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陈娴  杨广军  杨欣 《学科教育》2004,(1):45-48,F003
美国国家资源中心2000年出版的初中科学教材,编排了大量的插图。这些插图的内容涉及领域多,时间跨度长,空间跨度大,设计构思巧妙、贴切,插图记录的场面逼真、生动、形象、亲切。在初中科学教材中编辑这些插图,可以较好地体现以下五点功能:提供学生学习科学的重要信息;创设学生进行科学探究活动的情境;符合初中学生思维、认识过程的规律;激发学生学习科学的兴趣;开拓学生的视野。  相似文献   

在美国的初中科学教材中,阅读材料与正文的关系是相辅相成的。阅读材料能使得教材在内容的深度和广度、时间和空间上得到扩展,能渗透科学技术与社会和科学发展史的内容,有利于学生开展研究性学习,所以阅读材料具有使科学教材在内容上综合化、弹性化、补充正文、培养学生的各种能力和激发学生对科学的学习兴趣的功能。其他国家编写科学教材的成功经验对我们有很好的借鉴和启发作用。  相似文献   

教材插图是生物学教学的重要媒介。在复习教学中,生命发展的过程可通过系列图来体现;展示实验图可还原实验过程,能较好地重温实验方法;呈现生理功能的原理图,能增强学生的结构与功能观,提升生命观念。  相似文献   

新课程改革背景下,插图成了小学语文教材中一个重要的组成元素。教师在教学中可以借助插图优化课堂情境,激发学生的语文学习兴趣;借助插图激活学生的语文思维,帮助学生轻松地学习生字词、理解课文;借助插图深化课堂教学实践,提升学生的语文综合素养和审美情趣。  相似文献   

插图在高中生物学学习中具有重要作用,它既是对文字内容的形象化解释,也是对文本内容的延伸。有丝分裂过程微观抽象,在该内容学习过程中应合理挖掘教材插图的隐含信息,帮助学生更深刻地理解教材内容。  相似文献   

王伟芳 《教师》2011,(6):118-119
科学教材中的插图直观形象、简明生动,能表达出丰富的科学信息,是教学内容的重要组成部分。合理利用插图,可以激发学生学习的兴趣,培养学生学习的能力,提高学习效果。运用插图,还可培养学生的科学态度、情感和价值观。  相似文献   

前苏联著名教育家乌申斯基说过“把画片带进教室,就是哑子也会说话了”,足见图片在教学中的重要作用.教材图片有着丰富多变的艺术形式和表现手法,它与一般的示意图和简化图相比,更加直观、形象、生动,表现事物的物理特征更加突出、鲜明.本文对美国的权威研究性教材《科学探索者》中的插图进行简单的文化分类,与诸位同仁分享.  相似文献   

陈娴  于玉琴 《学科教育》2002,(8):46-48,F003
在美国的初中科学教材中,阅读材料与正的关系是相辅相成的。阅读材料能使得教材在内容的深度和广度、时间和空间上得到扩展,能渗透科学技术与社会和科学发展史的内容,有利于学生开展研究性学习,所以阅读材料具有使科学教材在内容上综合化、弹性化、补充正义、培养学生的各种能力和激发学生对科学的学习兴趣的功能。其他国家编写科学教材的成功经验对我们有很好的借鉴和启发作用。  相似文献   

陈玲娟 《文教资料》2014,(13):52-53
惟妙惟肖、形象生动的精美插图是苏教版小学语文教材的重要组成部分,是文字无法替代的图画语言,更能给学生以美的感受和理解,是对学生进行美育的重要途径。在课堂教学中巧妙有效地利用教材插图,突出发挥其辅助功能,图文结合,激发学生学习兴趣,学生一边理解吸收语言文字,一边逐步提高审美感知能力、审美鉴赏能力、审美表达和创造能力,达到完美的课堂教学境界。  相似文献   

This article describes the development and validation of an instrument that can be used for content analysis of inquiry-based tasks. According to the theories of educational evaluation and qualities of inquiry, four essential functions that inquiry-based tasks should serve are defined: (1) assisting in the construction of understandings about scientific concepts, (2) providing students opportunities to use inquiry process skills, (3) being conducive to establishing understandings about scientific inquiry, and (4) giving students opportunities to develop higher order thinking skills. An instrument – the Inquiry-Based Tasks Analysis Inventory (ITAI) – was developed to judge whether inquiry-based tasks perform these functions well. To test the reliability and validity of the ITAI, 4 faculty members were invited to use the ITAI to collect data from 53 inquiry-based tasks in the 3 most widely adopted senior secondary biology textbooks in Mainland China. The results indicate that (1) the inter-rater reliability reached 87.7%, (2) the grading criteria have high discriminant validity, (3) the items possess high convergent validity, and (4) the Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient reached 0.792. The study concludes that the ITAI is valid and reliable. Because of its solid foundations in theoretical and empirical argumentation, the ITAI is trustworthy.  相似文献   

This study examined elementary and middle school students' images of science and scientists, with an analysis of how those images may be influenced by science textbooks currently in use in Taiwan. A modified Chambers' Draw-a-Scientist Test (DAST) was administered to a total 289 students from grades 1, 3, 5 and 8. Results showed that upper-grade students drew more indicators (i.e., lab coats, eyeglasses, facial features, research and knowledge symbols, and relevant captions) than did lower-grade students. An analysis of individual drawings revealed an increase in sophistication and complexity according to progressively higher grade levels. It was found that students very often drew images strikingly similar to what their science textbook presented. It implicated that our current science textbooks indeed have some degree of influence on students' image of science and scientists.  相似文献   

高中语文选修教材截至目前已经出版了七十多种,这些选修教材在编写理念、开发种类、编制方式、教材内容、教材对象等方面体现出了很多的新特点,在语文教育史上具有重要的意义。但是在教材编写和使用中也存在着诸如缺少精品教材、编写队伍一线教师缺乏、教材使用"生本"让位于"考本"等问题。  相似文献   

This article reports on an analysis and comparison of three South African Grade 9 (13–14 years) Natural Sciences textbooks for the representation of nature of science (NOS). The analysis was framed by an analytical tool developed and validated by Abd-El-Khalick and a team of researchers in a large-scale study on the high school textbooks in the USA. The three textbooks were scored on targeted NOS aspects on a scale of ?3 to +3 that reflected the explicitness with which these aspects were addressed. The analysis revealed that the textbooks poorly depict NOS, and in particular, there was scant attention given to the social dimension of science, science versus pseudoscience and the ‘myth of the scientific method’. The findings of this study are incommensurate with the strong emphasis in a reformed school science curriculum that underlies the need for learners to understand the scientific enterprise, and how scientific knowledge develops. In view of this, the findings of this research reinforce the need for a review on the mandate given to textbook publishers and writers so that a stronger focus be placed on the development of materials that better represent the tenets of NOS.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the positive emotional design of learning environments might foster learning performance. In contrast, the seductive detail effect postulates that additional, learning irrelevant details inhibit learning. This research focusses on the implementation of decorative pictures as a prime for emotions and context-relatedness. This study examines four groups of decorative pictures which might be conducive for learning. Eighty-two students were randomly assigned to one cell of a 2 (emotionally positive vs. emotionally negative pictures) × 2 (school context vs. leisure context pictures) between-subjects, factorial design. The dimensions of pleasure, arousal, and dominance are examined as possible mediators. Results show that either positively valenced pictures or learning pictures foster retention and transfer performance. Pleasure is identified as mediator of the effect between valence of pictures and learning performance. A further analysis shows differences for arousal and dominance for both factors. These results are interpreted with concepts like motivated attention and other arousal theories.  相似文献   

诗味一直为诗歌创作者所追求,"辨味"批评也一直是诗歌欣赏的重要手段。自古至今,学界一直认为:"有趣者好诗,无味者劣诗。"但实际上,食味与诗味既有本质联系,又有所区别。诗味具有超越性特征,同时还具有审美目的。  相似文献   

高中生物学教材中核心概念的界定和基本划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱晓林 《生物学教学》2010,35(12):20-22
本文通过对中外科学和生物学课程标准的分析提出,生物学核心概念是教师或学生对生物学核心问题的相对本质的认识或看法。在此基础上,作者根据人教版高中生物学必修教材尝试提出了一系列高中生物学核心概念及部分教学建议。  相似文献   

本文从四个方面分析了上海教育版七年级《科学》教材 (上册 )的特点 ,即内容设计主题化 ,知识编排由近及远 ;倡导科学学习方式多元化 ;运用各种图形图表 ,传达多样化信息 ;特别重视科学过程与方法 ,主张探究式学习《科学》。并在此基础上提出适应该教材教学的观念与建议  相似文献   

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