、人才资源和文化资源共享,为人类跨国界、跨民族和跨文化的交流提供了可能;同时它也是一个充满矛盾的过程,单一与多样、国际化与本土化、特殊与普遍等矛盾和悖论都同时并存于世界教育改革和社会发展之中。教育国际化的核心是国际理解教育,我们必须重视国际理解教育,构建起与国际理解教育相互联系的新机制,以顺应教育国际化的浪潮。  相似文献   

In 1965, Raymond Poignant published in Paris, on the initiative of the European Institute of University Studies, a work entitledEnseignement dans les Pays du Marché Commun. This work, which was subsequently translated and published in English and German has become a classic of its kind. The initial idea was to compare the structures and relative degrees of development of the educational systems in the European Economic Community (EEC) countries, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the U.S.S.R., in order to see how school and university systems in the EEC countries were adapting to the most pressing human, social, democratic and economic requirements of the modern world. This idea originated in the apprehension that, because of the strength of their long educational traditions, the EEC countries might find it more difficult than others to make the necessary adjustments. The conclusions of this initial work in many respects confirmed this apprehension and contributed, at the time, to the development taking place in European educational systems.Under an agreement between IIEP and the European Cultural Foundation, Raymond Poignant is to publish a new work entitledL'Enseignement dans les Pays Industrialisés (Education in the Industrialized Countries), which to some extent carries on from the first but is motivated by other preoccupations.In this second work, which is set in the general context of the studies undertaken by the European Cultural Foundation on European education in the year 2000, the point is not so much to emphasize the quantitative and qualitative differences still encountered in the educational systems of the eleven countries under consideration—Japan and Sweden having been added to the original sample—as to show up some of the most characteristic trends common to their development during the last two decades or the trends of development in the most advanced countries, trends which, by the year 2000, a date so distant and yet so close at hand, may or should develop more rapidly or indeed become general.The author takes the changes noted since 1950 in the eleven countries considered, which he sees as being of some indicative value for the future, and outlines, in conclusion, the directions in which he feels they should continue in the three decades between now and the year 2000. He points out the forces of resistance of every kind which, in the short term, slow down the transformation of educational structures in the various European countries. He also emphasizes the decisive influence which the trend towards a levelling-out in the attitudes of different social groups towards secondary and higher education is likely to have on the dynamics of the development of European educational systems, of which he describes both the uncertainties and the most likely prospects.The European Cultural Foundation and the Nijhoff Publishing House have kindly given their permission for publication in the reviewProspects of a long extract from the conclusions of this work, which concerns future changes in the structure of European educational systems.Maître des requêtesin the Conseil d'État. Rapporteur of the Commission for Educational Planning for the Third and then the Fourth Plan in France (1957–61; 1962–65). Main publications: Education and Development in Western Europe, the United States and the U.S.S.R. (1969); Les Plans de Développement et la Planification Économique et Sociale (1967); Educational planning in the U.S.S.R. (co-author; 1968).  相似文献   

Among West European countries, Sweden is most advanced in coordinating educational policy-making with systematic research. The intellectual as well as the political climate in Sweden during the past twenty-five years has proved auspicious for the application of the behavioral sciences to social planning, and particularly to education. A prominent leader in this development — which has produced far-reaching reforms in the school system — has been Professor Torsten Husén. He directs the Department of Educational and Pyschological Research, School of Education, University of Stockholm, and is widely known as Chairman of the International Educational Achievement Study Group.  相似文献   

Elgqvist‐Saltzman, I. 1985. Rational Efficiency and Human Sensibility in Educational Reform: A Swedish Case Study in an Australian Framework. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 29, 123‐140. Swedish reform in higher education during 1950‐1980 is presented in a time‐line perspective. Different stages are discussed in relation to a technical, bureaucratic and social model of educational planning, using the Australian sociologist M. Pusey's conceptual framework. An evaluation approach with a life‐line methodology is presented as well as some results. From a woman's point of view, it seems that reforms have not been able to match rational efficiency with human sensibility in the way predicted by the Australian historian W.F. Conell in his review of the period of educational reconstruction and expansion.


教育社会心理学从20世纪70年代产生至今还缺乏严密的学科体系。学科体系的形成需要一个独特的研究对象、合理的逻辑起点。教育社会心理学的逻辑起点是“互动”的社会行为,研究对象不是在教育心理学中增加社会心理学的内容,也不是在教育心理学研究领域沿袭社会心理学的观点。教育社会心理学独特的研究对象应是教育心理学与社会心理学的有机结合,主要是研究在学校情境下,学生和教师在团体中进行互动的社会行为。  相似文献   


This text focuses on municipalities from an educational and cultural perspective. Over the last 200 years, municipalities have played a fundamental role in the creation of guiding principles and educational norms and conventions. They have participated in the supply and universalisation of schooling and have contributed to integrating the public sphere and the modern, contemporary political structure. Municipalities as territories, populations, economies, and collective governments backed by written administration have influenced and become the model of the liberal and republican political and educational transformations. They have been crucial to the political, administrative, and socio-cultural constitution of the contemporary state. The school institution has integrated social and political development while educational modernity has brought school cartography closer to demographic, administrative, and cultural cartography. The municipal initiative has played a key role in terms of territorial suitability, modernisation of the school network, and curricular diversity. This text picks up on the main conclusions of the Educational and Cultural Atlas of the Municipalities in Portugal, and places the Portuguese context within a European and western framework. Municipalities are presented as an educational space, with historical and pedagogical importance in the modernisation of schooling, despite a historiographical tendency to dilute them into the state, connecting them to an official perspective of education. The article contains a summary of the Educational Atlas of the Municipalities in Portugal.  相似文献   

高校贫困生教育救助是社会救助的重要内容,具有独特的伦理意蕴。随着高校贫困生教育救助的推进,其负激励所引发的道德风险问题开始引起学界和社会的关注。教育救助的道德风险主要表现为两个方面,一是救助对象自身的救助依赖现象,二是救助制度设计及运行机制不完善引发的道德风险。转变教育救助理念,完善管理机制;强化地方政府的责任;加强法制建设以及加强高校贫困生思想道德教育是防范道德风险的基本途径。  相似文献   

In the globalization scenarios we currently face, educational systems are challenged by different and sometimes competing pressures and requests. These call for a deep transformation of the organization, role, and social function of educational systems. Within this context, the very concept of education has come to be understood in different ways, which sometimes distort its moral and social value. In this essay, Maura Striano contends that from a Deweyan perspective, educational transformation must be seen as strictly connected to social change, and education should be understood as a process that facilitates and supports social growth and development. In order to be effective and fruitful, Striano suggests, this transformation must occur from the inside of educational systems and can only be brought about by reflective and inquiry‐based inner processes if it is to have a sound moral and social impact within the changing framework of the globalized world.

教育平等原则是法国《教育法典》的三个基本原则之一,具有四重内涵:保障受教育机会平等,通过援助等手段促进实质平等,确保包容性的学校教育,学生参与及社会参与。教育平等能够成为法国《教育法典》的基本原则,一方面具有历史依据,有利于法典保持基本原则和制度的稳定性;另一方面具有宪法依据,从而使这一原则具有充分的民主基础。教育平等原则在法国《教育法典》编纂中发挥了建立基本制度和产生具体规则的功能,真正贯穿于法典,支撑起法典的结构。  相似文献   

1978年以来,我国的教育技术研究旨趣存在着明显的汇聚和转移,教育技术研究的变迁不仅是由技术发展和教育发展所决定,市场、政府和文化等社会因素也产生了明显的影响。教育技术研究旨趣的汇聚和转移是社会多种要素与教育本身共同选择的结果。  相似文献   

Conclusion In these circumstances, the prospect of the counselor for the professions is to play a new and different role inside the field of educational counseling. This new role will rely, in great measure, on the foreseeable behavior of society and, consequently, educational systems.It is relevant to consider the kind of society which is expected to emerge in the next twenty-five years. When this desirable scenario has been defined it becomes possible and necessary to join efforts, open new pathways and formulate new alternative solutions to present problems.Educational counseling should acquire properties that give it a new, more concrete meaning in a way that allows it to be used in a more accurate and effective way institutionally, in relation to the educational system and to career and national planning.Educational counseling should be more aware of and open to what is happening in the sectors that give a mandate to education at the economic, political, and social levels.Educational counseling and counseling for professionals must have continuity inside the educational system, and it may not be reduced to the role of filling in holes and taking responsibility for the contradictions of the national education system. Counseling must have a preventive task. In order to fulfill this, it is important that counselors have a solid background in education, politics, economics, and social areas; so they should be able to establish a connection with fields of work and their development potential.It is essential to systematize and share research on the discipline in order to delineate problems which are immediate, medium, or long-range in the different areas of counseling.  相似文献   

教育纠纷是学校行使教育管理权与教师或学生发生的争议。以是否侵害教师和学生的公民基本权利为标准,可以把教育纠纷分为影响公民基本权利的教育纠纷和影响教师和学生一般权利的教育纠纷。根据宪法的人权原则和社会主义法治原则,应当把影响公民基本权利的教育纠纷纳入司法审查范围,对仅影响教师和学生一般权利的教育纠纷,可通过教育法规定的申诉制度解决,这是维护教育领域的公平正义和正确解决教育纠纷的合理途径。  相似文献   

This study was designed to illuminate the state of education in Taiwan by constructing Educational Indicator Systems. The study, sponsored by the National Science Council between 1998 and 2000, was the first comprehensive indicator project to cover all educational levels in Taiwan. Various research methods were used, including panel discussion, conference, setting up website, Delphi technique, questionnaires and visits to 14 international organizations and government agencies. In the process, two educational indicator systems based upon the “Context-Input-Process-Progress” (CIPP) model were formulated: “Taiwan’s Educational Indicator System by educational level” (TEIS by el) with 99 indicators, and “Significant Indicators of Taiwan’s Education” (SITE) with 34 indicators. Finally, some limitations and suggestions were offered for the future development of Educational Indicator Systems.  相似文献   

当前我国教育技术领域存在着许多技术化问题,如软硬件建设不同步、管理体系欠完善、重视设备管理轻视教学等,这些问题已经影响到我国教育技术的发展。分析了产生这些问题的原因,提出了克服教育技术技术化倾向的实践策略。  相似文献   

教育评论活动是一种教育科研活动,它的直接结果是鉴别、评判教育文化的优劣,进而对教育界产生社会舆论导向作用。教育评论文章是教育评论活动的书面成果,是对某种教育文化进行鉴别、评判后所撰写的评判书。教育评论文章的选题要遵循“抑恶扬善”的原则,立论要做到客观公正和新颖。教育评论文章作为教育科研文章的一种类型有自己的章法。  相似文献   

论教育发展方式的转变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育发展方式是实现教育发展的方法、手段和模式,中国教育发展的现实结果与教育发展目标有显著差距,教育服务于社会发展与人的发展的能力尚有明显不足,教育发展方式亟待转变,转变包括五个方面的内容:调整教育结构、转变学生培养模式、加强教育培训、加强教育研究和转变教育管理方式。教育发展方式转变的深层机理是教育发展所依靠的要素结构的变化:单一要素的优化以及要素组合方式的变化。  相似文献   

教育现代化是工业化的产物,它不是一个自然的社会演变过程,它是落后国家采取各种有效途径,学习世界先进技术,通过有计划的经济技术改造,带动广泛的社会改革,以适应现代世界环境的发展过程。纵观中国教育现代化的百年历程,本文将其分为三个历史阶段:对传统教育的超越阶段、建国前30年教育现代化多元探索阶段和建国后半个多世纪的社会主义教育现代化的探索阶段进行探论,并对当代中国教育现代化问题谈了笔者的认识。  相似文献   

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