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微信发送语音形式的消息,使信息的传递更具人性化、更贴近生活。基于微信平台的家校沟通有许多优势,传统的家校沟通方式仍然是最主要的沟通方式,微信及微信平台支持下的家校沟通对传统家校沟通的一种补充和延伸。  相似文献   

家校之间的有效沟通,有助于形成强有力的家校共育局面,助推问题的解决。当前,家校沟通中常见的是问题取向的沟通方式,这种沟通方式聚焦问题,让家校双方都感到焦虑和无力,看不到问题解决的希望。基于“资源取向”的教育观,提出家校有效沟通的四步骤:建立同盟关系,明确目标,解决问题,跟踪目标。实践表明,此种沟通方式更适应新时代学生和家长的特点,更有利于形成家校开放接纳、合作共赢的局面。  相似文献   

在学校教育教学过程中,家校沟通的重要性毋庸置疑。当下随着互联网迅猛发展,家校沟通方式也在新时期走向多样化。在这样的大背景下,我们需要寻求新的载体,探索家校沟通的新模式,使家校联系在更高层面上,显示其更好的效果。本文旨在分析微信在家校沟通中的应用,使之成为家校沟通的有效途径,并希望借此能推动新型家校沟通方式的发展。  相似文献   

崔坤  李万正 《学周刊C版》2019,(19):172-172
家校沟通是家校合作的桥梁,是促进学生成长的一种重要手段,也是班级管理中一项不可或缺的常规工作。信息技术的发展,实现了信息通道的多元化,让家校沟通更加顺畅快捷。本文结合农村家校沟通实际,通过与传统方式的比较,论述了信息化家校沟通的优越性及应用方式。  相似文献   

小学阶段家校沟通现状的调查结果表明,虽然教师和家长对家校沟通的必要性已有一定的认识,但从沟通频率、目的和方式上仍存在许多问题。为促进家校之间的有效沟通,应建立家校沟通的长效机制,畅通沟通渠道、拓展沟通方式、讲究沟通艺术。  相似文献   

教师和家长都是孩子成长道路上最重要的人,有效的家校沟通是学校教育和家庭教育形成合力的纽带和桥梁。针对当前家校沟通中出现的问题,教师需要研究和探索有效的沟通方式,推动家校形成合力,共同促进学生的健康发展。萨提亚模式理论为解析家校沟通的问题提供了新的视角,更为提升沟通效果提供了有效的方法。  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,信息技术被日益广泛运用到家校沟通中,班主任经常使用QQ群、微信群、校讯通等工具,同时面向所有家长传递资讯。相比于电话、约谈、书信等传统的沟通方式,这无疑提升了班主任的工作效率。运用信息技术,以微信平台为例,班主任应充分挖掘微信群、微信公众号、朋友圈等相关功能,搭建便捷的沟通桥梁,拓展家校沟通宽度,延伸家校沟通深度,提升家校沟通温度,从而丰富家校沟通的维度,增强家校沟通的效能,家校合力,共同促进学生身心的全面发展。  相似文献   

家校沟通是教育走进千家万户的重要途径,是家长了解教育的重要方式。家校的有效沟通有助于学生的健康成长,受益的是一代人;家校的有效沟通,有助于家长乃至社会对教育的理解和认可,影响的是整个社会。只有有效的家校沟通才能形成全社会理解教育、支持教育的良性局面,才能促进教育事业的科学发展。  相似文献   

在日常教育教学工作中,学校和家长之间常因沟通不畅而产生误会,这就要求学校和老师要及时有效地做好家校沟通工作,保持家校沟通渠道的畅通,创新家校沟通方式,促进家校双方的互相理解,以获取家长对学校育人工作的配合。作为教育督导部门也应正视一些看似不大的问题矛盾,将其消灭在萌芽状态,以避免问题升级,酿成难以协调的家校矛盾冲突。  相似文献   

家校冲突是家校合作过程中的普遍现象,能够为我们反思与改进家校合作提供契机。导致家校冲突的原因是多元的,不可一概而论:有利益冲突,有权力冲突,有角色期望与感知的冲突,有沟通冲突。应对之策:修正观念偏差,采取差异化的家校冲突应对方式;建立健全法规制度,平衡教师的专业自主权和家长的教育参与权;提升家校沟通质量,重建教师和家长的信任关系;完善教师教育和家长教育,开展家校沟通培训指导。  相似文献   

The impact of family mobility from domestic or international moves can be challenging for families. Some families adjust and other families experience crisis. For some families, relocation may be due to a job promotion and transfer, while for other families moving may be due to divorce, loss of employment or other stressful circumstances. Regardless of whether the family perceives relocation as positive or negative, moving places demands on families and consequently families experience varying degrees of transience. This article is based upon a qualitative research study about internationally mobile (IM) families managing relocation and transience and the place of international schooling in that process. 90 semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 45 (IM) families at an international school in southern England. The study included an intervention that consisted of implementing a personal and social education (PSE) programme for families with adolescent children. Family involvement in PSE facilitated parent‐adolescent communication at a critical transitional stage as IM teenagers who grow up ‘on the move’ were experiencing complex emotional and social upheavals in relationships with their peers and their families. Although the focus of this study explored the experiences of a small sample of IM families, there are wider implications from the study. Family mobility presents an opportunity for schools to also work with families who experience domestic moves to ease the transition of children through pastoral care.  相似文献   

家庭与学校之间应该具有什么样的关系,是教育学术与政策研究十分关注的重要课题。作为美国学校与家庭伙伴关系建立的一种理论基础,重叠影响阈理论认为,家庭、学校与社区为学生成长承担共同的责任时对孩子的关系发生了重叠的影响,他们之间的影响力会不断累积,将孩子们置身于一个关怀型社区之中。文章主要阐释重叠影响理论与六种家庭参与学校教育的实践框架模式,希望对我国建立新型的家庭与学校关系提供有意义的思考。  相似文献   

Over time, schools have developed systems that include the families of children. Families often sign a home school agreement and attend parent forums or more formal meetings designed to plan provision for children with special educational needs. These endeavours, however, are arguably inadequate when the full influence of the family is properly acknowledged. Research makes clear that the main influencer on the child’s self-efficacy and therefore learning behaviours, is the family. This article reports findings from literature and a case study looking at making the most of the partnership between families and schools in order to meet the learning needs of individual children. It also addresses many barriers that families face in approaching schools and three ways schools in Cornwall, a rural county in South West England, are 'opening out’ their practice. The case study provides evidence of the progress children made in learning as a response to the new school and family partnership.  相似文献   

Private tutoring (PT) is becoming a worldwide phenomenon. In Israel too, about a third of elementary school students participate in PT. Based on sociological and school quality considerations, we examined school characteristics that are associated with PT intensity at school. The data encompassed a random state wide sample of 389 Israeli elementary schools collected by the Ministry of Education in 2012. The results showed that in high school socioeconomic status (SES) schools the percentage of students who participated in PT was higher compared to low SES schools. In high SES, schools with high PT intensity were characterized by high school achievements whereas in low SES, schools were characterized with low school achievements. PT seems to be a factor that increases the social distinction between high and low SES schools. In Israel, PT seems to create distinct ‘school enclaves’ that reproduce social inequality.  相似文献   

现代信息技术的发展必将改变学校组织形态。美国一直在积极探索基于现代信息技术支持的学校可能的组织形态,虚拟高中是其中一种,近几年呈现蓬勃发展之势。虚拟高中倡导个性化、自主性、便利性的学习,并采取弹性的注册入学制度、分类的学分制管理、开放的课程设置,以确保高质量的教育教学。重视资格认证、重视对学生的管理支持与辅导、重视学校和家庭的沟通以及便利的信息技术支持是虚拟高中办学过程中的关键要素。  相似文献   

School psychologists are encouraged to establish family–school partnerships with culturally and linguistically diverse families across the spectrum of child development. Partnerships and collaborations have been described in prior literature as bidirectional, nonhierarchical relationships between families and schools, expanding on the more traditional but limited concept of unidirectional parent involvement in school. This qualitative study describes five specialist‐level school psychology interns’ experiences facilitating family–school partnerships with culturally diverse families during their internship year. Findings focus on defining and identifying characteristics of family–school partnerships from interns’ recollections of their lived experiences. Five salient elements characterized the practical experience of a partnership: requisite situations for partnering, stakeholder involvement, intern's actions, intern's emotional responses, and the outcome or quality of the family–school partnership. These findings have implications for the training of school psychologists and the ways that family–school interactions are conceptualized both in training programs and in school settings.  相似文献   

Using the pooled 1998–2000 GSS data, this study examines what kinds of parents tend to select non‐public schools for their children, a question that is fundamental but lacks direct, adequate answers in the literature. The results of logistic regression analysis show that religion, socio‐economic status, age, nativity, number of children and region play significant roles in parental choice of religious schools, but race, gender, urban residence and family composition make no difference. Parental socio‐economic status is a key factor in determining their choice of non‐religious private schools. Currently, no significant differences in demographic, religious, socio‐economic and family‐structure characteristics can be detected with regard to which parents are more likely to home‐school their children. Implications of the findings are considered.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a survey of parental involvement (PI) policy and practice in middle schools in a large New Zealand city. Principals at all 11 middle schools in the city were contacted and agreed to be interviewed. Interviews were conducted using a schedule that focuses on 11 aspects of PI: encouraging parents into school, policy formation, acting as a resource, collaborating with teachers, sharing information on children, channels of communication, liaison with school staff, parent education, parent support, involving diverse parents, and teacher professional development. Analysis of data from the interviews indicates that there are some common strengths and weaknesses with regard to PI in middle schools. There were also important differences between schools in the types of PI they engaged in as well as some clear gaps in provision. Implications for improving the practice of PI in middle schools and for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

High rates of absenteeism are often an early warning sign for negative long-term outcomes. Typical high school attendance policies, especially those that are punitive in nature, can make attendance problems worse. Fortunately, evidence suggests that even small improvements in student attendance can lead to meaningful outcomes. To support this recovery, high schools must have access to the most effective and efficient attendance interventions. The purpose of this systematic literature review is to summarize the current empirical research related to improving attendance in high schools. Results indicate that the 3 most common elements of high school attendance interventions with desired outcomes were skills training, family support, and incentive-based strategies. We discuss implications for future research and suggest that developing a continuum of research-supported practices within a multi-tiered system of support framework may be an effective way for schools to proactively and efficiently improve student attendance at the high school level.  相似文献   

This study examines the differential patterns of school success of rural students as a result of China’s market transition. The process dimension, how families from different social backgrounds within rural society get involved in rural schooling and how this contributes to the inequality of school success within rural society, is investigated. The data analysis suggests that schools as institutions provide few official channels for rural parents to participate in rural schools and help their children to achieve school success. This raises the importance of families’ strategic initiatives to employ guanxi within family, community and between school and family. These make the point that guanxi and their employment have become an important mechanism for social inclusion and exclusion in the competition for advantages in school success in post-socialist China.  相似文献   

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