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图书编辑和出版是一个相对漫长的过程,这一过程当中,如何有效与作者进行沟通合作是最为重要的;为了保障图书编辑的质量,与作者沟通是保障质量的桥梁,避免图书出现的错误和对作者的意思产生曲解,因此在图书推广和发展中发挥直接作用。  相似文献   

编辑学者化的特质   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
巩劼  肖建新 《编辑学报》2000,12(1):33-35
在对近 2 0年关于编辑学者化讨论回顾的基础上 ,全面深刻地揭示了编辑学者化这一命题的特质 ,即 :在内容上是编辑的学者素养的培养和养成 ;在状态上是一个编辑学者素养的培养过程 ;在目的上是使编辑成为学者型编辑。因此 ,反对编辑学者化 ,以及编辑只能研究编辑学 ,只能成为编辑学的观点都是错误的。  相似文献   

郝欣 《编辑学报》2007,19(2):96-96
问在某刊中见到:“质量比浓度单位质量溶液中所含溶质的质量百分数,符号为%(m/m)。”这种说法正确吗?答不正确。1)没有“质量比浓度”这一量名称。此量规范名称应是“质量分数”或“质量比”,其符号为“w”。2)定义错误。如指某溶质的质量分数,定义应为“某溶质的质量除以溶液质量”。3)单位符号错误。质量分数的单位为“1”,也可用百分数表示,符号为“%”。在“%”后加“(m/m)”属干修饰单位符号,这是国际单位制不允许的。“质量比浓度”正确吗?@郝欣  相似文献   

编辑既要尊重和维护作者或著作权人的利益,严格执行著作权法,又要保障社会公共秩序的稳定,切实履行出版管理相关法规,这体现了编辑作为传播者“前门”对作者负责,“后门”对社会负责的双重责任。因此作为编辑就要熟悉和掌握相关的法律事务,这样才能成为一名合格的传播者,担当起社会所赋予的使命。 编辑业务所涉法律问题当包括以下四方面内容:1、组稿、约稿过程中的法律事项;2、审稿过程中的法律事项;3、书稿加工过程中的法律事项;4、出版过程中的法律事项。 编辑在组稿、约稿时会同著译者交流本选题的情况,这就涉及到选题保密事项。在出版业发达而又竞争激烈的今天,选题往往成为制胜之宝,它如同商业秘密在商业竞争中  相似文献   

彭桃英 《编辑学报》2009,21(6):497-497
在编辑工作中,发现不同期刊对作者单位的英文译名处理方式不一,有关标准和著作[1-3]对此的叙述也不够详细,而查找到的有关文献只有2篇[4-5].为此,笔者认为有必要进一步对期刊作者单位英文译名的处理进行研究,以引起编辑同人的重视,从而逐步规范期刊论文作者单位英文译名的处理方式.  相似文献   

宽泛置疑——编辑审稿的一项原则   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
编辑在审稿过程中所面临的问题大体说来有三类。一是表述性问题,即在语言文字方面出现的问题,其表现是文法不通,逻辑混乱,用词不当,错字别字等。二是知识性错误,包括常识错误和专业知识错误。三是对于作者建立的观点编辑认为有偏颇;第三类问题,由于属于学术讨论或争鸣,较重要的改动,编辑应征得作者的同意;如不作改动,则编辑并不对该观点负责。一般所说“文责自负”,所指正是此类情况。排除前两类问题,则属编辑的本份。所谓“文字匠”,便是指编辑对第一类问题的处理。  相似文献   

原始英文题名错误的参考文献应如何著录   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王雪萍 《编辑学报》2005,17(4):253-253
在稿件编辑加工过程中,经常发现所编论文的某些参考文献英文题名有拼写或语法错误.一种情况是原始文献是正确的,而由于引用者的粗心导致转录出现错误;另一种情况是原始文献本身就有错误.这里主要讨论原始文献有错,编辑加工时应该如何处理.为了便于描述,所举的例子均以中英文双语表达.  相似文献   

近几年来,大陆学术期刊发表的台湾学术论文越来越多。编辑加工台湾作者的学术论文在以下四个方面要特别注意:1思想内容方面,要检查是否有政治性错误,是否有违背我国主流意识形态的内容;2文字方面,注意繁简转化问题和现代新词语的规范问题;3语法方面,检查是否符合大陆通行的语言规范;4作者简介、单位署名和参考文献的标注要符合大陆出版物的标准。  相似文献   

参考文献引用错误是科技论文的严重缺陷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参考文献是科技论文的一个重要组成部分,文章主要介绍了在日常编辑工作中常见的引用参考文献易出现的5类错误:缺乏引用密切相关的重要文献,所列引文文献是作者未真正查阅过的,引用了有时效性的无效文献,引用内容错误或不当的文献,参考文献引用格式上的错误。本文对这5类常见的引用错误进行了分析和讨论,希望能引起作者及编辑的足够重视,严格把关,减少甚至杜绝参考文献的引用错误,以利于作者、编者共同努力办好学术期刊。  相似文献   

正在医药期刊中,体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)是一个常见的量,其定义为体质量除以身高的2次方,即Ibm=m/h2,式中Ibm为体质量指数,m为体质量,h为身高。由定义式显见,Ibm的SI主单位为kg/m2;然而,几乎在所有出现体质量指数的场合,都将其单位表示为"1",把它作为纯数,这是一个概念性错误,应予以纠正。例如"BMI25属于体质量正常",应改为"BMI25 kg/m2属于体质量正常"。另外,把体质量指数称为  相似文献   

In this article, author Bill Ptacek says that the future is now, and, at least from the 1970s through today, in the field of early childhood work, the future has come so fast that it is constantly upon us. That reality means that those concerned about young children in libraries have been about adaptation on a continuing basis. In this world of rapid change, innovation is constant: City firefighters come to the libraries in uniform to read stories to children, library outreach specialists take programs to daycare centers in their communities, and staff members create a space in a library devoted to early childhood reading. This tradition of rapid change means that the early childhood staff of most large public libraries in North America is changing for the future on a regular basis. The work unit should be considered seriously as one model for 21st century public library reform.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]科学家科研生产力一直是业内学者研究的焦点,主要从科研成果数量和质量(被引)两方面对其进行评价。以往科学家科研生产力的一些评价指标认为不同研究领域的论文质量和科学家的引用行为呈现迥异性特征,不仅可以跨领域对科学家科研生产力予以测定,而且可以跨越学术级别、依据机构规模或者参照不同期刊成果对其进行评价。但是以往的评价指标不仅忽略科学家所处的情境(Context)特征——科研评价中同一机构不同学术等级的职业晋升阈值要求是有差异的,而且不同机构对同一学术等级的职业晋升阈值要求也是有差异的,而科学家所处的情境特征正是其科研努力的参考标准,而且科研成果中合作科学家的知识贡献往往容易被忽略,这并不符合大科学时代的科研需求。[方法/过程]融合以往评价指标的研究成果和针对以往评价指标存在的局限,提出了Q2 SRC-指数以从多个维度综合评价科学家的科研生产力,不仅关注成果的数量和质量(Q&Q,Q2)、研究的主题领域(S)、科学家在其合作成果中的排序(R),而且强调科学家所处学术情境(Context)的特征。[结果/结论]该指标不仅提出了跨学科情境下综合评价科学家科研生产力的理论模型,而且具有重要的实践应用价值,即可作为科研评价中科学家学术晋升的参考依据,特别是科研评价中学术级别晋升数量有限的情况下,该指标是重要的客观综合标准。  相似文献   

Taking on responsibilities in research data management (RDM) has proven to be a significant challenge as libraries have adopted new roles within higher education institutions. A qualitative review using the meta-ethnographic approach was conducted that examined the experiences of academic libraries and provided clarity on contextual influences associated with achievements, as well as illuminating the reasons for deficiencies. Libraries experienced uncertainty around roles and relationships related to RDM yet were recognized positively as a neutral, centralized space within academic institutions. This perception, combined with the current approach of fostering partnerships and collaborations, may prove to be useful for libraries as they strategically consider how best to provide continued support and services in RDM. Understanding the perspectives of academic libraries on how they respond and support the demands related to RDM offers a fuller, more robust insight that is essential for planning and decision-making.  相似文献   


Upon aging, paper documents and books become progressively damaged. Paper deacidification is a fundamental conservation intervention. In this study, we report on the use of nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) associated with hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) to inhibit acidification, photo-induced degradation, and biodeterioration of paper. With the aid of ultrasound, Mg(OH)2 nanoparticles with a narrow size distribution can be obtained through homogeneous precipitation in water. Furthermore, to demonstrate the efficacy of the nanocomposite and the performance of treated and untreated paper, photo- and thermal-induced degradation is discussed. The results show that using the controlled double-jet precipitation (CDJP) it is possible to synthesize Mg(OH)2 particles with a narrow size distribution (18–87 nm). The nanocomposite of Mg(OH)2–TiO2–HEC increases the durability of paper by imparting fungal growth resistance (D = 34.6 mm), moderate alkalinity (pH = 8.4), mechanical reinforcement (from 817–896 N/m), and UV protection. Additionally, there is a slight color difference (ΔE* = 0.8) between the treated and untreated paper. Both photodegradation and thermal degradation indicate that the paper treated with this nanocomposite (Mg(OH)2–TiO2–HEC) has increased stability.  相似文献   


A study of the development of third generation Nigerian university libraries established between 1980-1984 was conducted during the latter part of the 1990/91 session. The study, which was carried out through the use of a questionnaire, personal visits, as well as informal discussions with the staff, had the objective of determining the similarities and dissimilarities in the growth of the libraries using indices such as governance, finance, stock and services, etc., as well as problems affecting their effective performance. The outcome of the study showed that there are more areas of similarities than dissimilarities in the ways they operate. Poor funding, scarcity of foreign exchange for the purchase of library materials from abroad, near absence of modern information retrieval technologies as well as theft and mutilation of materials, were found to constitute major problems to their rapid development. The recently negotiated World Bank loan for the Nigerian university sector designed to inject some US$120m for the purchase of books, journals and library equipment among others gives a ray of hope, though on a short-term basis. It is suggested that to take the university libraries out of the woods, massive injection of funds on a long-term basis is required.  相似文献   

李寿星  李松 《编辑学报》2006,18(3):185-187
指出了<辞海>1999年版彩图缩印本在量和单位基本概念上存在的7个方面的错误:1)称众多质量单位"习惯上亦用作重量单位";2)把量说成"数""数值"或"量值";3)把英制误释为英尺磅秒制;4)把量说成是单位;5)用"单位 数"表示量;6)将基本单元片面理解为原子和分子;7)将量纲式中基本量的指数说成"量纲".  相似文献   

�ڿ�����������Ե��ܿ��о�   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
剖析了引文分析法和引文行为中存在的问题,概括了引文中存在的四种不合理倾向,划分了引文的四大类型。通过对人类其他行为的考察,肯定了引文行为的可控性,并针对当前的实际情况提出了有关控制措施。  相似文献   

我国高校图书馆图书误选的比例很高,已经形成可怕的误选黑洞。根据2002—2005年出版的计算机类图书数据测定出核心书目并对照5所综合性大学图书馆的馆藏发现,高校图书馆缺藏现象和零外借率现象十分严重,由此可推断目前高校图书馆存在计算机类图书的高比例误选黑洞。针对这些问题,高校图书馆可以采取分析核心出版社的出版强项、研究好书的形成要素、推动书商编制高质量的征订书目等策略。  相似文献   

本文依照分类标引的四个质量标准:准确、一致、适度和实用要求,详细评析了中文图书在版编目数据中分类标引存在的各种常见问题,如分类号不够准确、分类标引过于粗略、复分与仿分不准确、分类标引不一致、笔误或印刷错误等引起的分类标引质量不高,最后提出了加快电子在版编目(E—CIP)的进程,提高在版编目数据质量的建议。  相似文献   

Health Services Technology/Assessment Text (HSTAT), an online collection of documents pertaining to clinical practice guidelines, HIV/AIDS treatment information, and health care decision making, was recently introduced by the National Library of Medicine. Access to HSTAT is available through the NLM Full-Text Retrieval System (FTRS), a document search and retrieval system developed by the Information Technology Branch of NLM. Internet FTP, Gopher, and World Wide Web clients may also be used to obtain documents from the HSTAT collection.  相似文献   

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