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<正>为了更好地服务于基础教育管理和教学实践,搭建大学与中小学伙伴协作与合作的平台,2007年10月,北京师范大学教育学院成立学校发展研究所。学校发展研究所立足于基础教育,以课题研究和实践指导的方式介入到有需求的教育行政部门和中小学。研究所可以提供的服务有:学校管理研究与改进;学科教学研究与改进;学校活动设计;科研活动指导;学校文化建设与学校经验的提升;教育人力资源培训;学校发展经验交流等方面。此外,研究所还将设立学校发展论坛。  相似文献   

数据驱动教育教学改进项目的本质是以数据为依托,加强学校过程性管理的实践研究,体现着“循证改进”。当前学校层面数据驱动项目的典型问题有:数据来源主要是学业,侧重结果判断;数据分析与解读的核心要素把握不足;数据驱动项目成为孤立项目。针对这些问题,数据驱动项目要关注四个核心要点:数据获取要从单一孤立走向全面系统;数据分析要从结果描述走向机制分析;数据解读要从数据表象走向教育内涵;数据运用要从单点改进走向综合整治。根据学校已有基础条件和数据支持情况,可将数据驱动工作分为三个阶段:专题式、整合式、全程式。学校可根据实际情况,逐步进阶升级完善。  相似文献   

在大中小学合作改进学校教育过程中,为保障改进效果,充分发挥双方主体性,形成优势互补,双方应建立一种平等对话的伙伴关系。具体来说,在学校改进过程中,合作双方需要做到以下几点:一是深入理解和把握教育实践的多维性、整合性、紧迫性等复杂性特征;二是共同澄清和展望教育、学校改进以及自身发展的愿景,立足现状,共谋策略,共求发展;三是努力探究和反思教育实践中习焉不察的惯习,突破改进的阻力;四是共同寻求恰当的思维方式,如主动介入、关系思维和公共理性等。  相似文献   

进入智能时代,学校管理亟须变革以适应时代发展和教育改进。学校管理变革的主要目的是通过优化管理创建新型学校、培养时代新人、改变教育面貌。当前学校管理变革中,依然存在认识、实践与文化方面的三重困境,主要表现为没有正确认识智能时代对学校管理变革的深刻影响、人与智能产品的关系失衡、固守学校传统变革模式和忽视变革文化的挖掘与培育等。推进智能时代的学校管理变革,需要学习智能教育理论,更好地指导变革实践;利用智能工具技术,提升学校管理效益;培育变革文化,形成自我更新机制。  相似文献   

1月6日,"徐汇区首轮新优质学校创建展示暨集群发展启动仪式"在徐汇区上海小学举行。根据《上海市新优质学校集群发展三年行动计划(2015~2017年)》,徐汇区制定了《新优质学校集群发展实施方案》。方案指出,徐汇区"新优质学校"组团发展可以以项目分群,围绕徐汇教育综合改革项目,重点关注课程与教学、管理与文化、评价与改进等主题,自主选择项目,组成不同项目的实践研究团队,开展行动研宄;可以以地域分群,围绕学区化办学实践,优势互补,资源共享,发挥辐射引领作  相似文献   

学校教育科研是以注重实践研究为基本的价值取向的研究活动。其目标定位是: 实际·实践·实效;基本研究模式是:“问题-对策”研究;有效的管理模式是:归口整合管理;学校教育科研的发展趋势是:转型与调整。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,关于领导力的研究与实践已被企业、行政、军队等领域广泛重视,学校管理中也日渐重视校长的领导力建设,但以领导力理论作为整个学校改进的研究还鲜有耳闻。笔者认为,用领导的视角看待教育,用领导力的观点与方法改进学校,对提升学校效能很有意义。  相似文献   

在大学与中小学合作关系的意义上,学校改进的本土化就是在学校实践场域中经对话、互动和共同思考而生成学校改进理论与实践策略的过程。学校改进本土化的哲学立场是尊重学校的生命特性、正视学校的制度约束、激发局内人的变革动力、实现变革的主体完整。与专家理论应用模式相比,内部生长的学校改进模式具有在实践中生成理论、以学校需求为驱动力、大学专业人员的服务身份、以学校发展规划为切入口、让每所学校都成为更好的自己的特征。在内生型学校改进中,大学专业人员可以起到让实践者的教育信念和心智模式亮相、让实践者的实践发生第二序改变、让理论工作者和实践工作者共同发生蜕变的作用。  相似文献   

教育教学活动、管理活动与治理活动是学校改进的基本内容。教育教学群体是教育教学活动的主体力量,管理群体是管理活动的主体力量,治理群体是治理活动的主体力量;先治理群体,再管理群体,后教育教学群体,是学校改进的空间次序。从相对重要性的角度讲,治理群体在学校改进中要起到引领作用,管理群体在学校改进中要起到示范作用。在专家团队中培养热诚者,在工作团队中梯次推进,是学校改进的群体策略。  相似文献   

2005年2月,我校成为由北京市海淀区教育委员会和英国剑桥教育集团、北京教育科学研究院合作开展的"海淀中英学校发展计划合作项目"成员校.3年多的项目研究与实践给学校带来了什么?我认为,最核心的改进和变化是团队领导力的提升.团队应该是由学校全体成员共同营造的,是有不同组合和不同层次的.这里所说的是学校的核心团队--干部团队领导力的建设.  相似文献   

This research provides policy-makers, researchers, and educators at all levels with a glimpse of the contextual influence on effective school improvement (ESI) in 8 European countries. What are the factors at the contextual level, particularly at the national level, which influence ESI? Are there any similarities or differences between the influences they exert on ESI in different countries? Can common traits be identified? These are the core questions this paper tries to explore. It has drawn on insights from 5 areas of research: school effectiveness; school improvement; curriculum; public choice (marketization); organization, organizational learning, and learning organization. This yields a “goal – pressure – support” conceptual framework accompanied by 10 contextual factors and 48 indicators. Given the original conceptual framework and the empirical support of 31 case studies contributed by 8 European countries, the findings of this study may have significant implications for policy, practice, school effectiveness, and school improvement.  相似文献   

This literature review aims to understand the factors that influence the adoption of school leadership policy reforms and whether there are some common trends that lead to policy changes in this area. The main question driving the study was the following: what are important reasons or contextual factors that have influenced the adoption of school leadership policy reforms? The analysis shows that there is an eclectic set of research that covers school leadership from different perspectives. Each tackle the question of school leadership reform adoption from different angles. A policy perspective associates school leadership reforms to contextual changes in relation to decentralisation, school autonomy, accountability or an increasing emphasis on education outcomes. School improvement perspectives acknowledge the key role of school leadership in education change. The research on school leadership impact has contributed to the adoption of school leadership reforms. The school leadership policy perspective shows that countries have introduced school leadership reforms, with practices varying by country and context. Some have been interpreted as a response to a new public management agenda or to the globalisation of education policies. Findings from this review indicate that whilst there is much research on school leadership, nevertheless, analysis and promotion of policies to support and strengthen school leader roles to support school improvement appears to have received less attention.  相似文献   

School effectiveness and school improvement have different origins: school effectiveness is more directed to finding out “what works” in education and “why”; school improvement is practice and policy oriented and intended to change education in the desired direction. That means that in the orientation on the outcomes, input, processes, and context in education, school effectiveness and school improvement also have much in common. In the project Effective School Improvement (ESI), the merger of the 2 traditions has been pursued. In the theoretical part different orientations have been analysed and combined in a model for effective school improvement. Based on this analysis the framework is developed for the analysis of the case studies on school improvement projects in the participating countries.  相似文献   

国外女子中学研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女子学校教育曾经是女子获取正规学校教育的重要形式,但在当前的学校教育系统中所占比例很小.针对当前性别混合学校中出现的女生对待不公和发展不公,单一性别教育是否是一种有效的方式?综观国外最近对女子中学的研究,我们可以看到这个问题不能一概而论;另外,国外的研究活动从研究质量、研究方法到研究对象还有待完善和拓展.  相似文献   

Very little empirical large-scale research has been carried out on the use of IT in the management and administration of schools despite of the fact that schools all over the world have adopted such IT based systems. The move in many countries towards autonomous school management will further require the use of these systems. Sophisticated computerised school information systems (SISs) will have to provide school-based information relevant to the development of policies in areas where schools used merely to follow governmental guidelines. If such systems are to be designed and used to full effect, knowledge is urgently needed on the implementation, use and effects of established computerised SISs. The large-scale research project in England, reported here, goes some way towards filling this gap in our knowledge.  相似文献   

中国式学校管理实践的特点强调:发展思路的短期跨越和变革导向、管理体制的党政分设和双头领导、目标实施的阶段推进和人才依附、运行秩序的集权控制和工作本位、质量评价的达标追求和统一策略;西方国家学校管理实践的经验在于:发展思路的持续改进和渐变趋势、管理体制的法人治理和道德领导、目标实施的分层推动和责任分摊、运行秩序的民主制衡和公众参与、质量评价的过程体现和多元分析。中西学校管理在保持着相对独立性的同时,逐渐向融通型和国际化的方向发展,逐渐形成部分新理念,如学校稳步发展理念、道德领导理念、公众全程参与理念、分布式权变管理理念、质量标准全球化理念等。  相似文献   

This article briefly describes the Hong Kong education system, discusses the policies and efforts for education quality and school improvement, and reviews the development of school effectiveness research in Hong Kong. Hong Kong people have shown their strong commitment to educational reform for better societal development in the coming decades. A number of important policies have been issued to improve educational practice and school management. Even though some drawbacks and difficulties have inevitably been encountered in policy formulation and implementation, numerous good opportunities have been created for policy-makers, school practitioners, and educational researchers to conduct educational innovation, school improvement, and school effectiveness research. The ongoing education experiments, reform experiences, improvement practices, and effectiveness studies at both the system and school levels may not only benefit Hong Kong people but also make a contribution to international concern for school effectiveness and improvement.  相似文献   

Teacher Evaluation and Teacher Effectiveness in the United Kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An outline is given of the UK research situation for the knowledge bases of school effectiveness and teacher effectiveness, and the UK policy situation in terms of school and teacher evaluation, improvement and development. It is argued that the UK has seen a much greater use of school-level policies, reflecting its substantial school effectiveness research base, rather than teacher-level interventions, although there are currently some attempts at policy and practice level to focus upon teacher effects, teacher evaluation and related issues of professional development. Speculations are given concerning future policy and research needs.  相似文献   

Gifted students are among the most underserved population in American schools and are some of the most underperforming in the world, ranking last in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Algebra, and Geometry among 13 other developed countries. To improve services for the gifted, possible gaps in training and service delivery must be identified. There is a lack of research addressing many of the practical aspects of the delivery of services to the gifted. There is also a lack of research examining how well school psychologists are prepared to provide services to gifted and talented students. We conducted a national survey of school psychologists to evaluate the amount of time school psychologists allocate for gifted assessment and consultation. We also collected information about graduate school and professional development on gifted topics, familiarity with prominent figures in the gifted field, and gifted assessment methods. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This special issue of the Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education presents information from five countries related to the following constructs and/or literatures: teacher effectiveness research, school effectiveness research, teacher evaluation, staff development, teacher improvement, and school improvement. This overview article presents brief summaries of five major issues that are addressed throughout the issue. A conceptual framework is introduced that presents links among the aforementioned constructs/literatures. While these links are theoretically viable, their actual existence varies widely by country, with several countries lacking many of the links. Implications of these missing links are discussed, as well as strategies for more tightly joining these literatures/constructs. Original research from each of the countries is also introduced.  相似文献   

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