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Per the Bleaching Syndrome, people of color, including African, Asian, and Latino Americans, are both victims and perpetrators of color discrimination. The Bleaching Syndrome encompasses perceptual, psychological, and behavioral sectors that affect students' schooling experiences. Education professionals, including teachers, administrators, and counselors, must address these factors to promote mental and emotional health among learners. In this article, I discuss how the Bleaching Syndrome and color bias affects dark-complexioned African American children in contemporary US schools.  相似文献   

Advances in psychological theory have made significant contributions to the considerable progress that has been achieved in intervention research and practice, especially in the past two decades. This article presents a discussion of the major conceptual and methodological issues that have arisen in intervention research, with a focus on interventions for children with learning problems, particularly reading problems. Examples from our own research are presented to illustrate how conceptual and methodological factors in intervention research can be taken into consideration in the design of intervention studies.  相似文献   

成人教育市场的发展与完善离不开政府的干预。本文分析了政府干预成人教育市场的理由、内容、原则,并在此基础上提出了政府干预成人教育市场的实现方式,即建立成人教育服务中心,使其作为成人教育市场运行的新型组织形式,同时集中体现政府的意志与行为。  相似文献   

企业参与教育事业自有其独特的教育理念 ,即投资教育的利润取向 ,教学改革的商业策略 ,以及教职工报酬的风险机制。企业之所以热情投资教育 ,主要是着眼于教育潜在的市场价值 ,即知识资源、人力资源在时间上和空间上的高利润回报率。  相似文献   

This paper challenges Christopher Winch's arguments against the neo-liberal critique of state intervention in education. First, the nature of education and its consumers are shown to imply that education can indeed be described as a commodity. Second, even if the prisoner's dilemma does model the provision of education nevertheless self-interest can bring about a co-operative, mutually agreeable solution. Third, while democratic states are unlikely to be able to ensure educational equality or equity, even in the form of adequate educational opportunities for all, the evidence and logic of markets suggest that markets will not similarly be handicapped. Thus in each case, it is argued, the neo-liberal critique of state intervention in education survives largely unscathed.  相似文献   

本文对当前的教育质量内涵进行了批判性的分析,并分别从过程观和状态观的角度对教育质量的内涵进行了探究,认为:教育质量的内涵应该同时具有过程和状态的特性,而教育与社会外界对教育质量的新的要求与原有教育质量间的矛盾,是教育质量得以不断变化的动力。  相似文献   

This article is framed within the context of literatures on small states, examination systems, and international dependence and independence. It focuses on a country with a population of just 260,000, and analyses tensions concerning the nature and operations of external examinations for secondary school students. Maldives has long had links with a UK-based examination board. Although in the past these links have served Maldives well, they came under increasing scrutiny during the 1990s. The article analyses issues and tensions with particular reference to the potentially competing desires for international recognition of qualifications and national control of curriculum.  相似文献   


This paper examines the role of the Zimbabwean State in providing education since 1980. The nature of the Zimbabwean revolution, the colonial inheritance in education, the economy and civil society will be used to explicate the failure of the emergent transition state in redressing residual and emergent imbalances within the educational system. A critical theory of the post‐colonial transition state will be used to probe the relationship between the socialist rhetoric of the government and the demands of civil society on the one hand, and on the other, the requirements of local and international capital. It is the interplay and contradictions among these four major actors that is used to show how educational reform is becoming an elusive goal in Sub‐Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify authors and training programs making the most frequent contributions to intervention research published in six school psychology journals (School Psychology Review, School Psychology Quarterly, Journal of School Psychology, Psychology in the Schools, School Psychology International, and Journal of Applied School Psychology) over the 10‐year period from 2005 to 2014. A total of 310 articles were identified as intervention articles; 919 unique authors, representing 289 universities or organizations, contributed to these publications. Top‐ranked authors and universities were identified based on authorship rating and total publications, respectively. This evaluation highlights key contributors to the primary intervention research in school psychology, as well as themes of the publications of top‐ranked individuals and programs.  相似文献   

一个时期以来,会计委派制度被许多学者所推崇,也非常时尚。但它有诸多弊端,尤其是对国有企业来讲,会计委派制违反国家相关法律法规,违背会计基本理论,与现代企业制度不符等。归根结底,国企不宜实行会计委派制。  相似文献   

余华小说《兄弟》展现了羞感从审美价值滑向市场价值的过程及其原因。因羞感的丧失而产生伪羞感和献媚,献媚又导致了羞感美的丧失、性与爱的分离以及社会道德的沉沦。而“艺术羞感”的丧失则导致了《兄弟》艺术水准的下降。  相似文献   

This paper explores the academic and psychosocial outcomes of immigrant students from the former Soviet Union (FSU) in an ethnic school in Toronto. Based on interviews with the principal, teachers, students and parents, together with questionnaire responses, the paper describes school programmes and practices that contribute to FSU immigrant students' high academic achievement, within the categories of curriculum, pedagogy, discipline policy and teacher–student relationships. The creation of this ethnic school suggests that Canada's educational system has not met the needs of the immigrant group. The paper seeks to further understanding of educating FSU immigrant students, and discusses the implications of ethnic schools for educating children in a multicultural society.  相似文献   

Market Forces and Standards in Education: A preliminary consideration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the possible impact of market forces on educational attainment in secondary schools in England and Wales. One of the main arguments made by market advocates in favour of extending programmes of school choice was that this would drive up standards. However, despite 12 years of relevant experience in the UK, it remains very difficult to test this claim. This paper examines some practical difficulties before presenting three possible models for considering changes in educational standards over time. The results are inconclusive, possibly even contradictory. The measures, such as GCSE and A levels, extending back to 1988 and beyond, have clearly increased in prevalence. In terms of these measures, students from state-funded education have also reduced the 'gap' relative to those from fee-paying institutions. However, it is not clear that either of these developments is market related. In addition, there is no evidence yet that these improvements indicate any breakage in the strong link between the socio-economic background of students and their school outcomes.  相似文献   

中国加入世贸组织,这不仅为我国获得了更加稳定的国际经贸环境,为改革开放带来了新的机遇,而且还为我国的教育改革带来了更大的机遇。一、抢占教育市场的出发点(一)国民素质水平的高低关系到我国国际竞争力的强弱教育是培养各级各类专门人才、提高国民素质的基础性产业,教育产业的水平和教育发达程度,直接决定国民素质的竞争力,从而决定国家与地区的综合竞争力。联合国开发计划署1990年在《关于人的发展的报告》中提出:“发展的指标不应限于人均收入,还应包括有关健康、饮食和营养、拥有可饮用水、教育和环境等数据。”据国际…  相似文献   

相关研究发现,儿童早期的入学准备状况能够很好地预测儿童入学后的学校适应,那些在入学准备上存在风险的儿童,将在学校适应上面临更多的问题。因此,及时对学龄儿童采取相应的教育干预,可有效地提高其入学准备水平,为其顺利适应学校生活打下良好基础。文章在实证研究的基础上,结合我国儿童在入学准备方面存在的问题和不足。提出了儿童入学准备的三级教育干预模型:家庭环境的准备、学前教育环境的准备和学校环境的准备。  相似文献   

经过30多年的经济改革与发展,我国经济建设取得了令人瞩目的成绩.但是与此同时,由于在长期经济发展中积累而形成的各种矛盾也变得更加突出.因此,如何正确处理和化解各种社会矛盾已成为当前我国经济发展中亟需解决的课题.市场化改革成功的逻辑在于从市场体制推进到市场社会.市场社会不是市场化的社会,而是强调要重塑市场的社会基础,体制转型与社会转型并重,形成市场化的社会支撑.我国30多年改革的成就在于实现经济体制转轨,经济上高歌猛进;而与此相伴的问题是社会建设滞后.因此,在未来的市场化改革中应该着重于推进市场社会的建设.  相似文献   

边缘儿童往往表现为心理焦虑,行为偏差、交往不畅、游离群体等心理症状或行为问题。他们是有特殊需要的一类儿童,但其在正常教育机构中的特殊需要并未得到满足,生存现状不容乐观,这需要教师和家长针对边缘儿童问题给予及时关注和心理干预。本文通过个案观察法和访谈法分析边缘儿童成因,并在此基础上提出通过心智化教育减缓边缘儿童边缘化倾向;通过沙盘游戏减轻边缘儿童焦虑情绪和交往不畅;通过涂鸦游戏减少边缘儿童行为问题,以期为家长和教师提供教育借鉴。  相似文献   

自制度化教育产生以来,教育一直都是国家需要承担的一种公共责任。至近现代,国家是否应当承担教育责任、在多大程度上承担教育责任,以及承担什么样的教育责任,成为富有争议的问题。在现代化进程中,国家肩负了越来越多的教育职能,但对个体的伦理教化责任却不断式微。尽管现代国家的伦理精神在逐渐减弱,但国家对个体的伦理教化依然应当是其基本的教育责任。就教育来说,不丧失对国家共同体的道德想象,并以此来塑造现代国家的伦理精神,是现代教育不可或缺的。就国家而言,对个体的伦理教化之责应建立在追求民主和社会正义的价值之上,这是现代国家承担教育责任的道德合法性所在。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to describe the relationship between the creative abilities and the school grades of high school students in Poland. Almost six hundred (N = 589) students from 34 high schools from all over Poland participated in the study. Their creative abilities were measured by using the Test of Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP), and the school results were measured by GPA. Students’ intelligence level (as measured by the Raven's Progressive Matrices) and their gender were controlled. The analyses were based on OLS regressions as well as on multilevel models controlling for grouping students into classes. It was shown that creative abilities are not correlated with students’ GPA, yet the multilevel control of grouping students into classes demonstrated interesting and potentially important differences. In some schools, the relations were positive, strong and statistically significant, while in others they were non-existent or negative. The role of creative abilities for GPA was greater in larger schools and in schools located in big cities. We discuss the possible reasons for and consequences of our findings.  相似文献   

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