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威廉二世有建立海军强国的强烈欲望,他在确立了个人统治之后,重组海军部,极力协调"保守派"和"激进派"的海军建设路线之争,加强对海军的宣传,控制舆论导向,争取国会对海军扩张计划的支持。威廉二世的这些举措和努力,为德国海军战略思想转变与海军建设廓清了道路,使德国海军终于进入了大发展时代。  相似文献   

作为清朝北洋水师防御体系的重要的组成部分 ,旅顺海防一直受到人们的重视。旅顺北洋水师的创立与旅顺水师营的建革有密切的关系 ,旅顺水师营的创建与发展在清朝海军发展史上有着重要的地位和作用。我们可以从旅顺水师营的沿革中认识清朝辽南地区海防建设的发展。  相似文献   

清季中国近代海军之基在于福州船政,福州船政的兴衰系决于清廷发展海军的方针的演变,福州船政的兴衰和国防战略的演变则影响、决定着中国近代海军的兴衰。  相似文献   

同治十一年,李成谋由福建水师提督转任长江水师提督,成为长江水师第二任提督。光绪十八年,李成谋因病去世,任长江水师提督一职近20年。在所有长江水师提督中,他是任职最长的一位提督。他巡查长江水师,不辞劳苦,低调做人做事,还兼领南洋海军6年。他严格执行长江水师定章,采取诸多手段,逆转同治末年长江水师的颓势,使长江水师免于重蹈清朝绿营水师的覆辙。在他的整顿和督查下,长江水师较好地履行了捕盗、缉私、护卡和御侮的主要职责。  相似文献   

在北洋海军的创建与发展过程中,周馥发挥了极大的作用。他建设海军基地,形成了较为完整的北洋海军防御体系;制定北洋海军章程,使北洋海军的正规化建设和军队战斗力的提高有了制度保障;协办天津武备学堂,培养了一大批近代军事人才。周馥这些历史贡献正是其重视海防的近代国防思想的重要体现。  相似文献   

从《英德海军协定》被英德双方签订到希特勒将其撕毁的四年中,德国潜艇部队从该协定中受益匪浅,迅速扩充,发展了新的学说,为其在第二次世界大战中发动潜艇作战奠定了基础。协定试图将德国海军的军备发展控制在一定的范围内,然而英国没有正确认识潜艇巨大的潜力,因此没有对德国潜艇的发展施加必要的限制,同时协定忽视制定战争法则来限制德国潜艇的使用,这些缺陷反而为德国海军军备扩张尤其是德国潜艇部队的扩张提供了促进作用。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代,中国海军装备基础薄弱,人才缺乏。为了能够建设一支新中国海军力量,在中苏友好背景下,中国陆续派遣海军学员赴苏留学。留苏海军学员在艰苦紧张的学习与生活环境下,经过不断的努力,顺利完成学业。回国后,他们成为中国人民海军的中坚力量,并利用在苏联学到的先进海军技术和战略、战术,服务于中国海军建设,为人民海军的发展做出了突出贡献。  相似文献   

旗语是海军信息交流的一种平台,而旗语操则是以海军旗语为母体,结合小学生特点对其进行体育加工改造而成的一种具有海军特色的体育运动项目。本文通过采用分组实验法对武汉市东方红小学1-6年级学生进行教学对照实验,分析旗语操对小学生成长阶段生理、心理的锻炼作用,从而为旗语操的进一步推广奠定科学基础。  相似文献   

This article discusses the status of workplace training in the United States, describes a model of how to conduct effective on-the-job training, and presents the results of a questionnaire based on a model designed to assess on-the-job training practices aboard Navy ships. The model views the on-the-job trainer as a coach who guides the trainee through a task using three steps: 1) assessment, 2) training, and 3) evaluation. The questionnaire was sent to over 5,000 shipboard supervisors; 2,321 responded. Results indicate that nearly 50% of the Navy supervisors who responded are not as effective as they could be. The implications of these findings for the civilian workplace are discussed.  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》强调后勤保障是决定战争胜败的物质基础。从《孙子兵法》后勤思想看,甲午中日战争北洋海军失败的原因与其后勤保障弊端有直接的关系,主要表现在缺乏海军后勤保障的战略眼光、舰船普遍严重失修、弹药质量差与配拨制度弊端等方面。北洋海军的后勤保障不力,既揭示了李鸿章等人不可推卸的统帅责任,又折射出清王朝的体制弊端与制度腐败。  相似文献   

Based on the success reported by the behaviorally oriented programmed instruction movement in the 1960s, the Navy in the late 1960s and early 1970s began to individualize and self-pace a number of their high student throughput apprentice training courses. To facilitate self-pacing the Navy set up a centralized computer-managed instruction (CMI) system to manage self-paced courses. This paper describes the evolution of that CMI system, reviews a number of studies done on the system over 10 years (many of which were published as internal technical reports with restricted distribution), describes the demise of the system, and discusses future directions of self-paced and individualized instruction.  相似文献   

本文的背景是在海军第十三次院校会议后,我院由专业院校转为岗位任职院校,在海军院校体系中定位明确,为我院的发展指明了方向。为适应院校转型的需要,适应任职教育特点,我院以营造浓厚的学术氛围,提高全院学术水平为牵引,以提高我院全体教员的能力素质,提高我院教学质量和科研能力为目标,开展了大量的工作,并取得了长足的进步。目前,学院上下学术氛围浓厚,学术水平明显提高。  相似文献   

This paper describes the design, development and evaluation of an experimental two‐way video teletraining (VTT) system consisting of two classrooms equipped with audio and video equipment and linked by a land line to enable two‐way audio/video communication. A US Navy instructor delivered instruction in person to the originating classroom and electronically to the remote classroom. Findings were that student attitudes and performance on examinations were comparable in originating and remote classrooms. Students at the remote classroom were more likely to comment on deficiencies of the VTT system and were particularly sensitive to audio problems. Instructor acceptance of the VTT system was high. Cost analysis indicated that using the VTT system was more costly than sending an instructor to a remote site but that VTT can be less cosdy than sending students to the instructor.

The research described was performed under the sponsorship of the Office of Naval Technology. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors, are not official, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Navy department.  相似文献   

北欧战场虽在二战中居于次要地位,但在二战中也有不可磨灭的作用。北欧陆上战场—挪威具有重要的战略地位,德军在挪威的胜利,保障了后勤补给线,打开了通往北海和大西洋的大门。在北欧海上战场方面,盟军的胜利沉重打击了德国的海军力量,援助了苏联抗战,对第二次世界大战的胜利作出了重大的贡献。北欧战场的特种作战对第二次世界大战的结局和世界军事发展都产生了重大的影响。  相似文献   

The U.S. Navy must account for the whereabouts of 350, 000 sailors, so maintaining accurate personnel accounting records is critical. However, personnel records are not always updated in a timely fashion. The human performance improvement model was applied to the timeliness of personnel transactions performance gap, with encouraging results.  相似文献   

Fault Tree Analysis is a systematic approach to improving the probability of succes in any system. FTA was first developed as part of the U.S. Space Industry and was applied to such programs as the Minute Man Missile evaluations. Kent G. Stephens has successfully applied the technique to instructional and administrative programs, the latest program being the development of an FTA Institute for the Training Command of the United States Navy. More than a million dollars are being allocated to that program. R. Kent Wood has used the FTA methodology as a tool for a national needs assessment of teacher use of library media centers in the United States (NATUL Project). Bruce Barker has used the FTA methodology in religious education curriculum development. Because of the newness of the Fault Tree Analysis, coupled with its rapid acceptance as a tool for systems analysis and its very different approach of analyzing possible modes of failure in systems to increase the probability of success, this article is timely as the most complete coverage of FTA to date.  相似文献   

岛国的地理位置决定了英国的发展离不开海上扩张。在激烈的海上角逐中,英国海军从小到大,由弱到强,逐渐发展壮大,成为欧洲的海上霸主。英国海军正式创建于都铎王朝。这一时期,在历任君主的重视下,海军舰船在设计和装备方面不断改进,从亨利七世开始鼓励建造商船并开辟船坞,到亨利八世时进一步改进舰船设计、采用舷侧炮技术,再到伊丽莎白一世时轻型舰船和快速舰的设计,英国舰船设计技术逐步提升,最终在1588年大败西班牙无敌舰队,夺取了大西洋的制海权,为以后称霸海上奠定了基础。  相似文献   

“生物反应器与发酵工程”与“生物制药设备与分离纯化技术”是我校生物技术专业学开设的两门应用型专业课程。这两门课的理论教学内容与前期基础课程存在诸多交叉重叠,导致实验课时不足和实验课教学内容连贯性差等问题,严重影响教学效果。根据近年来对这两门课程的教学实践与体会,结合两门课程所存在的问题和应用型人才培养的需求,将两门课整合为一,对理论教学内容、实验教学内容、实践教学环节以及考核方式等方面进行整合优化,提高教学质量和教学效率。  相似文献   

1919年,北洋军阀出动军舰到黑龙江流域,东北地区出现海军。1922年以后奉系军阀通过改造商船成为军舰加强了海军力量。由于国际、国内各种因素的影响,东北海军始终没有配备先进的军舰,最终未能获得更深入的发展。  相似文献   

基于构件的软件开发的核心技术与案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于构件的软件开发方法是一种新的软件开发框架,它是选择已经成熟的构件成品,并在一定的框架与结构下组成一个新的软件系统。因为这种新的软件开发模式与已往完全自主开发的软件开发过程不同,基于构件的软件系统的软件技术也有不同的要求与规范。本文调研了目前流行的基于构件的软件核心技术,分析比较它们的优缺点,讨论它们的特点。同时,也分析了来自企业界的著名的基于构件的软件项目。  相似文献   

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