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试题的情境化对试题难度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,在国内外各级各类考试中试题的情境化趋势非常明显,那么,什么是试题的情境化?试题的情境化对试题难度有着怎样的影响?本文以物理试题为例,详细地剖析了这些问题。  相似文献   

“边缘情境”是德国哲学家卡尔·雅斯贝尔斯提出来的,指一个人面临绝境或严重变故时的一种存在状态——个体与他人、与社会的对话关系出现断裂,不得不重新认识自我、观照生活、反思生存的意义。屈原的生存境遇正是处于边缘情境的状态,在这种生存困境的危机形式下,屈原书写着生命,创作了屈赋,并选择了以生命的自沉来昭示生命的价值。  相似文献   

从“知沟”现象看弱势群体的媒介地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于政治、经济等原因,在媒介接触、信息获取等方面弱势群体与强势群体存在着巨大的差距。而这种差距在当今知识信息社会中有扩大的危险。实际上,弱势群体的媒介地位是弱势的、消极的、被忽视的。弱势群体和媒介之间存在着很深的“信任沟”。  相似文献   

The study presented in this paper integrates data from four combined research studies, which are both qualitative and quantitative in nature. The studies describe freshman science student teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning. These freshmen intend to become teachers in Germany in one of four science teaching domains (secondary biology, chemistry, and physics, respectively, as well as primary school science). The qualitative data from the first study are based on student teachers' drawings of themselves in teaching situations. It was formulated using Grounded Theory to test three scales: Beliefs about Classroom Organisation, Beliefs about Teaching Objectives, and Epistemological Beliefs. Three further quantitative studies give insight into student teachers' curricular beliefs, their beliefs about the nature of science itself, and about the student- and/or teacher-centredness of science teaching. This paper describes a design to integrate all these data within a mixed methods framework. The aim of the current study is to describe a broad, triangulated picture of freshman science student teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning within their respective science teaching domain. The study reveals clear tendencies between the sub-groups. The results suggest that freshman chemistry and—even more pronouncedly—freshman physics student teachers profess quite traditional beliefs about science teaching and learning. Biology and primary school student teachers express beliefs about their subjects which are more in line with modern educational theory. The mixed methods approach towards the student teachers' beliefs is reflected upon and implications for science education and science teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

文章主要阐述在历文教学中要有针对性地解决学生提出的宗教问题,引导学生正确地看待宗教在社会主义社会的存在,认识宗教与迷信、邪教的区别,认识宗教与科学的关系。  相似文献   

课程思政是当下我国实现"立德树人"育才任务的重要举措,专业课程融入思想政治教育是课程思政育人战略主体。通过分析车辆工程专业核心课"车辆试验学"课程思政的重要性入手,结合车辆工程专业课教师在推进课程思政过程的现状和实际问题,提出"车辆试验学"课程思政建设路径,即明确课程特色与育人目标、提升教师课程思政教学能力、思想政治元素挖掘与价值塑造、教学方法改革等四方面的课程思政教学探索,为专业课程思政教学改革提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

This article reports on an ethnographic study of a 10-year-old's pursuit of school-based mathematics across school and home to suggest that participating in school-based mathematics is a cross-setting phenomenon in at least 2 ways. First, I illustrate how accomplishing school-based mathematics literally extends into the home and how individuals recruit resources from their histories of participation in alternative settings to accomplish the work of school-based mathematics. Second, I show how a youth's social identification in the classroom is shaped by his teacher's partial accounts of how learning is arranged for in the home. Approaching participation in school-based mathematics as a cross-setting phenomenon illustrates the complexity inherent in participating in schooling and raises questions about how to coordinate schooling across school and home settings.  相似文献   

试论数学理解的两种类型——从R.斯根普的工作谈起   总被引:24,自引:7,他引:24  
数学学习中,理解无疑是首要的,学习在学习数学知识的过程中通常有2种含义迥然不同的数学理解模式。工具性理解和关系性理解。我们在教学实践中常常关注的是工具性理解,但我们希望学生获得的却是关系性理解,这是为什么?有益于促进学生真正理解数学的教学可以是什么样的?  相似文献   

日本在亚洲国家中比较早地受到西方的深刻影响,二战之后,美国更是全面介入日本的经济、政治、文化各个领域.性自由作为美国文化现象较早冲击日本,对此,教育界很快作出回应,认为性自由具有一定的社会基础,是社会民主化的产物,但是它对于青少年学生的影响需要关注,性教育的课题自然而然地被提到议程上来.日本教育界在学校性教育的目标,学校性教育存在的问题,性教育的承担者、指导形式、难点以及如何推进性教育等方面提出了许多建议.  相似文献   

得到了扇形外部区域的Schwam导数单叶性内径以及三角形外部区域的对数导数单叶性内径的一个下界估计.  相似文献   

作为文化现象的京派与海派   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文学流派是一种文学现象 ,现象还原和文化定位是对文学流派进行研究的两个基本点。在作家、作品原始资料的个案积累基础上 ,进行文化分宗 ,发掘流派的文化成因、文化姿态、文化意义和文化趣味。京派、海派在开放、动态、富有层面感的流派学中 ,存在着从容蕴藉和活跃躁进、经典性和先锋性的文化心理张力 ,互相构成南北两极的文化磁力场。在大文学观的统摄下 ,从文化人类学、生命哲学或生命诗学、比较文学的视角对京派和海派进行观照 ,将具有丰厚的学术潜力  相似文献   

隐喻构成的双域性体现在隐喻概念系统从"源域"向"目标域"的投射,这是多个心智空间相互映射并形成最忠实于语言语境和社会语境的表达和阐释的概念复合过程。这个过程以概念隐喻理论、相互作用理论、概念复合理论为依据,受认知主体的认知能力、文化背景、语言语境的影响。  相似文献   

英语语篇中的名词化现象,造成解读上的很大困难。但只要有意识地去认识名词化现象,扎实打好语言基本功,切实掌握阅读技巧技能,对英语阅读理解题中的名词化问题也就自然迎刃而解了。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the ways in which Swedish seventh grade students (12 and 13 years old) handle chance encounters. Four groups of students working in pairs participated in the study. In the group discussions, which were tape-recorded and fully transcribed, the students were encouraged to explore strategies for winning a specifically designed dice game based on the sum of two dice. The dice game included four different set-ups of dice designed to bring to the fore different aspects of probability modelling and to offer the student the opportunity to encounter small differences in the mathematical structure of the sample space and of the probability distribution between the four different set-ups. The study describes strategies that the students use when confronted with these different set-ups, what their activities imply in terms of resources in handling random phenomena and what the dice game offers in terms of opportunities for learning probability. In order to explain such meaning-making processes the students’ activities are viewed from a perspective that takes into consideration how the students’ understanding varies with their interpretations of the situation they are confronted with, i.e., how they contextualize the different set-ups of the dice game. The results show how the students, during the course of the game, reorganize their interpretations of the mathematical content confronting them, and how a variation of guiding principles becomes the object of exploration. Approaches of extremes and a number model are described as a means for the students to identify and assign probabilities for the total of two dice.  相似文献   

正确认识高校特困生问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校特困生问题是一个重大的社会问题。本文对高校特困生的概念,高校特困生问题的成因、社会影响、高校特困生工作等问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Research has shown how students can shift between different ways of communicating about natural phenomena. The point of departure in this text is that school science comprises science ways to communicate as well as everyday ways to communicate. In school science activities transitions, from for example everyday ways to explain to science ways to explain, occur and the purpose of this paper is to show what role questions play in these transitions. Data consists of video observations of a group of 24 students, 15 years of age, doing their ordinary school science work without my interference in their planning. Relevant conversations including questions were transcribed. The analysis was made by examining the establishment of relations between utterances in the transcribed conversations. Relations that bridge science and everyday language games are described in the results. Questions that were formulated in an everyday language game illustrate the difficulties of making transitions to a science language game. Without teacher guidance, students’ questions are potential promoters for making the topic drift and to develop into something totally different from the topic as planned by the teacher. However, questions promote transitions to an everyday language game. These can be used by teachers for example to adjust an everyday explanation and guide students in making science knowledge useful in daily life.
Mattias LundinEmail:

In this response to commentaries by Ali Sammel, Jhumki Basu and Alberto Rodriguez, I present my perspective on three important issues raised by the commentators. These issues relate to the role of a researcher in her field settings and society, the critique of science and science education as oppressive dominant discourses, and co-opting participants as researchers. I argue that researchers should work actively for progressive change in discursive fields such as educational research, in which they are firmly embedded rather than playing an interventionist role in field settings where their discursive positionality maybe temporary and not that rooted. Regarding the critique of science and science education, my response favors a perspective wherein an understanding of the marginalization and oppression of non-western communities caused by western science and science education is counterbalanced by an appreciation of the ways in which marginalized communities can use science and science education for affecting progressive change. Lastly, I recognize the value of co-opting participants in writing and communication of research.
Ajay SharmaEmail:

When students reason during school science, they often refer to conceptions that are derived from out-of-school experiences and are poor proxies for science orthodoxy. However, for some areas of science, these conceptions represent only a proportion of students' full conceptual knowledge, for tacit understanding exists that is superior to the understanding displayed when reasoning. Noting that tacit understanding is engaged when events are judged as natural or non-natural, the paper is concerned with software that: (a) requires direction and speed of falling objects to be predicted, i.e. a typical science reasoning task that engages conceptual knowledge; (b) presents simulations of predicted motion in the expectation that its naturalness or non-naturalness would be recognised. An evaluation study is reported where children aged 8–12 years worked with the software in contexts that typify computer use in classrooms, i.e. individually under adult guidance (n =? 44 children) or in pairs with a classmate (n = 48 children). They were observed while they did this. Reasoning about object fall was assessed via change from individual pre-tests administered prior to software usage to individual post-tests administered a few weeks afterwards. The children who worked with the software showed greater pre- to post-test gains in conceptual understanding than control children (n =? 47 children), who lacked software experience. The gains were especially marked for the children who worked in pairs. The approach taken is contrasted with traditional approaches to conceptual change in school science, e.g. strategies that rely upon classroom experiments.  相似文献   

A model for the development of an understanding of how people see has been proposed on the basis of a questionnaire and interview study of a cross-section of Australian school students. The model, based on the SOLO model of cognitive development (Collis & Biggs, 1991), involves the building of connections between the eye, light and the object seen in the Ikonic and Concrete Symbolic modes of cognitive functioning. In order to assess the viability of the model across cultures, the questionnaire was administered to 116 primary and secondary school students in Singapore. This paper reports some details of how the model was supported in its most important respects. The few discrepancies might be explained in terms of environmental, linguistic and/or teaching factors.  相似文献   

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