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Outcomes in the inter- and intra-personal realms are central to the goals of Jewish education, yet educators often struggle to address them in a meaningful way. In this article, we describe what we learned from facilitating an online community of practice for congregational school leaders and day school educators seeking to enhance their work in promoting social, emotional, and spiritual growth. First, we provide a rationale for the importance of outcomes in these arenas. Then, we describe the intervention, which included webinars, mentoring, and an action-research component for participants. Finally, we share what we learned about (a) participants’ conceptualizations of socio-affective elements in the Jewish educational context and (b) the supports and challenges encountered by participants in enhancing the socio-affective dimension of their work.  相似文献   


In this article the author outlines the recent increase in initiatives related to young people's emotional and mental health, for example emotional health and well-being. He examines these concepts and ideas, arguing that there are negative as well as positive aspects to their widespread introduction in schools, and that in adopting mental health approaches and terminology care must be taken before programmes are implemented.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the School Emotional Environment for Learning Survey, an instrument for evaluating the perceived level of emotional literacy of the school as an organization. It elicits student and staff perceptions of their affective experience of being a part of the school community. It was designed to look at the extent to which a school enables members of its community to interact in a manner that builds an understanding of their own and others' emotions, which can then be used to shape their actions. Emotional literacy is seen here as a potential in everyone that is contingent on the interaction between a person and their social context, rather than a capacity that is either present or absent in the individual.
Qualitative data were collected from an ethnographic case study of two schools using closed- and open-ended questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, focus groups, a draw-and-write exercise and participant observation. The data were used to generate grounded theory and to build a theoretical framework for organizational emotional literacy. This theoretical framework is described as the CORE framework, addressing the domains of communication, relationships, organization and emotional experience. These domains are then characterized by particular qualities and values that are described in the 'matrix of emotional literacy'. This framework and matrix were then used to develop a questionnaire, which was trialed as a tool to audit the level of emotional literacy in both primary and secondary schools.  相似文献   

美国社会情绪学习标准体系及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于科学研究和实践经验相结合的美国社会情绪学习项目有助于提高学生情商,改善学习和生活态度,降低问题行为,提高学习成绩。本文从社会情绪学习的发展历程、内容框架与标准体系、具体应用等几个方面来介绍美国社会情绪学习的基本模式,为促进我国教学改革、学生的情感教育以及良好公民的培养提供参考。  相似文献   

学习型企业创建的成功,吸引着越来越多的学校组织加入到学习型学校的创建队伍。然而,学校组织毕竟不同于企业组织,创建学习型学校并不是一个想当然的行为。在创建过程中,学校在目标认识、主体参与、具体行为和评估等方面都会面临一系列的问题。在问题中学会系统思考,透过问题来寻求解决的对策,或许是学习型学校相关研究中一个值得重视的方向。  相似文献   

文章基于移动学习的系统环境路线图对移动学习支持环境作内部和外部的分析,对移动学习资源的形式、设计开发流程以及开发工具进行了概括,对移动学习平台的分类和设计流程进行了总结,并借助移动学习中国内外的典型案例对现有的移动学习支持环境的类别和特点进行了说明,以期对移动学习系统环境的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The promotion of social and emotional learning (SEL) in schools may help prevent emotional and behavioral problems of students. This study evaluated the effects of a SEL curriculum, Strong Start, on the social-emotional competence of 26 second grade students, using a quasi-experimental, non-equivalent control group design. Results revealed statistically significant and meaningful improvements in teacher ratings of students’ internalizing and peer-related pro-social behaviors, particularly for students at greater risk. Conversely, control group students experienced significant worsening of internalizing behaviors and decreased levels of peer-related pro-social behaviors. No changes were reported in externalizing behaviors for either group. Treatment integrity and social validity ratings of Strong Start were high. Limitations and implications of this study are addressed. The authors are listed alphabetically by last name and all shared equally in the preparation of this paper.  相似文献   

合作学习是以小组合作学习为基本形式的教学活动,在当前课改环境下存在着对课改纲要理解有误差、对自学重视不够、小组内部分工不明确、合作学习流于形式、教师缺乏相关经验无法有效指导等问题。为此要采取课前精心准备、课堂上创造良好的合作氛围、积极反馈及时评价等措施,促进合作学习目标的达成,促进学生全面快速发展。  相似文献   

学习风格是影响外语教学的一个重要因素。从分析学习风格的定义及分类出发,区分学习风格与认知风格,简要介绍学习风格的特征,指出学习风格研究对英语教学具有的研究价值及启示,对如何将学习风格理论与英语教学有机结合提出具体的方法与策略。  相似文献   

In this article the Astronomy On-Line (AOL) learning experiment on World Wide Web (WWW) is described. As a part of AOL, educational research was carried out. The purpose of this study was to measure how students experience the new medium in their learning and how students utilize the communication facilities (group e-mail, real-time discussion) available through the WWW site. This study also describes the computational facilities available among AOL participants all around Europe  相似文献   

对农村高三学生的英语感知学习风格进行的调查结果分析显示:农村高三学生喜欢多种英语感知学习风格,最喜欢动手学习风格,最不喜欢单独学习风格;女生比男生更喜欢听觉学习和体验学习风格;英语水平对感知学习风格没有显著性影响;动手学习风格和写作技能有一定的相关性。英语教师应根据学生的感知学习风格灵活应用多种教学方法,指导学生调整和丰富多种感知学习风格以促进教与学的协调发展。  相似文献   

The government's stated intention is that all KS2 learners will have an entitlement to foreign language learning by 2010. Disquiet about motivation for language learning in the secondary sector led to the reduction in status of ML in 2003 to an option subject in KS4. We should not simply consider how best to assure motivation among primary learners of MFL but, in addition, explore what early foreign language learning can contribute to the whole school. There are grounds for claiming that learning a foreign language can contribute to children's overall enjoyment of, motivation for and self-esteem in learning. In its early implementation, it can create a shared curricular experience for a whole school, which can be built upon subsequently. The strength of language learning is sometimes seen as being because it is different, but this article also explores the framework and approach needed to ensure that it is strongly embedded in the whole-school curriculum. In addition to a literature-based rationale for this proposal, the article also contains quotations from four interviews conducted at a primary school in the East Midlands with a headteacher and three small groups representing pupils in Reception, Y3 and Y6 classes.  相似文献   

Blended learning is a newly emerging trend in higher education and is defined as the purposeful integration of synchronous and asynchronous learning to provide educational activities that maximize the benefits of each. This paper describes the development of a graduate social work foundation-year practice class in a blended online environment in which both asynchronous and synchronous activities transpire online. The course's underlying pedagogical principles are illustrated, and the perceptions of instructional faculty are reported in key areas, including engagement and participation, activities, and the challenges of technology, socialization, etiquette, and nonverbal cues.  相似文献   

基于对1089名学生的问卷调查和研究,本文揭示了独立院校学生英语学习风格的3个明显特点,并且指出了两种主要的教学对策。  相似文献   

新课改实施标准对中学英语课堂教学提出了新要求和新任务。以此为依据,针对现今基础英语课堂教学中存在的问题,借鉴建构主义学习理论等有关教育理念,结合课堂互动教学的内容、原则和模式,提出了农村中学英语课堂教学过程中实现师生互动的有效途径。  相似文献   

学习环境的构建是实现学与教方式变革的基础。本文首先从社会信息化对学习环境变革的诉求出发,提出了智慧学习环境的概念,并指出智慧学习环境是数字学习环境的高端形态,其目的是促进学习者轻松的、投入的和有效的学习;然后,分析了普通学习环境与智慧学习环境在学习资源、学习工具、学习社群、教学社群、学习方式、教学方式等六个方面的明显差异,提出了智慧学习环境的系统模型和TRACE3功能模型;其次,从人工智能、传感器技术和通信技术三个方面综述了当今技术发展对智慧学习环境建设的支持;最后,描述了五种典型智慧学习环境应具备的特征。  相似文献   

Researchers have begun to explore the role that faith schools play in contemporary educational markets but the emphasis to date has been on urban rather than rural contexts. This article approaches the issue of marketisation through a qualitative case-study comparison of two Anglican primary schools in contrasting rural localities in England and Wales. Engaging with a range of stakeholders, including parents and pupils, the article explores reasons why the schools were valued, drawing on wider constructions of childhood, religion and rurality. The consequences of the schools’ popularity on factors such as traffic, parking, school ethos and local community ties are also considered. The findings of the study problematise some of the prevalent assumptions about marketisation, including the role of social class and geography in these processes. As such, the article makes an important contribution to the sociological literature on faith schools, rural schools and educational markets.  相似文献   

学风建设不仅反映学校的精神风貌、师生品质和教学传统,也是衡量其办学理念、人才培养质量和管理水平的关键因素。加强高校学风建设具有十分重要的作用和意义,它不仅是高校加强思想政治建设的本质需要,而且也是培养大学生成才的客观要求。针对当前高校学风建设中普遍存在的忽视教风、师风、机关作风建设,部门间协作性不强,在加强学风建设上缺乏行之有效的措施与长效机制等问题,探求加强高校学风建设的对策,进而全面推进高校学风建设。  相似文献   

本文根据Reid的感知学习风格和Schmitt的词汇学习策略分类,通过问卷调查方式,调查了128位高职英语学习者的感知学习风格倾向和词汇学习策略运用特点及两者的相关性。研究结果表明:该群体最倾向于独立和视觉风格而最不倾向于合作型学习风格;最常用记忆、认知策略而少用元认知和社会策略;感知学习风格影响学习策略的选择,风格与策略多处显著相关。  相似文献   

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