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There is limited empirical evidence of the relationship between attributions following failure and subsequent task performance. Two studies manipulated the perceived controllability and stability of causes of initial task failure and explored the impact of these factors on perceptions of self-efficacy and follow-up performance. Consistent with previous attributional and social identity theorizing, an induced belief that failure was both beyond control and unlikely to change led to lower self-efficacy and worse performance, relative to conditions in which outcomes were believed to be controllable and/or unstable. These findings point to the resilience of beliefs in personal self-efficacy, but suggest that where opportunities for self-enhancement are precluded, personal self-belief will be compromised and performance will suffer.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between decision-making self-efficacy and task self-efficacy and subsequent decision-making and task performance. Sixty undergraduate students (30 males, 30 females) participated in this study, which involved infield defensive plays in softball. The physical task required participants to throw a ball at a target. The decision-making task required participants to watch video scenes depicting different infield defensive situations and decide where to throw the ball in each situation. Both tasks used manipulated failure. Self-efficacy was assessed before performance. Strength of decision-making and task self-efficacy predicted physical performance, but not decision-making performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between decision-making self-efficacy and task self-efficacy and subsequent decision-making and task performance. Sixty undergraduate students (30 males, 30 females) participated in this study, which involved infield defensive plays in softball. The physical task required participants to throw a ball at a target. The decision-making task required participants to watch video scenes depicting different infield defensive situations and decide where to throw the ball in each situation. Both tasks used manipulated failure. Self-efficacy was assessed before performance. Strength of decision-making and task self-efficacy predicted physical performance, but not decision-making performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between decision-making self-efficacy and decision-making performance in sport. Undergraduate students (N = 78) performzed 10 trials of a decision-making task in baseball. Self-efficacy was measured before performing each trial. Decision-making performance was assessed by decision speed and decision accuracy. Path analyses examined the relationships between self-efficacy, residualized past performance, and current performance. The results indicated that self-efficacy was a significant and consistent predictor of decision speed (eight of nine trials), but not decision accuracy (four of nine trials). It was also found that experience does not have a meaningful effect on the relationship between self-efficacy and decision-making performance in sport.  相似文献   

This study reinvestigated and extended the findings of Landers and Landers (1973), which examined the influence of skilled and unskilled teacher and peer models on motor performance. Sixth grade females (N = 100) were randomly assigned to groups in a 2 x 2 (Model Type x Model Skill) factorial design or to a no-model group. In the treatment groups, subjects observed one of four unfamiliar models--(a) a skilled teacher, (b) an unskilled teacher, (c) a skilled peer, or (d) an unskilled peer--perform on the Bachman ladder task. Subjects performed 30 trials of the task and also completed self-efficacy questionnaires on three occasions. Results showed that subjects who watched a skilled model performed better than subjects who watched an unskilled model. Unlike the Landers and Landers study, no model type by model skill interaction was found. In addition, the skilled model group reported higher efficacy beliefs than the control group after performing and were more efficacious than the unskilled model subjects both after watching the model and after performing. These results suggest when students view unfamiliar models, the skill rather than the status of the model may be more salient.  相似文献   

The effects of augmented feedback on students' perceptions and performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of augmented feedback on perceptions of ability (SPA), practice behaviors, and performance during motor skill instruction of a novel task were investigated. Fourth-grade students (N = 103) were randomly assigned to one of four conditions: (a) no feedback; (b) motivational feedback; (c) task feedback; or (d) motivation and task feedback. They then practiced simple and complex cupstacking skills. On a relatively simple task, the type of feedback did not have a significant effect on children's SPA, practice behaviors, or performance; but on a more complex task, differential effects of feedback were evident. Results indicate that informational feedback is an important factor in facilitating student engagement, fostering positive perceptions of ability, and ultimately improving performance on a challenging task.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between role efficacy and role performance after controlling for the effects of task self-efficacy. Two hundred and ninety-five Spanish youth soccer players from 20 teams completed self-report measures of task self-efficacy, role efficacy and role performance at the mid-point of a competitive season. The 20 team coaches also provided ratings of each of their players' role performances at mid-season. Consistent with hypotheses, bivariate correlations showed task self-efficacy and role efficacy were positively related to role performance ratings. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that role efficacy contributed significantly to the prediction of athletes' ratings of role performance after controlling for task self-efficacy. Role efficacy also explained significant variation in the prediction of coach ratings; however, the effects were less dramatic and inconsistent. Our results support self-efficacy theory and reinforce the value of assessing efficacy beliefs representing behaviours carried out both independently and interdependently for the prediction of role performance within team environments. Future research directions are proposed.  相似文献   

This research examined the relative effects of other-efficacy and self-efficacy beliefs in relation to individual performance within a cooperative dyadic setting. Pairs of female participants (M(age) = 20.08, SD = 1.93) performed three practice trials on a dyadic dance-based videogame. Other-efficacy and self-efficacy beliefs were then manipulated through the provision of bogus feedback regarding each pair member's coordination abilities. Following the administration of this feedback, pairs performed a final trial on this dance-based task. The results revealed a main effect for other-efficacy, such that participants in the enhanced other-efficacy conditions outperformed those in the inhibited other-efficacy conditions on this task. A main effect for self-efficacy was not observed. Furthermore, there was no evidence of an interaction between other-efficacy and self-efficacy. The results of this study suggest that other-efficacy may supersede the effects of self-efficacy in supporting personal performance within cooperative relational contexts.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the perceptions of physical education (PE) teachers' feedback patterns with female and male high school students (n = 325). Eight physical education teachers (4 females and 4 males) were involved. We examined (a) whether teachers' feedback was perceived differently by boys and girls, and how the sex of the teacher influenced these perceptions, and (b) the effects of types of feedback (praise, no response-successful, encouragement, technical information, criticism, no response-unsuccessful, and teacher's invested time) on students' perceived competence, effort, enjoyment, and their PE performance. A multivariate analysis revealed an interaction between teacher and student gender on perceptions of teacher feedback. Hierarchical regression analyses highlighted that the perceived feedback significantly predicted students' perceptions of competence (DeltaR(2) = 0.088), effort (DeltaR(2) = 0.119), enjoyment (DeltaR(2) = 0.085), and their PE performance (DeltaR(2) = 0.039) after accounting for the gender of the students and teachers and the students' initial PE performance. The perceptions of praise and teachers' invested time were positively linked with the dependent variables, whereas encouragement and technical information and criticism were negatively linked. The findings are discussed in terms of teaching effectiveness and gender equity.  相似文献   


To minimise lap times during car racing, it is important to build up brake forces rapidly and maintain precise control. We examined the effect of the amplification factor (gain) between brake pedal force and a visually represented output value on a driver's ability to track a target value. The test setup was a formula racing car cockpit fitted with an isometric brake pedal. Thirteen racing drivers performed tracking tasks with four control-display gains and two target functions: a step function (35 trials per gain) and a multisine function (15 trials per gain). The control-display gain had only minor effects on root mean-squared error between output value and target value, but it had large effects on build-up speed, overshoot, within-participants variability, and self-reported physical load. The results confirm the hypothesis that choosing an optimum gain involves balancing stability against physical effort.  相似文献   

According to Wegner's (1994) theory of ironic processes of mental control, self-instructions not to perform in a certain way, together with mental loads, can induce thoughts, emotions, and behaviours that are precisely the opposite of intention. Wegner's theory was tested against the implicit overcompensation hypothesis, which states that movement direction and magnitude are implicitly dictated by self-instruction, irrespective of load, promoting overcompensation of action. Two experiments were conducted using a golf-putting task. In Experiment 1, 48 participants were randomly assigned to one of four load conditions: cognitive, visual, auditory, and self-presentation/incentive. In the experimental trials, participants were instructed to make the putt, but it was emphasized that the putt should not be left short of the target. Following the instructional strategy, putts landed significantly longer than at baseline, irrespective of load. In Experiment 2, 36 participants were divided into one of three groups, without load, in which different instructional sets (control, not putting long, and not putting short) were emphasized. A significant interaction emerged, as participants putted significantly longer or shorter than controls depending on the instructional set given. Overall, our findings support the implicit overcompensation hypothesis. Theoretical and practical considerations are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the quality of a motor response for different levels of expectancy and time constraint, in a two-choice coincidence-anticipation task. The probability of each of the two events likely to be presented were varied across different levels as well as the speed of the stimulus to be intercepted. The results indicated that neither the choice reaction time (CRT) and movement time, nor the performance of coincidence-anticipation were affected by the probability of the stimulus for the low and moderate stimulus speeds. However, when the stimulus traveled at a high speed a trade-off took place. The CRT decreased as the probability of the event increased, whilst the proportion of response initiation errors increased for the low probability events. This trade-off resulted in a better coincidence-anticipation as the probability of the event increased. The results obtained in the present experiment are clearly different from those obtained in a classic CRT-deadline paradigm, in that the trade-off observed between CRT and response initiation errors was far less pronounced in the coincidence-anticipation task. This difference was attributed to the higher negative consequences associated with a response initiation error in a coincidence-anticipation task. It is thus concluded that the tasks used to study the nature of the decision processes taking place in sports and sports-like situations must have some ecological validity to be of some help for the practitioner.  相似文献   

In the light of the intensity coupling effects reported in the literature, subjects' capacities for independently controlling the absolute velocity of their movement at the point of interception was evaluated by asking them to learn to propel orthogonally approaching balls, varying in their speed of approach, into target boxes placed at various distances from the interception point. As required for successful accomplishment of the task, movement velocity was found to be adapted to the distance to be covered, with the near target giving rise to lower velocities and the far target giving rise to higher velocities even when the conditions were presented in random order. Nevertheless, even though target distance accounted for a substantial proportion of the total variance, a small but significant effect of ball approach speed on movement velocity was found, suggesting that intensity coupling is a persistent but modulable phenomenon in interception tasks.  相似文献   


In this study, we examined the perceptions of physical education (PE) teachers' feedback patterns with female and male high school students (n = 325). Eight physical education teachers (4 females and 4 males) were involved. We examined (a) whether teachers' feedback was perceived differently by boys and girls, and how the sex of the teacher influenced these perceptions, and (b) the effects of types of feedback (praise, no response-successful, encouragement, technical information, criticism, no response-unsuccessful, and teacher's invested time) on students' perceived competence, effort, enjoyment, and their PE performance. A multivariate analysis revealed an interaction between teacher and student gender on perceptions of teacher feedback. Hierarchical regression analyses highlighted that the perceived feedback significantly predicted students' perceptions of competence (ΔR 2 = 0.088), effort (ΔR 2 = 0.119), enjoyment (ΔR 2 = 0.085), and their PE performance (ΔR 2 = 0.039) after accounting for the gender of the students and teachers and the students' initial PE performance. The perceptions of praise and teachers' invested time were positively linked with the dependent variables, whereas encouragement and technical information and criticism were negatively linked. The findings are discussed in terms of teaching effectiveness and gender equity.  相似文献   

Information prior to and during the acquisition of a continuous bimanual task was manipulated. Participants practiced a difficult coordination pattern, which produced circular shapes on the computer, when they moved their arms correctly. Four groups were examined, which differed in the type and amount of information provided. Either limb or circle feedback was provided in the presence or absence of instructions detailing how to move the limbs. Circle feedback facilitated learning relative to the limb feedback in which the explicit displacements of the limbs was displayed. Under circle feedback conditions, instructions hindered acquisition. Little instructional effects were observed under limb feedback conditions, despite the prediction that instructions would benefit learning when the feedback was more compatible. Findings are discussed in relation to the complexity of the feedback and processing demands.  相似文献   


This study sought to compare the time course changes in oxidative state and glycemic behavior when glucose or glucose plus fructose are consumed before endurance and strength exercise. After two weeks on a controlled diet, 20 physically trained males ingested an oral dose of glucose or glucose plus fructose, 15 min before starting a moderate-intensity 30-min session of endurance or strength exercise. The combination resulted in four randomized interventions: glucose or glucose plus fructose + endurance exercise and glucose or glucose plus fructose + strength exercise, which were implemented consecutively in random order at 1-week intervals. Plasma concentration of lipoperoxides, oxidized LDL, reduced glutathione, catalase and glycemia were determined at baseline, during exercise and acute recovery. Following the ingestion of glucose plus fructose, lipoperoxides, catalase and reduced glutathione depletion were significantly higher than following consumption of glucose, for both endurance and strength exercise (P < 0.05). Oxidized LDL-c was higher after glucose plus fructose than after glucose alone in endurance exercise (P < 0.05). There was no difference in the glycemic peak between glucose plus fructose and glucose ingestion in endurance exercise trials. In strength exercise, the post-absorptive glycemic peak was less when the participants ingested glucose plus fructose than glucose (P < 0.05), and a second peak was found in the recovery phase of this group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the addition of fructose to a pre-exercise glucose supplement triggers oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Before completing a team-based dart-throwing activity, 80 undergraduates were randomly assigned to one of three pre-performance self-talk conditions: (a) self-talk statements that focused upon one's personal capabilities, (b) self-talk statements emphasizing the group's capabilities, or (c) a control condition where neutral statements were implemented. Participants in all conditions subsequently rated their confidence in their own (i.e. self-efficacy) as well as their team's (i.e. collective efficacy) capabilities, before carrying out the task. Overall, self-efficacy, collective efficacy, and performance indicators were all greatest for individuals who practised self-talk focusing on the group's capabilities, as opposed to individual-focused and neutral conditions. Findings are considered with respect to their novel theoretical contribution to the social cognition literature and their implications for fostering efficacy perceptions and team performance.  相似文献   

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries commonly occur during jump-landing tasks when individuals’ attention is simultaneously allocated to other objects and tasks. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effect of allocation of attention imposed by a secondary cognitive task on landing mechanics and jump performance. Thirty-eight recreational athletes performed a jump-landing task in three conditions: no counting, counting backward by 1 s from a randomly given number, and counting backward by 7 s from a randomly given number. Three-dimensional kinematics and ground reaction forces were collected and analysed. Participants demonstrated decreased knee flexion angles at initial contact (p = 0.001) for the counting by 1 s condition compared with the no counting condition. Participants also showed increased peak posterior and vertical ground reaction forces during the first 100 ms of landing (p ≤ 0.023) and decreased jump height (p < 0.001) for the counting by 1 s and counting by 7 s conditions compared with the no counting condition. Imposition of a simultaneous cognitive challenge resulted in landing mechanics associated with increased ACL loading and decreased jump performance. ACL injury risk screening protocols and injury prevention programmes may incorporate cognitive tasks into jump-landing tasks to better simulate sports environments.  相似文献   

Reduced feedback during practice has been shown to be detrimental to movement accuracy in children but not in young adults. We hypothesized that the reduced accuracy is attributable to reduced movement parameter learning but not pattern learning in children. A rapid arm movement task that required the acquisition of a motorpattern scaled to specific spatial and temporal parameters was used to investigate the effects of feedback (FB) frequency (100% vs. 62% faded) on motor learning differences between 19 school-age children and 19 young adults. Adults and children practiced the task for 200 trials under the 100% or faded FB condition on day 1 and returned on day 2 for a no-FB retention test. On the retention test, children who practiced with reduced feedback performed with greater temporal parameter errors, but not pattern error than children who received frequent feedback. Motor skill learning in children is influenced byfeedback frequency during practice that affects parameter learning but not pattern learning.  相似文献   

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