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Irrespective of the grading system, grades are the most valid instrument for predicting educational success. Previous studies have shown that criterion-referenced compulsory school grades are multidimensional, reflecting subject-specific dimensions and a common grade dimension, both of which contribute to the predictive validity of grades. This suggests that in addition to knowledge and skills, grades reflect other aspects which might have importance for the prediction of educational success. The purpose of this study was to investigate, using structured equation modeling, whether norm-referenced compulsory school grades display similar patterns of dimensionality and predictive validity to criterion-referenced grades. Possible differences due to gender and parents' education were considered. Participants were 3855 students born in 1972. The results showed that norm-referenced grades are multidimensional, and that both the subject-specific and common grade dimensions contribute to predicting educational success. In the common grade dimension, girls and students with higher educational backgrounds were favored.  相似文献   

通过对澳门2 536个高中生的抽样调查分析发现:高中生公民素养存在显著的性别差异,女生的公民素养要高于男生的公民素养;家长对孩子的公民素养养成影响较大,但是家长普遍缺乏有关公共议题的引导;教师在高中生公民素养养成过程中能够善于倾听学生意见,但是很少围绕公共议题进行讨论。而高中生公民素养的提升与家长学历背景、从事班干部经历和互联网信息的获得呈正相关。因此,通过加强家长对公共议题的关心、深入了解高中生的性别差异特点和构建学校-社区一体化的双向机制,将有助于提升高中生的公民素养。  相似文献   


The recent report of the Milburn Review into Social Mobility highlights the under-representation of young people from lower socio-economic groups in higher education and encourages universities and others to act to remedy this situation as a contribution to greater social mobility. The paper uses data from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England to examine the relationship between social background, attainment and university participation. The results show that differences in school-level attainment associated with social background are by far the most important explanation for social background differences in university attendance. However, there remains a small proportion of the participation gap that is not accounted for by attainment. It is also the case that early intentions for higher education participation are highly predictive of actual participation. The results suggest that although there may be some scope for universities to act to improve participation by people from less advantaged backgrounds, a much more important focus of action is on improving the school-level achievement of these students.  相似文献   

普通高中开始职业技能课是实现普职融通、建设现代职业教育体系建设的关键环节。以宁波北仑中学为例分析发现,通过线性结构及平行结构等多种课程实施模式,在普通高中开设职业技能课程可以取得多方面教育成效,包括提升普高教育理念,开启职业启蒙教育,为学生营造多科学的成长环境,等等。但职业技能课程在实施过程中也面临一系列问题,包括没有形成统一的课程标准,教师不够重视,评价机制不完善等。针对这些问题,普通高中应建立统一的职业技能课程准入机制,加强普高教师技能培训,改革职业技能课程评价机制。  相似文献   

学校经营要为学校提供充足的办学资本。促进学校发展,迫切需要注入新的资本,学校社会资本正是一种可供选择的资本形式。中小学校社会资本对学校的发展具有不可低估的重要作用,主要表现在:补充其他形式资本的不足,为学校提供充足的资源;为学生提供更多的资助机会;资源共享避免重复建设;节省交易成本,提高办学效率。应该构建学校社会资本开发与利用的保障、约束和监督机制,保证其正常、合法经营,推动学校发展,促进学生发展。  相似文献   

There is a common assumption that computers will change the conditions for mathematics teaching. In this article the author discusses how the computer as a change-agent may influence the conditions, methods and results in everyday mathematics teaching. The empirical material is collected through interviews with eighteen teachers in lower secondary school. The author has also participated in all computer-aided lessons given by two teachers during one year. That means 700 possible computer-aided lessons. Teaching of mathematics seems to have such a strong tradition that the computer as a change-agent is relatively weak. The fact is that the computer is assimilated into an old tradition of methods and contents. A great deal of the computer-aided lessons give attention to drilling pupils with different types of drill-program where they can learn mathematical procedures. In some lessons laborative work is pursued with the intention that the pupils computer-aided learn mathematical concepts.  相似文献   

教师在教学中要收到良好的教学效果,不能忘记育人工作。以自己的形象影响学生,以自己的爱心关心学生,指正学生的不良言行,就能在教学中起到事半功倍的作用。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the interactions of mathematical abilities when 6 high achieving Swedish upper-secondary students attempt unfamiliar non-routine mathematical problems. Analyses indicated a repeating cycle in which students typically exploited abilities relating to the ways they orientated themselves with respect to a problem, recalled mathematical facts, executed mathematical procedures, and regulated their activity. Also, while the nature of this cyclic sequence varied little across problems and students, the proportions of time afforded the different components varied across both, indicating that problem solving approaches are informed by previous experiences of the mathematics underlying the problem. Finally, students’ whose initial problem formulations were numerical typically failed to completed the problem, while those whose initial formulations were algebraic always succeeded.  相似文献   

芬兰高中教育的成功已引起世人的瞩目,其原因既包括长远的教育政策、健全的教育法制法规和独特的教育信任文化等宏观层面因素,也包括灵活的教学方式、高质量的师资队伍、完善的指导咨询体系和校际合作机制等微观层面因素。  相似文献   

This paper reports of how ICT and a computer rich environment is used in a an upper secondary Swedish school to change traditional teacher and pupil work. A teacher and his classes were followed during one week. Observations, field notes, spontaneous conversations and formal interviews with the teacher and some pupils were made. Teachers' and pupils' work is affected in many ways. Some of the traditional teacher's work is here left to the pupils. In spite of the pedagogical intention to promote cooperation, the technology seems to strengthen individual work. ICT also seems to lead to the dissolution of boundaries between home and work place, working time and leisure time. The pupils' task to search for information on the Internet and transform it into personal knowledge is not an easy one. Discussion or evaluation of sources and origin of texts found on the Internet seems to be negligent.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether mathematical and reading difficulties and self-reported learning problems predicted school achievement in the ninth grade, at the age of 16, and how these difficulties further explained the transition either to upper secondary academic education or to vocational education. The sample of the present study comprised one age group of ninth-grade adolescents (n?=?592; 300 girls, 292 boys) in a middle-sized Finnish city. These students completed tests of mathematics, reading comprehension and decoding. Participants were also asked to assess their learning problems in school work. Results demonstrated that mathematical and reading difficulties strongly predicted school achievement in the ninth grade and, through school achievement, also predicted the transition to different tracks in secondary education. The role of self-reported learning difficulties in this prediction was significant, but less significant than that of mathematical and reading difficulties. Parents' education did not play a major role in this prediction.  相似文献   

本研究以一项为期一年的民族志调查为基础,旨在从教师访谈数据中揭示农村家长参与学校教育的障碍。在理论层面,本研究着眼于教师的专业身份及其对他们对于家长参与建构性理解的影响。在数据分析层面,本研究指出,接受访谈的教师倾向于认为家长在学校教育中的角色是"边缘性"的辅助角色,家长常被看作教师的追随者,而不是平等的合作伙伴,而教师则视自己为专业的工作者,其专业判断不容质疑。在行动层面,家长不同形式的参与又是教师构建专业身份的重要实践,常被看作鼓励"先进"、解决"后进"问题的重要手段,其符号意义要高过实质意义。本研究从教师的角度出发解释农村学校家长参与的低迷现象,是对本领域文献的一项重要补充,有着重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

谈谈数学的应用与中学数学教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学在其他学科中,在国民经济重大问题中,在国家安全重大问题中,在培养人才方面都有巨大作用。数学是学习其他课程的重要基础,当前的中学数学教育存在一些不正常的现象:教学和复习比例失调;片面追求应用和现代化;平面几何缺失;奥数屡禁不止。当代中学生要有远大理想和抱负,要有强烈、浓厚的兴趣,要有执著的精神、坚定的毅力,要勤奋努力;中学数学教学应该做到以下三点:一是少而精,二是让学生多动脑、动手,三是要培养学生的自学精神。  相似文献   

王晓敏 《科教导刊》2019,(7):107-108
高校二级分党校在组织育人中具有十分重要的作用,包括二级分党校是加强党组织育人的重要阵地、是连接党组织和群团组织的重要纽带;分析目前高校二级分党校在组织育人中作用发挥不明显的原因和表现,如组织育人对象偏倚严重、组织育人连续性不够、组织育人模式单一、组织育人师资队伍专业化不够等,探索充分发挥高校二级分党校组织育人作用的路径。  相似文献   


Research into school choice has generally explored both the processes by which choices are made and the considerations that parents explore when making this important decision on behalf of their children. This article examines the secondary school choices of Jewish parents in the United Kingdom. It explores parents’ reasons for choosing to select Jewish faith secondary schools. We frame our arguments against the backdrop of the wider faith-school phenomenon in the UK, and as with the Christian communities, we find a disconnect between the small number of Jewish adults attending places of worship regularly and the growing number of Jewish children attending Jewish faith schools. We show that for many parents, schooling is synonymous with Jewish socialization, or enculturation; developing networks of Jewish friends, providing sufficient cultural resources to enable participation in Jewish life, and nurturing distinctive values. We show how Jewish schools have become more than places for academic advancement for these families; they have become the primary locus of Jewish community.  相似文献   

以沈阳市教师流动制度下的中小学流动教师为研究对象,以自编的《流动教师职业适应问卷》和修订的《社会支持量表》为研究工具,对流动教师的交流初期的职业适应与社会支持的关系进行了研究。结论如下:同事、校长、学生支持能对职业适应产生不同预测,同事是流动教师职业适应最重要的支持源。  相似文献   

This study addresses the social participation of young students (Grades One to Three) with special needs in regular Dutch primary schools. More specifically, the focus lies on four key themes related to social participation: friendships/relationships, contacts/interactions, students’ social self‐perception, and acceptance by classmates. The outcomes of the study revealed that the majority of students with special needs have a satisfactory degree of social participation. However, compared with students without special needs, a relatively large portion of the students with special needs experience difficulties in their social participation. In general, students with special needs have a significantly lower number of friends and are members of a cohesive subgroup less often than their typical peers. In addition, students with special needs have fewer interactions with classmates, have more interactions with the teacher, and are less accepted than students without special needs. The social self‐perception of both groups of students does not differ. A comparison between students with different categories of disability regarding the four themes of social participation revealed no significant differences.  相似文献   

当代俄罗斯社会转型中面临着国际化与民族化、继承与变革、统一与民主等种种矛盾,这些矛盾不可避免地折射于教育领域中.俄罗斯中学经济教育为了有效地整合这些矛盾,既引进西方经济教育经验又结合自身国情,既继承教育为国家服务的传统又注重教育变革中的人文化趋势,既追求统一教育空闻又考虑教育的民主化趋势.这些宝贵经验值得我国借鉴.  相似文献   

学校教育面临着各种社会风险,同时学校教育中的一些风险因素演变成的风险事件也给社会带来风险。因此,我国学校亟待实施学校教育社会风险管理。学校教育社会风险是指社会上的各种相关因素、自然灾害以及学校教育活动与管理本身等因素变量演化成的风险事件给学校教育带来某种危险的可能性或后果,以及学校教育本身的一些风险因素演变成的风险事件给社会带来的某种危险的可能性或后果。据此,学校教育社会风险指标体系,是一个由学校面临的教育社会风险评估指标体系和学校教育对社会的风险评估指标体系构成的指标群。  相似文献   

偏远地区的英语教学水平始终是我国中学英语教学的薄弱环节。甘肃偏远山区尽管在英语教学中投入大量精力,效果却始终不明显。当前符号学的发展为研究语言提供了另一种途径。教师应通过探讨语言的符号属性,将语言看作是一种符号化的知识系统,并依据此视角在教学过程中尝试将符号与映像表征对应,以增强学生学习兴趣,提高其学习效率。  相似文献   

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