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顾钢 《视听纵横》2010,(2):118-120
近30年来,阿尔及利亚最引人瞩目的媒体景观之一是:“卫星电视时代”的全面到来。这里的卫星电视,指的是接收世界各地电视台的家庭“大锅”——碟形卫星天线接收的卫星电视。上个世纪80年代中期以前,阿尔及利亚人唯一能够看到的电视只有国家电视台的节目。  相似文献   

李宇 《传媒》2012,(6):57-59
印度电视业的发展始于1959年。上世纪90年代以前,印度电视业基本上以国营电视机构为主,即杜达山电视台(Doordarshan TV,也有译作印度电视公司,简称"DD")一统天下。1990年出台的《印度广播电视公司法》(The Prasar Bharati Broadcasting Corporation of IndiaAct),明确规定了私人和国外资本可以在印度投资兴建广播电视公司,  相似文献   

业界活动李长春会见东南亚五国电视台台长中共中央政治局常委李长春1月2日在人民大会堂会见了来华出席大型电视纪录片《同饮一江水》开播仪式的柬埔寨国家电视台台长肯·谷那瓦德、老挝国家电视台台长邦充·翁皮特、缅甸广播电视局国际台台长吴温基、泰国大众传媒集团总裁瓦桑·派利克利和越南电视台副台长陈平明。李长春积极评价中国与五国的传统友好关系,他说,由中国中央电视台发起,与东南亚五国国家电视台合作拍摄的大型电视纪录片《同饮一江水》,充分展示大湄公河次区  相似文献   

中国电视纪录片自 90年代蓬勃发展以来,它的第一个高峰业已完成,其标志是培养了一大批中国的电视纪录片观众和国家电视台的纪录片制作人,使一批纪录片栏目在全国各大电视台得以出现和运作,形成了一种中国特色的引人瞩目的纪录片现象;然而自 1995年、 1996年以来,这一发展从高峰走入低谷,当年的火爆局面似乎好景不再,收视率也呈下降趋势,这说明了中国电视纪录片,甚至中国电视界本身的一种转变。   在当今的中国,每天的电视屏幕已经很热闹了,滚动播出的新闻、不同时间档的电视连续剧、花团锦簇的综艺节目、游戏节目……我们还需…  相似文献   

2005:中国电视媒体竞争报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上世纪90年代随着省级电视台纷纷上星,“央视为主、一家独大”的原有电视单极格局被打破,逐渐形成央视、省级卫视、省级非卫视频道、城市台和境外电视媒体五足鼎立、多元发展的新格局。本文试图用大量的统计数据来探讨2005年在多元的中国电视竞争格局中各级电视媒体之间的博弈现状及其发展趋势,以供电视媒体工作者和研究者参考。  相似文献   

一、电视广告与广告意识 中国从1958年就开始发展电视事业,但迎来商业广告的正式开播却是在整整20年之后.1979年1月25日,上海电视台成立广告业务科,随后的1月28日,时长1分30秒的"参桂补酒"广告播出,这是中国大陆广告市场在20世纪50年代后逐渐消亡以来的第一条电视广告.3月18日;中国电视史上第一条外商电视广告--瑞士雷达表播出.同年4月,广东电视台开始播出商业广告:年底,作为国家电视台的中央电视台随之开始正式播出商业广告.自此,广告登上了中国的电视舞台,开始演绎它在社会生活中的独特角色.  相似文献   

蓝翠艳 《传媒》2016,(4):64-65
电视脱口秀节目源于美国,目前已经有几十年的发展史,在复杂的电视媒介竞争格局中,脱口秀节目始终是电视媒体的收视利器.如美国的《今夜》《奥普拉·温弗瑞脱口秀》和《艾伦秀》等脱口秀节目,都具有较高国际知名度和影响力.20世纪90年代,电视脱口秀节目正式进入国内,并取得了迅速发展.目前,电视脱口秀节目呈现出百花齐放的发展局面,中央电视台及地方电视台纷纷推陈出新,涌现了许多优秀的节目,如《实话实说》《咏乐汇》《今晚80后脱口秀》等.  相似文献   

李宇 《传媒》2018,(3):55-57
印度是南亚大国,在世界政治格局中具有重要战略地位.印度是人口大国,2016年人口总数为13.2亿(人口中位数27.9岁),国民生产总值为2.264万亿美元.印度也是媒体业大国,就电影产量和观众人数而言,"宝莱坞"是全世界最大的电影产地;就付费电视业而言,印度付费电视用户总数有望从2016年的1.77亿增长到2021年的2.15亿.印度是众多国际媒体机构,尤其是美国媒体机构重要的海外市场.美国电视和新兴媒体在印度通常采用独资、合作、合营等方式,拓展市场,培养观众及用户,提升竞争力.美国媒体在印度电视领域的发展策略对我国国际传播具有一定借鉴意义,尤其在"一带一路"建设背景下,中国媒体需要从产业角度"走出去"、强化国际竞争力.  相似文献   

作为社会主义文化的重要组成部分,我国的电视事业随着共和国前进的步伐,从零起步,逐步发展,走向辉煌,现已成为当今中国最具影响力的现代化传播媒体,成为亿万人民群众不可缺少的精神食粮和重要信息来源,成为教育和鼓舞全国人民建设有中国特色社会主义的强大舆论工具和精神动力。一我国的电视事业,是在50年代中期国家完成社会主义改造和实施第一个五年计划期间开始孕育的。在周恩来总理的关怀下,筹建国家电视台被列人文教五年计划。经过3年的积极筹备,我国第一座电视台──北京电视台(中央电视台前身,以下均称中央电视台),于195…  相似文献   

电视经营产业化的转型引发电视艺术格局的重组,也导致了电视艺术表现形态的巨大变革,尤其是在电视综艺节目领域,这种变化其实从20世纪90年代初就已经开始.  相似文献   

This article looks at the television landscape in Indonesia that has undergone a major transformation in recent decades. As one of the ‘Asian Tigers,’ Indonesia introduced commercial television in two waves between 1989 and 2002 as a complement to the traditional state broadcaster, TVRI. During the Reformasi movement, commercial TV stations contributed to the emerging civil society in the period 1998–2000 by supporting the movement for democratic reform that led to the resignation of President Suharto. An assessment of the current Indonesian television scene shows that most commercial TV stations, after a short coalition with civil society, went ‘back to business’ again in the context of a relatively young but highly competitive Indonesian market.  相似文献   

Parental monitoring of children’s television viewing is an important family practice that helps children understand the messages they find on advertisements and program content. Research points at different dimensions of monitoring, including parental co-viewing, rules about when and how much time children can watch television, and active parental mediation. The study describes different dimensions of parental monitoring in a sample of 303 caregivers of primary school children living in Lima. Main findings reveal that about a third of the sample engaged in parental monitoring never, rarely or sometimes, the education level of the caregiver was positively associated with limiting the time children can watch television, and that child’s age was negatively associated with the frequency of active mediation and limits on the content children may watch on TV. Further research is needed in order to understand the practice of parental monitoring across children’s age groups in the context of Peru.  相似文献   

Based on a content analysis of evening newscasts by the three television stations in Taiwan, this study examines the patterns of news sources selection and presentation in television news. The results of this study show that television news relies heavily on government officials who are primarily middle‐aged men in executive positions located in the capital city of Taipei. These findings suggest that the central government officials in Taipei appear to be the primary definers of social reality. TV news portrays only a very limited view of the society. In conclusion, this study suggests that with the management and content tightly controlled by the state, Taiwan's television news consists primarily of official rituals.  相似文献   

It was just seven years ago when a commercial television station broadcast on the Greek airwaves for the first time. Today, 1997, the number of these stations has risen to 160. The formation of hundreds of commercial TV and radio stations resulted in Greece being one of the most dense media environments on the planet.

Commercial television in Greece was born on 20 November 1989, when Mega Channel began broadcasting in the greater Athens area. By 1996 commercial television channels in Greece had captured approximately 90 per cent of the total viewing audience and 95 per cent of TV advertising revenue.

This paper investigates the historical, legal, economic, political, and international phenomena which led to the birth of commercial television in Greece, the changes that television itself went through, the effects of these changes on Greek society, and the future prospects for Greek TV.  相似文献   

The television industry in Taiwan has undergone major reforms since the 1990s. Once the TV market was fully opened in 1992, the local TV stations began importing a tremendous number of programmes from Japan. Many popular culture icons and merchandise were imported under the new era of the global capital economic system. Japanese animation, comic books, video games, and music were not only meant to construct a cute mass‐merchandise image but also created an image alliance to increase young people's consuming desires. The central premise of this paper is to examine whether exposure to and preference for Japanese animated programmes results in a preference for and purchasing of Japanese animation‐related commodities. The findings demonstrate that a preference for Japanese animation substantially affects individuals’ desires to buy cartoon‐related goods and good opinions about Japan in general.  相似文献   

The 2005 hurricane season provided unprecedented opportunities for local television stations to serve the public interest in live, often commercial-free, coverage of severe weather. In this examination of four local television stations’ coverage of four Atlantic hurricanes in two Southeastern markets, observed patterns of behavior culminated in the development of the Local Weather Continuous Coverage Model. The study showed that unlike their cable news counterparts, local television news continuous coverage prioritizes weather personnel over live, on-the-scene news reporting. Of all the weather tools used, radar was the most frequently used, followed by watch and warning graphics.  相似文献   

饶军 《新闻界》2007,(4):110-111
掌上电视是一项移动电视新业务,和以前的移动电视业务手机电视、车载移动电视相比,具有技术成熟、信号接受质量好、收视费用低、产业链更容易完善等优势。由于掌上电视潜在的用户群体庞大,使掌上电视业务蕴涵巨大的商机,是移动电视产业新的经济增长点。  相似文献   

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) uses three principles to regulate the broadcast industry in the United States: competition, diversity, and localism. The least studied of which is localism. As the management and ownership of local TV stations becomes more consolidated, the author examines what effect, if any, that consolidation has on the presentation of local content on television newscasts.  相似文献   

美国新闻式电视批评在媒介组织体系中,扮演着联袂聚焦的权力角色。电视媒体因而视其为一种营销途径,水门事件以后,新闻式批评有意识地反抗这种角色,张扬专业主义批评精神。国内的新闻式批评,还没有发挥其应有的产业作用和文化影响,但仍然值得关注,这对于媒介研究本身及理解当下的文化现实,都是极有意义的。  相似文献   

王哲平 《新闻界》2008,(1):110-112
浙江、上海、江苏教育电视频道/台,位列全国省级教育电视传媒前三强,为业界瞩目。本文从节目定位、受众构成、品牌认知、编排方式四个维度对三台/频道的媒介镜像予以客观勾勒,在把脉问题的基础上,提出加快三台/频道发展的几点思考,以期为我国长三角地区和其他地区教育电视竞争力的增强提供借鉴与示范。  相似文献   

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