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第1卷(共75分) 一、听力理解(本题共20分,每小题1分) A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的四个句子,找出与你所听到的那个在意思卜最接近的答案( )1.A.I like fruit. B.I don't like bananas. C.I like bananas a little. D.Bananas are my favourite fruit.( )2.A.My father is as old as yours. B.My father is older than yours. C.My father is younger than yours. D.Your father is younger than mine.( )3.A.Li Lei lent his bike to Jim. B.Li Lei borrowed Jim's bike. C.Jim asked Li Lei to use his bi…  相似文献   

听力部分(共四大题,25小题,满分30分)(略)笔试部分(共七大题,满分90分)!.单项选择:从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出 一个最佳答案。(共10小题,满分10分》26.一What’5 your_,Shirley? 一1 didn’t Pass theex脚. A·question B.wrong C.trouble D.matter27.Lily’5 motorbike 15 the same as_.1’m 即ing to borrowit from_, A.y。叫her B.you玲;hers C .yours;her D.you;hers28·50盯,Iean’tgotothene:bars(网吧)雨th you·You’d better_there.You should spend time on your study. A.goB·to 90 C.not 90 D.not to即29·一_1 ge…  相似文献   

1._the students likes the palntings.Whieh ofthefollowingisWRONG? A·The teaeher as wdl as B.Nobo街but C .The teaeher besides_D,All except2 .Hen仃,_Ma叮and Tom,15 eoming to China for a visit.Wlliehof the following 15 WRONG? A.together with B.like C .notD,but in addition to3 .Taiwan 15_一the east of Fujian, A .in B.at C.to D.on4 .His father will be baek from肠ndon_a few dayo. A.sinee B.in C.on D.aner5·The word“write”has the same卿nuneiation__the word“right”. A.of,B.as C.to D…  相似文献   

一、选择坟空 A)单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1._tenible weather it istod叮l A.How B.How a C.Whal D.W卜ata 2一仆e rnom on the right 15_,isn’t it? 一YeS,it’s_. A .Luey;her B.Luey;hers C.IJuey’s;her D.肠cy’s;hers 3一Thank you for the delieious dinner. A .Don’t say that B.It’5 nothing C.Never mind D.I’m glad you enjoyed it 4一Whieh 15_,Sydney,New York or TOmntog 一New York,1 think. A.a larser B.the larger C.a la任笋st D.t…  相似文献   

IIListening Comprehension:(略)Multiple Choiee:(20%)1 .15 this faetory A .that2 .You ean,t_ A .join3 .He received_ nal】le- A .sueh a little一yOU B .the one_this elub B .attendvisited last week?C .asuntil you reaehed theedueationC .jointhat he1nD .likeage of eighteen.D .take Part ineould hardly write his ownB .50 manyC .sueh little D.50 little4My sister regrettedA .being missedC .missingThe Chinese PeoPle_the leeture given by Mr.Liu·B .missedD .to miss5areover the world-as 15 known…  相似文献   

第一卷(共70分) -、听力理解(略)单项填空(共15小题。每小题z分,满分25分) ()21 .Yesterd盯_8一year一old boy fell into the river._boy was saved by_Polieeman. A .an,A,a B.an,The,a C.a,The,the D.a,An,the ()22一D讨the aetor live alone in,his house?一Yes .He has a wife and two ehildren .But of them live with him. A .none B.all C.both D.no one ()23 .Red represents power_it 15 dso the eolour of heat and strong feelings. A .50 B.or C.but D.and ()24.仆叮~toolate. A .T卜anks,Minle.一B.You…  相似文献   

1.词汇 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,拼写单词。1 .This ruler 15 too short.1 need a 1 one.2 .My aunt 15 ac~一一一-.She works in a bank (银行)near。ur Sehool.3.一Thank you ve巧mueh. 一You arew4 Do you like these new_(毛衣)?5.1 ean’t_(相信)娜eyes that the litile boy ean eari了that heavy box.且.单项选择,选择最佳答案1._,汕ere 15 the elothing store? A.Exeuse me B.I’m 50卿 C .Hi D.Hello2 .Can you_any flowers in the pieture? A.look B.look at C .have a look D.see3 .My brother doesn’t like_eolor of the hat. A .a B./C.the D.this4.一1 want that bag. A .Here are you B.He...  相似文献   

一、选择填空1.—Do you know? I’m going to see him. —Sorry. I don’t know.(北京市海淀区) A.where does Mr. Li live B.where did Mr. Li live C.where Mr. Li lives D.where Mr. Li lived2.Could you tell me? I’m his old friend (吉林省) A.where does Jim live B.when will Jim come back C.where Jim has gone D.how is Jim.3.You must remember.(河南省) A.what your teacher said B.what did your teacher say C.your teacher said what D.what has you teacher said4.The students…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。1.does your favorite singerlook like?A.How B.WhatC.Who D.When2.My hair is long,but isshort.A.his B.herC.your D.it’s3.He tall and he amedium build.A.has;is B.is;hasC.is;is D.has;has4.Doyou knowIhaveanewfriendClass One?A.on B.atC.in D.to5.I yo  相似文献   

Unit 7 What does he look like?Ⅰ.单项选择1.—What your brother like?—He@s tall with short hair.A.is,look B.does,looks C.is,looks D.does,look2.My friend,Jack,medium build.A.is B.has C.are D.have3.Lily her twin sister.A.look like B.like C.looks like D.looks4.This person medium height,she has short hair.A.is B.has C.are D.have5.Li Lei is stronger than Jim.A.very B.quite C.too D.even6.My parents are doctors.A.all B.both C.either D.neither7.If you don@t feel well,you may just.A.stopp…  相似文献   

.单项选择。从A、B、C、O四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。1 .Can”u tell me the answer_the question? A .of B.to C.about D./2·He hao two danghters.One 15 a soldier,_15 a worker· A .another B.a other C.the other D.others3._fine day it 15! A .How B.How a C.What D.取厂hata4.1’m hungry.1 want_. A.something eating B.something to eat C .eat something D.to eating something5 .There_a new film this evening. A.15 going to have B.15 going to be C.have D.has6.Why not_and have a look at …  相似文献   

卜单项选择(共巧分) ()1.一What does he_?一He 15 tall with short hair·A.look likes B.looks like C.look like ()2.Sandy_dark hair·A.has B.15 C.have ()3._15 this dietion呵?It’5 ten yuan·A.How old B.How mueh C.How many ()4.eome down to Huaxing and see_yourseif. A .in B.for C.on ()5 .They haveT一shirts_red,歹een,and white. A .in B.for C.on ()6·You ean buy shoes A.for only 15 dollars B .at only 15 dollars C .of only 15 dollars ()7·They have_art festival_each year. A.an:in B.a:/C.an…  相似文献   

1.选择坟空。(巧分))1._teaeher on the blaek bike 15_English teacher·A.A,an B.The,a C.A,the D.rl、le an)2.玩t,s即andA.playing the football B play the foothallC,to pl叮football D.play football)3 .There a lot of water in the bottle.A.15 B.are C.has D.have)4.仆e girl_the red skirt 15 Mary·A .in B.on C.with D.h朋)5 .Tom often_us衍th our English.A.help B.helping C.helpg D.to help)6.does Mike like China and does he like about China?A.How,how B.习犷hat,how C.What,what D.H洲,what)7 .Do y…  相似文献   

1.单项选择1 . - Where is your father from?- is from the UK.A.He      B.She     C.I2 . - The box is too . Could you help me?- Certainly.A.heavy B.nice C.light3. We learn English from .A.her B.his C.they4.How many are there nearthe river?A.child B.man C.people5.I want meat.There isn't any in thefridge.   A.any B.some C.many6.My mother likes tea.A.eating B.drinking C.cooking7. - Where does he work?- He works .A.all day  B.in a factory  C.on weekdays8. - Does she like v…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。1.My sister____like bananas.A.doesn%t B.do C.does D.not2.I have____fruit in the case.A.lot of B.a lot of C.a lots of D.a lot3.——Let%s____bread.——No.I don%t like it.A.has B.have C.to have D.having4.——Do you like apple salad?——____.A.Ye  相似文献   

1.选择填空。(本题共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) L一Can you sPeak English?一Yes,but only_. A.相巧good B.a little C .a lot of D.many 2 .Thereis_old library near here. _libraJ了15 next to the station. A .a;A B.an;A C.an;The D.a;The 3 .He 15 too_.He often sle印s_ the day,A·small;on B.l工守;山止运g C .5妙;in D.smart;at 4.Wllat sP0rtS_Paul andhis伍end of- ten Play? A .15 B.does C.do D.are 5 .Marial水es going to the~ie叭d_ TV. A .watching B.watches C .wateh D.watched 6.一Does Sa幻n…  相似文献   

1.单句理解。在A、B、C、D四个选项中选出与你所 听到的句子意思相符的答案。(5分) 1 .A.It,5 one five.B.It,5 one fifteen. C .It,5 one thirty.D.It’5 one fifiy. 2 .A.Jim likes swimming. B .John likes swimming. C .Jim likes swimming.John likes swimming, t00. D .Jim 15 swimming and John 15 swimming, t00. 3 .A.Tom goes to sehool eve斗day· B .1一1 the morning Tom studies at sehool and in the evening he does his honlework. C .Tom does his homework at seven in the evening· D .In the evening To…  相似文献   

……|‘.!;!…1..||属姗恤颐他曲潇眼娜姗礴蒯舫麟厂十L嘛城仪恐健随版限随随憾履肠瞪厂ee|||1||||es..l,.||11||| 1.选择坟空 )1 .He said he_90 baek to his hometown for the Spring Festival· A一will B.has done C.would )2._15 the population of Chon明ing? A.How~ch B.How many C.What )3 .15 there_肠r me in the bus? A.a r00刃。B.r00m C.the room 碎.The elass~m isn’t_to hold 50 many de,ks. A.enough sm丘11 B.big enough C.enough )5 .It 15 saidthat the population Of the worldm叮be seven billion_· A .by…  相似文献   

1.一Where does anwork? 一She works in a hospital.2.My father 15 a orker in a bigl…—·3 .My gralldmother 15 111.She takes some m4.The一eaeheo in our sohool are ve巧f一— to US.5 .Luey works in a shoP.She 15 a shop aB)用括号中词的适当形式填空。6·These”ung men are bus_(drive).7,助。k!He_(run) ve叮fast·8 .Do you want something一一(d讨nk)?9 .Jim_(wateh)TV eve叮night·10.We_(w orker) in a ear fact呵·11.单项选择。选择最佳答案。1 .one of_uP and answers the question. A .boys stand B.the bo…  相似文献   

151.Dad,let us,________,go to the cinema,_______?A.Jack and I,shall we B.Jack and me,shall weC.Jack and I,will you D.Jack and me,will you152.He______his father for a new bicycle on his twelfth birthday.A.demanded B.required C.requested D.asked153.As well as________all his homework,he helped his mother with a good cleaningaround the house.A.finishing B.finished C finishes D.to finish154.—If you want to be in time,you'd better get________.—All right.A.to go B.to going C.going D.moving…  相似文献   

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