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Foluso Okebukola 《Literacy》2012,46(2):94-100
Drawing on the bilingual policies and biliteracy programmes of African nations, this paper discusses the context of literacy education in Nigeria and examines Nigerian early literacy teachers’ attitudes to teaching literacy and literacy teaching practices as informed by the National Policy on Education, Primary English Language Curriculum and the teaching–learning milieu. The paper also reports the findings of a survey in which respondents to a questionnaire expressed their views and understanding of the primary English curriculum and their own relations and experiences with it, as well as their own competencies and self‐concept as literacy teachers. Results indicated the need to train Nigerian teachers to adopt a much wider perspective in literacy, which recognises the opportunities for developing the interrelated strands of literacy. Governments should also consider practising teachers’ professional identities and growth in decision‐making and curriculum development. This will enhance their understanding of ideologies in policy and practice.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that Nigeria has at least 400 indigenous languages in addition to English, Arabic and Pidgin. The Nigerian language space contains a variety of microcultures and many traditional ethnolinguistic groups. Due to the extremely complex and complicated linguistic ecology, successive governments have found it difficult to take a bold and clear policy position on languages within the country. The boldest policy statements yet are those in the 1979 Constitution and in the National Policy on Education. When read in conjunction, the provisions lead to the conclusion that government recognizes Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba as the three major languages which have official recognition. No clear statements are made on the other languages, a situation that has engendered a feeling of alienation and frustration in speakers of those languages. This paper will look at the antecedents of these policies, the tensions generated by them and the implications of language practices in education in different parts of Nigeria, as well as the psychological effects of belonging to major or minor language groups within the country.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study on National Policy initiative to introduce computers into primary education curriculum in the developing nation of Nigeria. The continuous assessment (CA) procedure has been entrenched in the National Policy on Education (1981 revised) but practice of it has been tendentious and tedious. The introduction of computer in schools poses a challenge to teachers and schools administrators. The National Policy on Computer Education stipulates that primary schools that can afford the cost should integrate computers in their classrooms. So far, there has been no national primary curriculum in computer education since the policy was launched in 1988. A computer package for continuous assessment practice at primary level of education was developed and field-tested in selected private primary schools in the country. The schools are those of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)* at Kaduna (north), Port Harcourt (southeast), Warri (south) and Mosimi near Lagos (southwest). The results of field-testing show that the computer package can successfully be integrated into the primary school system. This is the first step towards computer education integration into the primary curriculum in Nigeria. Further research field tests computer packages on selected strategic primary schools subjects (English language, mathematics, social studies and elementary science). With this, it is hoped that a tentative national curriculum on computer education will evolve. Les Progiciels Informatiques pour la Pratique de l'Evaluation continue dans la Classe. Cet article est le rapport d'une étude À l'initiative de la National Policy pour introduire les ordinateurs dans le curriculum de l'enseignement primaire d'un pays en voie de développement, une étude de cas en Nigeria. La procédure d'évaluation continue (CA) a été introduite dans la National Policy en matiere d'éducation (revisée en 1981) mais la pratique a été tendancieuse et pénible. L'introduction de l'ordinateur À l'école constitue un challenge pour les enseignants et les administrateurs des écoles. Cette e National Policy f stipule que les écoles primaires qui peuvent en payer le prix devraient intégrer les ordinateurs dans leurs classes. Mais jusqu'À présent il n'y a pas eu de curriculum sur l'éducation par l'ordinateur depuis le lancement de cette politique en 1988. Un progiciel pour l'évaluation continue au niveau primaire a été élaboré et testé dans des écoles privées sélectionnées dans le pays. Ces écoles sont celles de la corporation nigerienne nationale pour le pétrole (NNPC) À Kaduna (dans le Nord) Port Harcourt (Sud Est), Warri (dans le sud) et Mosimi près de Lagos (Sud Ouest). Les résultats de ces testes montrent que le e package f informatique peut être intégré avec succès dans le système de l'enseignement primaire. Ceci a été la première étape en rue de l'intégration de l'ordinateur dans la curriculum de l'enseignement primaire au Nigeria. Les recherches ultérieurs prévoient de tester les e progiciels f informatiques dans des domaines stratégiques choisis dans l'école primaire (anglais mathématiques, sciences sociales et sciences élémentaires). De la sorte , nous espérons qu'un première tentative de curriculum national sur l'informatique pourra être développé. Bewertungsmöglichkeiten von Computer gestützten Lernerfahrungen bei Grundschülern. Dieser Artikel berichtet über eine Studie zur staatlichen Initiative, Computer in der Grundschule eines Entwicklungslandes einzusetzen: eine Studie am Beispiel Nigerias. Die ständige Bewertung (Continuous Assessment CA) ist Teil der nationalen Bildungspolitik (wurde 1981 erneuert), aber ihre Anwendung ist langsam und tendenziös. Die Einführung von Computern in den Schulen ist eine Herausforderung an Lehrer und Verwaltung. Die offizielle Politik zur Computer gestützten Ausbildung sieht vor, dass Grundschulen, die es sich finanziell leisten können, Computer in ihren Klassen einführen sollen. Bis jetzt gibt es jedoch keinen Lehrplan zum Computer gestützten Lernen im Grundschulbereich seit Bekanntgabe dieser Strategie im Jahre 1988. Ein Computerprogramm, das den Kenntnisstand in der Grundschule erfasst wurde entwickelt und in einigen ausgewählten Grundschulen des Landes getestet.. Die Schulen sind: die Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in Kaduma (Norden), Port Harcourt (Südost), Warri (Süden) und Mosimi bei Lagos (Südwest). Die Resultate dieses Tests belegen, dass das Computerprogramm erfolgreich in den Grundschulen angewendet werden kann. Dies ist ein erster Schritt, Computer gestütztes Lernen Grundschulbereich in den Fächern Englisch, Mathematik, Sozialkunde und Naturkunde einzusetzen, werden folgen. Wir hoffen, dass sich daraus ein Landeslehrplan für Computer gestütztes Lernen entwickelt. in den nigerianischen Lehrplan zu integrieren. Weitere Versuche, Computerprogramme im  相似文献   

In 1989 the Nigerian Government issued a major sports policy document, ostensibly representing an unprecedented initiative to maximise the effectiveness of national sports agencies. This policy anticipates a key role for the higher education sector in sports programme reform. The purpose of this paper is to assess the extent to which the Nigerian university sector has adjusted its sports ethos in line with the national sports policy objectives and to review the implications of the current trends for involvement of higher education in sports policy making arenas in Nigeria.  相似文献   

In highlighting the nature of educational television in Nigeria, the author traces the development of television in Nigeria, discusses aspects of instructional and educational television and looks at their importance in Nigerian education and national development. Some of the educational programmes broadcast on Nigerian television are described and the major problems facing the television industry are discussed. The author proposes some recommendations for solving those problems.  相似文献   

目前全国高校普遍存在着对大学语文教学的母语教学功能重视不足的问题,大学语文教学中应有的母语教学功能也在日益削弱。在大学语文教学中强化母语教学迫在眉睫。如何行之有效地强化大学语文教学中的母语教学,本文将从实践改革角度对其加以探寻。  相似文献   

美国国家标准学校健康教育课程模式及评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
开设健康教育课程是学校开展健康教育、向学生灌输健康知识和培养健康行为的重要途径之一。1995年美国健康标准联合委员会颁布了《国家健康教育标准》,为美国中小学健康教育课程的设置提供了政策性支持和依据标准,并对学校健康教育课程的内容、特点、实施和评价等作出了明确的规定。该标准可为我国学校健康教育课程的改革和发展提供积极的借鉴。  相似文献   

本研究将政策文本中的价值分为反映物质层面的实体价值和反映精神层面的符号价值。通过对《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》的价值结构分析以及与改革开放以来前三次教育改革政策文本的比较,《规划纲要》的价值结构具有以下特征:1、实体价值比重大于符号价值,价值组合以实体价值为主;2、实体价值比重上升,技术价值占实体价值首位3;、符号价值比重下降,意识形态和规划目标是符号价值的主要组成部分。研究进一步指出,《规划纲要》价值结构的变化体现了政策制定者更加注重以人为本、公平等价值观念。  相似文献   

This article focuses on education in Guinea-Bissau in the context of globalisations, examining the concept of globalisation and its relation to education and the curriculum. It focuses on the relatively neglected area of national education policies in Guinea-Bissau, comparing differences and common points of interference/influence of multilateral (international and regional) and bilateral organisations in these policies. Data collection was based on content analysis of a corpus of documents – the Education Act, the document of Portuguese Cooperation Programme, the Education Sector Policy Paper, the Education for All National Plan of Action, and Policy n. 3/2007/CM/UEMOA – and field notes collected from 2009 to 2012. The article argues that there is a tendency for the homogenisation of curriculum policies, at least at the macro-level, due to the different types of pressures coming from international/regional organisations.  相似文献   

The intention of this article is to present the way in which a proposal was put forward for a national basic curriculum for the lower level of secondary education in Guatemala, within a general curricular reform of the education system. In this process, the International Bureau of Education and UNESCO’s national office in the country provided technical advice. The article examines the socio-cultural and educational context, some conceptual foundations for the curricular reform, the construction of the curriculum for lower secondary education, some features of the proposed curriculum and the outlook for the future. The process of curriculum construction included a diagnosis, drawing up a strategy for reforming the first cycle of secondary education and preparation of the proposed curriculum. Likewise, the authors present the steps that must be taken in order for the national basic curriculum to be adopted, subject, amongst other factors, to the availability of funding. Original language: Spanish Linda Asturias de Barrios (Guatemala) Doctorate in Anthropology from the University at Albany, State University of New York. Postgraduate studies in Public Policies and Intercultural Affairs at the Universidad del Valle, Guatemala. She has taught at secondary school and university level. As a researcher, she has published books and articles on ethnology, development and education in Guatemala and Central America. At the Ministry of Education she has worked as Co-ordinator of the National and International Co-operation Unit (1997–1999), Co-ordinator of the Reform of Secondary Education (2004–2006) and Co-ordinator of the Reform of Lower Secondary Education (2007). E-mail: lindaasturias@yahoo.com Verónica Mérida Arellano (Guatemala) Teacher of secondary school language and literature and graduate in Literature and Philosophy at Rafael Landívar University. She completed a master’s degree in education and curriculum at the University del Valle, Guatemala. She has been a university lecturer. She has published books and articles on the teaching of Maya as a mother tongue and Spanish as a second language. She has worked as curriculum specialist at the Ministry of Education (1985–1991) and as Co-ordinator of Teacher-Training Programmes at Rafael Landívar University. From 2005 to 2007 she acted as Curriculum Consultant for Lower Secondary Education at the Ministry of Education. E-mail: vmeridaguate@yahoo.com.mx  相似文献   

This paper examines the vocational education aspects of the new National Policy on Education (NPE) in Nigeria. The NPE advocates a 6+3+3+4 system which means that the educational system would be divided into six years of primary school, three years in a junior secondary school, three years in either a senior secondary school, a technical or teacher training college and four years in a university. The junior secondary school will be terminal for those who do not have the aptitude for the more academic subjects of senior secondary school and the emphasis at this stage would be both pre-vocational and academic. While it is generally thought that the vocational provision outline in the NPE would help to lay the foundation for a modern technological society, it is clearly an over-simplistic appraisal of the Nigerian socio-economic background. First, the selection for the trainees in vocational education is not usually from an open population in terms of relevant characteristics but from a closed population, those who had already proved to be of lower than average ability, by failing to gain entry to the ‘academic’ senior secondary school. The social implication of such a situation is that trainees in vocational education are caught up in an ‘ecological niche’ in society as fishermen, miners and other direct producers. Secondly, when the elite, the top federal government officials, advocate vocational expansion, it is often for other peoples' children rather than their own. Furthermore, as could be seen from the results of the Udoji report set by the government to harmonize civil service salaries, those who had academic qualifications from schooling rather than vocational qualifications were more favoured. Thus this paper calls for a rethink of the NPE, bearing in mind the realities of the Nigerian educational system and the job market.  相似文献   

英国教育体制由于沿袭地方分权制的传统,教师历来对学校课程有着极大的控制权。但是,1988年国家课程改革,特别是国家统一课程体系建立后,教师对课程的控制权日渐式微。随着国家课程改革实践的深入,国家课程刻板且缺乏灵活性的特征也显现出来。2000年和2008年制定的新国家课程标准针对国家课程的这一弊端进行了改革。在这两次国家课程标准的改革中,特色学校计划被引入,并逐渐确立了以特色促统一的国家课程改革走向。  相似文献   

语文教育的健康、和谐发展是需要一定的教育理念作指导的,而新理念不是凭空产生的,是有特定的原因的。根据时代的发展,教育的变革、国际和国内基础教育改革、国外母语课程改革以及语文教育自身的矛盾运动等新形势,探讨语文教育新理念提出的背景,对于重构语文教育的目标体系,推动语文教育改革向纵深发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   

This book is the first publication in the fifth series of seminars organised by the SEN Policy Options Steering Group to examine policy issues to do with special educational needs. The aim of the seminar was to examine in depth several underlying issues raised by the recent Audit Commission Reports on special educational needs. The seminar provided a distinctive perspective and analysis of these reports. The focus was on (1) assurance for parents: alternatives to statements? (2) justifying common national definitions of difficulties and SEN and (3) managing inclusion. Papers were presented by: Peter Gray, SEN Policy Consultant, on common national definitions of difficulties and SEN; Penny Richardson from Nottinghamshire Local Education Authority (LEA) on assurance for parents: alternatives to statements? and Chris Beek from Capita Strategic Education Services on managing inclusion. The main purpose of this publication is to provide policy makers at all levels of the education system with an examination of relevant and practical policy options in the field of special educational needs. The book raises crucial issues and outlines ways forward.  相似文献   

A key element in the current attempt to actualise the goals of the Dakar Framework of Action for Education for All in Nigeria is the broadening of access to education for disadvantaged groups. These groups include: nomadic pastoralists; migrant fishermen; and out-of-school children and youth. Special educational programs are being provided for them so as, inter alia, to: integrate them into the mainstream of Nigeria's social and political life; disseminate modern occupational and life skills; and promote cultural renewal based on reconstructionist principles.The major concern of this paper is to analyse the teacher education curriculum in Nigeria vis-à-vis the concrete existential realities in which teachers of these disadvantaged groups teach. It critically examines the extent to which the curriculum prepares teachers for the world of minority children, particularly the realities of the schools and the cultural contexts within which teaching takes place. To what extent has the teacher education curriculum adequately prepared teachers for the realities and challenges of teaching disadvantaged children? What do the teachers themselves think of the training they have received? How have their experiences as teachers of disadvantaged groups influenced their sense of marginalisation, professionalism and sense of worth? These questions are posed using quantitative and qualitative strategies so as to determine the level of congruence or incongruence between the existential realities of teachers’ work and the teacher education curriculum. Finally the paper highlights the suggestions made by the teachers sampled for this study about how to reform the teacher education curriculum in order most effectively to address the peculiarities and challenges of the cultural and educational contexts in which they work.  相似文献   


This paper describes a random sample of serving agricultural science teachers in Delta State, Nigeria, as a background to understanding their views on four selected approaches for effective vocationalisation of secondary school agriculture. These approaches were used to develop a 23-item questionnaire based on current literature. A five-point Likert-type scale was used to determine how well the views of the respondents corresponded with the items in the questionnaire. Results showed, among others, that the average teaching experience of the 322 sampled teachers was 12.9 years; 50.6 % of the respondents were BSc(Ed) degree holders; 38.8% had Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE), while 10.6% were Higher National Diploma (HND) holders. The respondents agreed that the identified approaches were necessary for effective vocationalisation of secondary school agriculture. The paper therefore recommends that the identified approaches should be pursued by the Nigerian government to ensure that vocational agriculture in secondary schools achieves the goals of the National Policy on Education.  相似文献   

五四运动前后,随着商务印书馆所摄《盲童教育》、《驱灭蚊蝇》等教育电影公映,借助"假娱乐倡教育"理念,中国自制教育电影开始大量出现。南京国民政府成立后,因意识形态宣教以及国家经济、文化各项基本建设宣传需要,自上而下将教育电影纳入官营体系,旨在以影像方式唤起民众,用电光影戏想象现代国家,型塑新国民;而教育电影通过将教育元素渗透到娱乐性光影中,大大拓展了教育的涵盖面,其不以盈利为目的的政府推广模式,使得知识阶层与下层社会之间产生了前所未有的互动,广大知识浅陋的民众获得了与知识阶层相互沟通的话语体系,并建立起共同的现代常识。国家想象深深影响着教育电影的意识走向。  相似文献   

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has emerged as a global policy in language education which has been ‘borrowed’ by nations across the world. This paper presents a critical analysis of Malaysia’s borrowing of the CEFR as part of English language curriculum reform with particular reference to policy motivation and implementation processes as outlined in the English Language Education Roadmap for Malaysia (2015–2025). The analysis draws on Phillips and Ochs’s (2003, “Processes of Policy Borrowing in Education: Some Explanatory and Analytical Devices.” Comparative Education 39 (4): 451–461.) framework for examining educational policy borrowing to highlight challenges as well as prospects of the implementation of the global policy in higher education in Malaysia.  相似文献   

Kenya’s language-in-education policy supports mother-tongue education as the ideal approach to developing language and literacy skills of young learners. The policy has been informed by findings of various past national education commissions as well as international declarations such as the UNESCO declaration on the use of Vernacular Languages in Education of 1953, the World Declaration on Education for All of 1990 and the Dakar framework of 2000. The country’s Constitution of 2010 re-affirms this policy. However, available reports indicate that little progress has been made in implementing the use of Kenyan mother tongues in education. This paper reports on impressions gained in the process of collecting and analysing data for a doctoral study still in progress. Preliminary findings indicate that in most urban and peri-urban schools, where the learner population is highly multilingual, the policy has been implemented in such a way that in effect either the notion of ‘mother tongue’ seems to have been redefined or the term is used in an unconventional way. Even in rural areas where, comparatively, there is minimal diversity, practical aspects of the use of mother tongue in education seem not to be in accordance with policy provisions. Learning materials and assessment systems are not suitably structured to enable mother-tongue education to take place. The paper (1) gives an impression of the status quo regarding use of language in multilingual primary school classrooms in Kenya, (2) considers the different interpretations given to the term ‘mother tongue’ in current classroom practices and (3) provides pointers to the gap between de jure and de facto policy, which may eventually be helpful in improving the implementation of the current language-in-education policy, in such a way that it will strengthen mother-tongue literacy and facilitate eventual transfer to English as medium of instruction.  相似文献   

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