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The paper reports a study on the values of 15‐year‐old pupils and their teachers, and also their beliefs about the values of an ideal pupil. The sample included Finnish comprehensive school pupils (n = 406, mean age 15.3 years) and their teachers (n = 124). The study centred on two questions concerning: (1) what values are important to pupils and teachers; and (2) what pupils and teachers imagine an ideal pupil in their school values. Values were measured according to Schwartz's value questionnaire, which includes 57 single values grouped into 11 general value types. The subjects were asked to fill in the questionnaire twice. Firstly they were asked to consider what values were important to them as guiding principles in their life. Then they were asked to answer the questions as they imagined an ideal pupil in their own school would. The results showed that the most important value types were similar for pupils and teachers; for example, both groups valued benevolence and universalism. The differences between pupils’ and teachers’ images of an ideal pupil, in contrast, were more distinct. Pupils imagined an ideal pupil to be obedient, polite, capable, intelligent, ambitious, wise and respectful of parents and elders, while teachers imagined an ideal pupil to be honest and broad‐minded, valuing self‐respect, family security, true friendship and meaning in life. The results are discussed in terms of the general aims of curricula and the key values of schools.  相似文献   

长期以来,不少教育实践工作者对于真正的教学仍缺乏深刻全面的领会。本文通过回溯教育"善"的内涵衍化,揭示了自古代以来评判教学的视角位移,总体上呈现出从教学的目的论取向到实践伦理立场的变换,并进而考察了近代以来被视为教学理想范型的"教育性教学"命题的本意与价值,及其后来在跨文化传译与诠释过程中发生的价值悖离。进而,从教学的"教育性"延展至"道德性"的讨论,指出当代探求真正教学意味的重点应在关注实践伦理,而其评判标准应坚持"以善致善"即目的与手段的统整性思考。  相似文献   

The Formation of Identity: The importance of ideals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the formation and composition of what might be termed personal identity a key but often neglected aspect is ideal identity. While comprising aspirations rather than realities, it makes a major contribution to the definition of self-identity. It does this as a result of: (a) clarifying what kind of person the individual wishes to be; and (b) an interrogation of how she sets about achieving her ideal identity, intimating what kind of person she is at a particular moment by virtue of the way in which she strives to achieve her ideal. The article argues for a re-appraisal of the notion of ideals in education and for its reinstatement as a significant feature of education. Indeed, we argue, children cannot avoid ideals--they are presented to them everyday from a wide variety of sources. But these sources or the ideals that they promote are not necessarily good for the child's well-being or for her fellow citizens. Consequently, teachers as moral agents have an important role in assisting children to acquire ideals that do meet such a criterion of goodness in addition to helping them reflect critically on the range of ideals they may encounter in their communities and society.  相似文献   

Research and teaching are supposed to be closely related in universities. Among academics the belief in a symbiotic relationship is strong. However, it is unclear what form this relationship can take. Several authors have presented categories and dimensions to clarify this relationship and the aim of this project was to contribute to this discussion by understanding what academics’ ideal research‐teaching nexus would look like. The ideal images of 30 academics were investigated using a mental visualisation assignment. Respondents were encouraged to describe in detail what for them the linkage between research and teaching would look like in the ideal situation. Five profiles of the research‐teaching nexus could be distinguished: teach research results; make research known; show what it means to be a researcher; help to conduct research; and provide research experience. These profiles are related to dimensions proposed earlier in the literature on the research‐teaching nexus.  相似文献   

Background: Reflection is well established as an important part of teacher education, but it is also the focus of critical enquiry. This means that reflection is of interest to those who wish to explore its use to produce ‘better’ teachers. It is also of interest to scholars who are interested in the wider implications of reflection, for example, in relation to power and social control. Academic articles are the primary medium through which ideas and practices are communicated. However, they can only contribute if they are accepted for publication on the basis of making a contribution to knowledge. To be seen in this way, a journal paper needs to cite earlier work to show understanding of this work and how this is being augmented.

Purpose: This paper aims to initiate an academic debate of citation practices which, it argues, should be based on an awareness of current practices and a willingness to share, and even change, them. To facilitate the debate and the development of a better understanding of citing and its implications, the paper offers a tripartite citation framework.

Sources of evidence: The extensive citation analysis literature is reviewed to provide a context for an examination of the variety of citation practices found in 24 papers, which all focus on initial teacher education and which cite the same critical paper (Fendler, L., Teacher reflection in a hall of mirrors: Historical influences and political reverberations. Educational Researcher, 32, no. 3: 16–25, 2003; doi: 10.3102/0013189X032003016).

Main argument: This paper argues that there is value in differentiating three categories of citation, labelled ‘cameo’, ‘supporting role’ and ‘star’. These categories do not make judgements about what counts as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ referencing. Rather, they provide a way for authors to assess how they are citing and what the possible consequences may be. These can include an apparent lack of understanding not just of a cited paper but also of the wider literature. This means that citation that is not being carefully managed can undermine an argument.

Conclusions: This paper concludes that there is there is a need to initiate an academic debate about citation which is premised on the development of self-awareness about current practice and its consequences. Such a debate could bring about a number of benefits. It would encourage individual scholars to develop self-aware and ethical citation; it would also clarify current expectations about citation and enable academic communities to reflect on whether enquiry is well served by them.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to further our knowledge about what is meant by inclusion in research addressing the topic. While it is common to remark that inclusion is defined in different ways in research, few attempts have been made to map and analyse different types of definitions and whether there are patterns to be find in how the concept is used. The 30 most cited journal articles from a North American and a European research arena were selected for analysis. Each article was analysed in relation to genre, theoretical tradition and inclusion concept used. The review yielded several important results. To name a few, a divide was identified between position articles, with developed discussions about and analyses of the meaning of inclusion, and empirical articles, where inclusion signifies that children with disabilities are placed in the mainstream. In addition, writing within a critical theoretical tradition was much more common among positional papers. Further, both arenas are dominated by Anglo-Saxon researchers. It is argued that the conceptual confusion characterising the field impedes its development.  相似文献   

This afterword places the three articles in the context of recent developments in the anthropology of knowledge as it relates to sociability. The articles illustrate again that sociability is more a matter of finding out what is happening, and then doing something about it, than a matter of applying earlier knowledge. The papers are part of a movement in anthropology with roots in the work of people like Garfinkel, Rancière, de Certeau, Lave, etc. In various ways they focused our attention on the matters that appear in the three papers included here: the acknowledgment of ignorance is always productive, though what is done next can be quite dangerous for many of those involved. Furthermore, the learning that participation produces soon reveals itself insufficient and a new form of ignorance. In all events, ignorance leads to social interaction in all its modalities. Ignorance is not a barrier to sociability.  相似文献   

回顾语篇连贯的各个研究视角,可以看出语篇连贯的原因很少有人系统地加以阐释。试从语言的本质,合作性原则,整体性思维三个方面论述语篇连贯的原因,同时指出语篇连贯产生的原因也有其他原因,如经济原则,人类的认知规律及认知能力局限性等。  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between two values that sit at the heart of English education: a commitment to democratic citizenship and a commitment to fostering students’ personal growth. Some scholars have argued that these values are often at odds and the ‘great challenge’ of the field is to unite the individualistic and social goals of English education. The study explores the commensurability of these aims by considering the way they were united in the growth-oriented practitioner writing composed in the decade after the Anglo-American Seminar on the Teaching of English in 1966. To conduct the study, I examined English Journal articles written between 1968 and 1978 to see if articles that emphasised students’ personal growth also attended to the goal of democratic citizenship. The analysis shows that while it may be rare for advocates of the personal growth model to attend to students’ development as citizens, these goals are not inherently incompatible. I conclude with closing remarks on what this study suggests about how the field might meet the ‘great challenge’ of uniting the individualistic and social aims of English.  相似文献   

Pendula,Models, Constructivism and Reality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nola  Robert 《Science & Education》2004,13(4-5):349-377
It is argued that Galileo made an important breakthroughin the methodology of science by considering idealizedmodels of phenomena such as free fall, swinging pendulaand the like, which can conflict with experience. Theidealized models are constructs largely by our reasoningprocesses applied to the theoretical situation at hand. Onthis view, scientific knowledge is not a construction out ofexperience, as many constructivists claim about both themethods of science and about the learning of science. Infact Galileo's models can, depending on their degree ofidealization or concretization, be at variance with experience.This paper considers what is meant by idealization andconcretization of both the objects and properties that makeup theoretical models, and the ideal laws that govern them.It also provides brief illustrations of ideal laws and how theymay be made more concrete, and briefly considers howtheories and models might be tested against what we observe.Finally some difficulties are raised for a radical constructivistapproach to both science and learning in the light of Galileo'smethodological approach. The upshot is that both the dialoguestructure of Galileo's writings and his method of model buildingprovide a rich resource for science education that rivals that of thestandard varieties of constructivism, and at the same time gives amuch better picture of the actual procedures of science itself.  相似文献   

Many of us are frustrated with the overuse of intelligence tests. But intelligence tests have become so entrenched in our society that it is hard to imagine how they realistically could be replaced. Schools would be without a well-established screening device, and intelligence research would be without an external measure of validity. But what if we started over and imagined thinking about intelligence without the benefit (some would say hindrance) of Binet? What would theories and tests of intelligence look like? The articles in this special issue address this topic; here, I discuss the articles. The discussion is divided into three sections. The first section deals with definitional issues: How can intelligence be operationally defined, and can a single definition capture cognitive abilities of individuals at all ages? The second section briefly summarizes and evaluates each of the seven theories: How intelligent are these theories of intelligence? The final section focuses on the implications of the theories and theory-based tests reported in this issue: How can future research and educational practices benefit from the views presented here?  相似文献   

This article examines how education policy, in the form of a statutory assessment system used in the first year of primary schools, defines the ‘ideal learner’. This ideal model is important because it prescribes the characteristics and skills a child needs to display in order to be recognisable as a learner. An analysis of the content of the assessment itself is used alongside ethnographic data from classrooms where the assessment is conducted, to demonstrate how the values inherent in the assessment and its associated practices reflect neoliberal discourses. Rational choice, self-promotion and individual responsibility for learning are all valued within this framework, and children’s transitions into recognisable student-subjects are dependent on their adoption of these values. It is argued in conclusion that this restrictive notion of what a ‘good learner’ looks like can work to systematically exclude some children from positions of success.  相似文献   

Books and articles promoting “diversity” abound. Many of their authors are not clear what they mean by diversity. Many seem to be naive about the amount of conflict “diversity” can engender. And almost all authors assume–without presenting any meaningful evidence–that diversity is somehow good for organizations. This article attempts to define diversity, suggest the conflict that is often associated with it, and then investigate the conditions (if any) under which diversity with its attendant conflict can benefit the organization.  相似文献   


What may be called ‘the comprehensive ideal’ is still powerful both in theory and practice. To put this ideal into a respectable shape requires attention to some basic logical/conceptual points, and awareness of the underlying feelings which inspire it. It is then possible to face questions about how to retain equality whilst catering for individual differences, how to establish a potent and fraternal community in schools and elsewhere, and how to give individuals a sense of worth whilst fully acknowledging criteria of expertise ‐ in virtue of which many people will never shine as performers or achievers.  相似文献   

This paper is about fairness (equity) in large‐scale assessment systems within multicultural societies. It makes the key assumptions that fairness is fundamentally a sociocultural, rather than a technical, issue and that fair assessment cannot be considered in isolation from both the curriculum and the educational opportunities of the students. Equity is defined as a qualitative concern for what is just. This involves, but is not the same as, equality of opportunity and of outcome. In relation to large‐scale assessment four topics are addressed: the nature of the assessment system; recognizing experiences of different groups; cultural diversity; and monitoring group performance. The conclusion is that, while we can never achieve fair assessment, we can make it fairer. At the heart of this improvement process is openness about design, constructs and scoring which brings out into the open the values and biases of the test design process.  相似文献   

对“诗言志”的理解可以有两种:实然理解和应然理解。前者着眼于中国诗歌发生史、或一般诗歌发生过程、或中国诗学思想发生发展史等,是站在现实层面上阐说“诗言志”——诗歌“事实如何”;后者着眼于儒家诗学原则的定位,是站在理想层面上阐说“诗言志”——诗歌“应该如何”。  相似文献   

《暗示》的批评文章,首先涉及的问题是“文体”。在并不深奥的层面上,它最受注意,也最引起争议。具体说到《暗示》究竟“是什么”,不同文章有不同理解,有时同一文章也经常出现判断上的犹豫。在“文体”上,《暗示》的评论提出的另一问题,是它的出现能否看作“传统”小说艺术形式疲惫、衰落的一个征兆?答案似乎是,《暗示》于小说整体变革之间的征兆式关系是否能够成立,现在还不得而知。如果说《暗示》是一种“新的”文体,那么,对批评者来说,就需要寻找文本中的“新的”元素,观察各种元素如何建立一种“新的”关系。在一些批评文章中被提到的几组关系有:“叙事”(具象描述)与说理,“真实”与“虚构”,片断与整体等。《暗示》的出版似乎意味着一个“事件”,原因是出于《暗示》本身的力量,部分则由批评的合力所促成。  相似文献   

Two decades of higher education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The coordinating editor provides a commentary by way of introduction to a complete list of all articles presented in Higher Education since its foundation in 1972. Information is supplied on the increases in frequency of publication and on the special issues which have appeared. The list of articles, by author, is supplemented by an index by geographical area, another by subject and an author cross-reference index to identify all authors to multiple-author articles. The article comments upon the changes which have occurred world-wide in higher education in the period under review and invites readers to judge to what extent the journal has achieved its aim of creating an international forum in which problems arising in higher education can be identified, described, analysed and discussed.  相似文献   

Although many articles have been written about thesis assessment, none provide a comprehensive, general picture of what examiners do as they assess a thesis. To synthesise this diverse literature, we reviewed 30 articles, triangulated their conclusions and identified 11 examiner practices. Thesis examiners tend to be broadly consistent in their practices and recommendations; they expect and want a thesis to pass, but first impressions are also very important. They read with academic expectations and the expectations of a normal reader. Like any reader, thesis examiners get annoyed and distracted by presentation errors, and they want to read a work that is a coherent whole. As academic readers, examiners favour a thesis with a convincing approach that engages with the literature and the findings, but they require a thesis to be publishable research. Finally, examiners give not only a final evaluation of a thesis, but also instruction and advice to improve the thesis and further publications and research. We hope that these generalisations will demystify the often secret process of assessing a thesis, and reassure, guide and encourage students as they write their theses.  相似文献   

The commercially successful movie Mr Holland's Opus tells the story of a high school music teacher throughout his thirty year career. It offers the general public a picture of what it is to be a music educator. This article outlines a critical reading of the film from the perspective of a practising high school music teacher. Three broad themes emerged in this teacher's viewing of Mr Holland's Opus: (i) general issues about teaching were identified that were not specific to music education, (ii) issues specifically about music education were critiqued as being unrealistic, and (iii) it is difficult being a musician if you are a music teacher. The themes suggest the movie has numerous possibilities for teacher reflection, as well as exposing myths about teaching which are portrayed in the mass media.  相似文献   

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