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Experiences and reflection have long been regarded as a foundation for pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) development. However, little is known about how experienced teachers develop their PCK via reflection-in-action during their moment-to-moment classroom instruction. Drawing upon data sources including classroom observations, semi-structured interviews and stimulated recall interviews based on lesson videos, this study examined instances when four experienced teachers were found to invent new instructional strategies/representations on the spot during the lesson (referred to as on-site PCK development) in their first attempts at teaching a new topic. The study documented the moment-to-moment experiences of the teachers, including their reconstructed thought processes associated with these instances of on-site PCK development. An explanatory model of a three-step process comprising a stimulus, an integration process and a response was advanced to account for the on-site PCK development observed among the teachers. Three categories of stimulus that triggered on-site PCK development were identified. Factors influencing the integration process and, hence, the resulting response, included teachers’ subject matter knowledge of the new topic, their general pedagogical knowledge and their knowledge of student learning difficulties/prior knowledge related to the new topic. Implications for teacher professional development in terms of how to enhance teachers’ on-site PCK development are discussed.  相似文献   

以改善大专专业英文教师的专业素养为目的,旨在了解EFL环境下,大专教师专业英文PCK内涵,目的在于建立专业英文教学的PCK模型。此模型之贡献在于提供一个典范,使想成为教授专业英文的教师有个教学上参考的依据,协助教师发现并发展有效专业英文教学所需的PCK,提升教师的专业素养。研究计划预期可获得之研究成果,有利于强化国内外有关专业英文PCK研究的认知,和国内外有关专业英文PCK教师自我评估认知。  相似文献   

This paper examines science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and ways in which that knowledge might be captured, articulated and portrayed to others. The research from which this paper is drawn has involved interviews with experienced science teachers in an attempt to make the tacit nature of their practice explicit. Initially, case methodology was envisaged as being a way of documenting these teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. However, over time, the form of knowledge and information that we were gathering and attempting to portray extended beyond that which could reasonably be described as being case-based. Hence we have developed an approach to articulation and portrayal based on what we call the CoRe (Content Representation) – which represents the particular content/topic of the science teaching – and PaP-eRs (Pedagogical and Professional experience Repertoire) – which help to illuminate specific aspects of the CoRe and therefore offer insights into pedagogical content knowledge itself. The results of this study offer new ways of conceptualising what pedagogical content knowledge is and how it might be captured, documented and disseminated.  相似文献   

信息技术支持下的学科教学知识(TPACK)是学科教学知识(PCK)在信息化时代的发展。技术知识(TK)、教法知识(PK)和内容知识(CK)是TPACK结构模型中的基础成分;学科教学知识(PCK)、技术支持下的内容知识(TCK)、技术支持下的教学知识(TPK)和技术支持下的学科教学知识(TPACK)是TPACK结构模型中的互动成份。TPACK框架在理论上、在教师教育、在教学实践上等诸方面为信息技术与学科课程整合提供了新思路,将有助于我们推动学科教学知识发展,将为学科教育的信息化提供有力的教学知识基础。  相似文献   

While a solid understanding of science content knowledge is important in developing expertise in science teaching, it is not necessarily a sufficient condition to teach science effectively in elementary schools. Teachers need to have the ability to transform their knowledge into forms learnable by students. Based on this perspective, the current study explored how science content knowledge was pedagogically transformed in Korean elementary classrooms. Data sources included video-recorded science lessons of five elementary teachers in a metropolitan city of Korea. The analysis of the data revealed that the Korean teachers often engaged in transforming science content knowledge by means of different semiotic modes, including language, pictures, materials, actions, and their complex combinations. Further, their representations of scientific knowledge were in diverse forms, such as personifications, analogies, quiz questions, pictorial models, diagrams, animations, real-life examples, hand demonstrations, videos, flash tools, and songs-and-dances. Future research involving a wider range of participants, such as students, content specialists, and teachers with weak and strong content understanding, was suggested to confirm the findings of this study and find more various ways of pedagogical transformation of science subject matter knowledge.  相似文献   

Elementary teachers are typically hesitant to teach science. While a limited knowledge of science content is a reason for this, limited science pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) has emerged as another reason in recent research. This study constitutes two case studies of a professional development program for elementary teachers involving mentoring by a university professor. The mentor took the role of a critical friend in joint planning and teaching of science. The study examines the nature of the mentoring relationship and reports the type of teacher learning that occurred, with a particular focus on the teachers’ development of science PCK.
Ken AppletonEmail:

技术-教学法-内容知识:对教师的新要求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于对教育技术、一般教学法和学科内容交互作用的分析,研究者提出当前教师应具有技术一教学法一内容知识,善于利用教育技术有效表征和呈现学科内容以利于教学和学生理解。可通过基于问题解决的训练模式帮助教师获得技术一教学法一内容知识。该理论是对教师知识研究的拓展,对教师的职业素质提出了新要求,也对当前我国教师教育的研究和实践具有重要启发意义。  相似文献   

西方学科教学知识研究的两种路径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在1986年美国教育家舒尔曼教授提出学科教学知识的概念之后,西方一些研究者从两种路径探讨学科教学知识的内涵,一种是静态的分析研究,一种是动态的建构研究。两种路径的研究丰富与发展了学科教学知识概念的内涵。  相似文献   

教师不仅要拥有深刻的学科知识而且还要拥有宽广的学科教学知识。有效的课堂教学是两者的有机融合。通过从学习者的视角剖析一堂数学课的教学,具体分析了学科知识和学科教学知识在课堂教学中是怎样有机融合的,在经验层面证实了上述观点。该课例是青浦经验新行动的产物。青浦经验从本质上说是学科知识和学科教学知识有机融合的产物,是指导有效教学的本土经验。学科知识和学科教学知识的有机融合是数学和教育在课堂教学中的诉求,也可更好地解读本土经验。  相似文献   

技术—教学法—内容知识(TPACK)研究议题及其进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“技术-教学法-内容知识”(TPACK)是信息技术与课程整合、教师知识与教学学习研究的热点之一。本文从TPACK框架的提出、主要研究议题与进展、以及有待解决的问题和未来研究方向等方面,系统报道与评论了“技术-教学法-内容知识”这一整合技术进行教学的教师知识框架。  相似文献   

教师学科教学知识:本质、特征与结构   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
杨彩霞 《教育科学》2006,22(1):60-63
教师学科教学知识(Pedagogical Content Knowledge)是教师研究的新焦点。自这一概念提出以来(Shulman,1986),其内涵与结构不断演变。教师PCK是教师关于如何将自己所知道的学科内容以学生易理解的方式加工、转化给学生的知识。它具有与内容相关;基于经验反思;有实践性;个体性以及情境性的特征。结构上,研究者基于Shulman(1986)的两个主要成分予以扩展;它是一个综合体;与其他教师知识类型紧密关联。值得注意的是,特定教师群体的特定主题PCK是日后研究的生长点。  相似文献   

学科教学知识(PCK)自舒尔曼1986年提出以来,受到了广泛关注。通过在Web of Science核心合集中对"PCK"进行文献计量研究,辅以CiteSpace进行关键词共现等分析,可以从整体上了解国际PCK的研究现状、研究热点与研究前沿问题。通过分析发现,在研究方法上,文献计量方法的综合使用有利于形成科学而准确的结论;在研究内容上,国际PCK的研究热点与研究前沿特征词较相似,体现了创新研究的不足。  相似文献   

关注幼儿教师的领域教学知识是促进其专业发展、提升教师专业能力进而确保学前教育质量提升的重要切入点。本文基于对上海市161名幼儿园教师数学领域教学知识(PM-PCK)的调查,描述了教师数学PCK三个维度的能力水平、梳理比较了教师背景信息对其PCK水平的影响,并由此提出基于PM-PCK评估对改善和优化学前数学教育的启示与建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study is to delve into the complexities of how preservice science teachers’ science teaching orientations, viewed as an interrelated set of beliefs, interact with the other components of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Eight preservice science teachers participated in the study. Qualitative data were collected in the form of content representation, responses to an open-ended instrument, and semi-structured interviews. Preservice teachers’ orientation and PCK were analyzed deductively. Constant comparison analysis of how their orientation interacted with other PCK components revealed three major themes: (1) one’s purpose for science teaching determines the PCK component(s) with which it interacts, (2) a teacher’s beliefs about the nature of science do not directly interact with his/her PCK, unless those beliefs relate directly to the purposes of teaching science, and (3) beliefs about science teaching and learning mostly interact with knowledge of instructional strategies. Implications for science teacher education and research are discussed.  相似文献   

知识是影响教师专业发展的重要因素。学科教学知识是教师知识结构中最重要的内核。幼儿园教师学科教学知识可以通过经验积累与反思、在职培训、园本教研、行动研究等途径得到发展。  相似文献   

舒尔曼提出的“学科教学知识”推动了教育研究与实践的向前发展。高校《通信原理》课程学科教学的知识结构与内容框架主要包括通信原理课程教学模式等七个方面,对《通信原理》课程教学策略的知识应用进行论述,具有较强的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of the amount and quality of content knowledge on pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). The biological content photosynthesis and plant growth was used as an example. The research sample consisted of 10 primary and 10 secondary (biology) teacher students. Questionnaires, lesson preparation task and an interview were used to collect data. Primary student‐teachers’ were not aware of students’ conceptual difficulties and had problems in choosing the most important content. Neither of the groups had knowledge on suitable experiments and demonstrations, which indicates that PCK should be explicitly taught. The usefulness of PCK and some related constructs in initial teacher training is discussed.  相似文献   

The validity and reliability of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) as a framework to measure the extent to which teachers can teach with technology hinges on the ability to aggregate results across empirical studies. The results of data collected using the survey of pre-service teacher knowledge of teaching with technology (TKTT) were synthesized using confidence intervals (CIs). Mean pre-service teacher TPACK point estimates were characterized by graphing CIs across studies from 2009 until 2011. The results present approximations of TPACK population parameters and implications for researchers and teacher educators.  相似文献   

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