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足踝关节内翻损伤在篮球项目中十分常见,预防足踝关节内翻的高帮篮球鞋对于增加踝关节稳定性仍存在较大的争议.而支持带篮球鞋在理论上具有预防足踝关节内翻的作用,但实际的情况需要通过实验验证.本文旨在探究同侧足穿内置式支持带篮球鞋(A)和同款的无支持带篮球鞋(B)对足踝关节落地(60cm)稳定性的影响.实验法:采用12个摄像头的VICON红外运动捕捉系统和设备,用V3D软件建立虚拟的人体落地模型,获得落在0°/10°/15°/20°斜面上踝关节的运动学和动力学数据;研究发现斜面角度逐渐增加,落地阶段内置式支持带篮球鞋的(A)踝关节的稳定性大于无支持带篮球鞋(B),主要表现在落在10°和15°的斜面上,A踝关节的GRF峰值(0.16、0.14)变化小于B踝关节(0.23、0.21);A踝关节的内收角度(19°、17°)的变化小于B踝关节(12°、16°);研究结论:内置式支持带篮球鞋能够增加踝关节落地的稳定性,且落在20°的斜面上,与B踝关节相比较A踝关节仍具有较好的稳定性.  相似文献   

对31名(13男,18女)普通大学生完成急停起跳、侧切和垂直落地前冲动作下肢运动学和动力学指标进行测试与分析,以了解不同前交叉韧带危险动作和性别对下肢力学指标的影响.应用红外光点运动测试系统和测力台对受试者完成动作过程中膝关节三维角度和地面三维反作用力进行测量.研究结果表明,3个动作着地阶段的力学指标有显著不同,证明3种运动形式在前交叉韧带损伤机制上存在差异.与急停起跳和垂直落地前冲动作相比,完成侧切动作将受到较高的水平方向地面反作用力,产生较小的膝关节屈角和较大的膝关节外展角.3个动作着地阶段中的力学差异不受性别影响.  相似文献   

目的:探索不同落点(T内角、Body追身和Wide外角)网球侧上旋发球技术动作的运动学规律。方法:采用2台三维高速摄像机拍摄10名网球运动员侧上旋发球技术动作,使用北京体育大学视讯解析系统采集运动学参数,对原始数据进行平滑和归一化处理等(Fc=10)。结果:1)抛球引拍阶段:抛球时左肩水平投影角呈显著性差异,左肩、右肩和左膝关节角速度变量呈显著性相关(R=0.82),站位方式无显著性差异;2)"挠背"阶段:不同落点发球时发力顺序协调一致,由下至上逐步将力量传递至击球点;3)挥拍击球阶段:击球时刻不同落点间分速度和击球角度差异性显著,外角侧旋>追身侧旋>内角侧旋,内角上旋>追身上旋>外角上旋,外角Angle>追身Angle>内角Angle。击球点高度与身高的倍数为外角(1.32)、追身(1.25)和内角(1.21),击球点由内至外逐渐向右偏移;4)随挥阶段:击球后重心位移和速度分量未出现显著性差异,膝关节角度变化均值39.7±1.8°。结论:我国高校网球二级运动员亟需储备发球隐蔽性、击球点空间位置、挥拍轨迹和击球速度分量等方面的意识体系。应当继续以运动生物力学为手段加强网球各类型发球技术动作、各环节运动特征和发球所致损伤因素等进行系统化和精细化研究。  相似文献   


Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in badminton commonly occur during single-leg landing after an overhead stroke in the backhand-side court. This study compared differences in trunk acceleration and kinematic variables during single-leg landing in the forehand- and backhand-side courts after an overhead stroke. Eighteen female junior badminton players performed two singles games while wearing a tri-axial accelerometer. The moment that over 4g of resultant acceleration was generated was determined using synchronised video cameras. Trunk lateral inclination and hip abduction angles at the point of landing with over 4g of resultant acceleration were analysed. Mediolateral acceleration in the backhand-side court was greater than that in the opposite-side court (< 0.001, ES = 0.840). Both trunk lateral angles were larger than those previously reported in injured participants and the hip abduction angle in the backhand-side court was larger than that in the forehand-side court (< 0.001, ES = 2.357). The lateral and vertical acceleration in the backhand-side court showed moderate-to-strong correlations with the trunk and hip angles. The mediolateral physical demand and high-risk posture in the backhand-side court may be associated with a higher incidence of knee injuries during badminton games.  相似文献   

The contribution of core neuromuscular control to the dynamic stability of badminton players with and without knee pain during backhand lunges has not been investigated. Accordingly, this study compared the kinematics of the lower extremity, the trunk movement, the muscle activation and the balance performance of knee-injured and knee-uninjured badminton players when performing backhand stroke diagonal lunges. Seventeen participants with chronic knee pain (injured group) and 17 healthy participants (control group) randomly performed two diagonal backhand lunges in the forward and backward directions, respectively. This study showed that the injured group had lower frontal and horizontal motions of the knee joint, a smaller hip–shoulder separation angle and a reduced trunk tilt angle. In addition, the injured group exhibited a greater left paraspinal muscle activity, while the control group demonstrated a greater activation of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and medial gastrocnemius muscle groups. Finally, the injured group showed a smaller distance between centre of mass (COM) and centre of pressure, and a lower peak COM velocity when performing the backhand backward lunge tasks. In conclusion, the injured group used reduced knee and trunk motions to complete the backhand lunge tasks. Furthermore, the paraspinal muscles contributed to the lunge performance of the individuals with knee pain, whereas the knee extensors and ankle plantar flexor played a greater role for those without knee pain.  相似文献   


Field-based screening methods have a limited capacity to identify high-risk postures during netball-specific landings associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. This study determined the biomechanical relationship between a single-leg squat and netball-specific leap landing, to examine the utility of including a single-leg squat within netball-specific ACL injury risk screening. Thirty-two female netballers performed single-leg squat and netball-specific leap landing tasks, during which three-dimensional (3D) kinematic/kinetic data were collected. One-dimensional statistical parametric mapping examined relationships between kinematics from the single-leg squat, and the 3D joint rotation and moment data from leap landings. Participants displaying reduced hip external rotation, reduced knee flexion, and greater knee abduction and knee internal rotation angles during the single-leg squat exhibited these same biomechanical characteristics during the leap landing (p < 0.001). Greater ankle dorsiflexion during the single-leg squat was associated with greater knee flexion during landing (p < 0.001). Ankle eversion during the single-leg squat was associated with frontal and transverse plane knee biomechanics during landing (p < 0.001). Biomechanics from the single-leg squat were associated with landing strategies linked to ACL loading or injury risk, and thus may be a useful movement screen for identifying netball players who exhibit biomechanical deficits during landing.  相似文献   

目的:通过分析我国优秀男子跳台滑雪运动员实地起跳阶段运动学、起跳运动模式等指标,探究影响我国男子跳台滑雪运动员飞行距离的主要起跳因素。方法:1)选择8名我国男子跳台滑雪运动员作为研究对象,在日本长野县白马村K90跳台训练基地采集3次起跳阶段二维运动学数据,采用广义估计模型(GEE)分析影响飞行距离的实地起跳阶段运动学因素。2)截取平昌冬奥会排名前10的男子跳台滑雪选手决赛起跳阶段视频数据,采用单因素方差分析研究国内外运动员起跳阶段特定时刻肢体角度差异。3)实验室内使用1台Z camera高速摄像机和1块Kistler 9281EA测力台采集运动员静蹲跳(squat jump,SJ)、反向跳(countermovement jump,CMJ)、模拟跳跃(imitation jump,IJ)、下落跳(drop jump,DJ)的动力学及运动学数据,采用Pearson相关分析检验实验室内运动学及动力学指标与飞行距离间的相关性。结果:1)在实地起跳阶段运动学方面,起跳起始时刻躯干与助滑道夹角、小腿与助滑道夹角、髋关节角、膝关节角,以及起跳阶段的髋关节峰值角速度、膝关节平均角速度、起跳结束时刻膝关节角及髋关节角为飞行距离的影响因素(P<0.05)。2)在起跳阶段运动模式及力量特点方面,IJ重心最低处膝外翻指数(r=0.731)、DJ膝外翻最小值(r=0.713)、CMJ起跳阶段地面反作用力峰值(r=0.710)、CMJ蹬伸冲量(r=0.752)、SJ(r=0.723)及CMJ起跳峰值功率(r=0.762)均与飞行距离呈正相关。3)对比国内外运动员起跳阶段特定时刻肢体角度发现,国外优秀运动员起跳起始时刻小腿与助滑道夹角(53.54°±3.14°)显著小于我国运动员(57.62°±4.62°),出台瞬间小腿与助滑道夹角(58.22°±2.13°)显著小于我国运动员(65.59°±3.84°),大腿与助滑道夹角(73.28°±6.15°)显著大于我国运动员(58.77°±3.16°),起跳阶段结束时刻髋关节角度(175.23°±1.96°)显著大于我国运动员(156.37°±13.13°)。结论:我国跳台滑雪运动员起跳阶段起跳起始时刻应尽量降低身体重心以减少阻力,并适当提高膝关节角来提高出台后肢体伸展程度。起跳过程中提高膝关节蹬伸力量,同时适当降低髋关节伸展速度,避免风阻对躯干造成不利影响。室内及实地训练过程中,应在提升蹬伸爆发力的同时避免膝关节过度外翻,提高蹬伸力量及传递效率。  相似文献   

Female athletes are considered to exhibit knee and trunk motion that is characteristic of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. The aim of this study was to examine the in vivo motion of the trunk and knee during a cutting manoeuvre and determine the relationship between them. All participants (10 male and 10 female college athletes) performed a shuttle run cutting task with the left limb. Trunk inclination (forward and lateral) and knee joint angles (flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and internal/external tibial rotation) were calculated. Differences between the sexes and associations between knee motion and trunk inclination were examined. An increase in trunk forward inclination was strongly correlated with an increase in knee flexion angle and moderately correlated with a decrease in the excursion of internal tibial rotation. An increase in right trunk lateral inclination was moderately correlated with an increase in excursion of internal tibial rotation. The results also showed differences between the sexes in trunk forward inclination, lateral inclination, and knee flexion angle, but no such differences in knee abduction or internal tibial rotation. Trunk inclination is related to knee flexion and excursion of internal tibial rotation. Female athletes demonstrate a low trunk forward inclination and knee flexion angle, a posture that resembles that of ACL injury.  相似文献   


Female athletes are considered to exhibit knee and trunk motion that is characteristic of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. The aim of this study was to examine the in vivo motion of the trunk and knee during a cutting manoeuvre and determine the relationship between them. All participants (10 male and 10 female college athletes) performed a shuttle run cutting task with the left limb. Trunk inclination (forward and lateral) and knee joint angles (flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and internal/external tibial rotation) were calculated. Differences between the sexes and associations between knee motion and trunk inclination were examined. An increase in trunk forward inclination was strongly correlated with an increase in knee flexion angle and moderately correlated with a decrease in the excursion of internal tibial rotation. An increase in right trunk lateral inclination was moderately correlated with an increase in excursion of internal tibial rotation. The results also showed differences between the sexes in trunk forward inclination, lateral inclination, and knee flexion angle, but no such differences in knee abduction or internal tibial rotation. Trunk inclination is related to knee flexion and excursion of internal tibial rotation. Female athletes demonstrate a low trunk forward inclination and knee flexion angle, a posture that resembles that of ACL injury.  相似文献   

This study aimed to clarify the differences between the horizontal single-leg rebound jump (HJ) and vertical single-leg rebound jump (VJ) in terms of three-dimensional joint kinetics for the take-off leg, while focusing on frontal and transverse plane movements. Eleven male track and field athletes performed HJ and VJ. Kinematic and kinetic data were calculated using data recorded with a motion capture system and force platforms. The hip abduction torque, trunk lateral flexion torque (flexion for the swing-leg side), hip external and internal torque, trunk rotational torque, and the powers associated with these torques were larger when performing HJ because of resistance to the impact ground reaction force and because of pelvic and posture control. Pelvic rotation was noted in HJ, and this was controlled not only by the hip and trunk joint torque from the transverse plane but also by the hip abduction torque. Therefore, hip and trunk joint kinetics in the frontal and transverse plane play an important role in a single-leg jump, regardless of the jumping direction, and may also play a more important role in HJ than in VJ.  相似文献   

An analytical biomechanical model was developed to establish the relevant properties of the Smith squat exercise, and the main differences from the free barbell squat. The Smith squat may be largely patterned to modulate the distributions of muscle activities and joint loadings. For a given value of the included knee angle (θ(knee)), bending the trunk forward, moving the feet forward in front of the knees, and displacing the weight distribution towards the forefoot emphasizes hip and lumbosacral torques, while also reducing knee torque and compressive tibiofemoral and patellofemoral forces (and vice versa). The tibiofemoral shear force φ(t) displays more complex trends that strongly depend on θ(knee). Notably, for 180° ≥ θ(knee) ≥ 130°, φ(t) and cruciate ligament strain forces can be suppressed by selecting proper pairs of ankle and hip angles. Loading of the posterior cruciate ligament increases (decreases) in the range 180° ≥ θ(knee) ≥ 150° (θ(knee) ≤ 130°) with knee extension, bending the trunk forward, and moving the feet forward in front of the knees. In the range 150° > θ(knee) > 130°, the behaviour changes depending on the foot weight distribution. The conditions for the development of anterior cruciate ligament strain forces are explained. This work enables careful use of the Smith squat in strengthening and rehabilitation programmes.  相似文献   


This study aimed to elucidate the movements requiring greater trunk accelerations and its frequencies during badminton games, and compare the acceleration components among such movements. Trunk acceleration was measured using a triaxial accelerometer during badminton games. The moments that generated >4 G resultant acceleration were extracted, and movements consistent with the extracted moments were identified. We calculated the extracted movement ratio and frequency and compared the resultant, mediolateral, vertical and anteroposterior accelerations between the top five extracted movements. There were 1,342 movements that generated >4 G [mean, 7.72 (95% confidence interval, 7.31–8.14) cases/min]. The top five movements were lunging during underhand strokes with the dominant hand side leg, landing after overhand strokes on the dominant and non-dominant hand side leg, and cutting from a split step using the dominant and non-dominant hand side leg. Landing on the dominant hand side leg had a greater resultant acceleration than the other movements and had the greatest impact during the badminton game. Lunging during underhand strokes on the dominant hand side leg had greater mediolateral acceleration than the other movements. These results reflected the properties of badminton.  相似文献   


This study identified the effect of badminton lunging directions on impact characteristics, joint kinetics and measurement reliability. A total of 14 badminton players performed 20 lunges in both forehand and backhand sides. Ground reaction force (GRF) and three-dimensional joint moment variables were determined for further analyses. Paired t-tests and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were performed to determine any differences between the two lunge directions and intra-class correlation (ICC) and sequential averaging analysis (SAA) were used to estimate the minimum number of trials. Compared to the forehand side, participants experienced significantly larger total GRF impulse (+ 3.8%, = 0.021) and transverse moment (hip + 63.5%, < 0.001; knee + 80.7%, = 0.011), but smaller hip (?7.7%), knee (?18.7%) and ankle frontal moments (?58.0%, < 0.05) in backhand lunges. The minimum number of trials was similar for both lunge directions, as the averaged absolute differences was less than one in both ICC and SAA. Furthermore, smaller minimal number of trials was determined by the ICC (7.9–8.0), compared with the SAA approach (9.5–10.3). Lunge direction would influence GRF and joint loading, but not on the measurement reliability. These results give important insights to establish performance or equipment evaluation protocols during badminton lunges.  相似文献   

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