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公司大学管理教育与大学MBA教育模式的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张竞 《科研管理》2005,26(2):142-146,157
公司大学的管理教育模式正以自身独特的魅力吸引着越来越多的人来学习,本文通过分析公司大学管理教育模式的特色,理解管理教育模式的多样性,以及选择公司大学管理教育的原因。  相似文献   

Cloud computing providers and their software-as-a-service offerings have become more profuse and mature, making cloud technology an increasingly important platform for business services innovation. Although the cloud offers rich opportunities for transforming businesses—innovating existing services and introducing creative new ones—it also involves risks that business managers must identify and resolve to successfully drive innovation efforts. However, no comprehensive models are available to help managers assess and mitigate the risks they face. To address this void, we reviewed extant literature on cloud computing from a business innovation perspective to uncover the myriad challenges managers confront as they seek to leverage cloud technology in the ongoing transformation of their organization’s service offerings. Combining this systematic literature analysis with relevant theory, we synthesized an integrated model for managing risk during innovation of cloud-based business services. The model identifies three types of risks (services, technology, and process risks) and four types of resolutions (stakeholder engagement, technology development, innovation planning, and innovation control). The model also helps managers identify their organization’s general risk profile and link that profile to a specific configuration of resolutions.  相似文献   

The case(s) demonstrates the importance of business process management (BPM) and business intelligence systems (BIS) in achieving better firm performance. It has been well documented in the literature that research on the effectively usage and combination of knowledge from BPM and BIS in turbulent service environments is limited. In response, we conduct an exploratory comparative case study of four firms in banking and telecommunication industries that have implemented BPM initiative and BIS solution. Our results firstly highlight that actual results of applying BPM and BIS differ greatly from the results that were originally planned. Secondly, we find that BIS initiatives are usually driven by improving marketing and sales, while BPM initiatives are driven by improving business processes. Thirdly, we identify that there is a lack of strong commitment to using both systems for supporting performance management.  相似文献   

The amount of heterogeneous data that is available to organizations nowadays has made information management a seriously complicated task, yet crucial since this data can be a valuable asset for business intelligence. Ontologies can act as a semantically rich knowledge base in systems that specialize in information management. The present work investigates the potential of ontologies in supporting the information lifecycle within a corporate environment for business intelligence. The paper demonstrates the use of Heraclitus II, a framework that employs ontology management and evolution in the context of information management systems. The capabilities of the framework in facilitating information management and business intelligence are evaluated through a real-life case study from the life sciences industry.  相似文献   

牛华勇  栾硕  宋阳 《科研管理》2019,40(4):277-288
高等教育国际化绩效与教育质量和人才水平紧密相关,其中商科教育始终位列各类国际化专业之首,因此从此学科切入研究教育国际化问题具有一定的代表性。本文沿用以国际间的双向沟通与交流为核心的商学教育国际化定义,结合商学的学科特点,通过完善和调整已有的高等教育国际化指标体系,构建了包含7项定性指标和15项定量指标的商学教育国际化绩效评价指标体系。本文以32家国内商学院和16家国外商学院为研究样本,通过问卷调查和实地调研收集数据,并采用投入归一化的DEA模型分别从战略、教学、科研、管理和人员5个维度对国内外商学院的教育国际化绩效进行评价和比较。由于教学维度的两项指标存在统计困难,实际收集到的是区间数据,因此在此维度的绩效测度中采用了分别计算绩效得分下界和上界的两组DEA模型。基于绩效测度结果,本文发现:国内商学院和国外商学院在管理和人员两个方面的国际化绩效差别不大,相比于国外商学院,国内商学院在科研方面的国际化绩效较好,但在战略和教学两个方面的国际化绩效较弱,并且在教学国际化程度上具有明显的劣势。鉴于国内商学院在各维度下表现出的绩效损失,本文对其提出如下改进国际化绩效的建议:战略方面,依托地区教育资源及发展优势,积极与境外商学院展开合作;教学方面,深入推进课程的国际化,鼓励外文授课和使用原版教材,大力拓展中外合作办学项目;管理方面,将国际化纳入提拔干部和评聘职称的考量因素,扩大学院自身的书刊资源库,营造良好的国际化氛围;人员方面,引入国际化师资力量,适当提高外教在教师队伍中的占比。  相似文献   

The critical factors in the big data era are collection, analysis, and dissemination of information to improve an organization’s competitive position and enhance its products and services. In this scenario, it is imperative that organizations use Intelligence, which is understood as a process of gathering, analyzing, interpreting, and disseminating high-value data and information at the right time for use in the decision-making process. Earlier, the concept of Intelligence was associated with the military and national security sector; however, in present times, and as organizations evolve, Intelligence has been defined in several ways for the purposes of different applications. Given that the purpose of Intelligence is to obtain real value from data, information, and the dynamism of the organizations, the study of this discipline provides an opportunity to analyze the core trends related to data collection and processing, information management, decision-making process, and organizational capabilities. Therefore, the present study makes a conceptual analysis of the existing definitions of intelligence in the literature by quantifying the main bibliometric performance indicators, identifying the main authors and research areas, and evaluating the development of the field using SciMAT as a bibliometric analysis software.  相似文献   

This case study analyses the benefits of implementing a paperless software solution (Alert®pfh–Alert Paperfree Hospital, developed by Alert Life Sciences Computing) in a Portuguese Hospital, the Espírito Santo Hospital, in the city of Évora. Alert®pfh is a complete hospital clinical information system with real time clinical information input. It was implemented in emergency medical services, inpatient and outpatient services, and operating room services. Data were collected between 2006 and 2011 prior to, during and after the system's implementation. The case analysis demonstrates that paperless software systems have a significant potential when applied in healthcare organization services. Besides financial benefits, other important organizational features were identified, namely higher levels of patient and professional satisfaction; an increase in efficiency in hospital operations; improvement in the quality of information for management decision-making; and a reduction in medical errors. Lessons learned are noted and conclusions drawn for both theoretical and practical ICT benefits analysis.  相似文献   

Legal provisions, cross-company data exchange and intra-company reporting or planning procedures require comprehensively, timely, unambiguously and understandably specified business objects (e.g. materials, customers, and suppliers). On the one hand, this business metadata has to cover miscellaneous regional peculiarities in order to enable business activities anywhere in the world. On the other hand, data structures need to be standardized throughout the entire company in order to be able to perform global spend analysis, for example. In addition, business objects should adapt to new market conditions or regulatory requirements as quickly and consistently as possible. Centrally organized corporate metadata managers (e.g. within a central IT department) are hardly able to meet all these demands. They should be supported by key users from several business divisions and regions, who contribute expert knowledge. However, despite the advantages regarding high metadata quality on a corporate level, a collaborative metadata management approach of this kind has to ensure low effort for knowledge contributors as in most cases these regional or divisional experts do not benefit from metadata quality themselves. Therefore, the paper at hand identifies requirements to be met by a business metadata repository, which is a tool that can effectively support collaborative management of business metadata. In addition, the paper presents the results of an evaluation of these requirements with business experts from various companies and of scenario tests with a wiki-based prototype at the company Bayer CropScience AG. The evaluation shows two things: First, collaboration is a success factor when it comes to establishing effective business metadata management and integrating metadata with enterprise systems, and second, semantic wikis are well suited to realizing business metadata repositories.  相似文献   

In a context where enterprises and organizations aim to optimise their behaviour, obtain certifications and labels, and benefit from the smart use of information systems and technology, two considerations drive this research: (1) the weak maturity level of worldwide Business Process Management (BPM), which exposes the need to reconcile academic theories with industrial contexts, and (2) the need for upcoming software functionalities that prioritize removing the barriers frequently encountered by industrialists when trying to implement the method. To reach such goals, this research work has developed a conceptual framework to represent the BPM implementation state. It is built along three axes: the BPM Cycle (Design, Enact, Maintain), the Field (Culture, Business, IT) and the Abstraction Level (Data, Jobs, Behaviour). An organization’s overall BPM maturity can thus be evaluated by positioning its capabilities along the framework’s axes. It is also suggested that the framework be used to track the implementation of new procedures in an organisation. The framework is presented and detailed before being applied to a complete case study.  相似文献   

把商务智能应用于证券公司风险管理是一个发展方向.文章通过对我国证券公司风险管理中的业务与技术问题分析,提出了我国证券公司风险管理商务智能系统设计架构,并对系统设计中的关键问题进行了深入讨论:最后基于智能分析的角度,提出了证券公司风险管理自适应商务智能系统结构.  相似文献   

This paper will present new theoretical and applied solutions for intelligent data analysis and information management in the fields of cognitive economics. Intelligent data analysis and information management are performed by information systems called cognitive systems, dedicated for semantic interpretation of acquired business information. To interpret the meaning of the analysed data, complex linguistic algorithms must be used, based on which it is possible to find the core information elements for business processes forecasting and economical knowledge management. The presentation of selected methods of semantic data analysis in cognitive economy, which allow to perform both local and global information management forms the main subject of this paper. Here, semantic analysis methods are dedicated to cognitive economics problems, namely the interpretation, analysis and assessment of the meaning of selected sets of economic/financial ratios. The meaning of the interpreted data sets is assessed by analysing the layers of meaning contained in data analysed sets. Obtained semantic information may be used in future business processes evaluation and forecasting.  相似文献   

This paper explores the much ignored but critically important subject of the perceived relationship between information and communications technology (ICT), information management (IM) and knowledge management (KM). Defining the border between ICT, IM and KM, and especially the maturity remains a highly debatable topic. These issues could be concisely summarized as being diverse and problematic and located across the spectrum of views. Prior studies suggest that even though KM is strongly entrenched and rests on the foundation of ICT and IM, very little is reported in the literature on ICT and IM as enablers to KM. From a large urban South African University engaged in numerous collaboration programs with industry, the authors gained insight into growth of KM maturity in industry groupings over a 5-year period. The authors applied an inventory developed by Kruger and Snyman [Kruger, C. J., & Snyman, M. M. M. (2007). A guideline for assessing the knowledge management maturity of organizations. South African Journal of Information Management,9(3). Electronic Journal [Online]. Available www.sajim.co.za. Accessed 15 October 2007] to a set of 86 organizations distributed over nine economic sectors in South Africa. In total 434 employees were interviewed over three group levels (operational, middle and senior management). This was achieved by having 178 senior practitioners to each interview three subjects (one in each group level).  相似文献   

王新平  刘建生 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z1):189-195
本文论述了科学发展观推动中国经济社会走上以人为本、全面、协调、可持续发展的高质量快速增长道路与质量管理工作的关系。用科学发展观核心理念,审视了粗放式增长方式造成的质量障碍,以及落实以质取胜的科学发展战略应重视的四个问题。特别指出应在科学发展观指导下,树立以大众质量观为核心理念的科学质量观,把质量管理推向前进的思路。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is twofold. First, it discusses the use of the Internet and the World Wide Web for marketing and compares Internet and World Wide Web Marketing with traditional media Marketing. Then it discusses the impacts of Internet and World Wide Web marketing, how large they are, and how marketing and organizations are going to respond to these, which leads to the need for new business strategies. A presentation on how the Internet is currently being used in business serves as the anchor for the above discussion.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the way in which intellectual capital (IC) can be managed to assist organization to overcome dynamic challenges. An intellectual capital management capability (ICMC) model is developed which permits the management of an organization to realize the potential of IC by measuring the maturity level of its IC. The model is consistent with dynamic capability theory, which suggests leveraging internal and external resources in response to environment changes to sustain competitive advantage. By utilizing in-depth interviews with 25 chief executive officers from firms possessing high IC, this study seeks to inform the readers of the preliminary work and the way in which the maturity level of ICMC can be measured through the development and deployment of dynamic capabilities. The verification and enhancement of the proposed model has also clarified our understanding on the evolutionary path of management capabilities of IC.  相似文献   

The extant literature shows that the connection between KM strategy and business strategy and business strategy and IT strategy has been extensively studied. However, the link between KM strategy and IT strategy remains unclear. To better understand how KM strategy influences IT strategy and vice versa within the context of business strategy, we synthesize the literature and contribute to the conceptualization of a triadic connection of the influences between business, KM and IT strategies and its deeper understanding in determining efficacy of knowledge use in organizations.  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) incidents that make data inaccessible may cause businesses to lose customers, reputation and market position. Previous studies on information management have identified data availability as a key priority, and the literature on disaster recovery and business continuity describes ways of preparing for and avoiding IT incidents. However, no frameworks for information system continuity management (ISCM) have yet been validated. This research draws on a framework for business continuity management, and extends it to the context of information systems. The framework is validated in a survey of IT managers and chief information officers in large private and public organisations operating in Finland. The results suggest that the embeddedness of continuity practices in an organisation has perceived business impacts whereas, in contradiction of previous theory, there is no such direct relation in the case of organisational alertness and preparedness. The theoretical contribution is to validate the ISCM framework statistically. On the practical level, social factors such as committed managers and employees are influential in decreasing negative business impacts. Further research on the embeddedness of continuity practices is called for.  相似文献   

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