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上海科学家领衔的国际科研组成功破解日本血吸虫基因功能秘密;美科学会绘就瓜类基因组图谱;  相似文献   

人类基因组计划是1991年正式实施,为期15年,耗资30亿美元的跨世纪宏伟工程。它的任务是完成高精度的人类基因组遗传学图谱和物理图谱,测定人和几个模式生物的基因组DNA序列,是广泛的国际间合作项目。该计划不仅有助于理解认识生物,研究生物的进化历程,而且将大大促进对致病基因的鉴定、分析,推进对遗传病、癌症、心血管疾病病因的研究,从而提出有效的预防、诊断与治疗措施。该计划实施几年来,已取得了很大成绩,突出表现在以下几方面:一、人类基因组制图人类基因组计划目前最突出的成就就是物理图、遗传学作图及放射杂交细胞株…  相似文献   

抢占教育信息化制高点   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了适应21世纪知识经济的挑战,抢占教育信息化制高点的问题,已经引起了我国教育决策的高度重视。然而,与此形成较大反差的是,许多中小学的教育工作,其中也包括教育理论研究人员,并没有把教育信息化提到重要的议事日程上来,至少没有形成普遍共识,没有成为全体教师关注的热点。  相似文献   

据中国军网2010年1月15日援引新华社华盛顿1月14日电,由美国罗切斯特大学杰克·韦伦和贝勒医学院的史蒂芬·理查兹领导的一个国际研究小组14日报告,他们测定了3种金小蜂的基因组序列,揭示了金小蜂的一些可能在病虫害防治方面的有用的特征。这一成果已刊登在新一期的《科学》杂志上。  相似文献   

据中国军网2011年4月15日援引新华社西安2011年4月15日电,西安交通大学与深圳华大基因研究院共同完成了朱鹘的全基因组序列图谱,图谱已于2011年4月15日在西安对外公布。朱鹩是一种被誉为“东方宝石”的珍稀鸟类,目前全球仅存千余只,属濒危野生动物。我国科学家的这一研究成果对于挽救和保护朱鹃具有重要科学价值。  相似文献   

据新华网2008年4月25日消息,4月24日出版的英国《自然》杂志刊登了中美科学家的联合研究报告,这是科学家迄今破译的第五种被子植物(即开花植物)的基因组序列。先前已经破译的是被子植物拟南芥、水稻、白杨和葡萄的基因组。  相似文献   

人类基因组研究及其对生物制药的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
80年代末,美国正式决定对人类基因组进行研究。1990年美国国会批准了总耗资30亿美元,计划15年完成的人类基因组计划。随后,英国、苏联、意大利和日本也提出了各自的人类基因组研究计划。法国、欧共体、澳大利亚和加拿大也加入了人类基因组研究。我国于1987年在“863”计划中开始设立人类基因组研究课题,并于1993年和1996年正式启动了“中华民族基因中若干位点基因结构的研究”和“重大疾病相关基因的定位、克隆、结构与功能的研究”。由于投资所限,中国的人类基因组研究不是像国外那样对全基因组或整条染色体…  相似文献   

据中国军网2009年11月15日援引新华社深圳11月15日电,由深圳市兰科植物保护研究中心(国家兰科植物种质资源保护中心)、清华大学深圳研究生院及深圳华大基因研究院发起,中国科学院植物研究所和台湾成功大学等单位共同参与的“兰花基因组计划”,已经获得了“兰花基因组框架图”,为兰花基因组精细图制作打下了基础。  相似文献   

黄人在一九0四年至一九0七年编撰的<中国文学史>初稿,破天荒地将古代小说纳入文学史的书写范畴,不以"小道"视之,可谓别具慧眼.但是近百年来,一直未受到小说研究者的注意,十分可惜.其实,黄人的<中国文学史>除了可以对鲁迅的<中国小说史略>作出一些修正外,仅就其"明人章回小说"一节而言,在小说的论述方面已卓然成一家之言,并且在小说分类学、小说目录学上具有极重要的贡献与价值.因此,有必要对黄人的<中国文学史·明人章回小说>加以考证论述,并予以高度的肯定.  相似文献   


In a science methods course for elementary education majors, students investigated the phases of the moon for six weeks. The moon investigation emphasized that scientific knowledge: a) is empirically based; b) involves the invention of explanations; and c) is socially embedded. After the moon investigation, students realized that scientists make observations and generate patterns, but failed to recognize that observation could precede or follow theory building. Students could separate the processes of observing from creating explanations in their learning, but did not articulate the role of invention in science. Similarly, students valued the social dimensions of learning, but were unable to apply them to the activity of scientists. Although our teaching was explicit about students' science learning, we did not help them make direct connections between their science learning activities and the nature of science [NOS]. We provide a set of recommendations for making the NOS more explicit in the moon investigation.  相似文献   

Meng Xie 《Higher Education》2018,75(3):381-397
Internationalization is an integral part of the strategies of leading Chinese universities to strive for world-class standing. It has left its marks on the academic life of China’s social scientists. This article explores the impact of internationalization on the academic life of Chinese social scientists using Tsinghua University as an example. Emphasis is placed on the transformation of their academic life in the process of internationalization. Employing a qualitative case study method, this research draws on approximately two thirds of the faculty members in the Department of Sociology to present in-depth insights into the dynamics and ecosystems of their academic life. The findings show that internationalization promotes the adoption of internationalized criteria in faculty recruitment and promotion mechanisms, stimulates enthusiasm for international activities, and strengthens internationally oriented (largely North American) norms and practices in research, teaching, and discipline development. In discussing these dimensions, this article argues that Tsinghua social scientists experience both benefits and costs as the university works hard to pursue world-class status, echoing their peers in China’s other top institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

This study empirically addresses the claim made by Gibbons et al (The new production of knowledge: The dynamics of science and research in contemporary societies. Sage, Thousand Oaks, 1994) that a novel form of quality control (associated with Mode 2 knowledge production) is supplementing the “traditional” peer-review process (associated with Mode 1 knowledge production). A qualitative design was used to explore faculty members’ views on the criteria for assessing scientific research. Ninety-four semi-structured interviews were conducted with biomedical scientists, clinical scientists, and social scientists working in Canadian universities. Results show that the vast majority of participants are aligned with the “traditional” Mode 1 peer-reviewed procedures for assessing research and defining scientific excellence. These participants asserted that peer review is the best quality control mechanism for assessing scientific research, and peer recognition the key attribute for legitimacy in the academic arena. In contrast, participants ascribed a low value to non-academics’ judgment of their work. While the study findings do not provide support Gibbons et al.’s claim, they add to a growing body of evidence that supports the continuing importance of peer review in academic career success.  相似文献   


‘Lovelessness’ and ‘guiltlessness’ are often seen as the distinctive features of the psychopath. These characteristics can be interpreted as a failure to have two sub‐classes of moral emotions, the (moral) rule‐emotions and the altruistic emotions. For a better understanding of this moral defect, a more detailed analysis of these types of moral emotions is given. The analysis indicates that the disorder is caused by the absence of the second component of both types of emotions. The psychopath misses a positive commitment to both moral rules and to the well‐being of fellow man. The psychopath is characterized as a moral imbecile, and it is assumed that his moral development is stagnated in an early developmental stage. As a young child, the psychopath has not acquired the disposition to feel sympathy. This insight makes us aware of the utmost importance of early childhood (moral) education.  相似文献   

该文从中草药茜草中提取天然化合物,并用于丝绸染色,以测定上染百分率、表面色深度K/S值和色牢度评定染色效果,研究了不同媒染法、媒染剂种类、pH值、染色温度、染色时间和媒染剂用量等因素对天然茜草染料染丝绸性能的影响。实验结果表明,预媒法比同媒法和后媒法染色效果好;茜草用于丝绸染色的最佳工艺为:先在50℃预媒溶液中处理45min,后在pH值为3的染浴中80℃染色80min,媒染剂用量为5g/L。染色后丝绸各项色牢度达4级和4级以上。  相似文献   

This study investigated five different aspects (mental image, physical image, source of the image, 'scientists around us', and 'my favourite scientist') of Korean students' images of the scientists. The data, quantitative and qualitative, from the responses of a total of 1137 students from three different groups (age 11, 13and 15) were analysed to calculate the relative frequencies of some identified patterns of responses and to make comparisons between different genders and different age groups. Korean students generally showed, but to a slightly lesser extent, some stereotypical images of the scientist which were revealed in previous studies. These were influenced more by affective and ethical personal characteristics of the scientist than by their cognitive and gifted abilities. Some noticeable age-related and gender-related differences were also found and discussed.  相似文献   

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