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目的:目前大中型控制阀大多存在结构复杂、驱动能耗大、反应时间慢、振动噪声大、稳定性差和使用寿命短等缺点。基于此,浙江大学相关研究人员组建了特种控制阀研究室,致力于提升控制阀的整体性能和设计水平。研究点:本研究室的主要方向为:1.控制阀内部流动特性分析和新结构设计开发;2.流体目标流量、温度、压力和振动噪声等的智能控制研究;3.适应纳米流体、压缩氢气和高温高压过热蒸汽等新流体介质的智慧控制阀研究。展望:特种控制阀作为超超临界火电机组、核电、石化高压反应和百万吨级乙烯工程等国家重大重点工程的关键零部件之一,将会在内流动机理、新结构开发、新流体介质和智能控制等研究领域得到广泛关注和长足发展。 相似文献
正AA philosopher(哲学家)who went to call on a sick friend was told at thedoor:"He is alreadydeparted(过世).""Well,tell him I called,"replied the philosopher.BSocrates(苏格拉底)had troubles in his marital(婚姻的)life.Out of ithe gave the youth a piece of advice:"If you get a good wife.you will becomevery happy;if you get a bad one,you will become a philosopher—and thatis good for every man." 相似文献
正Clever Bobby Brown was very proud of his young son.Once he was talking to a visitor,telling the man how clever his son was."The boy is only two years old,"he said,"and he knows all animals.He's going to be a great naturalist(生物学家).Here,let me show you."He took a book of natural history from the bookself,placed Bobby 相似文献
1When a cowork said he'd spent bor-ing evening the night before with somemembers of his wife's family, "I guessmost of them are all right, except herbrother. He's the only guy I know whocan spend the whole evening braggingabout how well he's doing, and then tryto borrow $20 as he's leaving ."2Campus comedy校园喜剧When a carload of friends arrived atlunchtime, mother invited them to shareour meal and managed to give everyonea fair portion.But after our… 相似文献
正esriu rock.A ockbecoms sand1.Wheres thebeachandfrom?biamThesoft sndon theeachis actallyo seawavesakerocksnto small novfsandhas diferentcolrs,such tafter yearsof riers'washig.Yearsfecltparts.And finaly theybecom sand.The,se of hedifferentolorsof he arside.as yellow,ed,grayndblack becaustthewindsakedesertandto theeas 相似文献
Katharine Bilsborough 《英语沙龙》2014,(6)
正【阅读难度:】外籍专家解读各行各业你不知道的那些事儿。Pre-reading task1.What are the effects of global warming?2.What do climate analysts feel about the recent changes in the environment?Now,read the article and see if your answers are correct. 相似文献
正The Duck and the Crane The Crane(鹤)invited theDuck to tea."So nice of youto ask me to come,"said the Duckto the Crane."No one invites me anywhere.""Entirely my pleasure,"said the Crane to the Duck,passing him a sugar bowl."Do you takesugar in your tea?""Yes,thank you,"said theDuck.He dumped(倒)half the into his cup,while spilling(撒出)the other half onthe floor. 相似文献
1.What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?2.What’s too much for me,just right for two,but nothing at all for three?3.What question can you never answer"yes"to?4.How many sides does a house has?5.What never asks any questions but always gets answers?6.What is four feet on four feet waiting for four feet?7.What has a soft bed but never sleeps,a big mouth but never speaks? 相似文献
目的:研究燃爆弹跳驱动器热-动力学模型,分析驱动器的输出性能,并通过试验验证驱动器热-动力学模型的正确性。创新点:1.建立了燃爆弹跳驱动器热-动力学模型,得到燃爆弹跳驱动器的相关输出参数随时间的变化规律;2.通过理论仿真与试验测试分析了驱动器的输出性能。方法:1.根据对燃爆弹跳机器人工作过程分析,推导出燃爆弹跳驱动器工作过程中的动力学模型,并对锁紧力与弹簧刚度参数进行测试;2.根据热-动力学模型推导出燃烧室内压力随时间变化的函数;3.通过试验测试驱动器驱动弹跳过程中压力和位移随时间的变化曲线,将测试结果与热-动力学模型仿真的结果进行比较。结论:1.建立了燃爆弹跳驱动器的热-动力学模型,得到了驱动器的输出性能参数;2.试验测试结果与仿真计算结果吻合,证明了驱动器热-动力学模型的正确性。 相似文献
1.How can you change a lady into a boy?2.When does a motorcycle go exactly as fast as a train?3.What is it that I can see but you cannot?4.What is the most difficult key to turn?5.What can you see with your eyes shut?6.What tree do you hold in your hand?7.What is it that is always coming but never arrives?8.What do you add to a road to make it wide?9.What bird can lift the heaviest weight? 相似文献
AThere are three brothers,the eldest says:"I have four nephews(侄儿)and one niece(侄女)."The second says:"I have four nephews too,but Ihave two nieces."The third says:"I have four nephews as well(也),but Ihave three nieces."Do you know how many sons and daughters each of them has?B Mr.Wang buys a new pair of socks,however,there is a hole on each sock. 相似文献
本文综述了在农业中广泛使用的苗前除草剂乙草胺对环境和生态的影响。使用CiteSpace 5.7 R2软件对2012—2022年乙草胺毒性研究进行了全面的科学统计。乙草胺对非目标生物,包括土壤、植物、水生和陆地生物,甚至人类的有害影响已被广泛记录在案。对生物体的毒性作用归因于其通过疏水相互作用和氢键与抗氧化酶结合,导致过量的ROS积累和其它毒性途径的激活。这篇综述结合了现有的关于乙草胺环境影响的文献,确定了乙草胺在环境和可持续发展方面的挑战并提出了解决方案,为解决生态环境稳定问题提供了理论框架。 相似文献
赵丹 《语文学刊:高等教育版》2015,(2):145-146,149
毕业论文写作是高等学校英语专业教学计划中的一个重要组成部分和实践性环节。但是,目前英语专业毕业论文的选题方面存在选题过大、缺乏创新等问题。本研究通过调查研究,论述了英语专业毕业论文改革的必要性、改革的具体做法,以引导学生学以致用,培养其独立的学习能力和创新能力。 相似文献
哮喘是一种由于II型T辅助细胞(Th2)反应过度而引起的慢性气道炎症疾病。目前以吸入糖皮质激素为基础的治疗仅能控制Th2驱动的慢性嗜酸性炎症,但是不能改变机体对外界过敏原的免疫耐受状态。调节性T细胞(Tregs)是免疫应答的主要负调节细胞,Tregs在调节变态反应、自身免疫反应、移植物抗宿主反应和其他免疫反应中发挥着重要作用。在本文中,我们综述了Tregs的分类和生物学特性、免疫调节机制及诱导分化特性。我们也探讨了Tregs在哮喘领域的研究进展。我们相信,进一步对Tregs调控免疫反应机制的研究会为哮喘防控提供更好的治疗方案和策略。 相似文献