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Carceral tours remain a controversial aspect of pedagogy and curricula in criminology and criminal justice. In recent years, critics have questioned the pedagogical and ethical validity of conducting prison tours. In response, we clarify definitional ambiguities and provided a rationale for carceral tours that occur within the United States. Here, pedagogical justification for prison tours is based on the work of Lev Vygotsky which is subsumed under the broader paradigm of experiential education. Criticisms leveled at prison tours are described as missed opportunities; with experiential learning examined in terms of the epistemology of criminological expertise, the concept of impression management (i.e. Goffman), and the notion of the penal gaze. The efficacy of pedagogical tours is discussed with reference to the role of active and innovative teaching methods in criminology and criminal justice.  相似文献   

Craft education in Finland is, in many aspects, in a state of change. This concerns the independent position of craft as a school subject, the content of the compulsory craft courses containing textiles and technical work, the implementation of the new concept of a holistic craft process in the National Core Curriculum and so on. This bears relevance to the question of how craft should be taught at school. This article explores the ways in which teachers can strengthen the relevance and meaningfulness of craft education at school. Teachers are challenged to provide more authentic instructional contexts and activities beyond the traditional curriculum in order to address successful living in today's society. One solution is to contextualise this teaching with the help of pedagogical models that realise the concept of holistic craft. The pedagogical models discussed in this article are based on curriculum publications, materials in print and research by other scholars.  相似文献   

Craft, Design and Technology is an underrated, under-explored area of the curriculum in many special schools. Peter Davison, adviser, CDT, Cleveland, and Edwin Gaster, head of design and technology, College of Ripon and York St. John, write about the mental and creative stimulus which CDT can offer to pupils with special educational needs.  相似文献   

为了培养学生在未来社会生活的能力,芬兰将现象式学习作为未来人才培养的解决方案.现象式学习受芬兰教育理念的长期影响,经历了萌芽期、成长期和发展期三个阶段,是以真实世界现象为学习起点,从学习者前理解出发,在具身探究和社会参与中修正对现象的认识,进而创造多重表征意义的新型学习方式.现象式学习通过开展跨学科教学、构建开放性学习空间、采用设计导向型教学法、创设真实与虚拟学习场域、组建多元教学团队等方式组织实施.该学习方式对我国跨学科教学具有以下启示意义:应关注知识的涉身性与多元性、重视身体作用并赋予学生鲜活体验、通过构建跨学科共同体等方式推进跨学科教学实践.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - In Turkey and many other countries, the importance of the interactive whiteboard (IWB) is increasing, and as a result, projects and studies are being...  相似文献   

瑞典、芬兰和丹麦的高等工程教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工程作为一项具有创造性和综合性的活动,担负着将科学技术成果转化为生产力的重要使命。因此,工程教育作为培养工程活动所需人才的摇篮,对经济增长和社会发展的作用是不言而喻的。近年来,科学技术发展日益加快,产业结构发生了根本性的转变,经济全球化的特征也更加明显,这些都对工程教育提出了更多、更高的要求。该文结合欧洲高等工程教育的大环境,着重介绍上世纪90年代以来瑞典、芬兰和丹麦三国高等工程教育的发展,藉此为我国的高等工程教育改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article focuses on Islamic education in Belgium. First, attention is given to the organization of Islamic classes in state schools, where some important problems occur, such as the lack of appropriate teachers and inspectors, the mono-confessional content of the curricula, and the absence of state control. Next, the content of religious education (RE) classes in Catholic schools, which are also attended by many Muslims, will be addressed. Finally, the author argues that a shift within the current RE classes is not sufficient today. Based on autonomy-based, epistemological, and societal arguments, the author proposes a shift from confessional to non-confessional RE.  相似文献   

FINLAND is a small North‐European country with a population of about 5 million. It has historical ties with Sweden and Russia. Consequently, there are two official languages in the country: Finnish and Swedish. The education system is based on a 9‐year comprehensive school. Education is compulsory for all children between the ages of 7 and 16. Health and welfare services for children with disabilities are mainly provided within the regular services but special services are ensured by special laws. Special education services are provided at every level of education and learning environment modifications range from remedial education to individual instruction at home. In the comprehensive school about 16% of all pupils receive special education in some form. The majority of special pupils receive part‐time special education by resource room teachers. Individual and group integration has increased strongly during the last decade and more emphasis is placed in the development of individual special education programming.  相似文献   

Teacher Education in Italy, Germany, England, Sweden and Finland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article presents a brief analysis of teacher education in five European countries: Italy, Germany, England, Sweden and Finland. In the post-industrial world, the sense of teaching has profoundly changed, influenced by a rapidly evolving socio-economic context.
The responses given by each country are different, but two tendencies emerge: on the one hand, the English model, which seeks to make a teacher a faithful executor with regard to centrally decided learning objectives; on the other, the Nordic model that conceives the teacher as a 'fully-fledged' professional.
From the point of view of the sustainability and of the safeguard of the educative mission of the school, the second model, though with all the difficulties that its efficacious realisation entails, presents some advantages when compared to the first. The article concludes with some considerations on the need to conceive the reform of teacher education from a systemic point of view, in the context of a global change of national school systems, where the autonomy of the single schools plays a role of paramount importance.  相似文献   

Young Children, Environmental Education, and the Future   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

1990年以来全球教育发展缓慢,且各国发展速度不同。普及基础教育仍是发展中国家政府与国际组织亟待实现的目标。这与近年来经济学关于人力资本对于经济增长以及社会发展的催化作用的研究发现形成鲜明对照。本研究基于一个新构建的教育数据库与1950—2010年的国民账户数据,采用不同的方法与若干国家案例,估计与人力资本积累缓慢相关的收入损失及其对公平的影响。研究还基于各国过去与未来加速人力资本积累的假设,推算了1900—1950年与2010—2050年的情况。研究发现,以人均收入表示的福利损失至少为7~10个百分点。此外,提高人均受教育年限对于减少收入不平等也有影响。  相似文献   

芬兰的非大学高等教育:多科技术学院   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代初,芬兰根据当时社会的需要,在高等教育改革中创办了多科技术学院。这一举措开创了芬兰双轨制高等教育的历史。10多年后的今天,芬兰发达的经济、科技以及接近普及化的高等教育都证明多科技术学院的实验取得了很大成功。  相似文献   

未来的教育:教育的科学基础和价值基础   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
当今,对于教育应该是什么、教育应该怎样来进行,人们并没有形成相应的共识。关于这些问题,可能性是极为多样的,我们应该主要依赖两个基础:其一是学习的科学,其二是作为生活在社会中的人们的自身价值。最好的教育,其根基必须建立在被历史证明是有效的东西之上,同时,必须考虑当代最新的研究发现和未来一代的需要。教育者将承担双重的任务,面临双重的挑战:一方面要向学生传递传统的学科和思维,另一方面要帮助学生处理那些从科幻小说变为现实的种种新鲜事物,并在其对之做出抉择的过程中担当积极的角色。人类最伟大的发明创造之一,是对教育的发明创造。教育的价值不仅仅是事实、数据、信息,而是知识、理解、判断、智慧。我们决不能回避对儿童和年轻人的教育责任,必须保证责任感和人文精神得以发扬光大,使他们能够迎接未来。这是今天的教育所要面临的前所未有的挑战。  相似文献   

Rolland Paulston 《Compare》2000,30(3):353-367
The study is organised around three questions, i.e. (1) how have comparative educators, and relate scholars, used their creative imaginations to construct new knowledge and understanding about ways of representing changing educational phenomena and relations? (2) what genres and forms of representation have been appropriated or elaborated and how have these code choices influenced ways of seeing and thinking? and (3) can this self-reflexive history of imagination in practice be patterned as an intertextual field of difference, as a comparative cultural map that may help to open new vistas into the past and the future? In this, my desire is to move beyond the sterile polarities of modernist rule-making and poststructuralist nihilism in knowledge work. Here I should instead like to privilege a hermeneutic of imagination with its power of disclosure, which I believe marks our basic ethical ability to imagine oneself as another. Two figures and two tables help to visualise my argument and summarise findings.  相似文献   

Lynn Davies 《Compare》1999,29(2):127-140
The growth of democratisation reveals tensions associated with the concept and practice of democracy, particularly as applied to education. Such tensions include either suspicions of Western imperialism or—at the other end of the spectrum—the enthusiastic embracing of neo‐liberal market versions. There can be associations both with equity and with anarchy, or the assumption that democracy is only about majority rule. This paper proposes an eight‐point model by which to compare systems: this looks at values, rights, system structures, school processes, learning content, balance, training and outcomes. The paper goes on to outline ways to identify indicators of democracy and adherence to human rights in school structures and processes. Examples are given of the different ways democracy can be interpreted at different levels in a country. The argument is that such comparisons and understandings of language and process are essential if international collaboration towards democracy and development is to be achieved.  相似文献   

基于2004—2018年全国省级面板数据和时序数据,本文对我国义务教育发展的“中部塌陷”问题进行了分析。研究发现,中部地区学校的基础设施建设、师资队伍建设、经费投入等方面多项生均指标明显落后于东部和西部地区,“塌陷”状况具有时间差异,呈现不同程度的加剧态势,这成为当前我国义务教育发展的新短板;社会经济发展相对落后和以中央财政转移支付为核心的国家政策支持不足对中部地区义务教育发展的“塌陷”状况具有显著影响。未来一段时间内,改善“中部塌陷”的关键在于加快落实中部地区崛起战略,保障中部地区义务教育发展的“造血”源;加大对中部地区的政策倾斜与支持,统筹区域教育资源均衡配置;优化教育资金资源配置,强化中央和省级政府推进义务教育均衡发展的责任。  相似文献   

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