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“Deutsche Schule”, the journal of the German Association of Teachers, was an important forum for the social education debate during the German empire. The author describes this discussion, which took place between 1897 and 1914, on the basis of essays published in the “Deutsche Schule”. Central is the relation between educational task and theory. Within the generally accepted educational task of strengthening the unity of the cultural nation, this early social education debate developed into a controversial discussion over the social and sociological elements of education policy and theory.  相似文献   

There is nowadays consensus in the community of didactics of science (i.e. science education understood as an academic discipline) regarding the need to include the philosophy of science in didactical research, science teacher education, curriculum design, and the practice of science education in all educational levels. Some authors have identified an ever-increasing use of the concept of ‘theoretical model’, stemming from the so-called semantic view of scientific theories. However, it can be recognised that, in didactics of science, there are over-simplified transpositions of the idea of model (and of other meta-theoretical ideas). In this sense, contemporary philosophy of science is often blurred or distorted in the science education literature. In this paper, we address the discussion around some meta-theoretical concepts that are introduced into didactics of science due to their perceived educational value. We argue for the existence of a ‘semantic family’, and we characterise four different versions of semantic views existing within the family. In particular, we seek to contribute to establishing a model-based didactics of science mainly supported in this semantic family.  相似文献   

廖丹琪 《高教论坛》2014,(12):70-72
孔门教育,以道德教育和人格教育为主。孔子在对弟子进行教育的时候重在引导,而非填充,他运用了各式各样的启发式教学法,包括双向交流、"叩竭法"、因材施教等,通过采取这些方法既启迪了学生的思维,又提高了道德教育的效果。当代大学课程中的"思想道德修养与法律基础"课程也是对学生进行思想道德教育的主干课程,其与孔子的道德教育有相通之处。研究孔子在道德教育中所运用的启发式教学法,对于此门课程的教学工作具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

德语国家(德国、奥地利以及瑞士)普通教学论历史悠久,对整个教育学科的建立与发展意义重大。普通教学论作为系统性、普遍性的教学理论,强调自身理论的主体性、师生对话的意义建构、教师清晰的指导与管理、教学的反思性实践。新的时代背景下,德语国家普通教学论的发展既坚守传统,又积极转向,系统分析其优劣特质可以发现:相关理论一方面具有整体性、独特性、指导性、反思性、规范性等特征;另一方面也面临着诸如学科地位下滑、缺乏实证研究支撑、自身理论发展缓慢、缺乏课程研究支持等问题。为应对信息技术时代学校教育的异质性、融合教育、移民教育、健康教育、数字化教育等新兴教学情境,相关研究呈现出新的发展趋势,转向"技术支持下团队合作"、"多主体协同建构"、"制定数字化教学新标准"。  相似文献   

In this essay, James Scott Johnston claims that a dispute over moral teleology lies at the basis of the debate between John Dewey and Robert M. Hutchins. This debate has very often been cast in terms of perennialism, classicism, or realism versus progressivism, experimentalism, or pragmatism. Unfortunately, casting the debate in these terms threatens to leave the reader with the impression that Dewey and Hutchins were simply talking past each other, that one was wrongheaded while the other correct, or that they held incommensurable ideological standpoints. Such an understanding obscures a deeper conflict that divided these two men and overlooks the depth of the differences in their moral outlooks. Johnston argues that both thinkers knew very well what morally significant principles and practices were at stake in the debate and, further, that this awareness, rather than the question of which foundation for education was better for students, informed their responses to one another.  相似文献   

Vreede, E. de. “On the importance of special didactics in teacher education,” Revue ATEE Journal 1980 (3) 109‐117.

Teaching is occasioning learning to the extent that the motives used in this occasioning are derived from the learning content. On the basis of this definition a distinction is made between general and special didactics. The article is a plea for a careful distinction between the two, which would be beneficial to both disciplines and particularly for special didactics. For various reasons, some of which are discussed, this distinction is scarcely implemented in teacher education, much to the disadvantage of future teachers and their students.  相似文献   

The study refers to the unfavourable reputation and status of general didactics as well as its decreasing importance in teacher education. This is a result of poor performance achieved in international tests by students. They score low on knowledge and arguments, and empirical studies indicate that didactic models are useless. In view of the above problem, the aim of this article is to examine the validity of the argument that didactic models are useless. It is necessary to examine if general didactics are being in an unfavourable position along with its possible successors in the international context. In order to achieve that, we conducted an empirical study into the usability of didactic models for lesson planning in Croatia and compared it with the results obtained in previous research in Germany. The term usability means the advantages of theory in practice. On the basis of the results of the empirical study, we concluded that didactic models are not generally unusable. Additionally, they are different according to their usability. These results open a path for further research on this topic in the international context.  相似文献   

In the work of Comenius, the garden metaphor appears to concur with a technological metaphor (clock, printing etc.). The history of the understanding of Comenius's didactics led mostly to a romantic interpretation: The educator is the gardener, who has to ensure by careful nursing, that the pupils grow by themselves (spontaneously) to their individual perfection.

The Vignette reprinted in this paper seems to correspond to this interpretation. It is encircled by the verse “Omnia sponte fluant, absit violentia rebus”–Everything should flow by itself, force should be absent.

But the subject of this verse is not education, but creation as a whole. The verse defines man's God‐given task to support everything on its own way to perfection. Then mankind will be “A Garden of Joy” for God. The perfection of the world lies in the hands of mankind. Education has to prepare children for this task. And this cannot be done by just Ietting them grow but by careful pruning and nourishing of the young people. They have to learn to subordinate themselves to the “rationes rerum” that are disclosed in the true wisdom ("pansophia") in order to bring peace and order to the world. The technical metaphor aims at the same goal: not imperial despotism and govemment, but improvement of the human environment is the task set for human skill.  相似文献   

新型地方多科性院校学科教学论建设探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国师范教育层次和布局的调整,产生了一批新型的地方多科性大学/学院.它们大多具有师范教育的基础,但在师范性学科尤其是学科教学论方面比较薄弱.章探讨了学科教学论学科薄弱的表现及其原因,提出加强学科教学论建设的措施建议,认为必须加强师资队伍建设,建立学科发展基地以及改革学科教学论课程与教学内容.  相似文献   

思想政治教育与意识形态的关系学术界讨论已久,有的认为意识形态的性质决定思想政治教育的性质,意识形态教育就是思想政治教育,加强意识形态建设就是加强思想政治教育。本文就以上几种观点做出剖析与澄清,以还其正确理解。  相似文献   

This contribution will investigate both the subject-specific and the didactic competencies of trainee teachers for lower secondary education in mathematics on the basis of the study “Mathematics Teaching in the 21st Century (MT21)”, which compares criteria-based samples from Germany, Bulgaria, South Korea, Taiwan, Mexico and the USA. In order to analyze their strengths and weaknesses more precisely, the paper considers both traditional IRT-scaling of competencies, which involves a simple loading of test performance in mathematics and didactics of mathematics, and an alternative. Under the assumption that solving items concerning didactics of mathematics requires competencies in didactics of mathematics and mathematics itself, a double-barreled approach was used in the alternative. In a further elaboration of this model, knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, functions, geometry and stochastic was used as a set of further explanatory factors for solving the items. This third model, which presumes a hierarchical structure of teaching competencies, displays the best data fit. Only this model reflects the specialisms and focal points of the education and training systems in the countries participating in MT21 concerning the relative learning opportunities in mathematics and didactics of mathematics and concerning the five subject areas in the field of mathematics.  相似文献   

This study examined how temporal sequences of regulated learning events, such as types and processes of regulated learning, emerge during different stages of collaborative learning. Earlier research has focused on individual learning and not on the captured temporal sequences of regulation in collaborative learning. The data were collected during a two-month math didactics course taken by teacher education students who collaborated in three member groups. Twenty-two hours of video data were collected to follow how sequences of regulated learning events, along with task execution, emerged within the six groups as their collaboration advanced. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis and lag sequential analysis. The results showed that the groups engaged mostly in co-regulated planning and monitoring. Temporal analysis showed that collaborative interactions focusing on task execution promoted socially shared planning, indicating that task execution provided grounding for socially shared planning and regulation to occur. The sequential analysis illustrated that metacognitive monitoring played a facilitative role in the progress of task execution.  相似文献   

Existing university education in the natural sciences comes up against many difficulties. Therefore, it is of importance to look for the reasons for such difficulties as felt by teachers and students, in order to develop a basis for a new approach to education. As an important step in this direction, a working group of teachers and didactics specialists at the University Pierre et Marie Curie has attempted to analyse the content of biological knowledge in order to develop an integrative conceptual network for biological education at university level. The results of this analysis are outlined here.  相似文献   

Teaching science is again receiving increased attention in educational science, didactic and political debates. This review article will present the focal points of research concerning the didactics of science and perspectives for the development of science teaching. It will look at the goals of science education, on the one hand, and at the topics of empirical research and studies concerning a substantive development of teaching and lessons in science, on the other. The contribution closes with an outlook on the implementation of new developments and future perspectives for science education.  相似文献   

博士生教育承担着为党和国家培养高层次人才的重要任务,全球化背景下知识经济竞争的加剧使得博士人才培养的重要性日益凸显。随着我国研究生招生规模的扩大,博士生教育面临的教育质量问题愈发严峻。博士生教育质量体现在博士生的学业成就上,而影响学业成就的因素是多方面的,了解影响因素并揭示相互之间的关联无疑可以帮助博士生顺利完成学业,提升高等教育质量。本研究基于契合理论,扩展了博士生环境契合度的理论框架,创建了更为细致的博士生教育契合度多维框架,包括博士生环境契合度、学生职业契合度和博士生文化契合度三个维度。该分析框架呈现了博士生教育契合度与博士生学业成就之间的关联,对于完善博士人才培养、提升教育质量具有重要作用。  相似文献   

高校诚信教育状况实证探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诚信教育是高校教育的一项重要内容,诚信教育必须要适应社会发展需要,但目前人们对于高校诚信现状的了解缺乏科学的依据和结论。因此,诚信教育具有很大盲目性。针对这一状况,以诚信调查问卷形式进行的研究,使教育对象的诚信水平有了一个衡量和评价的依据。通过问卷调查和SPSS软件处理,经过对比和分析,发现教育对象的实际诚信水平要比人们预计得高,而且诚信认知效果较好,但是诚信意志和诚信行为都存在着令人担忧的问题。这些结论能为高校教育提供有价值的依据。  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the development of history teaching in West Germany from the 1970s onwards. When in the early 1970s the relevance of history – both as an academic discipline and as a school subject – was challenged, this led to fierce debates as a multitude of new concepts were being developed. One of these was Annette Kuhn’s revolutionary concept of teaching history which immediately came under attack. This debate – and others – had far reaching consequences. At first glance it was a debate about how to model objects like the English Revolution in a way to make them suitable for the history classroom. At second glance, however, this debate revolved around fundamental issues like the role of history in school, the relation between social sciences and didactics, and history’s relevance for today in general. The debate and its eventual outcome are explained within the framework of Bourdieu’s field theory. The study re-examines the consequences of this debate. In discussing alternatives to Kuhn’s approach, it shows how debates forced upon traditional history led historians to readdress the essentials of historical thinking and thus to gain new theoretical strength which resulted in a stronger position for history at universities and schools as well as in history didactics. This resulted in a specific construction and role of Geschichtsdidaktik in Germany which helps to explain why there is a difference in comparison to other countries.  相似文献   

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