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教育信息化作为推动社会教育公平和提高教育质量的有效方式,是教育现代化的重要内容和标志。近年来,为了推动教育优质均衡发展、促进社会经济持续增长,肯尼亚政府积极推进本国的基础教育信息化建设。文章主要对肯尼亚基础教育信息化建设的动因、措施进行了分析,指出肯尼亚主要从教育现代化角度,来考虑开展基础教育信息化建设;同时,肯尼亚通过制定政策战略规划、投入大量建设经费、扩大基础设施建设、开展教育师资培训、进行课堂教学改革等措施,构建了立体式的教育信息化发展体系。上述做法有力地促进了肯尼亚基础教育信息化的建设与发展,其做法和经验可在政策设计、经费投入、设施建设、师资培训、教学改革等方面为我国提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the connection between education and wage inequality in Spain for the period 1994–2001. Drawing on quantile regression, we describe the conditional wage distribution of different populations groups. We find that higher education is associated with higher wage dispersion. A contribution of the paper is that we explicitly take into account the fact that workers who are and workers who are not in jobs commensurate with their qualifications have a different distribution of earnings. We differentiate between three different types of educational mismatch: ‘over-qualification’, ‘incorrect qualification’, and ‘strong mismatch’. We find that while over-qualification and incorrect qualification are not associated with lower wages, strong mismatch carries a pay penalty that ranges from 13% to 27%. Thus, by driving a wedge between matched and mismatched workers, the incidence of strong mismatch contributes to enlarge wage differences within education groups. We find that over the recent years, the proportion of strongly mismatched workers rose markedly in Spain, contributing toward further within-groups dispersion.  相似文献   

The first step toward the introduction and development of university education in Kenya was taken in 1961, when the then Royal College, Nairobi, was elevated to university college status under a special arrangement with the University of London. However, it was not until 1970 that the University College of Nairobi attained university status. Although comparatively young, state universities in Kenya have accomplished a lot. They accomplished their initial mission of producing adequate human resources for the civil service, national corporations, and the private sector; graduated thousands of students; and helped foster an intellectual community in the country. In just 30 years, public higher education has expanded from a single university (the University of Nairobi) to the current 6 public universities: Nairobi, Moi, Kenyatta, Egerton, Jomo Kenyatta, and Maseno. In spite of this growth, public universities in Kenya have faced enrollments beyond their capacity to plan and finance, fiscal challenges beyond their control, a decline in quality beyond their anticipation, and weak management practices beyond their level of training. To help solve some of these problems, private universities have increasingly emerged and gained ground in the country as an alternative route to higher education provision. This article seeks to examine some of the trends, prospects, and challenges to the emergence and development of private university education in Kenya.  相似文献   

Policy‐makers in the 1980s sought to restructure education on the basis of market principles, and in particular to effect site‐based or devolved school management. The reform of ‘management’, therefore, has become of central importance for policy makers. This paper explores two influences on the contemporary management of education: first, intellectual ideas drawn from postmodernist theory and chaos theory; and second, the culture of postmodernism. It argues that they disrupt and undermine traditional assumptions in educational administration and management. In response, modernist management theorists and policy makers may attempt to refine their legitimatory rhetorics by appealing in a superficial way to these cultural and intellectual changes, thereby seeking to neutralize their disruptive potential. In sum, a modernist makeover may be in the making.

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The intent of the article is to provide an analysis of Catalan language use in the school classroom from a historical, political and socio-linguistic perspective. In so doing, this article seeks to explain Catalan's remarkable revival in Catalonia over the past twenty years, particularly in the area of education. Catalan language policy in the schools mirrors language policies pursued in other sectors of Catalan society, and is consistent with Catalan's increasing social and institutional use. The article steadily narrows the focus of its analysis, beginning first with a discussion at the national level, then at the regional level, and finally at the school level. Subsequent to this analysis, the article then sets out what it considers to be the principal challenges facing Catalan in the schools today and in the years ahead, and possible solutions to them.  相似文献   

In this article we explore education policy changes in South Africa through a rights-based framework. We situate our analysis in the context of deepening poverty and inequality arguing that progress (or the lack thereof) in schools cannot be divorced from poverty and its consequences. We show that education reform in South Africa has been situated within a policy frame that results in a tension between cost recovery and redressing historical backlogs. We argue that the introduction of user fees and the burden of other costs have rendered abstract the idea of education as a ‘right’. The definition of rights is extended to include the quality of education and educational opportunities. We question the constitutional and legislative romanticism surrounding a rights-based discourse and encourage a re-conceptualisation of human rights in education. Finally, we examine the resurgence of education social movements in relation to democratisation, educational transformation and human rights in South Africa.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - In response to declining governmental funding, cost-sharing in higher education and dual-track tuition policies were introduced in the 1990s in Kenya. The...  相似文献   

The French republican principles upon which public education is based include strict separation of religion from schooling. At the same time, public funds subsidise a large number of private schools, over 90% Catholic. Virtually no recognition or public support is provided for Muslim or Jewish schools, nor is there any public or group demand that it do so. This article examines the complex and changing context in which Muslim identity has evolved in France for and by second and third generation immigrants of Muslim origin from the Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) or to a lesser degree from ex-Yugoslavia, Turkey or sub Saharan Africa. The latest phase is the most confrontational as the Muslim origin population, regardless of its actual heterogeneity or length of stay in France, is affected by the waves of terrorism and fundamentalism flowing from the Algerian civil war. Ill-informed French public opinion frequently amalgamates all Maghreb or Machrek individuals and communities when faced with the threat of violence. This article situates the official discourse which proclaims that the state and its schools promote a secular and equal opportunity for all and at the same time makes no allowance for cultural, linguistic, religious or socio-economic diversity. It examines more recent attempts by French governments to address the longer term needs and aspirations (especially religious) of immigrant populations of Muslim origin as it becomes clear that these populations are massively becoming French citizens and have no further plans to return to countries of origin. The article concludes with reflections on the specificity of the French approach to religious and cultural diversity. Above all, it emphasises a certain unity of view across political parties and communities that this specificity, although in crisis, does not require major change of the traditional republican approach.  相似文献   


This paper evaluates the market orientation of the Executive MBA program offered at Saint Joseph's University (Philadelphia) using input from a study of current and past students. The EMBA program was evaluated in terms of twelve skills and knowledge areas measuring effective managerial performance and the student-executives' perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of the program in delivering these skills. Both the positive and the negative feedback received from student-executives' evaluation since have been used by the program to identify consumer needs, make curriculum adjustments, and enhance market efforts on an on-going basis. It is believed that the results, which benefited Saint Joseph's, could also be beneficial to other universities with an existing EMBA program or who are considering starting an EMBA program.  相似文献   

为满足国内激增的大学入学需求、平衡不同区域的发展差异,肯尼亚的大学自20世纪80年代起开始向农村地区扩张,即大学“下乡”.然而,由于没有制定统一的规划、缺乏足够的资金以及受国内部族主义的负面影响,肯尼亚的大学“下乡”在许多方面并没有实现预期目标.相反,出现了高等教育结构失衡、大学社会功能弱化、大学教育质量下降和大学部族化等问题.  相似文献   

肯尼亚高等学校的科研受国家整体发展水平,特别是经济发展水平的限制,在科研的组织、队伍建设、物质条件,特别是与产业联系等方面都面临深重的危机,因此试图通过加强与产业的联系缓解自己的困境.这类尝试取得了一些效果,但目前还存在涉及政府、高等学校和企业各方面从认识到实践的很多问题.由此,肯尼亚各界提出了一些关于三方相关责任和作用的建议和对策.这些建议和对策尽管对当前肯尼亚的问题有针对性,但还缺乏更长远、更系统的思考.  相似文献   

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