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学科立场与知识本身的客观差异和聚类性存在有关,与从事某一领域知识研究的人及其知识信仰有关,更与研究者的思维方式有关。复杂思维视野下的教育心理学学科立场是:教育学是教育心理学的母系学科之一;教育学和教育心理学互为彼此的发展基础;教育心理学的研究方法是多元综合的,方法与研究对象具有恰切性;教育学和教育心理学相互吸取养料,共枝繁,同叶茂;双方对此都要有清晰的认识。  相似文献   

问题与测查目的近年来,心理学工作者及广大教师,对大、中、小学学生的学习兴趣进行了不少测查研究。在我省,各民族儿童心理发展与教育比较研究协作组也对9——15岁各族儿童的学习兴趣进行了“跨文化”研究。所有这些测查与研究,均没有涉及17——20岁的民族师范生的学习兴趣。为此,笔者对海南藏族自治州民族师范学校民族师范生的学习兴趣进行一次实地测查,以期达到下述目的:1、了解民族师范生学习兴趣的现状,为各科教师提供搞好教育、教学活动的心理学依据;2、探讨这个年龄段的民族师范生在学习兴趣方面的特点,为尽快培养高素质的民族教育工作者和丰富心理学的有关内容做些实际的工作;  相似文献   

源头为何非正源—教育心理学诞生的历史反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者从历史反思的视点出发,分析了教育心理学诞生之际中西方社会背景的差异,并着重从影响教育心理学诞生的直接因素-哲学思想、主流文化取向、民族心理和心理学等相关学科的发展方面探讨中西方的差异,找寻教育心理学最先诞生于西方的原因以及对发展我国教育心理学的启示。  相似文献   

民族心理学是心理学和民族学的交叉学科,但随着母体学科研究范式之间的差异日益扩大,民族心理学的交叉学科优势正在逐渐淡化,其表现在或者受制于心理学出现了个体化倾向严重、群体心理受忽视和推崇量化研究、缺乏质性分析等问题,或者受制于民族学出现了缺乏规范性、后继的验证工作难以进行和研究止于现象描述、缺失成因分析等问题。造成民族心理学研究困境的主要原因是在整合心理学和民族学的过程中所遇到的实证主义与解释学、量化研究与质化研究的分歧。因此,今后的研究方向应该更加明确民族心理学的研究内容、整合民族心理学的研究方法以及优化民族心理学的学科建设,培养高素质的研究队伍。  相似文献   

在过去几个教育科研五年规划中,我们对教育理论和心理学的研究以及在教育实践研究中对于心理学方法的利用等,都给予了较多的关注。然而对于教育心理学的关注却远远不够。教育心理学发展至今,基本上仍停留在师范大学的教育课程中,仍然没有在中小学教育实践和教育研究中得到应有的重视。许多人仍然认为,教育心理学,就是教育学加心理学;研究了教育学和心理学的问题,应用了教育学和心理学研究的方法,就等于研究和应用了教育心理学的理论和方法。这无疑是个可笑的初等数学公式。《教育科学研究》2001年第3期刊登了美国德州理工大学蓝云…  相似文献   

民族教育的概念是民族教育理论研究及体制建设的基石。本文试图从跨文化心理学的角度理解民族教育概念,同时论及了发展我国民族教育的原则问题。  相似文献   

学习负担的压力理论与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阴国恩  李勇 《天津教育》2004,(10):14-18
天津教育学习负担问题一直受到教育行政部门以及社会各界的普遍关注。教育理论研究工作者和实践工作者对此也进行了大量研究。但有关学习负担的理论分析尚比较欠缺,本文试图从心理学的压力理论出发,探讨有关学习负担的形成过程及调控措施,希望对有关学习负担的调控起到积极作用  相似文献   

民族教育的概念是民族教育理论研究及体制建设的基石。本文试图从踌文化心理学的角度理解民族教育概念,同时论及了发展我国民族教育的原则问题。  相似文献   

新疆心理学会第五后会员代表大会及学术讨论会,于1990年7月10日~12日在新疆师范大学胜利召开。来自全疆各地各民族的105名代表,怀着兴奋的心情,听取了胡浴桓教授代表第四届理事会做的工作总结报告。 大会收到了有关心理学基本理论、教育心理、医学心理、发展心理、法制心理、民族心理、运动心理等各方面论文70余篇。大会有16名代表宣读了论文。有的代表针对新疆多民族地区的特点,提出民族心理的研究,应作为新疆心理学研究的重要课题;有的代表结合新疆当前出现的自然灾害,做了自然灾害的预测与对策的心理研究;有的代表针对当前教育战线上出现的政治思想教育的心理学问题和学生厌学的问题,进行了深入的探讨;有的代表对侦察心理,初犯不认罪心理进行了全面的调查、分析……  相似文献   

地方性知识(local knowledge)是在人类学中最先明确提出,近年来极大地影响了社会学、心理学、教育学等其他学科的一个备受关注和争议的概念。在当今比较教育面临新的危机和重新定位的时刻,应当从本土语境中,地方性知识思维的启示下重新审视比较教育。地方性知识给比较教育的启示是,在研究国外的同时要关注本土研究,比较教育研究要有本土关怀,比较教育要突破传统的"民族一国家"研究范式,进行自己的理论创新。  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to investigate perceived similarities and differences in parenting styles between mothers and fathers in the same family. The 56 parents of 28 preschool children independently completed the parenting styles and dimensions questionnaire (PSDQ) [Robinson, C. C., Mandleco, B., Frost Olsen, S., & Hart, C. H. (2001). The parenting styles and dimensions questionnaire (PSDQ). In B. F. Perlmutter, J. Touliatos, & G. W. Holden (Eds.), Handbook of family measurement techniques. Vol. 2: Instruments and index (p. 190). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage]. Results reveal only modest similarity in parenting styles used by two parents within the same home. Permissive (and to a lesser extent, authoritarian) parenting was somewhat positively associated across parents but no cross-informant association was found for authoritative parenting. Fathers perceive their spouses to be more authoritative, more permissive, and less authoritarian than themselves, whereas mothers only perceive themselves to be more authoritative than fathers. Parents who share similar parenting styles are more accurate at reporting on their spouses’ parenting styles than are parents with differing styles. Correspondence in parenting style across both parents in the home is important as are parental perceptions of similarity and differences in styles. Independent assessment of both mother's and father's parenting styles, and each parent's perception of their spouse's parenting appears needed in research and practical settings.  相似文献   


The present research was conducted to explore the relationship between bullying and parenting styles in an incidental sample of 626 high school students (49.7% girls). The information was collected by means of a self-report questionnaire that contained two instruments: European Bullying Intervention Project Questionnaire and Scale for the assessment of the parenting styles of mothers and fathers of adolescents. The results show statistically significant differences in the perception of parenting styles between the students involved and not involved in bullying and between the different kinds of involvement. Different dimensions of parenting styles are also categorized as being risk or protective factors of bullying involvement. In agreement with the previous research, we have specifically found that perception of parenting styles (especially behavioural control and affection and communication) is significantly related to bullying involvement, especially regarding the role of aggressor.  相似文献   

采用父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)和艾森克(儿童)人格问卷(EPQ)对250名初一、初二学生进行调查,目的在于探讨父母教养方式的特征及教养方式与青少年人格特征间的关系。结果表明:(1)父母教养方式存在显著的性别差异;(2)独生子女与非独生子女的父母教养方式差异显著;(3)父母教养方式与青少年的人格特征相关显著,并且能有效预测个体的人格特征。  相似文献   

Objective. Autonomy-supportive and psychologically controlling parenting have been shown to relate to positive and negative developmental outcomes, respectively. Most research that addresses antecedents of these parenting constructs has focused on the predictive role of between-parent differences (e.g., personality). To gain insight in dynamics of within-parent changes in reported parenting, this study focused on daily fluctuations in reported autonomy-supportive and psychologically controlling parenting and examined the role of parents’ need satisfaction and need frustration in accounting for those fluctuations. Design. Mothers (M age = 45) and fathers (M age = 47) of 198 adolescents (M age = 15) participated in a 7-day diary study. Results. Multilevel modeling provided evidence for significant day-to-day variability in both parenting dimensions. Daily fluctuations in need satisfaction were related to daily fluctuations in reported autonomy-supportive parenting and daily fluctuations in need frustration were related to daily fluctuations in reported psychologically controlling parenting. These associations were not moderated by between-parent differences in those parenting dimensions. Conclusions. The findings provide evidence for the role of parents’ own needs-related experiences in their daily display of autonomy-supportive and psychologically controlling parenting.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study analyzed data from the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Study (EHSRES) to examine whether the association between family structural characteristics (maternal education, number of parents, employment status, and number of children), parenting practices (sensitive and negative parenting, cognitively stimulating home environment, authoritarian parenting), and children's outcomes (receptive language, cognitive development, and problem behaviors) differ across ethnicity. A sample of 2,777 low-income families included 39% European Americans/Whites, 36% African Americans, and 25% Hispanics. Results indicated ethnic differences in some family structural characteristics, parenting practices, and child outcomes. With the exception of employment status, there was limited evidence that ethnic differences in family structural characteristics were related to differences in child outcomes. Though there were also ethnic differences in parenting practices, there was no evidence that ethnicity moderated the relation between parenting practices and children's language, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes at 36 months. Practice or Policy: The implication of this study is the need to foster and focus on positive parenting practices, rather than negatives ones, because of their importance to children's language, cognitive development, and behavior management. Ethnic differences may matter, but they may not in the face of other stressors such as economic fears, job instability, health concerns, and neighborhood safety.  相似文献   

通过问卷法对江西省某大学的大学生进行调查,综合考察父母教养方式、自尊水平对大学生攻击行为的影响,发现:(1)大学生的父母教养方式存在不同程度的差异;(2)自尊水平存在性别和城镇与乡村差异;(3)总攻击行为存在性别差异;(4)大学生的父母教养方式、自尊水平、攻击之间密切相关。通过父亲惩罚、父亲拒绝、父亲偏爱、母亲拒绝四个因子和自尊水平可以预测大学生的攻击行为。  相似文献   

Objective. This multimethod, prospective study examined whether child and parent gender moderate the relation between interparental discord and changes in parenting practices over a 1-year time span. Design. Self-report questionnaires of interparental discord and parenting as well as an observational measure of interparental discord were collected from a sample of 226 mothers and fathers of kindergarten children. Results. Multigroup analyses using structural equation models indicated that the relation between a multimethod assessment of interparental discord and changes in parent-reported childrearing practices varied significantly as a function of child gender only. Interparental discord predicted decreases in parental responsiveness to boys' distress while predicting increases in parental responsiveness to girls' distress. Moderating analyses further indicated that interparental discord predicted significant increases in parental use of psychological control with boys only. Conclusions. The considerable heterogeneity in previous research examining prospective linkages between interparental discord and parenting practices may be attributable, in part, to the moderating role of child gender. Differences in the moderating role of child gender across separate dimensions of parenting highlight the importance of distinguishing among specific parenting practices in examining gender differences in family pathways.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine Baumrind's T3 conceptual framework using a multiple informant design and an older adolescent population. With 178 college students and their families as participants, the present study found many of the predicted relations between parents' child-rearing style (Authoritative, Democratic, Nondirective, Nonauthoritarian-Directive, Authoritarian-Directive, and Unengaged) and their adolescent children's behavior in the 4 domains assessed: personality, adjustment, academic achievement, and substance use. The differences between parenting types on the criterion measures were not as large as reported in Baumrind's study, and significant effects were predominantly due to the poor scores from children with Unengaged and Authoritarian-Directive parents. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for the Authoritative parenting type, the utility of using a typology, and areas for future research.  相似文献   

Many studies have reported an effect of childhood maltreatment and parenting behavior with the future development of psychopathic traits. However, there is a limited amount of research on parenting behavior and adult psychopathic traits as possible identifiers of childhood maltreatment. The aim of this study is three-fold (1) identify specific parenting behaviors and adult psychopathic traits that predict forms of childhood maltreatment, (2) explore gender differences, and (3) expand on other studies on psychopathy by focusing on a representative sample of the community. There are significant associations between recalled childhood maltreatment and parenting behavior, and psychopathic traits. Parental rejection was the most recurrent predictor of childhood maltreatment with a significant positive relation to almost all its forms. Paternal overprotection was positively associated with sexual abuse, while the opposite was true for maternal overprotection. Psychopathic traits displayed in adulthood were also strong indicators of childhood maltreatment; females with high levels of boldness were more likely to have experienced sexual abuse in childhood, and those high in disinhibition were more likely to have experienced physical neglect and sexual abuse. While males were generally higher in terms of psychopathic traits, females reported more childhood abuse and negative parental behaviors. These findings provide support for using parenting behavior and psychopathic traits as markers of childhood maltreatment.  相似文献   

Objective. Caregivers play an important role in child development; in addition to instilling their norms and values in their children through socialization, caregivers modify their parenting practices in response to children’s characteristics. Previous studies have documented child genetic effects on parenting behaviors, but multivariate behavioral genetic examinations of parenting are scarce. Design. The current study examined the multivariate structure of child genetic and environmental influences on parenting in a sample of 236 individual twins aged 0–5 years, providing a total of 542 observations. Results. “Shared environments” (between-family environmental differences that are shared by twins reared in the same home, including parental characteristics, family socioeconomic status, and neighborhood characteristics) account for the majority of variation in parenting practices, whereas child genetic effects are more modest and occur more on specific parenting practices. Conclusion. Caregivers generally engage in similar parenting across children reared together and, at the same time, adjust their broad parenting approach and particularly their specific practices in response to genetically driven child characteristics. Future research may benefit from using a multidimensional framework to examine the different components and age-related transformations in these parent-driven and child-driven processes.  相似文献   

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