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前交叉韧带损伤和手术后重返赛场一直是运动员、教练员、医疗团队、运动队管理者共同关注的问题,重返赛场问题决定着运动员的职业生涯、价值实现和经济收入等,其中的关键问题是“早期”和“安全”。文章阐述了运动员重返赛场过程中“早期”与“安全”两方面的影响因素,对损伤后是否需进行手术治疗,如何早期重返赛场,何时重返赛场更为安全,采用何种重建方式、移植物,以及重返赛场的评判标准等问题进行解答。认为确定重返赛场的时间需要对损伤类型做出准确判断,兼顾运动项目特点,了解术后常规重返时间。从安全角度应该防止前交叉韧带再次损伤,了解对运动员更合适的手术方式、移植物和重返赛场测试指标,在重视康复的同时,不要忽略移植物的生物愈合特性。  相似文献   

通过国内外文献资料,并结合运动康复实践,从运动员ACL手术类型、合并损伤类型及处理、ACL重建术后康复周期的划分及具体康复目标与措施等方面进行详细分析,为ACL重建术后的运动员最终健康地重返赛场提供理论与实践依据。  相似文献   

矫玮  高颀  钱菁华  苗欣 《体育科研》2011,32(5):17-19
康复训练的核心是功能恢复。渐进性功能训练不仅应用于体能训练,在伤后运动康复实践中也是一项非常重要的康复手段,能够循序渐进地帮助运动员或受伤者逐渐恢复体能及重塑肌肉功能,并在较低一级基础动作正确完成的前提下,推动其向更高水平的功能目标迈进,从而改善运动功能,为受伤运动员安全地重返赛场提供了必不可少的手段。离心力量训练能够有效预防损伤、提高快速力量,是功能康复不可或缺的重要环节,对运动员功能康复的效率和质量起到显著的作用。  相似文献   

腘绳肌损伤是运动员最常见的损伤之一,损伤后极易复发并影响运动表现。运动员团队最关心的问题是能否尽早恢复训练和重返赛场,尽可能减少停训反应,但是盲目地早期运动,不仅加重症状,再次损伤的风险也会升高。本文归纳总结了近年来最新研究成果,建议做好临床、运动功能、心理三方面的评估,达到以下标准方可重返赛场:损伤部位无痛,患肢柔韧性和关节活动范围恢复伤前水平,无疼痛恐惧感,力量达到伤前90%水平;加减速、冲刺、变向、耐力、灵敏度、有氧和无氧等运动专项能力达到伤前90%水平;心理评估分值达到75分以上,恢复重返赛场的信心。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(corona virus disease 2019,COVID-19)大流行对全球群众体育活动和竞技体育产生了重大影响。我们前期发现,COVID-19流行初期的居家隔离对国人造成健康风险。COVID-19对专业运动员的心血管、呼吸及神经系统等方面造成的负面影响以及长新冠带来的持续症状不容忽视。COVID-19痊愈后过早或不适宜的运动训练可能导致额外的健康问题。为保证运动员健康,并以良好的身体素质、运动机能和心理状态参与日常训练及比赛,运动员COVID-19愈后重返赛场(return to play, RTP)策略尤为重要。通过文献资料调研,研究着重从运动员痊愈后训练前精准评估、恢复训练初期的合理训练监控和医务监督、重返赛场医务评估、心理诊断与调控和个性化营养方案5个方面提出新冠感染运动员愈后重返赛场的策略。结合优秀运动员的典型案例分析,希望为后疫情时期COVID-19感染运动员愈后健康安全及以良好状态重返赛场提供指导和帮助。  相似文献   

优秀攀岩运动员肘关节屈伸肌等速肌力测试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用德国Isomed2000等速肌力测试系统对优秀攀岩运动员左右肘肘关节进行等速测试,探析攀岩运动员肘关节屈伸肌群的生物力学特征,为运动训练科学选材及康复提供理论依据。结果:优秀攀岩运动员屈伸峰力矩(PT)随测试速度的增大而减小,且屈伸峰力矩屈肌大于肘伸肌;最大功率随测试速度的增大而增加,左右侧做功无明显差异,表明两侧肌力平衡;屈或伸的向心/离心(ECC/CON)随给定运动速度的增加而增大,屈肌的向心/离心(ECC/CON)比值小于1.0。  相似文献   

报告了1则主诉“运动时乏力2个月”的女子举重运动员(87 kg级)因影响训练和比赛成绩就诊后,经诊治恢复机体状态并重返赛场的病例。临床结合患者相关检查和危险因素分析(肥胖、家族史等),诊断为2型糖尿病。考虑运动员项目特点,为保持其体重和体能,予以磷酸西格列汀片100 mg联合盐酸吡格列酮片15 mg口服、每日1次的治疗。此外,患者接受营养和运动训练调整使血糖保持平稳,安全地恢复训练和比赛。通过分析该病例,尝试对女子举重运动员的糖尿病发病特点、治疗方案及相关运动能力进行初步分析,为后续进一步探究相关诊疗及重返赛场的队列研究提供思路。  相似文献   

目的是通过分析当前康复心理学的研究态势,了解康复心理在体育领域中的应用情况,为康复心理学在体育领域的发展提供适当的渠道和方向。结合前人的相关研究基础,提出未来我国运动康复心理研究可以从以下四个方面着手:一是疼痛的研究;二是有关持续同一种运动损伤重返赛场的心理研究;三是对同质的受伤运动员进行群体研究;四是研究对象可以是残疾运动员的心理康复。  相似文献   

电针配合推拿手法早期治疗急性股后肌群拉伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据祖国医学“以痛为腧”的治疗原则,着眼于拉伤部位的压痛点,采用电针配合推拿手法对在体育测试中发生的急性股后肌群拉伤的23例患者进行了早期治疗,能迅速缓解或消除拉伤症状,加快运动功能的恢复,使运动员迅速重返赛场  相似文献   

张菊红 《安徽体育科技》2005,26(6):54-56,65
在竞技运动中,运动员损伤后,如何尽快恢复自信心,重返赛场?在文献研究的基础上,对影响自信心恢复的因素及怎样采取合理措施进行自信心恢复训练,作了概括和进一步的探讨.本文中目标取向和社会支持是影响运动员自信心恢复的主要因素.倾向于任务取向的运动员,对自信心评价水平较高,具有高社会支持感的运动员更易于自信心的恢复.因此在恢复期,确立以提高运动能力为目的的康复目标,营造充满温暖、关爱的心理环境,对促进运动员自信心的恢复有重要意义.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、访谈、调查、数理统计等方法对我国优秀女子撑竿跳高运动员专项能力结构进行了研究。结果表明,我国优秀女子撑竿跳高运动员专项能力结构由形态技术能力因子、助跑起跳能力因子、力量因子、起跳控制效果能力因子四方面构成,其对专项能力的贡献依次为形态技术能力因子、助跑起跳能力因子、力量因子、起跳控制效果能力因子。专项能力结构体系通过技术、素质2个层面,4个要素来反映;建立了撑竿跳高的结构特征模型,选取模型中载荷较高的握竿高度、最后5m助跑速度、卧推、左肘角度作为女子撑竿跳高运动员专项能力模型的代表指标。  相似文献   

In the presented research, a kinematic and electromyographic study was performed on one world-class male elite handbiker (UCI class H3.2). Activity of 14 muscles of the upper body were measured with surface electromyography (EMG), and a motion analysis of the athlete’s movement was performed concurrently for different backrest positions, crank lengths, and crank heights at three power levels (130, 160 and 190 W). Kinematics in terms of elbow and wrist angle, muscular on-off timing, EMG amplitudes, and integrated EMG were calculated. Results showed that little changes occurred for kinematic parameters and changes in position led to a shift in muscular timing. However, no indication for immediate improvement to the athlete’s preferred original position could be observed.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the utility of self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2002) as a framework for understanding the antecedents of athlete burnout in elite New Zealand rugby union players (n=133). Perceptions of competence, autonomy, and relatedness (i.e. basic psychological needs) were hypothesized to be negatively related to burnout scores, while players classified as "high-burnouts" were predicted to report lower needs fulfilment than players with low burnout. Canonical correlation analysis indicated that relatedness was a low to moderate predictor of burnout, but players' competence and autonomy accounted for substantial portions of variance in two athlete burnout symptoms: reduced accomplishment and sport devaluation. The proportion of variance accounted for in the exhaustion dimension of athlete burnout was not substantive. Multivariate analysis of variance supported these results, as "high-burnout" players had lower competence and autonomy scores than athletes reporting low burnout symptoms. The two groups did not report significantly different relatedness scores. Implications of these results for researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify kinematic differences in finger-spin bowling actions required to generate variations in ball speed and spin between different playing groups. A 12-camera Vicon system recorded the off-spin bowling actions of six elite and 13 high-performance spin bowlers, and the “doosra” actions of four elite and two high-performance players. Forearm abduction and fixed elbow flexion in the bowling arm were higher for the elite players compared with the high-performance players. The elite bowlers when compared with the high-performance players delivered the off-break at a statistically significant higher velocity (75.1 and 67.1 km/hr respectively) and with a higher level of spin (26.7 and 22.2 rev/s respectively). Large effect sizes were seen between ball rotation, pelvic and shoulder alignment rotations in the transverse plane. Elbow extension was larger for elite bowlers over the period upper arm horizontal to ball release. Compared to the off-break, larger ranges of shoulder horizontal rotation, elbow and wrist extension were evident for the “doosra”. Furthermore, the “doosra” was bowled with a significantly longer stride length and lower ball release height. Although not significantly different, moderate to high effect size differences were recorded for pelvis rotation, elbow extension and elbow rotation ranges of motion.  相似文献   

文章从日常对跆拳道高水平运动员诊治过程出发,对跆拳道运动员踝关节损伤进行统计,并对踝关节主要损伤原因进行分析,提出治疗方案与康复训练方法,为减少优秀运动员踝关节损伤发生率,保持健康及竞技水平提供理论与实践支撑。  相似文献   

成绩资本和地位获得--我国优秀运动员群体社会流动的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用文献研究、问卷调查、追踪访谈、多因素分析等方法,以我国优秀运动员群体为对象,探讨了成绩资本对于运动员地位获得的作用。研究显示,运动员的家庭背景与运动员从事的运动项目之间存在关联;内在动力、客观环境、物质保障和形态素质是影响运动员获取成绩的4大要素。在运动队中时间过长,将减少其退役后选择其他职业的机会。多数运动员的职业地位与其父辈相比得到了提高。是否拥有成绩资本决定着非运动员能否完成向运动员的跨越,成绩资本的数量与层次决定着普通运动员成为何种等级的优秀运动员,关系着寻找到何种新的职业。  相似文献   

The development of cynical attitudes towards elite sport is a core symptom of athlete burnout and has been associated with dropout from elite sport. To date, this phenomenon has mainly been studied by investigating explicit attitudes towards sport, whereas athletes’ automatic evaluations (i.e. implicit attitudes) that have been shown to influence behavior as well were not considered. This study aimed to compare explicit and implicit attitudes towards sport of young elite athletes with high (N = 24) versus low (N = 26) burnout symptoms. Using self-reported measures, general and athlete burnout symptoms were assessed. Additionally, a single-target implicit association test was administered to examine participants’ automatic evaluation of sport. Statistical analysis revealed greater emotional/physical exhaustion and sport devaluation in athletes reporting high compared to low burnout symptoms. Implicit attitudes towards sport did not significantly differ between the groups. Furthermore, no significant correlations were observed between different athlete burnout symptoms and implicit attitudes. Athletes with high burnout symptoms show a tendency to explicitly detach themselves from sport, thus fostering sport devaluation as a core symptom of athlete burnout. However, this process does not seem to be reflected in their implicit attitudes towards sport.  相似文献   

High-performance sport is a big business, with nations such as Australia and New Zealand dedicating hundreds of millions of dollars in the development of facilities and in creating sporting centres of excellence. Historically, high-performance sport and elite athlete programmes (EAPs) were regulated to an extra-curricular space in schools or local communities, but over the last couple of decades, schools in Australia and New Zealand have introduced EAPs into health and physical education (PE). Recent work has begun to explore the rationale for these programmes and their educational priorities, but little research has explored how the elite athlete body is being constructed within this curriculum space. In this paper, I consider two interrelated problems. The first concerns the conflicting discourses of winning in high-performance sport versus getting everyone healthy and active in health and PE. The second involves an explanation of how the elite athlete body is being constructed in these programmes. I argue the juxtaposition of the elite athlete body as disciplined, attractive and healthy to other bodies as lazy, unattractive and unhealthy renders the other bodies as pathological or resistant to disciplinary institutions of the school. In particular, I focus on the ways in which young people's bodies are conceptualised within EAPs in relation to recreation, health, PE and other curriculum spaces. Throughout this paper, I provide examples to illustrate how EAPs may perpetuate normative ways of thinking that legitimatise elitism in schools. I propose that under radical reform, EAPs may have the potential to provide educational value and opportunities to students. I conclude by offering the cultural studies curriculum model that retains sport and desirable educational outcomes for health and PE as an alternative to elite athlete or talent development models.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 2013/2014 season in England and Wales, 90 head coaches of the 92 men's national professional football league clubs and 20 of the 22 men's professional rugby union clubs had tenure as a professional elite player in their respective sports. Moreover, Rynne [(2014). ‘Fast track’ and ‘traditional path’ coaches: Affordances, agency and social capital. Sport, Education and Society, 19, 299–313] has claimed that many former elite athletes are ‘fast-tracked’ through formal accreditation structures into these high-performance coaching roles. The reasons why former elite athletes dominate head coaching roles in professional sports clubs and why a ‘fast-track’ pathway from elite athlete to high-performance coach is supported remain unclear. Thereby the present study sought to address this issue by investigating the basis for ‘fast-tracked’ head coaching appointments. Eight male directors of men's professional football and rugby union clubs in England were interviewed to examine how particular coaching skills and sources of knowledge were valorised. Drawing upon Bourdieu's conceptual framework, the results suggested that head coaching appointments were often based upon the perceived ability of head coaches gaining player ‘respect’. Experiences gained during earlier athletic careers were assumed to provide head coaches with the ability to develop practical sense and an elite sporting habitus commensurate with the requirements of the field of elite sports coaching. This included leadership and practical coaching skills to develop technical and tactical astuteness, from which, ‘respect’ could be quickly gained and maintained. The development of coaching skills was rarely associated with only formal coaching qualifications. The ‘fast-tracking’ of former athletes for high-performance coaching roles was promoted by directors to ensure the perpetuation of specific playing and coaching philosophies. Consequently, this may exclude groups from coaching roles in elite men's sport. The paper concludes by outlining how these findings might imply a disjuncture between the skills promoted during formal coaching qualifications and the expectations club directors have of elite coaches in these sports.  相似文献   

文烨 《中国体育科技》2012,48(4):71-77,89
目的:研究优秀乒乓球运动员和普通在校大学生肘关节拮抗肌活动在等动屈伸过程中的差异。方法:以8名优秀乒乓球运动员和8名普通高校大学生为研究对象,利用Biodex等动测试仪和Noraxon表面肌电仪记录上肢肘关节等动屈伸过程中作为拮抗肌的肱二头肌和肱三头肌的力量特征和表面肌电信号特征。肘关节伸肌和屈肌分别在最大等长收缩、15°/s、30°/s、60°/s、120°/s、180°/s、240°/s条件下进行3次最大等动离心屈伸运动。以标准化的均方根振幅(RMS)和标准化的峰值力矩作为评价指标。结果:对于大学生和优秀乒乓球运动员来说,随着肘关节速度的增加,两组受试者的屈伸肌力矩都呈下降趋势,大学生表现为速度大于60°/s时伸肌力矩大于屈肌力矩(P<0.05),优秀乒乓球运动员表现为伸肌力矩低于屈肌力矩,但没有统计学差别(P>0.05)。大学生和优秀乒乓球运动员都表现为在向心收缩时不同速度下随着主动肌力矩下降,拮抗肌激活水平表现为逐渐增高,且所有线性拟合系数r2>0.7。优秀乒乓球运动员拮抗肌肱三头肌的激活水平(在MVC时:10.1%±5.2%,240°/s时:15.1%±6.6%)要显著低于普通高校大学生(MVC时:29.3%±8.8%,240°/s时:38.0%±15.1%)。而作为拮抗肌的肱二头肌激活水平在普通大学生和优秀乒乓球运动员之间没有统计学差异(P>0.05)。优秀乒乓球运动员拮抗肌/主动肌肌电活动比要显著低于普通大学生(P<0.05)。结论:与普通大学生相比,优秀乒乓球运动员肘关节拮抗肌肱三头肌的激活水平要更低,这可能是优秀乒乓球运动员对肘关节周围肌肉进行长期训练的结果。而两者拮抗肌肱二头肌激活水平没有统计学差异,其原因可能是由于两者在日常活动中肱二头肌作为拮抗肌经常为了克服地心引力受到同样的刺激造成的。  相似文献   

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