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Persistent school non-attendance (PSNA) is a widely acknowledged problem. Family coaches work intensively with families where a child or young person (CYP) has persistently poor or no school attendance and there is unemployment or anti-social behaviour. Their work extends across different systems, which gives them a unique, multi-factored understanding of the phenomenon of PSNA in coaching families. The aim of this grounded theory (GT) study was to draw upon the experiences and perspectives of coaches in one UK local authority, to understand what helps and hinders successful intervention. A GT emerged, in which PSNA in coaching families was a red flag, occurring when CYP felt unsafe. This was a product of the home environment not providing a secure base, parents having a diminished capacity and the CYP feeling that their situation was invisible. Successful intervention was relationship-based; improved the visibility of CYP; and increased parenting capacity. Intervention was constrained by conflicting systems that resisted or sabotaged change.  相似文献   

The concept of “extended non-attendance” (“school phobia” or “school refusal”) was distinguished from truancy early in the twentieth century, and refers to children who fear school and avoid attending. Despite much subsequent research, outcomes for those affected remain poor, and their voices remain largely absent from the evidence base. The current study sought to address this by examining the experiences of four secondary-age children with extended attendance difficulties. Data consisted of semi-structured interviews conducted in participants’ homes, subsequently analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Although participants differed markedly in their perception of the causes of their non-attendance, their support experiences appear remarkably similar. Emergent themes include being disbelieved, experiencing fragmented support, and feeling blamed and punished. Implications for practitioners include the importance of ensuring early intervention, the need to consider the individual child, and the importance of making sure that local intervention practices are informed by the evidence base.  相似文献   


In this article David Lambert argues in support of the humanities in the secondary school curriculum and underlines the contribution that they can make to citizenship education. He emphasizes but does not restrict his arguments to geography and offers a wide view encompassing the humanities as a whole. He explores the links between the humanities, moral education and citizenship and argues against the citizenship-as-subject approach.  相似文献   

The views of the children and young people experiencing Extended School Non-Attendance difficulties are scarcely represented in the literature. This systematic literature review provides a much needed overview of the existing research evidence through a detailed synthesis of the lived experiences of persistently non-attending young people, using a meta-ethnographic approach. Ten qualitative, UK-based papers were selected and analysed, each of which focused specifically on the direct views of school non-attenders. Using Noblit and Hare's seven-step approach, the analysis generated seven themes: (1) difficult relationships with peer group; (2) inconsistent relationships with and support from adults; (3) negative experiences of school transition; (4) negative experiences of learning in school; (5) emotional wellbeing and mental health needs; (6) others' negative perceptions of the individual's needs; (7) personal beliefs about attendance. Through reciprocal translation of these themes, the overarching higher-order concept was developed relating to the impact of a sense of school belonging. The implications of this review include an enhanced emphasis on the need to gather young people's views early and to use their preferred terminology when discussing their difficulties. While outside the scope of this paper, further research should look to the translation into policy and practice in this area.  相似文献   

This article explores the experience of a group of young people who experienced difficulty attending school. Young people's reasons for not attending school and the support provided for them by their teachers are examined. Finally, an analysis based on a shift in identity from school refuser to effective learner is offered as an explanation for the students' success in coping with school. The authors draw on Paul Klee's metaphor of art as a development that can go forwards, backward, up and down as similar to the processes of working with such young people. They argue that to expect linear progress is both unrealistic and sets unfair expectations on students and their teachers.  相似文献   

Despite the abundance of legislation and research initiatives concerning children’s participation in decision-making, there is less research in this area with regard to extended school non-attenders. Using semi-structured interviews, this research explores how the views of children and their families who have experienced school non-attendance can be incorporated into best practice within an Educational Psychology Service in the UK. Analysis of the interviews revealed the highly complex nature of school non-attendance and how the interrelating factors behind it have been somewhat lost due to the current medical approach. The rhetoric surrounding this use of the label “school refuser” was also examined.  相似文献   

This article discusses aspects of school attendance difficulties, focusing on why a minority of children decide to miss school. It is an exploratory study representing a developmental approach that aims to establish the immediate determinants of school absence to gain more understanding of the nature of attendance difficulties and eventually inform practitioner methods. Questionnaires, designed to measure attitudes, perceptions and parent–child interaction over school absence were administered to two hundred and nine 12–13 year olds attending a comprehensive school. Thirty-five individual interviews were carried out with good and poor attenders to clarify the questionnaire responses. It was concluded that school attendance difficulties develop like other defiant behaviour problems, with parental reaction playing a major role. Government policies encouraging the use of punitive measures with parents of poor attenders do not provide practitioners or pastoral staff with the sophisticated working methods necessary to help poor attending children achieve an education.  相似文献   

学校恐怖症一直是学校教育的热点和难点.本文从学校恐怖症的概念界定,通过对学校恐怖症遗传、气质、神经学因素、分离性焦虑等相关病因学因素的分析,系统探讨学校恐怖症的行为表现和诱因,在目前学校恐怖症的心理治疗和药物治疗的基础上,提出积极心理健康教育新对策.  相似文献   

This research uses an active listening approach within a narrative inquiry methodology to consider the views of three teenage males aged 15–17 years on the topic of missing education. Missing education is a term used to describe children and young people (CYP) not receiving a suitable education or being on a school roll. The participants’ accounts were analysed using a Voice-Centred Relational Method to identify the complex interplay of systemic factors, the importance of individual experience and supportive adult–pupil relationships. The reflective accounts presented in this paper highlight implications for active and effective listening to CYP. A model was created to support the approaches educational psychologists (EPs) could use to support school staff, parents and other professionals in their work with individuals “missing education”.  相似文献   

From a review of the literature, it is concluded that (i) each form of pupil absenteeism relates to a heterogeneous group of children; (ii) because of such heterogeneity, those who are involved in assessment and intervention in relation to pupil absenteeism are faced with a demanding task; (iii) as a consequence of their education and training, educational psychologists (EPs) have the appropriate knowledge and skills for dealing with pupil absenteeism at both the individual and group level; (iv) with respect to dealing with pupil absenteeism, EPs could make and have made a contribution; (v) EPs have the necessary experience of working at a multi-agency level and, in connection with pupil absenteeism, have worked not only with the children and their parents but also at both whole school and multi-agency levels; and (vi) EPs have already demonstrated in the literature that they have much to offer in this important and demanding area.  相似文献   

以安阳教育年鉴数据说明河南省近年幼师生化学成绩后进的情况,分析幼师生入学后学习化学困难的自身心理和智力因素、认知结构中的消极因素、实验中的障碍因素,依此提出转化策略。  相似文献   

学校事故发生的根本原因在于学校对学生的责任不明确,学校管理权的性质不明,还在于学校与学生之间的权利与义务内容没有法律上的明确规定。解决学校事故的根本办法在于从学校事故的现状出发,早日出台《学校法》。  相似文献   

学校改进中的学生参与问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学生参与学校改进具有重要的理论和实践意义,然而学生却往往成为学校改进的被动接受者.为了保证学生基本权利的实现,为了学校改进最终目标的达成,学生参与学校改进就成了不可忽视的问题.基于对学生参与学校改进原因的分析,本文探讨了学生参与学校改进的三种方式,即给学生赋权、在改进的不同阶段配合不同层次的学生参与、采用灵活多样的形式加强学生和成人之间的对话.  相似文献   

职业学校考试考核体系改革的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,在职校生的考试考核中,重评价、轻导向,考核内容不合理,考试方法单一,记分方式不科学,严重影响了学生学习的积极性与创造性.根据加强学生职业道德教育和职业技能培训的要求,构建基于"综合性全程考核模式"的学生成绩考试考核体系,灵活运用作业考核、模块考核、笔试、口试、综合实习考核、知行统一的考核等方式,可为顺利实现人才培养目标奠定基础.  相似文献   

本研究采用巴雷特(Jim Barrett)的职业调查测验量表,对青海民族地区的618名高中生进行了职业兴趣问卷测查。结果显示:(1)民族地区高中生的职业兴趣特征倾向依次是:实验型→文字型→组织型→艺术型→商业型→社会型→自然型;(2)民族高中和普通高中同一年级的学生、同一学校不同性别的学生、同一民族而不同学校的藏族学生,均在职业兴趣类型上具有显著性差异,但差异性程度不同。文章还分析了民族地区高中生的职业兴趣类型差异及其成因。  相似文献   

以950名中学生为被试,采用友谊质量问卷,对从初一到高三的六个年级中学生的友谊质量的特点进行横断研究。结果发现,中学生友谊质量多个维度的发展存在显著的性别和年级差异。初中二年级和高中三年级女生的冲突解决能力均显著地高于男生。  相似文献   

学习策略是自主学习的客观需要。基于调查分析,应增强职校生策略意识、培养其自主学习能力:认知方面突出精加工和做笔记,元认知策略强调时间管理,情感引导关注无助感和效能感,交际训练鼓励用英语表达。  相似文献   

初中生物理素质的培养应从转变教育观念,培养观察、分析、概括能力,加强科技活动训练,培养健康的伙伴关系,加强爱国主义教育五个方面着手,着重培养学生的应用能力和创新意识,为社会输送合格的人才。  相似文献   

教师的专业成长不仅仅包括其专业知识和专业技能的生成和发展。还应包括其人文情怀、道德品质、审美情趣等人文素质的养成和发展,这种人文素养的养成和发展就叫做文化成长。应根据既定的育人目标,建设人文课程,采用人文教育方法,实施人文管理,开拓文化育人的实施渠道,建构具有现代特点的文化育人模式。  相似文献   

中学教师参加继续教育的动因能否由外在压力转化为内在需求是中学教师继续教育能否保持永久生命力的关键。而这一转化的实现取决于中学教师对继续教育的偏好程度、支付能力及投资收益率等因素。因此。政府部门须确保并增加继续教育经费的投入,在教师这一行业切实引进市场机制,推进素质教育评价体系的建立及探索多种继续教育模式等方面去解决这一问题。  相似文献   

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