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End users want easy access to electronic full-text articles from their desktops. This small medical library has implemented an easy and cost-effective resource management program to meet this user need. This column will describe the implementation, use, and maintenance of the National Library of Medicine's LinkOut, a personalized resource management program that provides immediate access to the library's online journal full-text holdings via hyperlinks.  相似文献   


A pilot library liaison program was initiated with the College of Liberal Arts at Southern Illinois University at Carbon-dale. The goals were to facilitate communication with academic faculties, enhance collection development, and improve services. A uniform training program was implemented. Budgets were allocated, and negotiations for new moneys were held in a group setting. Following training, meetings were held with academic department chairs, library liaisons, and the library's Director of Reference Services and Collection Management to activate the program. The pilot program was assessed and then expanded to all sixty teaching departments on campus, using guidelines that had evolved during the pilot program. The centrality of the library as a service unit is affirmed in increased understanding and cooperation between librarians and teaching faculty. The program is continually monitored in an effort to keep the program flexible and responsive to changing needs.  相似文献   

基于分类目录的元搜索引擎模型的提出与实现   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文首先给出了搜索引擎的定义、工作机制及分类 ,并指出了目前搜索引擎的不足 ,针对这些不足提出了几点改进意见 ,实现了一种基于分类目录的元搜索引擎。最后对该搜索引擎进行了评估和展望  相似文献   

Implementing Twitter in a health sciences library   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The NYU Health Sciences Libraries created an account on Twitter, a microblogging service, as a new outreach tool marketed to students, faculty, and staff. The team used Twitter to promote resources, events, and news. Twitter is a part of a pipeline of information that also includes the library's Web site and Facebook. Although it is difficult to measure the effectiveness of a social networking tool, the overhead of using Twitter is so low that it merits consideration.  相似文献   

The NYU Health Sciences Libraries created an account on Twitter, a microblogging service, as a new outreach tool marketed to students, faculty, and staff. The team used Twitter to promote resources, events, and news. Twitter is a part of a pipeline of information that also includes the library's Web site and Facebook. Although it is difficult to measure the effectiveness of a social networking tool, the overhead of using Twitter is so low that it merits consideration.  相似文献   

This article discusses a scoping study on implementing radio frequency identification device (RFID) in a hospital library context, conducted by Joseph Norwood for his MA dissertation at the University of Brighton. The study was carried out during the summer of 2011 to support possible RFID implementation at the Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals (BSUH) Trust, and the library staff were able to use the findings to good effect to create a business plan. This article also acts as the template for the new Dissertations into Practice feature, which was introduced in the March issue (Marshall, A. Health Information and Libraries Journal 2012, 29, 72). The dissertation highlighted here is very practical in nature and had immediate and quantifiable benefits for the Trust library. Future feature articles are likely to reflect the range of health-related dissertation topics which students choose and will include studies on user information behaviour, information services related to mental health and well-being, as well as the impact of technology on health-related library or information services.AM.  相似文献   

图书馆ISO9000认证研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
罗曼 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(6):102-104
论述了图书馆实施ISO9000的意义,研究了国内外图书馆ISO9000认证的理论与实践,提出我国图书馆实施ISO9000的基本思路。  相似文献   

Column Editor's Notes

This column examines advances in public services internal and external to libraries. The focus is on how public services, such as instruction and education, programming, research consulting, and circulation evolve and impact users. The strength of the column is its broad, international focus and contributors are encouraged to explore issues and recent advances in public services relevant to their geographical region, as well as the larger, global audience. Interested authors are invited to submit proposals and articles to the column editor at andrea.falcone@ucdenver.edu  相似文献   


While undergraduate students may be able to find appropriate scholarly sources, they often struggle to use those sources when writing. This study aimed to improve students’ writing by targeting one specific skill: synthesis, or the ability to integrate multiple sources. Students in a psychology course viewed a video tutorial prior to writing an introductory literature review. Those who viewed the tutorial were more likely to cite two or more sources per paragraph compared to those who did not view it. Students’ survey responses also indicated that they found the tutorial helpful, suggesting it has promise as an instructional tool.  相似文献   


This article highlights the California Cultures Project as a case study examining the architecture and framework required to support the deployment of digital objects as virtual collections at the California Digital Library. Chronologically arranged, it describes the Online Archive of California (OAC) Working Group's functional requirements for access to digital objects independent of parent finding aids, and the development and implementation of infrastructures supporting this vision. Discussion includes project organization and content selection for digitization, Web site service vision for K-12 teacher target audience, best practices for encoding, data standards, lesson plans, metadata requirements, METS creation tools, project manuals, repositories, search engines, tools enabling customizable interfaces, user assessment, and usability testing.  相似文献   

高校图书馆实施素质教育工作浅议   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
卢仕严 《图书馆论坛》2001,21(6):81-82,102
本文阐述了高校图书馆在学校实施全面素质教育中的重要性,论述了图书馆开展素质教育 的特点和原则,并结合图书馆的实际对高校图书馆如何发挥其教育职能、积极实施素质教育工作进行了探讨。  相似文献   

高校图书馆流通服务中对违章读者的经济处理关系到图书馆及读者的切身利益,所以必须认真对待。文章论述了其必要性并对现行标准的合理性进行了调查分析,提出了完善相关制度、使之便于操作的办法。  相似文献   

The concept of wellness, although an old one, has recently become an important part of health education. The theory behind wellness is that the person tries to achieve a state of self-directed wellness with the guidance of facilitators and educational materials, rather than being directed by an instructor. In 1981, York Hospital, York Hospital Library and the York County Public Library System, through an LSCA Title III grant, joined forces to promote wellness in the community through a series of Wellness Institutes and a combined, computerized health education bibliography, of which an updated edition is attached.  相似文献   

In 2015, plans were put in place to relocate the entire compact disc collection of the Music and Media Center in the Arts and Humanities Library at Penn State's University Park campus, and to reclassify them from an accession number system to a more user-browsable one based on the Library of Congress Classification scheme. This article looks at the path that has being taken to reach this goal, and provides an initial assessment of the project at the halfway point.  相似文献   

A behavior policy provides guidelines for determining and managing unacceptable behavior. It protects library patrons and staff from abusive actions of others that undermine the purpose of the library. Development of a policy is facilitated by consulting staff, campus police and other officials, and by examining other libraries' policies and procedures.  相似文献   

This article describes the development of a system for changing a university library's collection development strategy from the traditional “just in case” model to a “just in time” approach. The reasons for such a change included a desire to be more responsive to user requirements, a need to be more flexible in acquiring interdisciplinary resources and new formats, and a substantial cut in the library's budget. The Collection Development librarians envisioned the collections as a service, using a simpler and more versatile accounting structure. The Access-Based Collection Development (ABCD) model emphasizes making materials available at the point of need rather than having them on hand in anticipation of use. ABCD has four overarching themes: to be sustainable, to be holistic and inclusive, to be flexible and scalable, and to use evidence for decision-making. The authors provide details of the implementation, outcomes, evaluation, and future of the model.  相似文献   

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